• Title/Summary/Keyword: Construction Management Fee

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  • Joo-Sung, Lee;Sung-Kon, Moon;Ju-Hyung, Kim;Jae-Jun, Kim
    • International conference on construction engineering and project management
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    • 2009.05a
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    • pp.566-572
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    • 2009
  • Turn-key and CMF(CM for Fee) have been selected as procurement paths of large public projects in Korea. However, recently, researches and discussions on CMR(CM at Risk) have been popular as the Korean government seeks for alternative procurement paths to enhance the performance. In the CMR projects, the part who is responsible for construction management should predict and control the potential risks for guaranteeing benefits. In this paper, CMR projects in which a general contractor plays the role as CMr is mainly analyzed. We give attentions to risk management during construction process given that subcontractors, main parts in this phase, work in various ways and thus more chances for faults exist. In this case, for the general contractor, to recognize potential risks in previous to start construction works of subcontractor by means of virtual design and construction (VDC) must be essential to this end. The case study of practices on VDC in U.S in which CMR has been introduced can provide considerable aspects to implement it in Korea.

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Study on Development of Construction Management Module based on Risk factor classification system at Construction Phase (시공단계 위험요소 분류체계 구축을 통한 건설 프로젝트 관리모듈 개발에 관한 연구)

  • Lee, Joo-Sung;Moon, Sung-Kon;Jun, Yeong-Jin;Kim, Ju-Hyung;Kim, Jae-Jun
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Building Construction Conference
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    • 2009.05b
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    • pp.199-202
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    • 2009
  • Turn-key and CMF(CM for Fee) have been selected as procurement paths of large public projects in Korea. However, recently, researches and discussions on CMR(CM at Risk) have been popular as the Korean government seeks for alternative procurement paths to enhance the performance. In the CMR projects, the part who is responsible for construction management should predict and control the potential risks for guaranteeing benefits. In this research, CMR projects in which a general contractor plays the role as CMr is mainly analyzed. We give attentions to risk management during construction process given that subcontractors, main parts in this phase, work in various ways and thus more chances for faults exist. In this case, CMr manages risks to control the procedure of project. So, potential risk factors can constitute the database, and that database can be matched to following activity. And construction manager can forecast measures of risk using the result of matching. This chain of activities increase efficiency in roles of CMr on CMR(CM at Risk). Furthermore this study will propose one of the solution of Construction Management Module.

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A Study on the Status and Future Development of Construction Management of Jeonju World Cup Stadium (전주월드컵경기장의 건설사업관리 추진현황과 발전방향에 관한 연구)

  • In Chi-Sung;Jung Soon-Gil;Kim Tae-Sam;Kim Geun-Woo;Do Sang-Yeek
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute Of Construction Engineering and Management
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    • autumn
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    • pp.73-80
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    • 2001
  • Generally, construction management is classified into two categories in the construction industry; CM for fee and CM at risk, most project is executed by the construction supervision including construction management in CM for fee field in Korea. The division of work scope is complicated among construction manager(CMr) and difficult to implement the construction management efficiently by CMr. in this case. Therefore, it is desired to apply the specialized Project Management Information System(PMIS) systematically include construction management procedure. We propose the future development of construction management on construction site based on the analyzed problem with PMIS and guideline and CM concept on construction site, composition of CM procedure through this Jeonju World Cup Stadium CM project.

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A study on the Construction Procurement System at Multi-Trade Contract Method (다중시공방식에서 합리적인 공사 분리발주 방안)

  • Kim, Se-Bum;Jeon, Min-Chang;Lee, Sang-Beom;Kim, Dae-Young
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Building Construction Conference
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    • 2015.11a
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    • pp.62-63
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    • 2015
  • In this paper, to prevent overspending of the CM Fee, Agent CM for the normal work-oriented, Willing to separate order model being used in the construction, using a multi-national grouping Go to offer the right company, a number of groups according to the appropriate CM Fee setting is aimed to suggest a reasonable basis. This paper does not use the domestic point of order characteristic of the model, and using a different theory of affinity grouping projection method is presented. The main disadvantage of the domestic order model because it is a contractual relationship, the contractual relationship as unified as possible by the most reasonable way of construction and construction capabilities and commercialization agreement upon the ability of companies also expect to be very helpful. The grouping by using the multi-order construction of the separation problem of the increase and thus the management object construction type administration was to solve the problem.

