• Title/Summary/Keyword: Copyright Royalty

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Copyright Royalty Regulation and Competition in the Music Retail Market

    • KDI Journal of Economic Policy
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    • v.39 no.1
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    • pp.83-102
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    • 2017
  • Price control can restore efficiency in some cases, but an uncarefully designed policy fails to restore efficiency, yields side effects, or even exacerbates efficiency losses. This paper shows that the copyright royalty rule, which takes the greater of ad valorem royalties and perunit royalties, tends to fix the prices of final goods at a specific level. Such a rule weakens competition as it prevents prices from decreasing even when market conditions change, having negative effects on social welfare as well as consumer surplus. Counterfactual analyses using estimation results in the Korean online music service industry show that firms could have profitably reduced prices if the ad valorem rule had been applied instead, although they did not have an incentive to do so under the original combination rule.

A Study on Image Copyright Archive Model for Museums (미술관 이미지저작권 아카이브 모델 연구)

  • Nam, Hyun Woo;Jeong, Seong In
    • Korea Science and Art Forum
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    • v.23
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    • pp.111-122
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    • 2016
  • The purpose of this multi-disciplinary convergent study is to establish Image Copyright Archive Model for Museums to protect image copyright and vitalize the use of images out of necessity of research and development on copyright services over the life cycle of art contents created by the museums and out of the necessity to vitalize distribution market of image copyright contents in creative industry and to formulate management system of copyright services. This study made various suggestions for enhancement of transparency and efficiency of art contents ecosystem through vitalization of use and recycling of image copyright materials by proposing standard system for calculation, distribution, settlement and monitoring of copyright royalty of 1,000 domestic museums, galleries and exhibit halls. First, this study proposed contents and structure design of image copyright archive model and, by proposing art contents distribution service platform for prototype simulation, execution simulation and model operation simulation, established art contents copyright royalty process model. As billing system and technological development for image contents are still in incipient stage, this study used the existing contents billing framework as basic model for the development of billing technology for distribution of museum collections and artworks and automatic division and calculation engine for copyright royalty. Ultimately, study suggested image copyright archive model which can be used by artists, curators and distributors. In business strategy, study suggested niche market penetration of museum image copyright archive model. In sales expansion strategy, study established a business model in which effective process of image transaction can be conducted in the form of B2B, B2G, B2C and C2B through flexible connection of museum archive system and controllable management of image copyright materials can be possible. This study is expected to minimize disputes between copyright holder of artwork images and their owners and enhance manageability of copyrighted artworks through prevention of such disputes and provision of information on distribution and utilization of art contents (of collections and new creations) owned by the museums. In addition, by providing a guideline for archives of collections of museums and new creations, this study is expected to increase registration of image copyright and to make various convergent businesses possible such as billing, division and settlement of copyright royalty for image copyright distribution service.

Virtual Livestreamed Performance and E-License

  • Kim, Kyungsuk
    • International journal of advanced smart convergence
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    • v.9 no.3
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    • pp.78-84
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    • 2020
  • Due to social distancing caused by COVID 19, music concerts have not been allowed at home and abroad, and it is not known when overseas concerts will be able to resume unless the pandemics calm down, even if they are available. Meanwhile, people consume much more content through online services such as Netflix and YouTube than before. Under these circumstances, the music industry expects the virtual livestreamed performance to restore sluggish live performances again and bring about a digital renaissance. It also leads to the issue of reestablishing a copyright system regarding a livestreamed performance and of preparing a new rate of royalty standards for the use of works in OTT. In addition, a multi-territorial licensing of r ights in musical works is necessary to resolve copyright issues efficiently by applying the same term s to all countries from where the audience comes. In this paper, I examine the legal nature and the decision of copyright fees of performances as an integral part of the music industry.

The Levy System of Music Service and Revenue Structure of Copyright's Royalty in the On-line Music Market in Korea (한국 온라인 음악시장의 음악사용료 징수규정과 창작자를 위한 저작권료 수익구조)

  • Jung, Jiyoung
    • Journal of Digital Convergence
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    • v.13 no.1
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    • pp.429-438
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    • 2015
  • The copyrights of music in Korea have been placed under the supervision of the associations which the government approved as a trusteeship. Since the industry of music in Korea has been changed from phonographic industry to on-line music service, it is required increasingly that the rights and interests of music should been protected. Korea government has been announced the amendment for levy of music royalties through on-line service according to the changes in the music industry and industries' demand. In this paper, the corporate structures in music industry has been investigated from the point of owner of copyright, recently at the heart of the debate, flat rate system and usage-based pricing in on-line music market has been compared. Consequently, the reasonable prices of music service through on-line market are not earmarked in reality for both consumers and copyright proprietors. Therefore, it is still necessary to improve the institutional.

