• Title/Summary/Keyword: Ancient Korean History

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Understanding the Estimation of Circumference of the Earth by of Eratosthenes based on the History of Science, For Earth Science Education

  • Oh, Jun-Young
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Earth Science Education
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    • v.10 no.2
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    • pp.214-225
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    • 2017
  • The first accurate estimate of the Earth's circumference was made by the Hellenism scientist Eratosthenes (276-195 B.C.) in about 240 B.C. The simplicity and elegance of Eratosthenes' measurement of the circumference of the Earth by mathematics abstraction strategies were an excellent example of ancient Greek ingenuity. Eratosthenes's success was a triumph of logic and the scientific method, the method required that he assume that Sun was so far away that its light reached Earth along parallel lines. That assumption, however, should be supported by another set of measurements made by the ancient Hellenism, Aristarchus, namely, a rough measurement of the relative diameters and distances of the Sun and Moon. Eratosthenes formulated the simple proportional formula, by mathematic abstraction strategies based on perfect sphere and a simple mathematical rule as well as in the geometry in this world. The Earth must be a sphere by a logical and empirical argument of Aristotle, based on the Greek word symmetry including harmony and beauty of form. We discuss the justification of these three bold assumptions for mathematical abstraction of Eratosthenes's experiment for calculating the circumference of the Earth, and justifying all three assumptions from historical perspective for mathematics and science education. Also it is important that the simplicity about the measurement of the earth's circumstance at the history of science.

A Study on the History of Chinese Roadside Tree through Old Literatures Review (고문헌 고찰을 통한 중국 가로수의 역사에 대한 연구)

  • Zhong, Tao;Ahn, Gye-Bog
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Traditional Landscape Architecture
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    • v.36 no.1
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    • pp.1-10
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    • 2018
  • For a systematic research of the history of Chinese roadside trees, this study analyzed various ancient writings of China according to following topics; the philosophical backgrounds and diverse species of Chinese roadside trees in different periods, as well as the management systems and existent remains of ancient Chinese roadside trees. The analyses draw the following conclusion. First, the thoughts from Lao-tzu, Chuang-tzu, Mo-tzu, Mencius and Guan-tzu from Hundred Schools of Thought of Warring States Period had laid certain impact on the fundamental attitude of the Chinese roadside tree management system. Secondly, various and different species of Roadside Trees were planted from each time period: amongst all, Willow trees were the most common, and Pine trees to be the next common. Besides, fruit trees such as peach trees and plum trees had been largely selected as roadside trees from the Zhou dynasty to the Ming dynasty. Thirdly, the names of roadside trees and the government officials who managed the roadside trees were different in each era. Fourthly, the oldest existent remain of roadside trees in China, which dates back over 2000 years, is located in Jiange Cuiyun Corridor of Sichuan province.

Hierophany in Ancient China and the Sacred Sites (공간의 성스러움으로 본 고대 중국인의 성현(聖顯))

  • Kim, Jongseok
    • The Journal of Korean Philosophical History
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    • no.31
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    • pp.173-202
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    • 2011
  • Hierophany, according to Mircea Eliade, is a natural manifestation of the initial sacred. Through hierophany, profane objects and sites transform their qualities and then they themselves become sacred. People in traditional societies, in an attempt to reenact the initial hierophany, tried to perform consecrating rituals to replicate the first moment of the initial hierophany, at the same time and site. This article focuses on the concrete sites of hierophany. In ancient China, we can see specific sites that manifest the sacred such as Kunlun(崑崙), Jianmu(建木) and zongmiao(宗廟). Kunlun has the characteristics as the Cosmic Mountain that is the realm of the gods that tiandi(天帝) built as his center on the Earth, and it bridges Heaven and Earth. Jianmu joins Heaven, Earth, and the underworld like a Cosmic Tree or Pillar. It can be stated that zongmiao, the royal ancestral temple, functions as the Center of the World, the axis mundi, in which religious human beings express their desire to live in a sacred site, and in which they can regain their initial purity of spirits by communicating with the gods and ancestors. These three are the sites of manifestation of the sacred in China.

