• Title/Summary/Keyword: Characteristics of Educational Contents

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A Method of Generating Table-of-Contents for Educational Video (교육용 비디오의 ToC 자동 생성 방법)

  • Lee Gwang-Gook;Kang Jung-Won;Kim Jae-Gon;Kim Whoi-Yul
    • Journal of Broadcast Engineering
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    • v.11 no.1 s.30
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    • pp.28-41
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    • 2006
  • Due to the rapid development of multimedia appliances, the increasing amount of multimedia data enforces the development of automatic video analysis techniques. In this paper, a method of ToC generation is proposed for educational video contents. The proposed method consists of two parts: scene segmentation followed by scene annotation. First, video sequence is divided into scenes by the proposed scene segmentation algorithm utilizing the characteristics of educational video. Then each shot in the scene is annotated in terms of scene type, existence of enclosed caption and main speaker of the shot. The ToC generated by the proposed method represents the structure of a video by the hierarchy of scenes and shots and gives description of each scene and shot by extracted features. Hence the generated ToC can help users to perceive the content of a video at a glance and. to access a desired position of a video easily. Also, the generated ToC automatically by the system can be further edited manually for the refinement to effectively reduce the required time achieving more detailed description of the video content. The experimental result showed that the proposed method can generate ToC for educational video with high accuracy.

The development of a CD-ROM for children obesity prevention program and it's effect analysis (아동비만예방교육 CD-ROM 개발 및 효과분석)

  • Kwon, Eun-Joo;Kim, Hye-Kyeong;Kim, Myung
    • Korean Journal of Health Education and Promotion
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    • v.25 no.3
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    • pp.77-94
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    • 2008
  • Objectives: The purpose of this study was to develop the children obesity prevention program and to analyze how this program has an effect on students' degree of knowledge, attitude for obesity prevention. Methods: The study design was Compromise Experience Group Pre-Post Design. 238 students in the 4th and 5th grade of 4 elementary schools in Seoul were nonrandomly assigned to the study group(n=115) or the control group(n=113). The Program was applied for 3 times and surveys were conducted 2 times as pre-test and post-test. Results: 1. The obesity prevention CD-ROM was developed by analyzing of learners and educational facilities, selecting the study object and contents and producing educational methods and materials. The study contents were included definition, types, factors and side-effects of obesity, and It was contained dietary habit, exercise and life style for obesity prevention and healthy life. 2. Demographic characteristics were not significantly different between study group and control group. Among the subjects investigated, 27.8% of the study group and 38.1% of the control group stated that they had experienced in the obesity prevention program in past. 3. The obesity knowledge and attitude score after this obesity prevention program were improved significantly than before the program(P<0.001). Conclusion: The CD-ROM developed in this study for the children obesity prevention program was proven to be effective in improving obesity knowledge, attitude for the obesity prevention.

Exploring Teachers' Perceptions and Experiences of Convergence Education in Science Education : Based on Focus Group Interviews with Science Teachers (과학교육에서 융복합 교육에 대한 교사의 인식과 경험 탐색 - 과학교사 포커스 그룹 논의를 중심으로)

  • Lee, Sun-Kyung;Hwang, Seyoung
    • Journal of The Korean Association For Science Education
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    • v.32 no.5
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    • pp.974-990
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    • 2012
  • The purpose of this study was to explore practical meanings of convergence education and to seek ways of implementing it in school science education. The study adopted focus group interview method in order to elicit science teachers' perceptions and practical knowledge related to various ways of integrating educational aims and contents from the perspectives of science education. Two focus group interviews were held with four science teachers with the themes of the concept and potential of convergence education, and the implementation and systemic support, respectively. The qualitative data was analyzed by deriving major themes comprising teachers' perception on convergence education: they are 1) related concepts and rationales, 2) contents, methods, and assessment, 3) the characteristics of the science subject that make it suitable for convergent education, 4) teacher perception and professionalism required for implementing convergent education, and finally 5) environmental conditions for putting the idea into practice. Based on this result, the study discusses conceptual and practical issues for implementing convergence education in ways that contribute to overcoming the problems of the traditional educational system and reorienting science education towards the future society.

