• Title/Summary/Keyword: Contents Development Process

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A Case Study on the Development of Real-Time Interactive Class Data among Non-face-to-Face Remote Class Types (비대면 원격수업 형태 중 실시간 쌍방향 수업 자료 개발 사례 연구: 고등학교 기하 과목 공간도형 단원의 평면의 결정 요건을 중심으로)

  • Lee, Dong Gun;Ahn, Sang Jin
    • Communications of Mathematical Education
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    • v.35 no.2
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    • pp.173-191
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    • 2021
  • This study noted that a survey of teachers in a leading study conducted in Korea during the Pandemics period pointed out that the "real-time interactive" classes account for a significantly small portion of the remote class format. Contentually, the study reported cases of developing and applying "real-time interactive" class materials based on "planar decision requirements" of high school mathematics subject geometry. The teacher who participated in the development was a math teacher who worked at a Seoul-based high school with 28 years of high school teaching experience, and a teacher who was in charge of geometry in the math department in 2020. The development teacher decided to develop real-time interactive classes. In particular, the materials were developed by organizing the class guidance plan in four stages: 'Meeting and Class Guidance', 'Giving motivation', 'Suggesting tasks', 'Individual Investigative Activities and Teacher Feedback' and 'Reflection and Evaluation' which were selected through the process of selecting the class contents and selecting online class tools. At this time, the development teacher produced and presented about five minutes of video material using the videooscribe, a whiteboard animation program. And in case of task number 8, it consisted of recording the students' free thoughts after class, which served as a role of assessment by students themselves and providing feedback to their teachers. This study is a case study that introduces a series of courses in which field teachers develop class materials, and in addition to presenting class materials that can be applied directly to classes, is a result of a study that focuses on the role of presenting samples for future class data development. The materials developed were verified as class materials based on the opinions of the students who participated in the class and the results of the evaluation commissioned by the three math teachers.

Problems of Each Category of Gyeongsanjain Dano Festival and Solutions (경산자인단오제 연행의 분야별 문제와 종합적 개선방안)

  • Lee, Byoung Ok
    • (The) Research of the performance art and culture
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    • no.19
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    • pp.88-123
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    • 2009
  • Gyeongsanjain Dano Festival is a local festival of Yeongnam that was initially designated as Intangible Cultural Heritage No. 44 "Hanjanggun Nori" in 1971 and finally became Gyeongsanjain Dano Festival in 2007. At first, few parts of it were designated for preservation and it was succeeded as a whole without connections between each part. Problems also rise from the fact that it has not been closely studied. Gyeongsanjain Dano Festival is mostly classified into five parts: Keungut, Yeowonmu, Hojanggut, Hanmyoje, and Jainpalgwangdae. This study has closely discussed each part as follows: 1. Keungut 1) Process and Contents of Keungut - Characteristics of Gut in Daegu and Gyeongsan 2) Presence of Performers that can Execute Traditional Gut of Local Area 3) Problems with the Name of Keungut - Ex: 'Hanjanggungut' or 'Keungut' 4) Problems of Dano Festival without Parts to Summon and Send off Spirits before and After Keungut and Restoration Measures 2. Yeowonmu 1) Essence of Yeowonmu and Yeowonhwa 2) Problems with the Mass Game of Hundreds of High School Girls 3) Origin and Succession of Yeowonmu 3. Hojanggut 1) Changes in Characters of Hojanggut 2) Composition and Characteristics of Hojanggut 3) Problems with the Name and Characteristics of Hojanggut 4. Jainpalgwangdae Nori 1) Similarity with Newly Created Shows 2) Problems with the Name of Palgwangdae 3) Difference with the Composition of Other Mask Dances 4) Dances and Movements Distinguished from Other Mask Dances in Yeongnam The following are the solutions suggested for Gyeongsan Jain Dano Festival. First, for the restoration of Gyeongsanjain Dano Festival, Dano festivals and Byeolsinje of nearby areas with clear traditions could be benchmarked. Second, the major content of Gyeongsanjain Dano Festival is 'Hanjanggungut,' and it has to be the leading content of the festival. Third, the structural principle of Korean festival must be adopted and the process and principle must correspond to those of other traditional shows. Fourth, as Gyeongsanjain Dano Festival is the comprehensive form of art, folk, and festival, each part must be closely related in a well-planned scenario. Fifth, Intangible talents and successful training must be widely acknowledged for successful transmission and responsible performances. Sixth, traditional festivals must be restored along with the discovery and development of various festival repertories and spectacles such as tour programs and experiential tours that contribute to local economy.

