• Title/Summary/Keyword: 5th Generation

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Development of Finite Element Model of Hybrid III 5th Percentile Female Dummy (Hybrid III 5% 성인 여성 더미의 유한요소 모델 개발)

  • Yi, Sang-Il;Mohan, Pradeep K.;Kan, Cing-Dao Steve;Park, Gyung-Jin
    • Transactions of the Korean Society of Automotive Engineers
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    • v.18 no.4
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    • pp.18-30
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    • 2010
  • As the automobile industry is developing, the number of deaths and injuries has increased. To reduce the damages from automobile accidents, the government of each country proposes experimental conditions for reproducing the accident and establishes the vehicle safety regulations. Automotive manufacturers are trying to make safer vehicles by satisfying the requirements. The Hybrid III crash test dummy is a standard Anthropomorphic Test Device (ATD) used for measuring the occupant's injuries in a frontal impact test. Since a real crash test using a vehicle is fairly expensive, a computer simulation using the Finite Element Method (F.E.M.) is widely used. Therefore, a detailed and robust F.E. dummy model is needed to acquire more accurate occupant injury data and behavior during the crash test. To achieve this goal, a detailed F.E. model of the Hybrid III 5th percentile female dummy is constructed by using the reverse engineering technique in this research. A modeling process is proposed to construct the F.E. model. The proposed modeling process starts from disassembling the physical dummy. Computer Aided Design (CAD) geometry data is constructed by three-dimensional (3-D) scanning of the disassembled physical dummy model. Based on the geometry data, finite elements of each part are generated. After mesh generation, each part is assembled with other parts using the joints and rigid connection elements. The developed F.E. model of dummy is simulated based on the FMVSS 572 validation regulations. The results of simulation are compared with the results of physical tests.

On the Life Cycle of Megarhyssa jezoensis Matsumura (Ichneumonida) (Megarhyssa jezoensis Matsumura (에조납작맵시벌)의 生活史에 關하여)

  • Kim, Chang-Whan;Son, Je Tae
    • The Korean Journal of Zoology
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    • v.12 no.1
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    • pp.29-33
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    • 1969
  • An ichneumon-fly, Megarhyssa jezoensis Matsumura, was found as a parasite of Sirex nitobei Matsumura, a pest insect of the walnut, Juglans sinensis Maximowicz, at Ye-San, Choong-Nam province, middle Korea. The life cycle of Megarhyssa jezoensis was as follows: 1. It occurred three times a year. The adults appear at the end of April to the middle of May (maximum on 5th May) after hibernation, at the beginning to the middle of July (maximum on 10 th July) in the first generatioin, and at the end of September to the end of October (maximum on 8 th October) in the second. 2. The larvae grew from the beginning of May to the end of June in the first generation, from the middle of July to the beginning of September in the second and from the beginning of October to the end of the year in the last. 3. The pupae developed from the end of June to the middle of July and from the end of August to the middle of September. 4. The adults oviposited their eggs on the surface of the host, the larvae in Sirex nitobei growing in the stem of the walnut, and the larvae hatched from the eggs were ectoparasiting the larvae of Sirex to grow and pupate. The parasite hibernated in the pupal stage but the adult which emerged at the early spring stayed in the hole of the walnut stem till the end of April.

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Robust Two-Phase Clock Oxide TFT Shift Register over Threshold Voltage Variation and Clock Coupling Noises

  • Nam, Hyoungsik;Song, Eunji
    • ETRI Journal
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    • v.36 no.2
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    • pp.321-324
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    • 2014
  • This letter describes a two-phase clock oxide thin-film transistor shift register that executes a robust operation over a wide threshold voltage range and clock coupling noises. The proposed circuit employs an additional Q generation block to avoid the clock coupling noise effects. A SMART-SPICE simulation shows that the stable shift register operation is established for the clock coupling noises and the threshold voltage variation from -4 V to 5 V at a line time of $5{\mu}s$. The magnitude of coupling noises on the Q(15) node and Qb(15) node of the 15th stage is respectively -12.6 dB and -26.1 dB at 100 kHz in the proposed circuit, compared to 6.8 dB and 10.9 dB in a conventional one. In addition, the estimated power consumption is 1.74 mW for the proposed 16-stage shift registers at $V_{TH}=-1.56V$, compared to 11.5 mW for the conventional circuits.