Limitations on Exclusive Rights of Authors for Library Reprography : A Comparative Examination of the Draft Revision of Korean Copyright Law with the New American Copyright Act of 1976 (저작권법에 준한 도서관봉사에 관한 연구 -미국과 한국의 저자재산권의 제한규정을 중시으로-)

  • 김향신
    • Journal of Korean Library and Information Science Society
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    • v.11
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    • pp.69-99
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    • 1984
  • A dramatic development in the new technology of copying materials has presented us with massive problems on reconciling the conflicts between copyright owners and potential users of copyrighted materials. The adaptation to this changing condition led some countries to revise their copyright laws such as in the U. S. in 1976 and in Korea in 1984 for merging with the international or universal copyright conventions in the future. Copyright defined as exclusive rights given to copyright owners aims to secure a fair return for an author's creative labor and to stimulate artistic creativity for the general public good. The exclusive rights on copyrightable matters, generally for reproduction, preparation of derivative works, public distribution, public performance, and public display, are limited by fair use for scholarship and criticism and by library reproduction for its preservation and interlibrary loan. These limitations on the exclusive rights are concerned with all aspects of library services and cause a great burden on librarian's daily duty to provide balance between the rights of creators and the needs of library patrons. The fair use as one of the limitations on it has been coupled with enormous growth of a new technology and extended from xerography to online database systems. The implementation of the fair use and library reprography in Korean law to the local practices is examined on the basis of the new American copyright act of 1976. Under the draft revision of Korean law, librarians will face many potential problems as summarized below. 1. Because the new provision of 'life time plus 50 years' will tie up substantial bodies of material longer than the old law, until that date librarians would need permissions from the owners and should pay attention to the author's death date. 2. Because the copyright can be sold, distributed, given to the heirs, donated, as a whole or a part, librarians should chase down the heirs and other second owners. In case of a derivative work, this is a real problem. 3. Since a work has its protection from the moment of its creation, the coverage of copyrightable matter would be extended to the published or the unpublished works and librarian's work load would be heavier. Without copyright registration, no one can be certain that a work is in the public domain. Therefore, librarians will need to check with an authority. 4. For implementation of limitations on exclusive rights, fair use and library reproduction for interlibrary loan, there can be no substantial aggregate use and there can be no systematic distribution of multicopies. Therefore, librarians should not substitute reproductions for subscriptions or purchases. 5. For the interlibrary loan by photocopying, librarians should understand the procedure of royalty payment. 6. Compulsory licenses should be understood by librarians. 7. Because the draft revision of Korean law is a reciprocal treaty, librarians should take care of other countries' copyright law to protect foreign authors from Korean law. In order to solve the above problems, some suggestions are presented below. 1. That copyright clearinghouse or central agency as a centralized royalty payment mechanism be established. 2. That the Korean Library Association establish a committee on copyright. 3. That the Korean Library Association propose guidelines for each occasion, e.g. for interlibrary loan, books and periodicals and music, etc. 4. That the Korean government establish a copyright office or an official organization for copyright control other than the copyright committee already organized by the government. 5. That the Korean Library Association establish educational programs on copyright for librarians through seminars or articles written in its magazines. 6. That individual libraries provide librarian's copyright kits. 7. That school libraries distribute subject bibliographies on copyright law to teachers. However, librarians should keep in mind that limitations on exclusive rights are not for an exemption from library reprography but as a convenient access to library resources.

  • PDF

A Study on An Identification System for Scanned Cartoon Book (북스캔 만화 저작물 식별 시스템에 관한 연구)

  • Han, Byung Jun;Kim, Tae-Hyun;Kang, Ho-Gap;Cho, Seong-Hwan;Lee, Kyun Young
    • The Journal of the Institute of Internet, Broadcasting and Communication
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    • v.14 no.1
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    • pp.131-137
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    • 2014
  • Although illegal reproduction of cartoon books are prevalent with rapid growth of webhard services and smartphone use, fingerprinting technology for product identification, as seen in music and videos, has not been developed yet. This leads to indiscriminate illegal reproduction of cartoon books, causing great amount of copyright damages from copyright infringement of the rightful owners. The copyright R&D project granted from the Korea Copyright Permission (Project Title: Identification and Copy Protection Technology of Bookscaned Text/Comic Books) has been carried out in order to develop technology to effectively identify illegal reproduction and distribution of scanned cartoon books. The developed technology will contribute to increase of royalty payments and robust ecosystem of cartoon book markets. The study is to propose an enhanced implementation model for identification of scanned cartoon books on the basis of hierarchical symmetric difference feature algorithms adopted from existing feature extraction algorithms for video.

