• Title/Summary/Keyword: Core affect

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Calculation of Gas Hydrate Saturation Within Unconsolidated Sediments (미고결 퇴적층내 가스하이드레이트 포화도 계산)

  • Kim, Gil-Young
    • Geophysics and Geophysical Exploration
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    • v.15 no.2
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    • pp.102-115
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    • 2012
  • The purpose of this paper is to review several different methods calculating gas hydrate saturations. There are three methods using downhole log data, core data (including pressure core), and seismic velocity data. Archie's equation using electrical resistivity of downhole log data is widely used for saturation calculation. In this case, Archie's parameters should be defined accurately. And the occurrence types of gas hydrate significantly affect to saturation calculation. Thus saturation calculation should be carefully conducted. The methods using chlorinity and pressure core data are directly calculated from core sample. So far, the saturation calculated from pressure core gives accurate and quantitative values. But this method is needed much more time and cost. Thus acquisition of the continuous data with sediment depth is realistically hard. The recent several results show that the saturation calculated from resistivity data is the highest values, while the value calculated from pressure core is the lowest. But this trend is not always absolutely. Thus, to estimate accurate gas hydrate saturation, the values calculated from several methods should be compared.

A Survey to Investigate Teachers' Perception of Core Competencies and Affective Aspects in Mathematics (수학의 핵심역량과 정의적 측면에 대한 교사들의 인식 조사 연구)

  • Kim, Dong-Won;Park, Kyung-Mee;Park, Mimi
    • School Mathematics
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    • v.17 no.1
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    • pp.99-118
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    • 2015
  • The purpose of this study is to investigate teachers' perception of core competencies and affective aspects in mathematics. For this purpose, a nationwide survey was conducted. The survey questionnaire consists of three core competencies including problem solving, reasoning and communication, and two affective aspects including good human nature and attitudes. The survey results were further analyzed based on school level, teaching experience, location of schools, and types of high schools. As a result, four findings were identified. First, elementary school teachers tend to put more emphasis on core competencies and affective aspects than secondary school teachers do. Second, in elementary school level, longer teaching experience is correlated with more positive perception of core competencies and affective aspects. However, there was an opposite tendency in secondary school level. Third, teachers working at schools in metropolitan cities tend to emphasize core competencies and affective aspects more than those at schools located in mid-sized cities and rural areas. Fourth, the school types in high school didn't seem to affect the teachers' perception on core competencies and affective aspects.

The Effect of Humane Entrepreneurship on the Core Competencies and Corporate Performance of SMEs (사람중심 기업가정신이 중소기업 핵심역량과 기업성과에 미치는 영향)

  • Kim, Kwang-Hyun;Dong, Hak-Lim
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.19 no.5
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    • pp.217-232
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    • 2019
  • As the role of entrepreneurship has become more important for continuous business growth in a rapidly changing economic environment, numerous studies dealing with entrepreneurship are taking place. However, recent studies has concentrated mainly on business-oriented entrepreneurship which emphasizes corporate efficiency only. While in the era of fourth industrial revolution human resources are more important than corporate efficiency, the existing literature is largely focused on traditional entrepreneurship. Research on humane entrepreneurship has not been rigorous, and there are few studies involving small and medium-size enterprises (SMEs) in particular. The purpose of this study is to fill in this void by investigating the effect of humane entrepreneurship on core competencies of SMEs and the effect of these core competencies on corporate performance. To examine SMEs core competencies and their performance from the perspective of humane entrepreneurship, this study set up traditional entrepreneurship and humane entrepreneurship as variables, and develop research model based on these variables. This study tests 5 different hypothesis using this model. A survey was conducted among CEOs and executives at SMEs in Seoul and Gyeonggido, South Korea from, June 26 to August 1, 2018. A total of 310 questionnaires were analyzed. The results show that both traditional and human entrepreneurship have a positive effect on the core competencies of SMEs, which are core competency factors, and that core competencies positively affect both non-financial performance and financial performance. Moreover, non-financial performance is found to have positive effect on financial performance. Given these findings, this study suggests that humane entrepreneurship is critical to SMEs and their performance, no less than traditional entrepreneurship. This study provides profound implications of necessity of raising humane entrepreneurship in environment of companies.

