• Title/Summary/Keyword: Characteristics of Educational Contents

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Development of the Contents for Cyber Learning System of Korean Costumes (한국복식 사이버 학습 시스템 개발)

  • 박종운;조영숙;장종환
    • Journal of the Korea Computer Industry Society
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    • v.2 no.2
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    • pp.181-194
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    • 2001
  • The purpose of this study is to develop the contents for Cyber Learning System of Korean Costumes on WBI(Web Based Instruction) that can be applied to home economics learning and teaching and used to help learners get more positive attitude toward home economics education through various activities. The contents consist of the materials about Korean costumes that are divided into five periods, that is, three ancient kingdoms(Shilla, Packche, and Koguryo), Unified Shilla, Koryo Dynasty, Chosun Dynasty and early 1900s in Korea. They also consist of lectures on kinds, characteristics, and changing procedures of those costumes. These lectures are supposed to help learners understand the traditional culture of Korean costumes. Furthermore, the lists of terminology on Korean costumes enable learners to solve the problems related to the costumes on their own. In conclusion, the developed contents on Korean costumes for Cyber learning make it possible to learn and teach home economics in the distance by applying the educational information system to secondary schools and to support the learning system for the home economics education in the schools.

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A Study on the Education Model for Information Literacy Improvement of Multi-cultural Family Children (다문화 가정 유아들의 정보리터러시 향상을 위한 교육과정 모델에 관한 연구)

  • Jung, Young-Ae
    • Journal of the Korea Convergence Society
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    • v.2 no.1
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    • pp.15-20
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    • 2011
  • There are various remedies that are proposed from aspects of education and social welfare for social integration of multi-cultural families which is different from ethnic and cultural background. This study proposed educational process model for information literacy education of multi-cultural children. The proposed model is consedered to reduce digital divide by using five factor from the earlier information literacy. At last, this study explained characteristics, objective, contents, teaching-learning method and estimating method of proposed model.

The Exploratory Study of Creativity and Contents Creation in Social Media (소셜미디어 사용에서 창의성과 콘텐츠 제작에 대한 탐색적 연구)

  • Kang, Sora;Kim, Yoo Jung;Han, Su Jin
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.17 no.8
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    • pp.335-343
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    • 2016
  • Many users actively create and share digital contents in a variety of social media platforms. Social media users have become accustomed to posting or uploading their daily routines, and generating their contents by imitating others' contents or by creating their own unique contents on the basis of their creativity. Thus, this paper explores the relationship between individual creativity, imitation and creative behavior in using social media. In addition, the study demonstrates the moderating effect of individual characteristics such as age and educational level on the relationship between creativity and imitation. We conducted a three-month survey of 564 individuals using social media services and the results were used for hypotheses testing. The study results are summarized as follows. Firstly, creativity has a significant and positive impact on imitation, but not a direct impact on creative behavior. Secondly, the moderating effect of individual characteristics between creativity and imitation is not statistically significant. Based on these findings, this study presents practical and academic implications of the research.

An Exploratory Research of Structural Relationship between Importance, Satisfaction and Recommendation Intention for University Lifelong Education Perceived by Adult Learners (성인학습자의 대학평생교육 운영요인 만족도와 대학평생교육 만족도, 추천의도 간 관계 연구)

  • Ahn, Hyun-Yong
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.20 no.7
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    • pp.438-450
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    • 2020
  • This study examined the relationship between demographic characteristics, satisfaction of operating factors in college lifelong education, satisfaction of college lifelong education, and recommendation intention for 1,782 adult learners of college lifelong education (N=1782). As a result of Hypothesis 1, gender and age were found to have a significant effect in all areas of college lifelong education satisfaction (education content, pedagogy, instructor, educational environment, system, support), while education level did not. In addition, the learning time was verified to affect only the educational content, educational environment, and satisfaction with the system and support. As a result of Hypothesis 2, it was found that the satisfaction of the operating factors of the instructor, system, and support had a positive effect on the satisfaction of college lifelong education, and the environmental factors of education had a negative effect. As a result of verification of Hypothesis 3, it was found that the satisfaction of college lifelong education influenced the intention of recommendation. The purpose of this study is to determine the degree of satisfaction with the operational factors of college lifelong education, the satisfaction of college lifelong education, and the intention of recommendation for adult learners of a university that is operating a degree program dedicated to adult learners who are actually practicing the transition to a lifelong education system of university as an innovation in higher education. The relationship verification is expected to provide practical implications for constructing a new college lifelong education model in the future.