A bibliographic study on medical science ancient period (上古時代) and the era of the old-Korea (古朝鮮時代) (상고시대(上古時代)와 고조선시대(古朝鮮時代)의 의학(醫學)에 관(關)한 문헌적(文獻的) 고찰(考察))

  • Kwon, Hak Cheol;Park, Chan-Guk
    • Journal of Korean Medical classics
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    • v.3
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    • pp.218-247
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    • 1989
  • As mentioned above, I got the next conclusion since I had considered the medical contents of the ancient period(上古時代) and the era of the old-Korea(古朝鮮時代) through several bibliographic records. 1. There were Pung-baeg(風伯), Uh-sa(雨師), Un-sa(雲師) that were the names of the governmental officials during the ancient period of Whan-ung(桓雄). Among them, Uh-sa specially managed the treatment for diseases. When we think of the significance of Pung(風)-which means the winds, Uh(雨)-which means the rain, Un(雲)-which means of clouds, we will find out that the human life will be affected by all kinds of phenomena of the nature. So I can infer that ancestries could prevent and treat diseases with adjusting them tn the changes in the weather. 2. There were five government officials(五事) in the ancient period of Whan-ung(桓雄上古時代). They are Uh-ga(牛加), Ma-ga(馬加), Ku-ga(狗加), Cheo-ga(猪加) and Yang-ga(羊加), and had charges of five important duties. Among them, Cheo-ga was set to a charge of treatment for diseases. So we can notice that there existed people who treated for diseases professionally. When we think of the meanings of Uh(牛)-which intends cows or bulls. Ma(馬)-which intends horses, Ku(狗)-which intends dogs, Cheo(猪)-which intends wild boars and Yang(羊)-which intends sheep, we can see that livestocks would be raised at that time, and they came to have more chances to digest meat. Since the digestion of meat became to be a burden on the stomach and the intestines, it might cause a lot of indigestive troubles. 3. When I compared Tan-gun Pal-ga(檀君八加) with the Oh-ga(五加) in the ancient period of Whan-ung(桓雄上古時代), I could tell that the community of Tan-gun's period is more advanced and specialized than one of Whan-ung's. When I think of the next sentence ; "The Prince Imperial, Bu-u(夫虞) become to be a Ro-ga(鷺加), who treat for diseases professionally.", I am sure that the treatment for diseases was more importment than any other things, because he was the third son of Tan-gun(檀君). 4. According to Tan-gun(檀君) mythology, Whan-ung(桓雄) came down from the heaven of the pure Yang(純陽) to the earth and then changed into a man who had had more Yang(陽) than Yin(陰). And a bear came up from the underground(or the cave) to the ground and then changed into a women who had had more Yin(陰) than Yang(陽). So both of them became to hold together. This story implicated that ancestors had taken a serious view of each of them, namely the ancestors didn't give the ascendance to the one side of them, and made much account of the mutual harmony. So I am sure that this fact coincided with the basic theories of oriental medical science. To refer to two proverbs of Tan-gun mythology that are "Ki-Sam-Chil-Il(忌三七日)" which means caring for twenty one days, and "Pul-Gyon-Il-Gwang-Baeg-Il(不見日光百日)" which means keeping indoors for one hundred days, I can tell you that "twenty-one-day" involves the principle of the birth of life, and "one-hundred-day" contains a preparatory period or the period of death to bear another life. 5. From the medical stuff, such as wormwood(艾), garlic(蒜), or wonder-working herbage(靈草), that had been written at the bibliographic papers of the ancient period(上古時代) and the era of the old-Korea(古朝鮮時代), I consider that many people might get a lot of women's diseases, indigestive troubles, and other diseases that were caused by the weakness, but with using various spices, such as the leaves of water pepper(蔘), they could prevent the occurrance of all kinds of diseases previously. So I regard this treatment as the medicine from food. 6. One of the sayings at Nae-gyong(內經) is that "The stone accupuncture(砭石) came from the orient." We can see both "wonder-wor-king wormwood(靈草)" and "dried wormwood(乾艾)" in the several bibliographic papers of the ancient history of the old-Korea(朝鮮上古史). From these records, I can be convinced that ancestors would utilize the acupuncture(針) and the moxa cautery(灸) to cure a patient of a disease. 7. Even though someone claimed that the book, "medical science and chemistry(醫學化學)" and "medical treatment(醫學大方)" had had been written during the ancient period of the old-Korea(上古朝鮮時代), such a fact can't have been ascertained historical evidence. But it has been handed down that there existed the original phonetic alphabet, such as the "Ka-Im-To alphabet(加臨土文字)" at that time. The terms about the diseases, which had been occurred at the community of the old-Korea(古朝鮮地域), were recorded fragmentarily at other records after that time. The origin of confucianism came from the race of the eastern barbarians, and Tae-Ho-Pok-Hi(太嗅伏義) and the king. Sun(舜) came from the eastern barbarians, too. The divination of tortoise shells at the country of Un(殷) is another from which was developed at the eastern barbarians' fortune-telling of animal bones. From these facts, I can infer that, by all means, they might record the medical knowledge which had been stored for thousands of years while contacting with china directly.