The Effect of Core Competence of University Students Participating in Tutoring Program on Learning Satisfaction in COVID-19 (코로나19 전후에 따른 튜터링 프로그램 참여대학생의 핵심역량이 학습만족도에 미치는 영향)

  • Lim, Myoung-Jae;Lee, Sang-Hoon;Kim, Young-Gi
    • Journal of Digital Convergence
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    • v.20 no.5
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    • pp.179-185
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    • 2022
  • The purpose of this study is to provide new implications for the development and operation of programs and comparative studies in university policy by examining how core competencies of university students participating in tutoring programs affect learning satisfaction. For this purpose, 33 university students participated in the tutoring program before COVID-19 and 72 university students participated in the tutoring program after COVID-19 were surveyed and statistically processed. As a result, first, there was a positive correlation between self-innovation, challenge, communication, harmony, sincerity, problem solving and learning satisfaction among the components of core competencies of H university before COVID-19. There was a positive correlation between self-innovation, challenge, communication, harmony, sincerity, problem solving and learning satisfaction of core competencies after COVID-19. Second, in the pre-COVID-19 period, core competence had a high explanatory power on learning satisfaction, but there was no statistically significant factor in each of the remaining components except for the challenge. After COVID-19, core competence was secured with a high rate of explanatory power, self-innovation and harmony among the components of core competence were found to have a positive effect on learning satisfaction, and challenge was found to have a negative effect on learning satisfaction. The implications of this study are that when students participate in the tutoring program, it is necessary to emphasize the challenge factors and when they proceed in non-face-to-face, it is necessary to emphasize the self-innovation factors or the harmony factors rather than the challenge factors.

Influence of Midazolam and Glycopyrrolate on Intra-operative Body Temperature in Abdominal Surgical Patients

  • Kim, Eun-Ju;Yoon, Hae-Sang
    • Journal of Korean Biological Nursing Science
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    • v.14 no.1
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    • pp.25-32
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    • 2012
  • Purpose: influence of benzodiazepine (midazolam)or cholinergic inhibitor (atropine or glycopyrrlate) on intra-operative body temperature remains unclear and controversial. This study compares intra-operative body temperature in 50 abdominal surgical patients under general anesthesia between the administration of midazolam and glycopyrrolate in combination, or glycopyrrolate alone. Methods: Patients who underwent abdominal surgery were recruited from September 2008 through October 2009 at Gachon University Gil hospital in incheon. Core body temperature was measured in the right ear using a tympanic membrane thermometer at induction of general anesthesia and at 1 hr, 2 hr, and 3 hr after induction. Results: There were no differences in core body temperature at any measurement point between either patient group (F=1.08, $p$=.377). Core body temperature decreased throughout the 3 hr after induction in both groups (F=9.22, $p$ <.001). Specially, core temperatures at induction of general anesthesia (p<.001), 1 hr (p<.001), 2 hr ($p$ <.001), and 3 hr ($p$ <.001) after induction were lower than before administration of midazolam and glycopyrrolate, or glycopyrrolate alone. Conclusion: We conclude that a cholinergic inhibitor (glycopyrrolate, 0.1 mg) therefore seems not to affect intra-operative body temperature of patients given a benzodiazepine (midazolam, 0.04 mg $kg^{-1}$), and not to increase body temperature in patients not given a benzodiazepine during the 3 hr after the induction of general anesthesia. Intra-operative warming therefore is needed to prevent hypothermia in surgical patients who receive pre-operative administration of midazolam and/or glycopyrrolate.

Ultrastructural Analysis of Chemical Synapses in Cultured Wild Type Drosophila Embryonic Neurons (초파리 배자 신경세포의 화학적 신경연접 미세구조)

  • Oh, Hyun-Woo;Park, Ho-Yong
    • Applied Microscopy
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    • v.34 no.4
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    • pp.223-230
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    • 2004
  • To identify the structural basis of mutations that affect synaptic transmission we have begun quantitative ultrastructural descriptions of synapses in cultured Drosophila embryonic neurons. In wild-type cultures, synapses are distinguished by the parallel arrangement of a thickened pre- and post synaptic membrane separated by a synaptic cleft. The presynaptic active zones and postsynaptic densities are defined by electron dense material close to the membrane. Presynaptic regions are also characterized by the presence of one or more electron dense regions, presynaptic densities, around which a variable number of small, clear core synaptic vesicles (mean $35.1{\pm}1.44$ nm in diameter) are clustered. Subsets of these vesicles are in direct contact with either the presynaptic density or the membrane and are considered morphologically docked. A small number of larger, dense core vesicles are also observed in most presynaptic profiles.

A Biomechanical Analysis of Stress Transfer Behaviors Within the Necrotic Area of Femoral Head secondary to Changes in Core Placement Direction on Various Distributions of Necrotic Areas in the Osteonecrosis of the Femoral Head (대퇴골두 무혈성 괴사증에 있어서 괴사 영역의 위치와 천공방향의 변화에 따른 대퇴골두 괴사영역에서의 응력 변화 분석에 대한 생체역학적인 고찰)

