• Title/Summary/Keyword: Content creation

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Development of a Job-Esteem Scale for Academic Librarians (대학도서관 사서의 직업존중감 측정도구 개발)

  • Sun-Ae Lee
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Library and Information Science
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    • v.58 no.3
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    • pp.5-34
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    • 2024
  • The purpose of this study was to develop and validate a job-esteem scale that reflects the unique characteristics of academic librarians. The study conducted an analysis of relevant literature and existing scales in the scale development phase, followed by in-depth interviews with 10 academic librarians, resulting in the creation of 100 preliminary measurement items. These items underwent content validity testing, consultations with linguists, and face validity assessments, which culminated in the selection of 52 items for a preliminary measurement scale. A pilot survey was then administered with 300 academic librarians from four-year universities nationwide to collect data, and item analysis and reliability testing were performed with the data. Then, an exploratory factor analysis was conducted, resulting in the elimination of 22 items and the finalization of 30 items. The main survey was conducted with 345 academic librarians, and the study confirmed high reliability of the data through item analysis and internal consistency tests. Through another confirmatory factor analysis, the study finalized 29 items. The final scale met all criteria for convergent, discriminant, and criterion validity. This study marks the first development of a job-esteem scale tailored to the distinct attributes of academic librarians, and its significance lies in its utility for assessing and analyzing the job esteem of academic librarians.

Qualitative Approach to Quality of Educational Service in Bio-PRIDE Consortium University (Bio-PRIDE 공유대학의 교육 서비스 품질에 대한 질적인 접근)

  • Su-Hyun Ahn;Sang-Jun Lee
    • Journal of Practical Engineering Education
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    • v.16 no.4
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    • pp.599-609
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    • 2024
  • The government has introduced the Regional Innovation System (RIS) to establish regional innovation platforms, leading to the creation of the Bio-PRIDE shared university in the Chungbuk region, centered around the bio-health industry. The purpose of this study is to analyze the educational service quality of the Bio-PRIDE shared university through a qualitative approach. To achieve this, in-depth exploration of the experiences of students participating in the Bio-PRIDE shared university was conducted using Focus Group Interviews (FGI) and telephone interviews. The study identified three main findings: 1) Motivations for student participation included recommendations and support from professors, economic benefits and scholarships, the flexibility and convenience of remote learning, and the appeal of new learning experiences and challenges. 2) Experiences during participation revealed themes such as the effectiveness and challenges of remote classes, the value of providing up-to-date technology and content, student engagement and commitment, and communication and support from faculty. 3) The impact of participation after completing the program highlighted the importance of innovative learning experiences and expanded choices, the significance of information accessibility and learning support, the need for improved promotion and awareness of the shared university, and the necessity for administrative support and communication. In conclusion, the Bio-PRIDE shared university has successfully implemented educational innovation, offering students new learning experiences and contributing to the broadening of their academic perspectives. This study will serve as a foundational resource for improving the educational service quality and ensuring the successful operation of the Bio-PRIDE shared university in the future.

A Study on Characteristics of Vegetation Distribution according to Revetment Techniques of Riverbank in Han River, Korea (한강 하천제방 호안공법에 따른 식생분포 특성 연구)