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A Survey on Ancient Literature Records on Woohwangchungsim-won and its potential clincial application (우황청심원의 고문헌기록 및 실험적 연구결과 분석을 통한 임상응용 확대의 필요성 고찰)

  • Oh, Young-Taeck;Oh, Hyeon-Muk;Kim, Seo-Woo;Kim, Won-Yong;Son, Chang-Gue;Cho, Jung-Hyo
    • Journal of Haehwa Medicine
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    • v.26 no.1
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    • pp.1-10
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    • 2017
  • Objectives: The aim of this study is (1) to investigate the historic changes and pharmacological efficacies of Woohwangchungsim-won and (2) to discuss the necessities for Woohwangchungsim-won's clinical applications. Methods: This study was performed through (1) investigating the ancient literature records related with Woohwangchungsim-won and analyzing Woohwangchungsim-won's composition, dosage and indications, (2) searching articles about Woohwangchungsim-won on 10 major Korean web and 3 major foreign web article search engines and analyzing Woohwangchungsim-won's pharmacological efficacies and indications. Results: Woohwangchungsim-wom has been used for cerebrovascular diseases such as stroke and palpitation. Also, there are some ancient literature records of Woohwangchungsim-won's clinical applications in neuropsychiatric disorders such as depression and bipolar disorder. In addition, there have been a number of experimental studies which demonstrate Woohwangchungsim-won's neuroprotective effect on cerebral cortex and hippocampus injury. So, it is possible to infer that Woohwangchungsim-won can be used for the treatments of neuropsychiatric disorders associated with neuronal cell death in cerebral cortex and hippocampus. But there have been no or less experimental studies which demonstrate the pharmacological efficacy of Woohwangchungsim-won on such disease. Conclusion: It is necessary that further experimental studies which demonstrate Woohwangchungsim-won's pharmacological efficacy on neuropsychiatric disorders should be done and Woohwangchungsim-won's clinical applications should be expanded on the basis of those related experimental results.

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Provenance and Microstructures of an Ancient Korean Bronze Dagger (한국(韓國) 세형동검(細形銅劍)의 미세구조(微細構造) 및 원료산지(原料産地) 추정(推定))

  • Choi, Ju;Do, Jung Man;Kim, Soo Chul;Kim, Sun Tae;Eom, Tae Yoon;Kim, Jung-Bae
    • Analytical Science and Technology
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    • v.5 no.2
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    • pp.191-197
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    • 1992
  • An ancient Korean bronze dagger excavated from Yongjai-ri, Iksan-kun, presumed to be manufactured in the pre-historical age, was examined by means of chemical analysis, energy dispersive spectrometry, optical and scanning electron microscopy. Also the measurement of lead isotope ratios was carried out in order to predict the site where raw materials were produced. The composition was identified as 75.3% Cu, 17.1% Sn and 6.8% Pb which was a typical composition of Korean bronze dagger. The microstructure was consisted of ${\alpha}$ and (${\alpha}+{\delta}$) eutectoid. The (${\alpha}+{\delta}$) eutectoid can be easily corroded in comparison with ${\alpha}$. The segregation was frequently observed in the interior of the sample. According to the lead isotopes ratios, raw materials have possibility to be from North China.

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A Survey of study on the architectural planning for the Liquor Museum (술 박물관 건축계획에 관한 실태조사 연구)

  • Lee, Deog Yong;Kim, Il Jung
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Rural Architecture
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    • v.14 no.4
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    • pp.47-54
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    • 2012
  • Since ancient times in Korea, in spite of the ranks of high and low, drink was like a all sorts of human emotions. In particular, the drought, or any weapon except when wages found the ball back to God or to buy a drink to celebrate the sixtieth birthday or marriage and feasting like mails, and the priests or the funeral, such as consciousness raising in this procedure. The country had strict rituals in ceremonial events were thereby is living up to deep. The history of the drink in the history of the past, given that the main grain farming culture has already begun since the era of gojoseon was launched remains to be seen. This has been a long history of traditional attention to clean up and organize the showing to the public hall is a nationally scarce in some areas of that era, or the facility is not large. Therefore, in this study, alcohol-related exhibits and Museum recognizes the reality of the future sake Museum architectural plans: the Foundation provides materials for that purpose.

