• Title/Summary/Keyword: Adjustment

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Model Construction of Sexual Adjustment of Patients with Spinal Cord Injury (척수장애인의 성적적응과 관련요인에 관한 모형구축)

  • Kang, Hyun-Sook;Koh, Jung-Eun;Shu, Yeon-Ok
    • Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing
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    • v.30 no.4
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    • pp.1018-1034
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    • 2000
  • The purpose of this study was to construct model of sexual adjustment in people with spinal cord injury and to determine factors that relate to sexual adjustment using methodological triangulation. A total of 134 persons who were registered members of spinal cord injury organization and admitted rehabilitation unit in the hospital were included in the study. Participants answered questionnaire concerning importance of life events, sexual concern, sexual adjustment. Qualitative data were collected through semi-structured indepth interviews from 10 individuals with spinal cord injury who were previously included in the quantitative study. Constant compatative method was used to analyze the data. The results were as follows : 1) With respect to eleven other areas of life, sex life ranked the sixth and economic status ranked the highest in terms of importance. However social life ranked the lowest among the 11areas. 2) Among seven topics related to sexuality were methods and techniques to achieve sexual satisfaction, and helping a partner cope emotionally with limitation on sexual dysfunction was the second greastest. 3) The mean score for sexual adjustment was 19.47 which can be considered. 4) A process on how individuals with spinal cord injury adjust to their changed sexual life immerged from the qualitative data. It includs 4 stages: 'stage of loss' 'stage of endeavoring' 'stage of effort' and 'stage of adjustment'. Categories showing context for the action/interaction strategies were 'steadiness' and 'rediscovery as a sexual being'. There were three factors which may stimulate the adjustment process while the others may interrupt it. Those factors included personal matters, family matters and social matters. The individuals may follow each stage step by step but may go back to the previous step depending on the outcomes of their adjustment. 5) There were three factors which may stimulate the adjustment process while the others may interrupt it. Those factors included personal matters, family matters and social matters.

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A Study on Spouse Support, Self Esteem and Psychosocial Adjustment of Patients in Mastectomy (유방절제술 환자의 배우자 지지, 자아존중감 및 사회심리적 적응에 관한 연구)

  • Lee, Eun-Young;Kim, Chung-Nam
    • Research in Community and Public Health Nursing
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    • v.9 no.2
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    • pp.550-563
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    • 1998
  • This study was designed to provide the basic data of effective nursing intervention for alleviation of psychosocial adjustment of patients in mastectomy after identifying the correlation between the spouse support, self esteem and psychosocial adjustment. The study subjects were 83 postmastectomy patients who visited the outpatient clinic at 3 university hospitals in Taegu city from September 10, 1997 to October 16 1997. Data was collected by researcher and face to-face interview was conducted. Nam's spouse support scale(1987), Rosenberg's self esteem instrument (1965), Derogatis' Psychosocial Adjustment to Illness Scale were used. The data were analyzed by using descriptive statistics, Pearson correlation coefficient, t -test and ANOVA with the SAS program. The results of this study were as follows: 1. The mean score for the spouse support of the subjects was 3.73, self esteem was 3.69 and psychosocial adjustment was 3.61points. 2. According to the patient's hope of breast reconstruction(t=2.04, p=0.0445), there was significant difference of self esteem. According to the patient's family number( t = 2.31, p = 0.0237), there was significant difference of the psychosocial adjustment. 3. Perceived spouse support and self esteem had statistically significant positive correlations(r= 0.5120, p=0.0001). Perceived spouse support and psychosocial adjustment had statistically significant positive correlations(r=0.4187, p=0.0001). Perceived self esteem and psychosocial adjustment had statistically significant positive correlations(r = 0.6296, p=0.0001). Therefore, to increase the level of psychosocial adjustment of patients in mastectomy, it will be effective to supportive nursing intervention by improving spouse support and enhancing self esteem.