Understanding the Nuclear Technological Innovation: Focussing on the Transition Issue of 4th Generation Nuclear Energy Technology (원자력 기술혁신에 대한 고찰: 4세대 원자력 에너지기술 전환 이슈를 중심으로)

  • Park, Si-Hun;Chung, Sunyang
    • Journal of Technology Innovation
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    • v.24 no.4
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    • pp.221-248
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    • 2016
  • In this study, we conducted an in-depth literature review of the innovation characteristics of nuclear technology. We understood that the main issue may be a transition of fourth generation nuclear energy technology. We also analyzed a present status of Korean policy on nuclear energy technology and identified some implications for a successful settlement of the fourth generation nuclear energy technology. This study could provide some policy implications for maintaining the sustainable competitiveness of the fourth generation nuclear energy technology in Korea. According to our study, the factors that influence on a transition of nuclear energy technology are a policy-induced market for technical application and demonstration, stable and long-term resource allocation, constant interaction among stakeholders of innovation, accumulation of skill and know-how for an entire system. In addition, we conducted a case analysis on policy for Korean fourth generation nuclear energy technology. According to this case study, it would be necessary for Korea to pursue systematic training of human resources, active response to a social acceptance and reaction, establishment of specific plan for technical demonstration, long-term policy suggestion, and active promotion of constant interaction between stakeholders.

Variation of electrical properties in solution processed SiInZnO thin film transistors (용액공정을 이용하여 제작된 SiInZnO 박막 트랜지스터의 전기적 특성 변화)

  • Park, Ki-Ho;Choi, Jun-Young;Chun, Yoon-Soo;Ju, Byeong-Kwon;Lee, Sang-Yeol
    • Proceedings of the KIEE Conference
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    • 2011.07a
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    • pp.1453-1454
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    • 2011
  • We have investigated the effect of silicon contents (0~0.4 molar ratios) on the performance of solution processed silicon-indium-zinc oxide (SIZO) thin-film transistors (TFTs). Despites its solution processed channel layer, low annealed temperature below $200^{\circ}C$ in air has been used for SIZO-TFTs. The $V_{th}$ is shifted from -4.04 to 5.15 V as increasing Si ratio in the SIZO-TFTs. The positive shift of $V_{th}$ as increasing Si contents in SIZO system indicates that Si suppresses the carrier generation in the active channel layer since $V_{th}$ is defined as the voltage required accumulating sufficient charge carriers to form a conductive channel path.

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Analysis for Catenary System with Focus on Abnomal Conditions on Honam High Speed Line (호남고속철도 전차선로의 이상 상태 분석)

  • Jun, Jaegeun;Shin, Seungkwon;Jung, Hosung;Na, Kyungmin;Park, Young
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Electrical and Electronic Material Engineers
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    • v.32 no.1
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    • pp.1-5
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    • 2019
  • The overhead contact line (OCL) is a key piece of equipment for transmitting electrical energy to the pantograph of rail cars. Recently, a 400 km/h OCL was applied to the Honam high-speed line, and its performance was examined by running HEMU-430X. For the study, we analyzed the current of catenary wire concurrently while running HEMU-430X in the Honam high-speed line. Specifically, this study recorded the currents for each speed during operation of the railway vehicle. The analysis of the frequency of line current showed generation of third-harmonics, 15th-harmonics, 17th-harmonics, and 19th-harmonics. The current of catenary wire is a basic technology assessment used to determine the electrical safety of electric railway systems, and it can be used as a technology for analyzing circulating currents generated in the current configuration, as well as for analyzing electric fatigue of the OCL components.