Comparison Study on Traditional Perceived Meaning of Color and Clothing Color of Korea and Japan (한국.일본의 전통 색채관과 복색에 관한 비교연구)

  • Eum Jung-Sun;Chae Keum-Seok
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Costume
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    • v.56 no.6 s.105
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    • pp.16-32
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    • 2006
  • Perceived meaning of color uniquely forms and is being highlighted as an element of creative design in the modern design industry as well as traditional culture. It is necessary to compare the perceived meanings of color and clothing color of Korea and Japan in order to find out the model of Korea's original color. The purpose of this study Is to draw the results of examining the perceived meanings of color revealed in the culture, arts and clothing color of the both countries and comparing them depending on contemporary times. The scope of study is limited from the ancient times to modern times (about BC.IC-early20C). In the methodologies, the literature and the empirical study focus on both counturies' literature, including art history, ethnology, and the history of clothing; and their paintings and relics, which are all related to clothes. The perceived meaning of color of Korea was prominent with the beauty of nature and gorgeousness throughout the history. The colors were mostly white colors, light colors, and single colors such as obangsaek, which are high pure degree colors by which color is changed depending on darkness and lightness, while that of Japan featured clothing colors combining various colors and middle colors.

The Characteristics of Men's Cosmetic through the History (역사 속에 나타난 남성 화장의 특성)

  • Kim, Ju-Ae;Lee, Youn-Hee
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Fashion and Beauty
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    • v.2 no.3 s.3
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    • pp.96-101
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    • 2004
  • This study suggests the basic resources for men's cosmetic which shows in history. Because not only ancient chief but also modern French noble men made up in the area where succeeded the traditional national cosmetic, when it was seen through historic or world, the men's cosmetic was generated and was more luxurious and presence than women. But since the French revolution, men was limited the collection of fashion, also the luxurious cloth and cosmetic disappeared. It was 1960s that men's cosmetic based rock musicians reappeared. And then, rock musicians made up luxuriously. The early cosmetic of rock musicians began from the protest's meaning for old fashioned value and fixed society. But gradually, it was changed the style that valued appearance's beauty. In the past, movie star's hair style and cloth were the basic fashion, but now the sportsmen are recognized heroes and their cosmetic is prevailing. Today, the basic meaning of men's presence fashion is that men and women's each role and self expression is allowed and appearance's decoration showed from sex roles disappeared. Men is limited body's beautiful expression and collective range but they fluently express each self imagination through work, special hobby, female attire and drag queen. From various men's beautiful expression, we will know that human beings want a society which is recognizing different self expressions.

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A Study on the Social Phenomena of the Ming Dynasty from the Description of Characters' images in the Work of "Piao Hai Lu" (从 《漂海录》 中人物形象看明朝社会现象)

  • Choi, Chang-Won
    • Industry Promotion Research
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    • v.3 no.1
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    • pp.73-77
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    • 2018
  • This paper written by Choi Bu based on "Piaohailu". This book consists of 3 volumes and it is his travelogue; Choi Bu has departed from Jeju Island to Naju, Jeolla province in the end of 1487, but it drifted on his way, so arrived to Zhejiang Province, China(Mid-Ming Dynasty) in early 1488. In this place, he interrogated with a reason for Japan pirates, but he released soon. And his waterway journey from Hangzhou to Beijing, he had received the award in Beijing which is the grace of the Emperor;and his land route journey from Beijing through Liaodong to Uiju, Pingan Province. Afterwards, this book had been translated in Japanese, English etc; and it had been awarded an alias of 'Chaoxian's Marco Polo'.From the description of the characters in the Mid-Ming Dynasty in the work of Pyohae-rok, the essay makes a study on the knowledge of ancient Korean scholars to China, and looks at the different social and political aspects and characteristics of the Ming Dynasty from the eyes of Korean scholars. It summarizes that when we face history squarely, it is important to refer to and draw on the foreign works recorded by ancient Korean scholars.