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The Influence of Parenting Attitudes on Adolescents' School Adjustment -Focused on the Deduction of the Political Implication- (부모양육태도가 청소년의 학교생활적응에 미치는 영향 -정책적시사점 도출을 중심으로-)

  • Ki, Sung-Jin
    • Journal of the Korea Society of Computer and Information
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    • v.17 no.5
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    • pp.127-136
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    • 2012
  • This study empirically analyzed which influence the moderating effect of individual characteristics has on adolescents' perceived parenting attitude and school life adjustment. The results showed that parenting attitude positively affected social adjustment; particularly, affection and acceptance had significant effects on academic and social adjustment. As for influence of parenting attitude upon school life adjustment, women showed more significant result than men in schoolwork adjustment, social adjustment, and environmental/general adjustment when attachment factor is high. Also, it could be known that the birth placing moderates the influence upon social adjustment by democratic autonomous parenting attitude and attachment acceptance-based parenting attitude in the parenting attitude.

The Rationalization of Contract Sum Adjustment through Case Study of Price Fluctuation Adjustment based on Index Adjustment Method (물가변동조정 사례분석을 통한 지수조정방법기반 계약금액조정 합리화방안)

  • Kim, Seong-Hee
    • Korean Journal of Construction Engineering and Management
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    • v.12 no.4
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    • pp.70-78
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    • 2011
  • In case of long time progressive construction work, we need contract sum adjustment due to escalation for a period of works and the process of applying, consistent and obvious criterion is required. In this study, it were attempted to figure out problem and study this rational improvement by giving examples based on core activities of escalation adjustment. Based on literature study and legal system analysis, we classified processes of contract sum adjustment for escalation and defined 20 core activities for each process. From this measured variable, we carried out case study by giving 37 examples of escalation. As a result of case study, problems of each process was found and we suggested rational improvement. As this study, providers will be able to waste budget and the other will be given smooth escalation adjustment.

Sexual Interest and Adjustment for Spinal Cord Injury Patients (척수장애인의 성적관심과 성적적응에 관한 연구)

  • Kang, Hyun-Sook;Koh, Jung-Eun;Suh, Yeon-Ok;Yee, Oon-Hee
    • The Korean Journal of Rehabilitation Nursing
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    • v.2 no.1
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    • pp.85-94
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    • 1999
  • The purposes of this study were to identify sexual interest and adjustment in patients with spinal cord injury and to determine the factors that relate to sexual adjustment. A total of 134 persons in this study was the members of spinal cord injury organization and the impatients in rehabilitation unit between February and June 1999. Five questionnaires were answered concerning importance of life events, sexual concern, sexual adjustment, relationship with a sex partner, and depression. The collected data were analyzed by Frequency, t-test, ANOVA and pearson correlation. The results were as follows : 1) Considering the importance among 11 areas of life, economic status occupied the top, sex life held the sixth rank, and the mean rating for social life being 3.78 was the lowest of all. 2) As regard to 7 topics related to sexuality, the most attention was drawn to methods and techniques achieving sexual satisfaction, and the next interest was for helping partners cope emotionally with sexual dysfunction. 3) The mean for sexual adjustment and depression was average, and the mean for sex partner relationship was high. 4) Sexual adjustment in spinal cord injury patients correlated with economic status and sex partner relationship. While It was inversely correlated with age and depression. It was found that lower age and less depression play a positive role on sexual adjustment by SCI people. Also, higher economic status and favorable sex partner relationship increase sexual adjustment. In conclusion, a sex partner relationship, depression, economic status, and age seemed to influence on their sexual adjustment after SCI. Also, psychosocial factors would be more important for satisfying sexual life and relation ship rather than physical factors.