Development and Application of the Teaching·Learning Process Plan of Senior Cohousing for Independent later Life - Focusing on high school Technology·Home Economics - (자립적인 노후생활을 위한 노인용 코하우징 교수·학습 과정안 개발 및 적용 - 고등학교 기술·가정을 중심으로 -)

  • Na, Jimyeong;Cho, Jaesoon
    • Journal of Korean Home Economics Education Association
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    • v.28 no.3
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    • pp.1-16
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    • 2016
  • The purpose of this study was to develop and evaluate the teaching-learning process plan of senior cohousing to improve understanding of active and independent living in later life through Home Economics subject. The plan consisting of 5 lessons has been developed and implemented according to the ADDIE model. Various activity materials (28 individual activity sheets, 2 working sheets, and 26 teacher's reading texts) and visual materials (4 sets of pictures & photos and 10 moving pictures) as well as questionnaire were developed for the 5-session lessons. The plans were implemented to 6 classes 150 freshmen of P high school in Jeju-do during August 17th to 3rd of September, 2015. Students were highly satisfied regardless of gender with the whole 5-lessons in the aspects such as the level of participation in the lesson, understanding of the contents, adequacy of materials and activities, and usage in their future life. Students also reported that they highly accomplished the goal of each lesson to reinforce the understanding on necessity of preparing later life, senior cohousing, and senior friendly business. It can be concluded that the teaching learning process plan for senior cohousing would improve understanding and practical competency of active and independent living in later life with senior neighbors through the home economics subject.

Development and Evaluation of the PBL Teaching/Learning Process Plan of 'Housing Culture and Practical Space Use' for Home Economics in Middle School (중학교 가정과 문제 중심 '주생활 문화와 주거 공간 활용' 교수·학습 과정안 개발과 평가)

  • Cho, Jiwon;Cho, Jaesoon
    • Journal of Korean Home Economics Education Association
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    • v.32 no.2
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    • pp.59-76
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    • 2020
  • The purpose of this study was to develop and evaluate the teaching/learning process plan of 'housing culture and practical space use' for home economics in middle school according to the problem based learning(PBL) model. The plan consisting of 4-lessons has been developed and implemented following the steps of ADDIE model. Various activity materials (4 scenarios, 6 individual activity sheets, 10 reading texts, and 5 working resources) and visual materials (4 sets of ppt and 4 moving pictures) as well as questionnaire were developed for the 4-session lessons. The plans were implemented to a single class of 21 junior students at H middle school in rural area, Kyeongnam, from 1st to 12th of April, 2019. Students highly enjoyed and were satisfied with the whole 4-lessons in aspects such as understanding of the contents, adequacy of materials and activities, and usefulness in one's own daily life. Additionally, they have more actively participated in the lessons than usual and even interested in learning more of such lessons. Students also reported that they highly accomplished the goal of each lesson as well as overall objectives. They showed interest in the major part of PBL lesson such as scenario and group activities. And they engaged themselves in drawing the share housing space plan with '5D planner' web program which they described as the best part of the lessons. The teaching/learning process plan developed in this study may be used as a theme of maker education, which is emerging these days. It can be concluded that the PBL teaching/learning process plans for 'housing values and practical space use' would contribute to improving students' attitude on living with others and ability to manage one's individual life.