The Impact of Edu-Tech and Tangible and Intangible Services of Private Institutes on parents' Intention for Re-Enrollment: The Moderating Effect of Rapport-Building Behavior (학원의 에듀테크특성과 유·무형적서비스가 학부모의 재수강의도에 미치는 영향: 라포형성행동의 조절효과)

  • Jeon, Ji-Yeon;Ha, Tae-Kwan
    • Asia-Pacific Journal of Business Venturing and Entrepreneurship
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    • v.19 no.4
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    • pp.127-139
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    • 2024
  • This study investigates the impact of edutech characteristics and both tangible and intangible educational services on the intention to re-enroll, which is directly related to the management performance of private institutes. The study aims to propose strategies to improve re-enrollment intentions and management performance based on the findings. Private education has grown continuously, complementing the limitations of public education and increasing parental dependence. This study tested the hypothesis that edutech characteristics, intangible services, and tangible services, increasingly utilized with the development of information and communication technology, would influence re-enrollment intentions. It also examined whether rapport-building behavior with parents would have a moderating effect on this relationship. The hypothesis testing results showed that among the edutech characteristics, content, intangible services such as reliability and empathy, and tangible services such as tangibility and payment accessibility positively impacted re-enrollment intentions. The hypothesis that rapport-building behavior would moderate the relationship between educational services and re-enrollment intentions was supported for empathy in intangible services and tangibility in tangible services. Based on these findings, the study proposed three strategies to improve management performance of private institutes. First, in terms of improving and managing edutech characteristics, it suggested introducing and updating edutech content and ensuring operational stability. Second, for improving and managing intangible services, it recommended managing instructor recruitment and training to enhance quality and competence, maintaining professionalism through continuous education by credible institutions, and providing level-based education for students based on the qualitative improvement of educational programs. Third, to improve and manage tangible services, it suggested setting appropriate tuition fees, offering various payment methods (online, mobile, card, bank transfer) unrestricted by time and place, and equipping interiors and facilities that enable focused learning. Additionally, considering the moderating effect of rapport-building behavior, it emphasized that improvements and management requiring costs are necessary, but making parents feel a high level of tangibility through rapport-building is also important. Furthermore, given the increasing importance of edutech based on information and communication technology, the study highlighted the need for various support measures such as government technological support and venture certification system support for institutes with an entrepreneurial spirit aiming to introduce innovative technologies such as AI technology based on large language models and AR/VR-applied metaverse environments. This study is expected to help improve the management performance of private institutes by specifically suggesting items and methods for improvement and management in the educational field.

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Strategies for Revitalizing E-Learning Through Investigating the Characteristics of E-Learning and the Needs of Distance Learners in the Domestic Universities in Korea (국내 대학 e-러닝의 운영 특징 및 수강자 요구 조사를 통한 활성화 방안)

  • Min, Kyung-Bae;Shin, Myoung-Hee;Yu, Tae-Ho;Kwak, Sun-Hye
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.14 no.1
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    • pp.30-39
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    • 2014
  • The purpose of this study is to suggest the feasible strategies to vitalize e-learning through investigating the characteristics of e-learning and the evaluations of distance learners on online courses in the domestic universities in Korea. First, in order to accomplish this, 10 Universities and 17 Cyber Universities were selected to explore their characteristics and main projects of e-learning for the administration level investigation. Secondly, content analysis of the bulletin board systems(BBS) and in-depth interviews on distance learners in Cyber Universities were conducted for the user level investigation. The results revealed that Universities in Korea were focused on establishing mobile or smart campuses, diversifying online educational contents, enhancing online interactive systems, and educating e-learning system and smart device utilization. However, distance learners reported that mobile e-learning lacked stability when taking online courses despite its convenience for purpose of academic administration. In addition, distance learners requested the social application workshops to improve on their learning experience as well as the interactions among peers. Therefore, it is important to focus more on how to establish the education-oriented e-learning environment rather than how to implement the administrative projects to animate e-learning in the domestic universities in Korea.

Exploration into Better College Cultural Contents Education for Manifestation of Creativity (대학에서의 창의성 발현을 위한 문화콘텐츠 교육 개선방안 탐색)

  • Lee, Byung-Min
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.13 no.4
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    • pp.481-496
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    • 2013
  • The purpose of this study was to make a basic research on college cultural contents education in an effort to step up the manifestation of the creativity of cultural contents experts in line with the development of the fast-changing era of creative economy. It's basically meant to analyze the characteristics of cultural contents education in relation to creative idea to seek practical ways of improving that education. What problems there were with cultural contents education and how that education was actually provided were analyzed to suggest some of the right directions for client-centered cultural contents education. Earlier studies were analyzed, and the results of a survey that was conducted on students whose major was linked to cultural contents were analyzed as well. As a result, current cultural contents education was considered not to be satisfactory due to existing teaching methods, learning process and curriculums that were devoid of creativity. To rectify the situation, interdisciplinary attempts should be made such as multi-major, interdisciplinary programs or convergence education, and plenty of experiments, sufficient practice and an increase in the number of faculty members are all required. In terms of education, existing curriculums and courses should urgently be revamped to strengthen field placement and creative discussions. As for educational methods, the lecture method should be avoided, and specialized education should be offered instead, which should strike a balance between discussion, team play and project education. It is expected to produce good results if there are appropriate connection among different major fields of study and the harmonious implementation of diverse internship, convergence and field placement programs.