  • Kim, Won-Sik;Kwak, Jeong-In;Lee, Kyong-Jae;Han, Bong-Ho
    • Korean Journal of Environment and Ecology
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    • v.25 no.1
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    • pp.17-30
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    • 2011
  • This study has analyzed the vegetation composition in the areas using different slope revetment techniques of riverbanks, in a way to improve the vegetation induction in the future considering the ecological aspects of the induction in Garaeyoul Village, Gangdong-gu, Seoul. The result of the vegetation distribution in each different slope revetment technique was analyzed, that the naturalized herb was dominant in the pole block accounting for 70.7%, while native herb was dominant in the lawn block occupying 48.5% and in the crib block occupying 55.7%. The vegetation coverage measured by different slope revetment techniques was highest in the crib block(average 97.5%), followed by the lawn block(average 95.3%) and pole block(average 27.9%). The vegetation base area was the most wide in the crib block and the most narrowest in the pole block. The result of community analysis in areas using different slope revetment techniques, dry herbs and vine herbs were dominated and the coverage was very poor in the pole block. In the lawn block, the barb was fragmented into narrow areas due to the blocks, which prevented the creation of large-scale plant communities. In the crib block, Miscanthus sacchariflorus, Fescue arundinacea and Aster pilosus, which also consisted of large-scale communities. Average dry weight was also measured by each slope revetment technique. The weight was heaviest in the crib block with $187.63g/m^2$, followed by the lawn block($137.65g/m^2$) and pole block($6.75g/m^2$). The soil moisture contents in the crib block and lawn block was 16.3% and 15.2%, respectively, while that of the pole block was 4.7%, which revealed the highly dry condition of the pole block soil. The analysis result of soil chemical property showed that there was little difference in soil texture, soile acidity(pH), and exchangeable ion content, however, the soil organic matter(OM) content and available $P_2O_5$ were highest in the pole block. In the future, in order to induce more vegetation into river banks and walls, a proper construction method should be applied so that the vegetation area can be expanded as much as possible, considering the safety of the banks.

Trend and Further Research of Rice Quality Evaluation (쌀의 품질평가 현황과 금후 연구방향)

  • Son, Jong-Rok;Kim, Jae-Hyun;Lee, Jung-Il;Youn, Young-Hwan;Kim, Jae-Kyu;Hwang, Hung-Goo;Moon, Hun-Pal
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    • v.47
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    • pp.33-54
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    • 2002
  • Rice quality is much dependent on the pre-and post harvest management. There are many parameters which influence rice or cooked rice qualitys such as cultivars, climate, soil, harvest time, drying, milling, storage, safety, nutritive value, taste, marketing, eating, cooking conditions, and each nations' food culture. Thus, vice evaluation might not be carried out by only some parameters. Physicochemical evaluation of rice deals with amy-lose content, gelatinizing property, and its relation with taste. The amylose content of good vice in Korea is defined at 17 to 20%. Other parameters considered are as follows; ratio of protein body-1 per total protein amount in relation to taste, and oleic/linoleic acid ratio in relation to storage safety. The rice higher Mg/K ratio is considered as high quality. The optimum value is over 1.5 to 1.6. It was reported that the contents of oligosaccharide, glutamic acid or its derivatives and its proportionalities have high corelation with the taste of rice. Major aromatic compounds in rice have been known as hexanal, acetone, pentanal, butanal, octanal, and heptanal. Recently, it was found that muco-polysaccharides are solubilized during cooking. Cooked rice surface is coated by the muco-polysaccharide. The muco-polysaccharide aye contributing to the consistency and collecting free amino acids and vitamins. Thus, these parameters might be regarded as important items for quality and taste evaluation of rice. Ingredients of rice related with the taste are not confined to the total rice grain. In the internal kernel, starch is main component but nitrogen and mineral compounds are localized at the external kernel. The ingredients related with taste are contained in 91 to 86% part of the outside kernel. For safety that is considered an important evaluation item of rice quality, each residual tolerance limit for agricultural chemicals must be adopted in our country. During drying, rice quality can decline by the reasons of high drying temperature, overdrying, and rapid drying. These result in cracked grain or decolored kernel. Intrinsic enzymes react partially during the rice storage. Because of these enzymes, starch, lipid, or protein can be slowly degraded, resulting in the decline of appearance quality, occurrence of aging aroma, and increased hardness of cooked rice. Milling conditions concerned with quality are paddy quality, milling method, and milling machines. To produce high quality rice, head rice must contain over three fourths of the normal rice kernels, and broken, damaged, colored, and immature kernels must be eliminated. In addition to milling equipment, color sorter and length grader must be installed for the production of such rice. Head rice was examined using the 45 brand rices circulating in Korea, Japan, America, Australia, and China. It was found that the head rice rate of brand rice in our country was approximately 57.4% and 80-86% in foreign countries. In order to develop a rice quality evaluation system, evaluation of technics must be further developed : more detailed measure of qualities, search for taste-related components, creation and grade classification of quality evaluation factors at each management stage of treatment after harvest, evaluation of rice as food material as well as for rice cooking, and method development for simple evaluation and establishment of equation for palatability. On policy concerns, the following must be conducted : development of price discrimination in conformity to rice cultivar and grade under the basis of quality evaluation method, fixation of head rice branding, and introduction of low temperature circulation.