User Responses Towards Information Distribution of Copyright Law No. 28 of 2014 Concerning Permits for Commercial Use of Music Performing Rights

  • MUHIDIASTU, Naufal;MANI, La;RASYID, Fariz Ubaidillah;ZHAFIRAH, Hanan;ARAS, Muhammad
    • Journal of Distribution Science
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    • v.20 no.1
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    • pp.55-65
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    • 2022
  • Purpose: This article discusses public acceptance in the information distribution of Copyright Law no. 28 of 2014 and Government Regulation No. 56 of 2021 in Indonesia concerning the commercial use of music. Hospitality industry is one of the most affected by this regulations, which some hotelsrefused to comply. To get royalties, LMKN approaches with socialization either directly or indirectly to commercial music users. Research design, data and methodology: Quantitative survey by distributing questionnaires, then testing the validity and reliability tests using the SmartPLS application. The population studied were Hotels on Java and Bali Island in Indonesia. The research sample is 100 hotels. Result: R-Square value of 0.706 for the construct (Y) User Response which means that (X) Socialization can explain the variance (Y) User Response of 70.3%. This shows that the level of influence (X) Socialization has an effect on (Y) User Response. Conclusion: User responses regarding the distribution information of the Act indicate the need for socialization, because socialization provides literacy to the public. More frequent socialization will provide a good opportunity to increase the response of commercial music users.

Study on the Amplitude Modification Audio Watermarking Technique for Mixed Music with High Inaudibility (높은 비가청성을 갖는 믹스 음악의 크기 변조 오디오 워터마킹 기술에 관한 연구)

  • Kang, Se-Koo;Lee, Young-Seok
    • The Journal of Korea Institute of Information, Electronics, and Communication Technology
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    • v.9 no.1
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    • pp.67-74
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    • 2016
  • In this paper, we propose a watermarking technology for a mixed music. The mixed music means recreated music that contained a number of musics in one audio clip. Royalty associated with the audio content is typically imposed by the full audio content. However, the calculation of royalties gives rise to conflict between copyright holders and users in the mixed music because it uses not full audio content but a fraction of that. To solve the conflict related with the mixed music, we propose a audio watermarking technique that inserts different watermarks for each audio in the audio that make up the mixed music. The proposed watermarking scheme might have poor SNR (signal to noise ratio) to embed to each audio clip. To overcome poor SNR problem, we used inaudible pseudo random sequence which modifies typical pseudo random sequence to canonical signed digit (CSD) form. The proposed method verifies the performance by each watermark extraction and the time internal estimation valies from the mixed music.

Pricing Policy of Music Service in Digital Music Market-focused on the Regulations for the Digital Music Service (디지털 음악시장에서 음원사용료 징수 개정안의 고찰-2013년 징수개정안을 중심으로)

  • Jung, Ji-Young
    • Journal of Digital Convergence
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    • v.13 no.4
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    • pp.341-348
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    • 2015
  • As a result of growth of digital music market in Korea, Creator's rights and interests have been at the heart of the debate in terms of legal system. In the music industry, digital music revenue has now overtaken records sales and compared to download service it is now clear that music streaming and subscription is mainstream model in the rise of the worldwide market of digital music. This trend is also indentical to the domestic and withholding regulations for music service and creator's rights and interests have become an ever growing issue. Ministry of Culture, Sports ad Tourism decided the revision of withholding regulations for the digital music service in 2013. The amendment is to change its policy of charging music service from the flat rate pricing to a usage-based system. This paper brought forward some disputable points such as fair division of profit, reasonable pricing for consumers etc. about the revision. Therefore, improvement of system and change in the perception of such copyrights are still required for both the encouragement of creator's activities and the high consumer satisfaction.

The Study on Frameworks of Valuation Models for the Contents of Science and Technology Information (과학기술정보 콘텐츠의 가치평가모형 프레임워크 연구)

  • Sung, Tae-Eung;Jun, Seung-Pyo;Byun, Jeongeun;Park, Hyun-Woo
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.16 no.11
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    • pp.421-433
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    • 2016
  • Recently, although the interest in transfer and transactions of intangible assets increases, there is no valuation model to objectively assess market value of knowledge and information contents such as electronic databases and the necessity of researches associated is brought up. Therefore, the present study proposes valuation models so as to utilize as objective reference information in the contents market of intangible assets, by assessing the market value of science and technology information contents including patents, academic papers and reports. First, we look into application methods of calculating cash flows by content types out of key variables which has been applied to the present technology valuation, and in case of patents we propose valuation methods based on concepts which are applied in the present technology valuation. Next, in case of both papers and reports, in order to reflect the characteristics of these contents we newly propose qualitative valuation methods which are adjustable based on both technology innovation and market demands indices while estimating the economic life cycle of the technology, and also present the input cost-based calculation method as the calculation method of cash flows. Throughout the study, we could establish frameworks by technology fields and business models applicable such as copyright licensing, transactions of individual science and technology information contents, and expect that more objective and reasonable assessment of content values is accessible.