The Relationships between Health Behaviors, Mental Health and Smoking among Korean Adolescents (한국 청소년의 건강행태 및 정신건강과 흡연의 관련성)

  • Song, Hye-Young;Doo, Eun Young;Choi, Sujin
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.17 no.7
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    • pp.557-570
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    • 2017
  • This study, as a secondary analysis research, bases its source upon on raw data from the on-line survey of the Korean adolescents' health behaviors in 2015. This study was conducted to clarify the relevance of Korean adolescents' smoking with their health behaviors and mental health, and thus further to provide basic sources of effective education for their smoking prevention and for program development. The results of the study showed that Korean adolescents' smoking was significantly affected by the adolescents' sex, grades, school achievements, types of schools, allowances, economic status, parents' educational background (p<0.001). Meanwhile, smoking based on the characteristics of health behaviors was significantly different according to alcohol consuming experience, families' and friends' smoking, physical activity and subjective health status, and BMI (p<0.001). Smoking characterized by mental health showed the significant difference in their stress recognition, subjective sleep patterns, depressed experiences, suicidal ideation, and subjective sense of happiness (p<0.001). Based on all the factors regarding youth smoking, there should be development and provision of educational program for smoking prevention and cessation, including healthy behavior and mental health improvement for Korean adolescent.

Elementary Science Textbook Analysis of Korea and the United States (한국과 미국의 초등학교 과학 교과서 분석)

  • Kim, Hyo-Nam;Park, Do-Yong
    • Journal of Science Education
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    • v.33 no.2
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    • pp.258-270
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    • 2009
  • Science textbook is the most frequently used teaching material in elementary schools of the United States and Korea. Elementary science textbooks of the United States and Korea are analyzed to find out the educational objectives and characteristics of contents shown in textbooks. About 100 pages each in the first grade and fourth grade science textbooks each nations are selected randomly for educational objective analysis. Life science contents of 1st to 6th grade are analyzed from elementary science textbooks of the United States and Korea. The analyzed textbooks in Korea are 'Wise life,' an integrated subject with social studies and science, and 'science.' The analyzed elementary science textbooks of the United States are Harcourt Science, which is one of the frequently used textbooks. The educational objective framework used includes science knowledge, scientific inquiry, scientific attitude, STS, and philosophy and history of science. The results show science textbooks of the United States emphasize scientific knowledge more than scientific inquiry. Korean science textbooks emphasize scientific inquiry more than scientific knowledge. Elementary science textbooks of the United States present some life science topics redundantly and expose more difficult topics than Korean.

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Effect of Health-Promoting Behaviors of the Elderly Women on the Life Satisfaction Level (여성노인의 건강증진행위가 생활만족도에 미치는 영향)

  • Lee, Sang-Mae;Choi, Soo-Il
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.12 no.7
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    • pp.203-214
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    • 2012
  • This study investigates the effect of health-promoting behaviors of the elderly women on the life satisfaction level. The 375 questionnaires were collected from the elderly women who are over sixty living in Seoul area. The frequency analysis, factor analysis, reliability analysis, multiple regression analysis, t-test, and ANOVA were carried out for the study using SPSS. 18.0. The results are as follows; First, it has been confirmed that the health-promoting behaviors of the elderly women affect positive life satisfaction level. Second, a comparative analysis between health-promoting behaviors and life satisfaction level in the categories of demographic characteristics showed differences, on health-promoting behaviors educational background, average earnings per month, religion, health status, economic and on life satisfaction level status domains including educational background, average earnings per month, religion, live with children, health status, economic status, spouse.

A Study on the Development of STEAM Creative Education Program for Eco Insulation Design - Focusing on Up-Cycling Wall Module Design for High School Students - (친환경 단열설계를 위한 STEAM 창의교육 프로그램 개발연구 - 고등학생 대상의 업사이클링 벽체모듈디자인 중심으로 -)

  • Ban, Ja-Yuen;Lee, Yun-Hee;Han, Hae-Ryon;Baek, Hye-Young
    • Korean Institute of Interior Design Journal
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    • v.26 no.6
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    • pp.97-105
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    • 2017
  • Korea is promoted STEAM education since 2011. Furthermore, in high school education, based on the in-depth elective course's teaching and learning contents of science. The STEAM program can improve students' competence because it encourages to self-directed learning through the vocational project performance. Therefore, in this study, we researched a design education program for the experience of fusion and complex design based on STEAM education concept. We developed an education program to design insulation wall systems using up-cycling concepts to increase energy efficiency. As a result, the characteristics of the fusion education and the theoretical study about the learner-centered education curriculum, the analysis of the high school curriculum, the STEAM elements, The program was revised and supplemented through consultation with STEAM experts. In addition, the developed program was applied to high school students, and each step were analyzed based on the educational method theory. The following results were obtained. First, this study presented a program to cope with the needs of high school intensive education. Second, it provided learning motivation by combining flipped-learning as a way to train STEAM education contents. Third, it is required to develop differentiated and continuous program development and data sharing Fourth, in order to operate and promote the future environment design STEAM school, it is necessary to expand educational programs for high school students in the region through linkage with various universities.