A Multicast Middleware for the Remote Educational Systems (원격 교육 시스템을 위한 멀티캐스트 미들웨어)

  • Byun, Sang-Seon;Jin, Hyun-Wook;Yoo, Hyuck
    • Journal of KIISE:Computing Practices and Letters
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    • v.9 no.1
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    • pp.100-108
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    • 2003
  • By choosing Multicast for transmission of educational contents in the Remote Educational System, we can reduce the server load and increase network bandwidth utilization. We design and implement Multicast Middleware for the Remote Educational System in this paper. There are three characteristics in this Multicast Middleware: 1) Through Centralized Multicast Group Management for passive members, it allows a host to make multicast group, which is composed of receivers, called Group Member and who are chosen by the host, called group Maker. Because, all groups are created by the Group Maker in Centralized Group Management, Group Member's join action will be passive 2) Maintenance and recovery of multicast group information in order to restore from exception and crash; the maintenance and recovery mechanism of Group Maker is distinct from that of Group Member. 3) The mechanism which enables to transmit large size multimedia data through multicasting and remove additional copy operation through shared buffer. Fragmentation/de-fragmentation for large data delivery results in additional copy operation in user level. But by using user level shared buffer, it can be done without user Bevel copy operation. By applying to Remote Educational environment which consists of 30 PCs and Fast Ethernet, we can examine the efficiency of this middleware, which can transmit 18frames/sec movie which resolution 320 $\times$ 120 pixels, 128Kbps encoded sound data and some text data.

A Study on Visiting Nursing Service in Primary Health Care Units (일차보건의료조직에서의 방문간호사업 실태조사연구)

  • Lim, Young-Ok;So, Ae-Young
    • Research in Community and Public Health Nursing
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    • v.10 no.2
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    • pp.480-493
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    • 1999
  • The visiting nursing service is an essential part of public health. The purpose of this study was to analyze the visiting nursing service in primary health service centers. The data were collected from visiting nurse records in Wonju City Health Center, Myun Health Center and Community Health Subcenters. The period of data collection was from April 6 to July 15, 1998. The major findings were as follows: 1. Characteristics of 36 service providers. 1) Age : Over 40 years old - 66.7% 2) Educational level: The proportion of registered nurses was 47.2% and nurse aids 52.8% 3) Career: The proportion of providers who worked over 11 years in Public Health Service was 7.8% 2. Characteristics of Subjects 1) The major health problems were cerebro vascular attack, hypertension, D. M., arthritis, gastrointestinal problems and psychiatric problems. The prevalence of chronic health problems increased with age, except for mental illness. 2) The prevalence of cancer was 4.3/1000. 3. Contents of Home Visiting Nursing Services. 1) The major service was education and counseling. 2) The other services were Direct Care(ROM exercise, wound care, physical therapy, basic nursing care etc,) as 56.5%, of the work involved Indirect Care(teaching, counseling, emotional support, etc,) 30.3%, medication - 11.7%, and referral to hospitals - 1.5%.

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Analysis on the Characteristics of Free Inquiry Products for Scientifically-Gifted Elementary School Students (초등 과학영재학생들의 자유탐구 산출물 특성 분석)

  • Yang, Hyunjeong;Kang, Hunsik
    • Journal of Korean Elementary Science Education
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    • v.39 no.2
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    • pp.243-254
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    • 2020
  • This study analyzed the characteristics of "free inquiry" products for scientifically-gifted elementary school students. To do this, 5~6 graders (n=99) at a gifted science education institutes in Seoul were selected. The products (n=82) of "free inquiry" submitted by the students in 2018 and 2019 were analyzed according to their contents and method types. The analysis of the results showed that the free inquiry outputs of scientifically-gifted students tended to not include the scientific knowledge of the upper grades than the corresponding students. In the outputs, the scientific knowledge in different grades were often not linked. There were relatively many cases of convergence of knowledge in various science and/or non-science subjects and knowledge of 'physics', whereas knowledge of 'earth science' were the least. The outputs were more often aimed at "finding scientific facts" than "development and invention" and tended to target non-living things rather than living things. The scientifically-gifted students tended to conduct free inquiry using 'experimental-centered inquiry' by themselves rather than by group. They were also most likely to conduct experiments only once, and did not clearly write down the period of their inquiry. Educational implications of these findings are discussed.