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Improvement of CM Fee Estimation Criteria for Efficient CM Service (건설사업관리업무 효율화를 위한 대가 산출기준 개선방향)

  • Cho, Youngjun;Sung, Youngmo
    • Korean Journal of Construction Engineering and Management
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    • v.20 no.2
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    • pp.105-112
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    • 2019
  • As the Construction Technology Promotion Act was revised in 2015, the term of Supervision was removed and Construction Management was included instead. The consideration of Construction Management shall be based on the cost plus fee method specified in the Criteria for the Cost of Construction Technology Services of the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport. Nevertheless, it is based on the construction cost ratio in accordance with the Economy and Finance Ministry's Detailed Guidelines for Preparing the 2018 Budget Plan and Fund Management Plan (Manual for Business Type and Item). As a result, it has been expected that Construction Management consideration will be calculated according to a single government standard and that the Criteria will be applied reasonably. In addition, although the change in the Labor Standard Act has a significant effect on the working environment of the construction site, the nature of the construction site is not considered in this Act. Based on these problems, the study suggested that the government should apply a single standard after consultation with the relevant agencies when calculating the consideration for Construction management, that the scope of the Criteria for the Cost of Construction Technology Services should be clear, that the amount of input by the Construction Manager should be considered for the capability of engineers and the number of working days, and that construction characteristics should be considered when determining the number of working days and hours.

Characteristics of the Duty of care of a Good Manager according to the Construction Manager's Task (건설사업관리자의 수행업무에 따른 선관주의의무 특성)

  • Chung, Young-Ho;Lee, Sang-Beom;Park, Hyun-Jung;Cho, Hyeong-Jin
    • Korean Journal of Construction Engineering and Management
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    • v.13 no.1
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    • pp.36-43
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    • 2012
  • When the construction management method was introduced, there were arguments regarding the contractual responsibility of the construction manager. Accordingly, the provisions on damage compensation in the Construction Technology Management Act were revised in 2002, and the obligatory duty of care of a good manager is now required by the Framework Act on the Construction Industry. Even though the construction manager has a responsibility of a consultant in the CM-for-fee contract, however, the Korean construction environment does not clearly specify the consultant's scope of responsibility. In this study, the theory about the duty of care, which is a consultant's responsibility among the expert's responsibilities, was arranged. Based on the responsibilities of experts such as lawyers, the duties of care of a good manager of the construction manager were presented to provide the foundation for establishing the construction manager's responsibilities. To verify the resulting items, interviews with experts were performed to assess their importance levels.

Issues and Perception on Management Fee and Rental Payment Overdue of Permanent Rental Housing Residents (영구임대주택 입주자의 관리비 및 임대료 체납 실태와 의식)

  • Kim,, Young-Joo;Kim, Young-Tae
    • Journal of the Korean housing association
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    • v.18 no.5
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    • pp.73-84
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    • 2007
  • Permanent rental housing, the construction of which was strongly financed by the central government, is regarded as a social housing for those who fall within the lowest income bracket. Differing from "public rental housing", offered to tenants for sale after a five year rental period, this type of housing is intended for rental use on a long-tenn basis. At present, about 190,000 permanent rental housing units exist in Korea. According to a statistics, 15.6% of its residents did not pay their management fee and rental payment in 4 or more months in 2005, which places stress on the housing management. Based on the "eviction condition" stipulated in the tenancy agreement for permanent rental housing, a householder owning assets or a vehicle which is not used as his means of living, who is overdue with his management fee and rental payment for a long time, may be evicted from the house. However, there are many conflicts and problems between administrators/housing managers and residents in the process of enforcing this regulation. The purpose of this study is to explore the key issues associated with the present situation and the reasons why so many management fee and rental payment for permanent rental housing are overdue. For the purpose of research, data were collected from 10,990 permanent rental housing residents nationwide via a questionnaire survey in February 2007. One third of the respondents had an experience of more than 2 months overdue since they have moved in current residence. For further analysis, the respondents were divided into three groups, based on their working ability. The major finding showed that the group of respondents who have working ability required a more practical plan, such as employment, to have a sustainable life, while the other group of no labor force indicated a need for more housing allowance from the government. To suggest more specific alternatives for the subject of housing payment overdue, further comparison study should be performed between the residents of permanent rental housing and other low income tenants in private housing sector.