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The Effects of Mental Health and Family Problem Solving Communication on Cancer Adjustment of Women with Cancer in Nursing Hospital (요양병원 여성 암 환자의 정신건강, 가족문제해결 의사소통이 암 적응에 미치는 영향)

  • Lim, Sunyoung;Ma, Ryewon;Park, Hyesun
    • Journal of The Korean Society of Integrative Medicine
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    • v.8 no.2
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    • pp.29-39
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    • 2020
  • Purpose : This study investigated the relationship among adjustment of cancer, mental health, and family problem solving communication of women with cancer. The purpose of this study was to determine how to improve the adjustment of cancer of women and improve women's mental health to form family problem solving communication. Methods : This correlational study was conducted among 101 women with cancer living in the Seoul region. Data collection occurred from August 1, 2018, to August 23. The data are reported as means and standard deviations and were analyzed with t tests, ANOVA, and Pearson's correlation regression using SPSS version 21.0. Results : The results of this study showed that adjustment to cancer significantly correlated with the education level of the participants (F=3.27, p<.05) and self-help group participation (F=3.156, p<.05). In this study, the mental health of female cancer patients significantly affected their adjustment to cancer (F=13.13, p<.001). These results explained 19.7% of the variance (F=13.13, p<.001) in mental health and adjustment to cancer in female cancer patients. Conclusion : In this study, mental health was significantly affected adjustment to cancer. The results suggest that adjustment to cancer can be promoted through the development and application of a nursing intervention program considering the mental health of female cancer patients. In addition, further research is required to identify the factors in consideration of various variables in addition to the sociodemographic and disease-related variables that may affect the adjustment to cancer of female cancer patients in nursing hospitals.

The Effects of Over-Parenting Behavior and Peer-Alienation on Adolescents' School Adjustment: The Mediating of Smartphone Dependency and Focus on Multi Group Analysis between Boys and Girls (과잉양육행동과 또래소외가 중학생의 학교생활적응에 미치는 영향: 스마트폰 의존경향성의 매개효과 및 성별에 따른 다집단분석)

  • Park, Ga Hwa;Lee, Ji Min
    • Human Ecology Research
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    • v.56 no.2
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    • pp.145-156
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    • 2018
  • This study investigates the effects of over-parenting behavior and peer-alienation on adolescents' school adjustment and explores the mediating effects of smartphone dependency on the above relations. The subjects were 1,882 first grade students in middle school selected from the 7th year data of the 2010 Korea Children and Youth Panel Survey (2010 KCYPS). Data were analyzed by descriptive statistics, Pearson's correlation, structural equational models, and Sobel test with SPSS 21.0 and Amos 18.0. The findings were as follows. First, there was no significant difference in the school adjustment according to gender. However, boys were higher in the perception of over-parenting behavior and peer-alienation, and girls were higher in smartphone dependency. Second, peer-alienation and smartphone dependency had negative impacts on the school adjustment. But over-parenting behavior had no significant effect on school adjustment. Third, smartphone dependency played a mediator role between over-parenting behavior and peer-alienation as well as the school adjustment. Fourth, there were no significant differences between boys and girls in the relations among over-parenting behavior, peer-alienation, smartphone dependency and school adjustment. But there was a slight difference in influence. The findings of this study suggest that interventions on how to use smartphone correctly are important for improving adolescents' school adjustment. In addition, gender differences in school adjustment should be considered for a better understanding.

Sexual Adjustment Process of Individuals with Spinal cord Injury (척수 장애인의 성적 적응 경험)

  • Kang, Hyun-Sook;Koh, Jung-Eun;Suh, Yeon-Ok;Yee, Oon-Hee
    • The Korean Journal of Rehabilitation Nursing
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    • v.3 no.1
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    • pp.80-97
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    • 2000
  • The purpose of this study is to identify and describe a process of sexual adjustment of individuals with spinal cord injury: and to describe and explore positive and negative influences on the adjustment process. This qualitative study was conducted with 10 Korean individuals with spinal cord injury who had been physically disabled for more than one year. Data were collected and analysed at a same time using grounded theory method. Major categories of this study showed a process how the individuals with spinal cord injury adjust to their individual life as sexual beings. The process included and individual responses to the behavioral efforts including and . Initially physical aspects of sexuality seemed to be affected by spinal cord injuries. The changed physical aspects then influenced other aspects of their sexual life. Life satisfaction of each individual as a sexual being revealed as very subjective. It could be defined according to how the individual approved their sexual life no matter what and how much behavioral effort the person had done. In this study 3 types of sexual adjustment aspects were explored: 'Active adjustment' 'Passive adjustment' 'Maladjustment'. There were negative and positive factors influencing the adjustment process of individuals with spinal cord injury. Those factors might come from themselves, from families, or from social situations. Findings of this study suggested that sexual life of individuals with spinal cord injury should not be understood as a physical or behavioral matter. It was a combination of physical, psychological and social aspects of life. Therefore, appropriate rehabilitation programs for the sexual adjustment of individuals with spinal cord injury need to concern heterogeneous life values of them and obtain individualized services for each individual at a different stage of the sexual adjustment process.