A Study on the Entrepreneurial Intention of College Students in the Entertainment Industry with Idea Education and Support for Startup Infrastructure (아이디어 교육 및 창업 인프라 지원이 엔터테인먼트 산업 분야에 대한 대학생 창업의도 연구)

  • Lee, Ji-Hun
    • Journal of Korea Entertainment Industry Association
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    • v.15 no.8
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    • pp.19-31
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    • 2021
  • This study tried to identify the characteristics of college students' entrepreneurial intentions in the entertainment industry, focusing on existing literature studies. Based on this, it was intended to suggest realistic educational alternatives for university student start-ups and implications for start-up management to university start-up officials and those in charge of national start-up support policy. Therefore, the implications of this study are as follows. First, technology(item) for idea creation education, which is an essential element in the entertainment industry, how to connect ideas and products, technology methods that can increase content value, and user characteristics education within the entertainment industry will need to be continued. In addition, along with the idea education, it is necessary to increase the understanding of start-up business management such as financing, human resource management, marketing, and operation management, and furthermore, confidence education should be provided so that the possibility of success in an entertainment start-up and a sense of adventure in a new job can be developed. Second, the space and equipment necessary for start-up (club room, student start-up room, entertainment-related equipment, etc.) should be provided centering on the opinion survey of students who are interested in starting a business, and various regulations of universities and government for student start-up should be relaxed. will have to In addition, education for the formation of entrepreneurial knowledge inside and outside of the school, special lectures and consultations by experts, and on-the-spot education, etc., should be made to create more practical entrepreneurial knowledge. something to do. Third, for students wishing to start a business in the entertainment industry, it is necessary to inform their families about the field situation of the entertainment industry accurately so that their children can develop a positive perception rather than a negative perception when choosing a business field. In addition, by promoting various successful cases of college students to their families after starting a business, families should be encouraged so that their children can develop a challenging spirit about starting a business. Fourth, it should be possible to form continuous clubs or gatherings with friends who wish to start a business in the entertainment industry, and furthermore, an opportunity to listen to the opinions of friends who actually started a business through these meetings should be provided. In addition, the meeting and the formation of friends should create a place for discussion about writing a business plan, how to succeed in starting a business, and management of startups, and psychological stimulation activities should be conducted so that each other's will to start a business arises. Fifth, various knowledge related to start-up (methods for securing funds, management of start-up organizations, grasping information about the market in which they want to start a business, etc.) should be cultivated, and how to write a business plan for the various entertainment industry fields they want to start up. You will also need to train them to be practical. Also, based on this knowledge formation, students themselves should be able to respond to risks and changes that may occur in entrepreneurship. Lastly, it is necessary to increase the understanding of business start-up management, and various psychological stimulation activities are needed to make the confidence and fear of starting a business disappear.

The Development and Validation Study of the Entrepreneurial Mentoring Scale (창업 멘토링 척도 개발 및 타당화 연구)