  • Lim, D.H.;Lee, S.J.;Kim, J.S.;Shin, J.W.;Kim, Y.S.
    • Proceedings of the KOSOMBE Conference
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    • v.1998 no.11
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    • pp.157-158
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    • 1998
  • The purpose of this study was to test the hypothesis that even very small change of the cue direction in the treatment of the early osteonecrosis could affect the outcomes of operation. For this, the changes in stress transfer within the necrotic area of the femoral head were investigated under various directions and placements of the core utilizing finite element method. The loading of 3188N, which represents after-heel-strike, was imposed in cubic cosine pattern. All nodes on the most distal surface of the model were constrained in all directions. All materials included were assumed to have linear-elastic behavior. The result says that the critical stress, which causes collapse of the femoral head, was reduced when the core was oriented toward the posterior side of the femoral head regardless of location of the necrotic area. The same result was obtained either fibular bone grafting or cementation was adopted. As a consequence, the biomechanical study suggests that the core should be directed toward the loading point where the resultant force is applied to get more desirable treatment of the osteonecrosis of the femoral head in the early stage.

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Effect of Harvest Date on Fruit Quality and Core Breakdown of 'Wonhwang' Pears (수확시기에 따른 '원황' 배 과실의 품질과 과심갈변에 미치는 영향)

  • Choi, Jin-Ho;Yim, Sun-Hee;Kim, Sung-Jong;Lee, Han-Chan;Kwon, Yong-Hee;Park, Yong-Seo;Jung, Seok-Kyu;Choi, Hyun-Sug
    • Korean Journal of Organic Agriculture
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    • v.23 no.1
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    • pp.103-112
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    • 2015
  • This study was conducted on how the harvest time affect fruit quality, core breakdown, and taste of GA-pasted 'Wonhwang' pear (Pyrus pyrifolia Nakai) fruit in order to verify the optimum harvest time. Harvest time included 110, 115, 120, 125, 130 days after full bloom (DAFB). Delayed fruit harvest increased fruit weight and content of soluble solids but decreased firmness, titratable acidity, and starch content. Harvest at 130 DAFB severely reduced fruit firmness and increased fruit core breakdown for 21 days at room storage, while harvest at 115 DAFB showed the opposite result of the fruit firmness and breakdown. Delayed fruit harvest reduced fruit taste, regardless of GA pasting on fruit. GA-pasted fruit showed reduced taste in advance compared to those of non GA-pasted fruit, regardless of the harvest time. Harvest at 120 DAFB would be suitable to maintain fruit quality and reduce core breakdown.

The Relation of Fracture Properties to Hydraulic Conductivity in Volcanic Rocks of the Northern Yosu Area (여수 북부지역 화산암의 단열특성과 수리전도도와의 관계)

  • 조성일;송무영;김경수;이은용
    • The Journal of Engineering Geology
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    • v.9 no.3
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    • pp.227-241
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    • 1999
  • Groundwater flow in a fractured rock mass is related to the geometric characteristics of the fracture system. The objective of this study aims to analyze the probabilistic density function of fracture properties md their relations to the hydraulic conductivity in volcanic rocks of the northern Yosu area. Fracture characteristics were investigated by core logging and acoustic televiewer logging in four boreholes and the hydraulic conductivity was obtained from the constant pressure injection and fall-off tests. The 303 fractures were grouped into three sets by their orientation and three fracture types by the degree of opening in aperture. As a result of the study, the hydraulic conductivity in the test section intersected by open and semi-open fractures, conductive fractures, and set 1 fractures was very high, while closed fractures did rarely affect the hydraulic conductivity. It was recognized that the hydraulic conductivity in a fractured rock mass was preferentially affected by the aperture size of conductive fractures and fracture intersection frequency and size, secondly.

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Analysis of Programming Techniques for Creating Optimized CUDA Software (최적화된 CUDA 소프트웨어 제작을 위한 프로그래밍 기법 분석)

  • Kim, Sung-Soo;Kim, Dong-Heon;Woo, Sang-Kyu;Ihm, In-Sung
    • Journal of KIISE:Computing Practices and Letters
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    • v.16 no.7
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    • pp.775-787
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    • 2010
  • Unlike general-purpose CPUs, the GPUs have been specialized as many-core streaming processors, and are frequently replacing the CPUs in an increasing range of computations thanks to their outstanding parallel computing capacity. In order to respond to such trend, NVIDIA has recently issued a new parallel computing architecture called CUDA(Compute Unified Device Architecture), offering a flexible GPU programming environment for GPGPU(General Purpose GPU) computing. In general, when programmers use the CUDA API, they should clearly understand many aspects of GPU's computing architecture to produce efficient parallel software. In this article, we explain several optimization techniques for CUDA programming that we have verified through a lot of experiment and trial and error, and review how those techniques affect the performance of code execution. In particular, we use a specific problem as an example to analyze several elements that affect performances, such as effective accesses to hierarchical memory system, processor occupancy, and latency hiding. In conclusion, we present several directions that may be utilized effectively in CUDA-based parallel programming.