An Analysis of the 2014 Pricing Guide for Technical Service Contracts through Comparison with Foreign Countries' Cases (해외사례 비교를 통한 2014년 개정 건설기술용역 대가기준 분석)

  • Lee, Taewon;Lee, Ghang
    • Korean Journal of Construction Engineering and Management
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    • v.16 no.3
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    • pp.152-164
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    • 2015
  • Enhancing clarity and transparency of the pricing guide for technical services for public construction works enables the prediction and reimbursement of the service cost for project owners and bidders, while it would also yield benefits for engineers who carry out the construction tasks. In order to improve the global competitiveness of construction service industry, the government revised its pricing guide for techical services for construction works recently, moving away from its previous percentage-of-construction-cost method towards the Cost Plus a Fee Method. However, since the Cost Plus a Fee Method results in the rise of the service price by 153%~197%, there is the need for a review on the method and basis of the adjustment in order to avoid controversies regarding the application of the revised method. In this context, this paper analysed the 2014 revision of the pricing guide for technical services for public construction works through comparison with foreign cases including those of the US and the UK. The analysis yielded the conclusion that, while the shift towards Cost Plus a Fee Method which is widely used in advanced economies is a very meaningful change in large measure, certain aspects still remain problematic. Unlike in advanced economies, the detailed break-down shows the direct labor cost includes certain indirect expenses. Also, indirec expenses are admitted so comprehensively as to include overhead costs and technology royalties. These problems results in redundant estimation of certain expenses, and obstructs transparency in spending details. This paper proposes various improvement measures to address these issues.

A study on Safety Keywords that Construction Project Managers Should Know (건설사업관리기술자가 알아야 할 안전키워드에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Sang-Won;Choi, Yu-Jin;Hong, Seong-Wook;Ahn, Tae-Han
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Building Construction Conference
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    • 2017.05a
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    • pp.95-96
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    • 2017
  • A total of eleven keywords for construction project management engineers to know about safety are as follows. Before the construction, there are two keywords as the safety organization plan and safety management plan, safety compliance, document beach, safety check, safety management fee, hazardous risk prevention plan, safety education, safety accident, seven keywords, There are two keywords of safety inspection comprehensive report, safety management document. It is necessary to understand the keywords well in accordance with the relevant time and to do the best in safety work, and it should be recognized that safety inspection is carried out every month and the safety work should be done faithfully.

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A Study on Boarding Fee Determinants of University Dormitory (대학 기숙사의 기숙사비 결정 요인에 관한 연구)

  • Lee, Joong-Sik;Yoo, Seon-Jong
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Educational Facilities
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    • v.21 no.3
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    • pp.29-36
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    • 2014
  • Properties of school foundation are divided into fundamental property for education and fundamental property for profit. As school sites and teachers used for educational and study activities of students, fundamental property for education includes practice sites, farms and support research attached facilities in addition to school facilities. According to the Clause 1 of Article 4 of the University Foundation and Management Regulation and the Attached Table 2 of the Same Regulation, dormitory is classified as property for education(non-profit). In other words, there is no need to create profit for dormitory management. It is supposed that there are little regional differences in construction cost of dormitory with general specifications. In this case, boarding fees of university dormitories should make no difference. This study analyzed boarding fees, depending on regional factors(Seoul, Gyeonggi-do, metropolitan cities and provinces), and depending on foundation subjects(national public university and private university), classes(four-year university and college) and principal schools-branch schools. The result of One-Way ANOVA showed that Seoul showed the highest average boarding fee and it was followed by Gyeonggi-do, metropolitan cities and provinces. Also, the average boarding fees of private universities and four-year universities were higher than national public universities and than colleges, respectively. In addition, branch school's boarding fee was higher than principal school's. Additionally, this study extracted a model using the hedonic model to see how various characteristics such as region, foundation subject and class influence the boarding fee. This study would serve as fundamental research on the boarding fee. Thus far, there have been difficulties in obtaining accurate data and analyzing boarding fees, since there is no open data about dormitories and it isn't mandatory to open it, but it is anticipated that this would be used as fundamental research for estimating and analyzing boarding fees of many universities in the future.