Development of the Model for Total Quality Management and Cost of Quality using Activity Based Costing in the Hospital (병원의 활동기준원가를 이용한 총체적 질관리 모형 및 질비용 산출 모형 개발)

  • 조우현;전기홍;이해종;박은철;김병조;김보경;이상규
    • Health Policy and Management
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    • v.11 no.2
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    • pp.141-168
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    • 2001
  • Healthcare service organizations can apply the cost of quality(COQ) model as a method to evaluate a service quality improvement project such as Total Quality Management (TQM). COQ model has been used to quantify and evaluate the efficiency and effectiveness of TQM project through estimation between cost and benefit in intervention for a quality Improvement to provide satisfied services for a customer, and to identify a non value added process. For estimating cost of quality, We used activities and activity costs based on Activity Based Costing(ABC) system. These procedures let the researchers know whether the process is value-added by each activity, and identify a process to require improvement in TQM project. Through the series of procedures, health care organizations are service organizations can identify a problem in their quality improvement programs, solve the problem, and improve their quality of care for their costumers with optimized cost. The study subject was a quality improvement program of the department of radiology department in a hospital with n bed sizes in Metropolitan Statistical Area (MSA). The principal source of data for developing the COQ model was total cases of retaking shots for diagnoses during five months period from December of the 1998 to April of the 1999 in the department. First of the procedures, for estimating activity based cost of the department of diagnostic radiology, the researchers analyzed total department health insurance claims to identify activities and activity costs using one year period health insurance claims from September of the 1998 to August of the 1999. COQ model in this study applied Simpson & Multher's COQ(SM's COQ) model, and SM's COQ model divided cost of quality into failure cost with external and internal failure cost, and evaluation/prevention cost. The researchers identified contents for cost of quality, defined activities and activity costs for each content with the SM's COQ model, and finally made the formula for estimating activity costs relating to implementing service quality improvement program. The results from the formula for estimating cost of quality were following: 1. The reasons for retaking shots were largely classified into technique, appliances, patients, quality management, non-appliances, doctors, and unclassified. These classifications by reasons were allocated into each office doing re-taking shots. Therefore, total retaking shots categorized by reasons and offices, the researchers identified internal and external failure costs based on these categories. 2. The researchers have developed cost of quality (COQ) model, identified activities by content for cost of quality, assessed activity driving factors and activity contribution rate, and calculated total cost by each content for cost for quality, except for activity cost. 3. According to estimation of cost of quality for retaking shots in department of diagnostic radiology, the failure cost was ₩35,880, evaluation/preventive cost was ₩72,521, two times as much as failure cost. The proportion between internal failure cost and external failure cost in failure cost is similar. The study cannot identify trends on input cost and quality improving in cost of qualify over the time, because the study employs cross-sectional design. Even with this limitation, results of this study are much meaningful. This study shows possibility to evaluate value on the process of TQM subjects using activities and activity costs by ABC system, and this study can objectively evaluate quality improvement program through quantitative comparing input costs with marginal benefits in quality improvement.

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Study for making movie poster applied Augmented Reality (증강현실 영화포스터 제작연구)

  • Lee, Ki Ho
    • Cartoon and Animation Studies
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    • s.48
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    • pp.359-383
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    • 2017
  • 3,000 years ago, since the first poster of humanity appeared in Egypt, the invention of printing technique and the development of civilization have accelerated the poster production technology. In keeping with this, the expression of poster has also been developed as an attempt to express artistic sensibility in a simple arrangement of characters, and now it has become an art form that has become a domain of professional designers. However, the technological development in the expression of poster is keep staying in two-dimensional, and is dependent on printing only that it is irrelevant to the change of ICT environment based on modern multimedia. Especially, among the many kinds of posters, the style of movie posters, which are the only objects for video, are still printed on paper, and many attempts have been made so far, but the movie industry still does not consider ICT integration at all. This study started with the feature that the object of the movie poster dealt with the video and attempted to introduce the augmented reality to apply the dynamic image of the movie to the static poster. In the graduation work of the media design major of a university in Korea, the poster of each works for promoting the visual work of the students was designed and printed in the form of a commercial film poster. Among them, 6 artworks that are considered to be suitable for augmented reality were selected and augmented reality was introduced and exhibited. Content that appears matched to the poster through the mobile device is reproduced on a poster of a scene of the video, but the text informations of the original poster are kept as they are, so that is able to build a moving poster looked like a wanted from the movie "Harry Potter". In order to produce this augmented reality poster, we applied augmented reality to posters of existing commercial films produced in two different formats, and found a way to increase the characteristics of AR contents. Through this, we were able to understand poster design suitable for AR representation, and technical expression for stable operation of augmented reality can be summarized in the matching process of augmented reality contents production.