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The Effects of the Rearing Attitudes of Mothers, Family Strength, and Self-Esteem on the School Life Adjustment Perceived of Elementary School Students: The Moderating Effects of Self-Esteem on the Relationship between the Rearing Attitudes of Mothers and Their Children's School Life Adjustment (초등학생이 지각한 어머니의 양육태도, 가족건강성, 자아존중감이 학교생활적응에 미치는 영향: 지각된 어머니의 양육태도와 학교생활적응과의 관계에서 자아존중감의 중재효과)

  • Lee, Bok-Hui
    • Journal of Families and Better Life
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    • v.32 no.4
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    • pp.57-74
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    • 2014
  • The purpose of this study is to find which variable has the biggest effect on the school life adjustment of elementary school students among family strength, self-esteem, and the mother's rearing attitude. Second, the study observes how the elementary school student's self-esteem has a moderating effect regarding the rearing attitudes of their mothers and their school life adjustment. Five hundred forty-five fifth and sixth graders from an elementary school in Cheonan, are the participants of this study. The key research findings of this study are as follows: First, among the rearing attitudes of the mothers, family strength, and self-esteem, the variable that showed the greatest relationship with positive school life adjustment was family strength followed by self-esteem. Second, The self-esteem of the elementary school students showed a 1% moderating significant effect between the rearing attitudes of the mothers and school life adjustment. In the high self-esteem group of elementary school students, the moderating effect of self-esteem showed a higher level of school life adjustment when the students perceived that their mother had an affectionate rearing attitude, but showed a lower level of school life adjustment if they perceived their mother's rearing attitude as rejective or overprotective. Therefore, this study suggests that a focus on increasing self-esteem and family strength along with the affectionate rearing attitude of mothers is needed for the positive adjustment of elementary school students.

The relationship between mother's self-differentiation and early adjustment of the infant daycare centers - Focusing on the mediating effect of child-rearing attitude - (어머니의 자기분화와 영아의 어린이집 초기적응과의 관계 - 양육태도의 매개효과를 중심으로 -)

  • Hea, Young-Sun;Lee, Ju-Lie
    • Journal of Families and Better Life
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    • v.28 no.6
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    • pp.183-194
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    • 2010
  • This study investigates the relationship between a mother's self-differentiation and the rearing reviews focused on the mediating effect for the early adjustment of 1 to 2 years old at a nursery. First, the results based on the difference between the child-rearing attitudes of the level of self-differentiation show significance in the affectional-autonomic attitude in the top quarter of the total level of self-differentiation. Second, the level of the self-differentiation depends on the early adjustment results from the significant differences in the sub-elements; except for the emotional fusion that results in the higher the level of mother's self-differentiation that leads to higher early adjustment. Third, the impact of affectional-autonomic and affectional-controlling attitude reflected the positive influence of the entire early adjustment based on the effect of the child-rearing attitude. Finally, the results on whether the mothers' parenting attitudes influences the self-differentiation and the transition of the infant would mediate the early adjustment-relationship as shown in the mediating effect of parenting attitudes. Each type of mediation effect showed an affectional-autonomic and affectional-controlling attitude. In this study, the mother's self-differentiation and the infant nursery process shows the early adjustment associated with variables, the mother's level of self-differentiation, and the parenting attitude that effects the early adjustment that examined the mediation effect in the relations of self-differentiation and the early adjustment of child-rearing attitudes.