The Development of a Job Model Centric Educational Program for a 4 Year Interior Design University Course: Based on a Case Study of an Interior Design Major at K University (직무모형을 중심으로 한 4년제 대학 실내디자인 관련 전공교육과정 개발 연구 -K대학교 실내디자인전공 사례를 중심으로-)

  • Jung, Sung-Wook;Kim, Suk-Young
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.19 no.4
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    • pp.546-555
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    • 2019
  • This study aims to suggest a development process for the interior design major course at K University's school of design to educate specialists who can answer the needs of the industrial field. The study procedure first analyzed the internal and external environment to establish queries and development direction. A job model for the interior design industry was constructed while course modules were deducted based on job characteristics and was used to form a curriculum based on a 4 year course. Required personnel includes 'Interior Design Business and Marketing Specialists', 'Interior Design Space Planning Specialists' and 'Interior Design Construction Management Specialists'. 40 modules were drawn following the detailed job model structure. 1st year students are to follow a common curriculum, 2nd years the major foundation, 3rd years major intensive, and the 4th years major application. The practical importance of the research is to suggest a development process of major modules based on the standard job model and the organization structure of the interior design industry.

Influences of Coffee Education Service Quality on Educational Satisfaction, Intention to Recommend, and Job Preparatory Behavior : Focusing on Job Searchers in the Tourism and Hospitality Industry (커피교육서비스 품질이 교육만족도, 추천의도, 취업준비행동에 미치는 영향 :관광·외식분야 취업준비생을 대상으로)

  • Shin, Dong-Jin
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.22 no.8
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    • pp.297-306
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    • 2022
  • This study aims to verify the influence of coffee education service quality recognized by trainees wishing to get a job at coffee-related companies on job preparation behavior through education satisfaction and recommendation intention. In order to achieve the research purpose, this study posited five research hypotheses based on relative literature and also established a research model with the five hypotheses. This study shows the following research results. First, the study found that coffee education service quality had a positive and significant impact on education satisfaction. Second, the study found that educational satisfaction had a positive and significant impact on recommendation intention. Third, the study found that educational satisfaction had a positive and significant impact on job preparation behavior. Fourth, the study found that education satisfaction had a positive and significant impact on the effect of coffee education service quality on recommendation intention. Fifth, the study found that education satisfaction had a positive and significant impact on the effect of coffee education service quality on employment recommendation intention. Such findings of this study imply practical suggestions that the characteristics of a wide range of trainees in the study of coffee education service quality and satisfaction, and provide practical suggestions to help improve the future direction of education services and competitiveness of coffee education institutions.

A Study on the Playback Theatre, the Improvisational Theatre based on Storytelling (Storytelling을 기반으로 한 즉흥연극, 플레이백 씨어터(Playback Theatre) 연구)

  • Jung, Sung Hee
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.17 no.4
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    • pp.532-540
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    • 2017
  • This study analyzes and compares the meaning and the value of storytelling with characteristics of the Playback Theatre, which is an improvisational play. On one side, the Playback Theatre, invented by Jonathan Fox in 1975, is an improvisational and communication-based theatre format; and it usually brings in the storytelling of audiences and often entails no play script. On the other side, storytelling requires imagination and creativity; presupposes the sympathy between the speaker and the listener. In fact, this theatre format is utilizing the educational and healing effects of verbal cultures, group sacrificial ceremonies, and/or psychodrama; and it is contextualizing them in our modern society. The Playback Theatre provides the audiences with opportunities to share their own stories within the play itself. The actors first listen to the stories of audiences; and then make them into a play impromptu, right in front of the speaker(s) and other audiences. For this very reason, it is called a "play-back". In this process, the individuals and the community are invited to experience the educational and healing effects.