Analysis of the Experiences and Perceptions of Teachers Participating in the Development of Content-Based Online Science Class Videos, and the Characteristics of the Developed Class Content (콘텐츠 활용형 온라인 과학 수업 동영상 개발에 참여한 교사들의 경험과 인식, 개발된 수업 콘텐츠의 특징 분석)

  • Shin, Jung Yun;Park, Sang Hee
    • Journal of The Korean Association For Science Education
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    • v.40 no.6
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    • pp.595-609
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    • 2020
  • The purpose of this study is to analyze the experiences of teachers who participated in the development of online science class videos in the context of covid-19, their perception of online science class, and the characteristics of the online science class content developed by teachers. A survey and interviews were conducted with ten elementary school teachers who made online science class videos themselves. Also the characteristics of the online science class were investigated by analyzing the online science class video produced by the participants. As a result, participants in the study recognized the lack of production time, difficulty in filming and editing, concerns over misconceptions, the problem of solving copyrights for existing materials, and the burden of external disclosure. Although it was a teacher who had experience producing online science class video contents, no research participants actively answered the merits of online science class. On the other hand, the study participants cited that the shortcomings of online science classes were that students had fewer opportunities for inquiry and lack of communication or interaction. In particular, these shortcomings were thought to have a great influence on the quality of online science classes, especially in making inquiry classes difficult. Some teachers took a negative view that online science classes could not completely replace face-to-face classes. However, if multiple teachers are presented with supplementary teaching activities that complement the content-based online teaching method, the method of combining online science classes and face-to-face classes is not. Through the analysis of the contents of the online science class, the introduction and arrangement steps of the online science class were similar to the process of the face-to-face science class, but the inquiry step and the conceptual explanation step showed a big difference from the face-to-face science class.

Design and Implementation of Content-based Video Database using an Integrated Video Indexing Method (통합된 비디오 인덱싱 방법을 이용한 내용기반 비디오 데이타베이스의 설계 및 구현)

  • Lee, Tae-Dong;Kim, Min-Koo
    • Journal of KIISE:Computing Practices and Letters
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    • v.7 no.6
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    • pp.661-683
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    • 2001
  • There is a rapid increase in the use of digital video information in recent years, it becomes more important to manage video databases efficiently. The development of high speed data network and digital techniques has emerged new multimedia applications such as internet broadcasting, Video On Demand(VOD) combined with video data processing and computer. Video database should be construct for searching fast, efficient video be extract the accurate feature information of video with more massive and more complex characteristics. Video database are essential differences between video databases and traditional databases. These differences lead to interesting new issues in searching of video, data modeling. So, cause us to consider new generation method of database, efficient retrieval method of video. In this paper, We propose the construction and generation method of the video database based on contents which is able to accumulate the meaningful structure of video and the prior production information. And by the proposed the construction and generation method of the video database implemented the video database which can produce the new contents for the internet broadcasting centralized on the video database. For this production, We proposed the video indexing method which integrates the annotation-based retrieval and the content-based retrieval in order to extract and retrieval the feature information of the video data using the relationship between the meaningful structure and the prior production information on the process of the video parsing and extracting the representative key frame. We can improve the performance of the video contents retrieval, because the integrated video indexing method is using the content-based metadata type represented in the low level of video and the annotation-based metadata type impressed in the high level which is difficult to extract the feature information of the video at he same time.

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Development of a Critical Pathway for Patients with Coronary Artery Bypass Graft (관상동맥 우회술 환자를 위한 Critical Pathway개발)