  • Cho, Jang Hyun;Park, Cheong Yeul
    • Asia-Pacific Journal of Business Venturing and Entrepreneurship
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    • v.12 no.5
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    • pp.67-77
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    • 2017
  • The purpose of this study was to develop the entrepreneurial mentoring scale on start-up mentoring situation. In recent years, as the needs for entrepreneurship have grown from domestic to foreign, entrepreneurship education is actively being carried out. The entrepreneurial mentoring is strengthening its weight and contents in entrepreneurship education. However, research on the mentoring function scale designed to reflect the characteristics of entrepreneurial mentoring is rarely performed in Korea. In this study, we conducted a qualitative and quantitative research to achieve the research goal. First, we derive the entrepreneurial mentoring scales through literature review and expert group discussions, and we conducted the empirical analysis to draw conclusions. The results of this study are as follows. In the first step, literature review was conducted. In the second step, four major factors and questionnaires were derived through expert group discussion. In the third step, the doctoral level specialists developed 16 questionnaire items to measure the four factors of entrepreneurial mentoring derived from the second step and verified the content validity and the facial validity in fourth step. As a result of this survey, we conducted questionnaires on founding mentors who belonged to 17 Creation Economic Innovation Centers nationwide (153) and analyzed the problem solving, networking, communication, and motivation formation through exploratory factor analysis. This questionnaire was used to survey the entrepreneurial mentors who belonged to the 17 Center for Creative Economy and Innovation under the Ministry of Science, ICT & Future Planning of South Korea(153). In fifth step, as the results of factor analysis such as EFA and CFA, we could confirm four factors including problem solving, networking, communication, and motivation. The significance of this study is as follows. First, academic significance was the first study of the entrepreneurial mentoring function scale reflecting the characteristics of entrepreneur mentoring as a qualitative and quantitative approach in Korea. Second, it is hoped that practitioners will be able to better measure the mentoring function of entrepreneurial mentors and contribute to improving the quality of future entrepreneurial mentoring programs.

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Some New Problems of International Aviation Security- Considerations Forcused on its Legal Aspects (최근국제항공보안대책(最近國際航空保安対策)의 제간제(諸間題) -특히 법적측면(法的測面)을 중심(中心)으로-)

  • Choi, Wan-Sik
    • The Korean Journal of Air & Space Law and Policy
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    • v.5
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    • pp.53-75
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    • 1993
  • This article is concerned with the comment on "Some New Problems of International Aviation Security-Considerations Forcused on its Legal Aspects". Ever since 1970, in addition to the problem of failure to accept the Tokyo, Hague and Montreal Conventions, there has been also the problem of parties to them, failing to comply with their obligations under the respective treaties, in the form especially of nominal penalties or the lack of any effort to prosecute after blank refusals to extradite. There have also been cases of prolonged detention of aircraft, passengers and hostages. In this regard, all three conventions contain identical clauses which submit disputes between two or more contracting States concerning the interpretation or application of the respective conventions to arbitration or failing agreement on the organization of the arbitration, to the International Court of Justice. To the extent to which contracting States have not contracted out of this undertaking, as I fear they are expressly allowed to do, this promision can be used by contracting States to ensure compliance. But to date, this avenue does not appear to have been used. From this point of view, it may be worth mentioning that there appears to be an alarming trend towards the view that the defeat of terrorism is such an overriding imperative that all means of doing so become, in international law, automatically lawful. In addition, in as far as aviation security is concerned, as in fact it has long been suggested, what is required is the "application of the strictest security measures by all concerned."In this regard, mention should be made of Annex 17 to the Chicago Convention on Security-Safeguarding International Civil Aviation against Acts of Unlawful Intereference. ICAO has, moreover, compiled, for restricted distribution, a Security Manual for Safeguarding Civil Aviation Against Acts of Unlawful Interference, which is highly useful. In this regard, it may well be argued that, unless States members of ICAO notify the ICAO Council of their inability to comply with opecific standards in Annex 17 or any of the related Annexes in accordance with Article 38 of the 1944 Chicago Convention on International Civil Aviation, their failure to do so can involve State responsibility and, if damage were to insure, their liability. The same applies to breaches of any other treaty obligation. I hope to demonstrate that although modes of international violence may change, their underlying characteristics remain broadly similar, necessitating not simply the adoption of an adequate body of domestic legislation, firm in its content and fairly administered, but also an international network of communication, of cooperation and of coordination of policies. Afurther legal instrument is now being developed by the Legal Committee of ICAO with respect to unlawful acts at International airports. These instruments, however, are not very effective, because of the absence of universal acceptance and the deficiency I have already pointed out. Therefore, States, airports and international airlines have to concentrate on prevention. If the development of policies is important at the international level, it is equally important in the domestic setting. For example, the recent experiences of France have prompted many changes in the State's legislation and in its policies towards terrorism, with higher penalties for terrorist offences and incentives which encourage accused terrorists to pass informations to the authorities. And our government has to tighten furthermore security measures. Particularly, in the case an unarmed hijacker who boards having no instrument in his possession with which to promote the hoax, a plaintiff-passenger would be hard-pressed to show that the airline was negligent in screening the hijacker prior to boarding. In light of the airline's duty to exercise a high degree of care to provide for the safety of all the passengers on board, an acquiescence to a hijacker's demands on the part of the air carrier could constitute a breach of duty only when it is clearly shown that the carrier's employees knew or plainly should have known that the hijacker was unarmed. The general opinion is that the legal oystem could be sufficient, provided that the political will is there to use and apply it effectively. All agreed that the main responsibility for security has to be borne by the governments. A state that supports aviation terrorism is responsible for violation of International Aviation Law. Generally speaking, terrorism is a violation of international law. It violates the sovereign rights of states, and the human rights of the individuals. We have to contribute more to the creation of a general consensus amongst all states about the need to combat the threat of aviation terrorism. I think that aviation terrorism as becoming an ever more serious issue, has to be solved by internationally agreed and closely co - ordinated measures.