  • 김기연
    • Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing
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    • v.28 no.1
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    • pp.117-131
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    • 1998
  • The purpose of this study was to develop a critical pathway for case management for patients who have received Coronary Artery Bypass Graft (CABG) because of Ischemic Heart Disease(IHD) which is a factor of rising medical expenses. For this study. a conceptual framework was developed through a review of the literature including six critical pathways which are currently being used in USA. In order to identify the overall service contents required by these patients and to draw up a preliminary critical pathway, 30 cases of medical records of patients who had CABG because of IHD between January, 1995 to June. 1996 at the Cardiovascular Center of Yonsei Medical Center in Seoul were analyzed. An expert validity test was done for the preliminary critical pathway and clinical validity test was also done using seven IHD patients with CABG between November 11 and 23, 1996. After these processes. the final critical pathway was developed. The results of this study are summarized as follows : 1. The vertical axis of the critical pathway includes the following eight items : tests, nutrition, medications, consultations, activity, assessments, treatments, education discharge planning and the horizontal axis includes the time from the start of hospitalization to discharge. 2. Analysis of the 30 medical records indicated that the average length of stay was 20.2days with the average length of stay from hospitalization day to operation day being 6.2 days, and the average length of stay from operation day to discharge day was 13. 9 days. Analysis of the service contents showed that the horizontal axis of the preliminary critical pathway was set from hospitalization to the 14th post operation day and the vertical axis was set to include eight items, the contents which ought to have occurred, according to the time frames of the horizontal axis. 3. As a result of the experts validity, it was found that among the total of 571 items. there was over 83% agreement for 482 items, less than 83% for 89 items, which were then deleted and a revision of the critical pathway was done. 4. A clinical validity test was done using seven IHD patients with CABG. During the process, three patients were deleted because they were out of the criteria the investigator set. Finally, four patients were used. The result of study indicated that only one patient was discharged on the tenth post operation day, which was one day later than the expected day. Three patients were discharged later than the expected day from three days to nine days. All the cases progressed on schedule until the operation day and the first post operation day, but from the second post operation days, there were differences between the critical pathway and the actual practice. The differences came from tests, assessments, and treatments. 5. On the basis of the results of the clinical validity test. the following revisions in the final critical pathway were made : the transfer from ICU to step down ward would be the second post operation day, and the transfer to a general ward, the fifth post operation day, for patients who complained of lack of sleep from the fifth post operation day to discharge, a sleeping pill would be prescribed, skin observations would be performed routinely from immediately after the operation until the third post operation day, and would continue if there was a sign of skin injury on the fourth post operation day, and assessment of chest pain would be done from the third post operation day, and the “stairs climbing” item, expected to be done on the ninth post operation day would be deleted. In conclusion, this critical pathway is partially applicable to the care of patients with CABG but there are some parts needed to be further investigated.

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Recovery Pattern of Abdominal Eat, Visceral Organs, and Muscle Tissues in Induced Molting Hens (강제환우계에서 복강지방, 장기, 근육조직의 변화)

  • M. Akram;rahman, Zia-ur;Park, J.H.;M.S. Ryu;C.S. Na;K.S. Ryu
    • Korean Journal of Poultry Science
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    • v.29 no.4
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    • pp.237-241
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    • 2002
  • To observe the effect of Induced molting on the recovery patterns of abdominal fat, visceral organs, and muscle tissues in spent laying hens after induced molting, three hundred sixty 77-wk-old, Babcock White hens were divided into 36 experimental units of 10 hens each and subjected to molt induction for seven wk. The post-molt production phase was spread over 84 to 126 wks of age. Thirty-six birds were randomly slaughtered and dressed at the pre-molt, 5% egg production, Peak, and end Phases of e99 Production. The body weight, abdominal fat, relative weight and length of visceral organs were measured. Proximate compositions of breast and thigh muscles were analyzed at each stage. The body weight was found to be minimal at the 5% egg Production stage, but increased as the egg Production increased for the rest of production. The pattern of abdominal fat change was very similar to that of body weight. The relative weight of the liver decreased to the lowest at the start of Post molting stage, but Peaked at the end Phase of egg Production (P<0.05). However, he heart and gizzard were observed to reach their maximum weight at the 5% egg Production (P<0.05), whereas they were, similar to those of the pre-molt phase for the rest of the production stages. Both intestine and reproductive tracts were found o be significantly smaller at 5% egg Production than at the other stages; however, their sizes increased gradually, reaching leak at the end Phase of e99 Production (P<0.05). Fat contents in breast and thigh muscles decreased significantly to the lowest at the start of the Post-molt stage, but increased to the highest at the end Phase of e99 Production (P<0.05). Thus, he Present study indicated that the molting process reduced body weight by decreasing the weights of abdominal fat and other visceral organs. Molting also influenced the breast and thigh muscle composition by decreasing fat content.