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The Evolution of Cyber Singer Viewed from the Coevolution of Man and Machine (인간과 기계의 공진화적 관점에서 바라본 사이버가수의 진화과정)

  • Kim, Dae-Woo
    • Cartoon and Animation Studies
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    • s.39
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    • pp.261-295
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    • 2015
  • Cyber singer appeared in the late 1990s has disappeared briefly appeared. although a few attempts in the 2000s, it did not show significant successes. cyber singer was born thanks to the technical development of the IT industry and the emergence of an idol training system in the music industry. It was developed by Vocaloid 'Seeyou' starting from 'Adam'. cyber singer that differenatiated typical digital characters in a cartoon or game may be subject to idolize to the music as a medium. They also feature forming a plurality of fandom. therefore, such attempts and repeated failures, this could be considered a fashion, but it flew content creation and ongoing attempts to take advantage of the new media, such as Vocaloid can see that there are expectations for a true Cyber-born singer. Early-Cyber singer is made only resemble human appearance, but 'Sciart' and 'Seeyou' has been evolving to becoming more like the human capabilities. in this paper, stylized cyber singer had disappeared in the past in the process of developing the technology to evolve into own artificial life does not end in failure cases, gradually led to a change in public perceptions of the image look looking machine was an attempt in that sense. With the direction of the evolution of the mechanical function to obtain a human, fun and human exchanges and mutual feelings. And it is equipped with an artificial life form that evolved with it only in appearance and function. in order to support this logic, I refer to the study of the coevolution of man and machine at every Bruce Mazlish. And, I have analyzed the evolution of cyber singer Bruce research from the perspective of the development process since the late 1990s, the planning of the eight singers who have appeared and design of the cyber character and important voices to be evaluated as a singer (vocal). The machine has been evolving coevolution with humans. cyber singer ambivalent development targets are recognized, but strive to become the new artificial creatures of horror idea of human desire and death continues. therefore, the new Cyber-organisms are likely to be the same style as 'Seeyou'. because, cartoon forms and whirring voice may not be in the form of a signifier is the real human desires, but this is because the contemporary public's desire to be desired and the technical development of this type can be created at the point where the cross-signifier.

Operative Challenges in Releasing Administrative Information and Records (행정정보 및 보존기록물 공개의 운영과제)

  • Lee, Won-Kyu
    • The Korean Journal of Archival Studies
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    • no.12
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    • pp.81-135
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    • 2005
  • The release of administrative information has been the challenge of our age following the maturation of democratic ideology in our society. However, differences of opinion and conflict still exist between the government and private sectors regarding the issue, and it seems that the technical and policy-related insufficiencies of information and record management that actually operate the release of information are the main causes. From the perspective of records management, records or information are variable in their nature, value, and influence during their life span. The most controversial issue is the records and information in the current stage of carrying out business activities. This is because the records and information pertaining to finished business are but evidence to ascertain the past, and have only a limited relationship to the ideal of the 'democratic participation' by citizens in activities of the public sector. The current information release policies are helpless against the 'absence of information,' or incomplete records, but such weakness can be supplemented by enforcing record management policies that make obligatory the recording of all details of business activities. In addition, it is understood that the installation of 'document offices("Jaryogwan")' that can manage each organization's information and records will be an important starting point to integrate the release, management, and preservation of information and records. Nevertheless, it seems that the concept of 'release' in information release policies refers not to free use by all citizens but is limited to the 'provision' of records according to public requests, and the concept of 'confidential' refers not to treating documents with total secrecy but varies according to the particulars of each situation, making the actual practice of information release difficult. To solve such problems, it is absolutely necessary to collect the opinions of various constituents associated with the recorded information in question, and to effectively mediate the collective opinions and the information release requests coming from applicants, to carry out the business more practically. Especially crucial is the management of the process by which the nature and influence of recorded information changes, so that information which has to be confidential at first may become available for inquiry and use over time through appropriate procedures. Such processes are also part of the duties that record management, which is in charge of the entire life span of documents, must perform. All created records will be captured within a record management system, and the record creation data thus collected will be used as a guide for inquiry and usage. With 'document offices(Jaryogwan)' and 'archives' controlling the entire life span of records, the release of information will become simpler and more widespread. It is undesirable to try to control only through information release policies those records the nature of which has changed because, unlike the ones still in the early stages of their life span and can directly influence business activities, their work has finished, and they have become historical records or evidences pointing to the truth of past events. Even in the past, when there existed no formal policy regarding the release of administrative information, the access and use of archival records were permitted. A more active and expanded approach must be taken regarding the 'usage' of archival records. If the key factor regarding 'release' lies in the provision of information, the key factor regarding 'usage' lies in the quality and level of the service provided. The full-scale usage of archival records must be preceded by the release of such records, and accordingly, a thorough analysis of the nature, content, and value of the records and their changes must be implemented to guarantee the release of information before their use is requested. That must become a central task of document offices and "Today's information" will soon become "yesterday's records," and the "reality" of today will become "history" of the past. The policies of information release and record management share information records as their common objective. As they have a mutual relationship that is supplementary and leads toward perfection, the two policies must both be differentiated and integrated with each another. It is hoped that the policies and business activities of record management will soon become normalized and reformed for effective and fair release of information.

The study on the rebirth from a lost pansori : An aspect of a changgeuk (실전 판소리의 재탄생 연구 - 창극 <변강쇠 점 찍고 옹녀>를 중심으로 -)

  • Lee, Sojeong
    • (The) Research of the performance art and culture
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    • no.33
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    • pp.59-95
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    • 2016
  • The purpose of this study was to examine the text and musical characteristic of , a changgeuk (a Korean traditional opera), by the National Theater of Korea, which was performed overseas with the title of and recognized its artistic values home and abroad alike, focusing on the process of its rebirth from a lost pansori. A changgeuk was dramatized from a lost pansori into a Korean traditional opera. In the process of rebirth of , the content of latter half, which is the performance of a funeral service for the deceased Byeongangsoe, was deleted, and the contents of Ongnyeo's fight against jangseungs in order to take back Byeongangsoe was newly inserted, thus creating textual changes. In addition, as the title presents, Ongnyeo is no longer a conventional lewd woman, but a subjective and independent female who is fighting against fate, different from its original perspective in which the leading character is Byeongangsoe. All the sounds of a changgeuk were made by the creative technique of traditional Korean songs through various attempts, such as inserting chords between performers in order to present most appropriate songs for the opera, namely proper sounds for the hidden side of the opera. In addition, according to the change of mind of performers or characters, the tone and vocal sound of the song were different. In particular, a changgeuk attempted a variety of techniques in the accompaniment of music, and used many sound buks or diverse genres such as popular music, waltz, classic and folk songs of every province, thus presenting challenging attempts. These attempts made the opera more abundant and helped it to be expressed realistically and dramatically. As above, the contents of a changgeuk were borrowed from classical narrations, but its musical aspects got off the technique of traditional changgeuk, thus attempting various changes and techniques. In this vein, it presented a novel modality of changgeuk equiping with the characteristic of 'reviewing the old and learning the new,' thus proposing the directivity and possibility of changgeuk in the present society.