The Trend and forecast of world Aircraft industry (세계 항공기산업 동향과 전망)

  • Chang, Tae-Jin
    • Current Industrial and Technological Trends in Aerospace
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    • v.6 no.1
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    • pp.14-24
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    • 2008
  • After 2001, the world aircraft industry grows consistently with world's economic recovery. The environmental changes after 9.11, including the market decent and revival, rise in oil price, and the environmental problems, make the aircraft industry change gradually. The increasing demand of point-to-point flight needs over 200 seat class large jets and changes the main model of regional jet over 100 seat class. And the needs of various flight schedule raises the demand of business jet and VLJ. The competition between airliners including the main streams, the regionals and the low prices goes harder and it needs more efficient airplanes which reduce the cost. In the military side, still the development of 5th generation fighter is proceeding and it diffuses to the more countries. Before its popularization, the 4th generation fighter is chosen for good alternatives of it. And there are some changes in the military demand after the war against terrorism. The army needs more unmanned reconnaissance and they want new aircraft which gives more accessibility.

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Non-stationary Sparse Fading Channel Estimation for Next Generation Mobile Systems

  • Dehgan, Saadat;Ghobadi, Changiz;Nourinia, Javad;Yang, Jie;Gui, Guan;Mostafapour, Ehsan
    • KSII Transactions on Internet and Information Systems (TIIS)
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    • v.12 no.3
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    • pp.1047-1062
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    • 2018
  • In this paper the problem of massive multiple input multiple output (MIMO) channel estimation with sparsity aware adaptive algorithms for $5^{th}$ generation mobile systems is investigated. These channels are shown to be non-stationary along with being sparse. Non-stationarity is a feature that implies channel taps change with time. Up until now most of the adaptive algorithms that have been presented for channel estimation, have only considered sparsity and very few of them have been tested in non-stationary conditions. Therefore we investigate the performance of several newly proposed sparsity aware algorithms in these conditions and finally propose an enhanced version of RZA-LMS/F algorithm with variable threshold namely VT-RZA-LMS/F. The results show that this algorithm has better performance than all other algorithms for the next generation channel estimation problems, especially when the non-stationarity gets high. Overall, in this paper for the first time, we estimate a non-stationary Rayleigh fading channel with sparsity aware algorithms and show that by increasing non-stationarity, the estimation performance declines.

Analysis of the Impact of the 8th Basic Plan for Long-term Electricity Supply and Demand on the District Heating Business Through Optimal Simulation of Gas CHP (가스 열병합발전 최적 시뮬레이션 분석을 통한 집단에너지 사업자에 미치는 8차 전력 수급계획의 영향 분석)

  • Kim, Young Kuk;Oh, Kwang Min;Kim, Lae Hyun
    • Korean Chemical Engineering Research
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    • v.56 no.5
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    • pp.655-662
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    • 2018
  • To respond effectively to climate change following the launch of the new climate system, the government is seeking to expand the use of distributed power resources. Among them, the district heating system centered on Combined Heat and Power (CHP) is accepted as the most realistic alternative. On the other hand, the government recently announced the change of energy paradigm focusing on eco-friendly power generation from the base power generation through $8^{th}$ Basic Plan for Long-term Electricity Supply and Demand(BPE). In this study, we analyzed the quantitative effects of profit and loss on the CHP operating business by changing patterns of the heat production, caused by the change of energy paradigm. To do this, the power market long-term simulation was carried out according to the $7^{th}$ and $8^{th}$ BPE respectively, using the commercialized power market integrated analysis program. In addition, the CHP operating model is organized to calculate the power and heat production level for each CHP operation mode by utilizing the operating performance of 830MW class CHP in Seoul metropolitan area. Based on this, the operation optimization is performed for realizing the maximum operating profit and loss during the life-cycle of CHP through the commercialized integrated energy optimization program. As a result, it can be seen that the change of the energy paradigm of the government increased the level of the ordered power supply by Korean Power Exchange(KPX), decreased the cost of the heat production, and increased the operating contribution margin by 90.9 billion won for the 30 years.

Epidemio-entomological survey of Japanese encephalitis in Korea (한국에 있어서 일본뇌염의 역학적, 매개동물학적 조사)

  • 백두현;주종윤
    • Parasites, Hosts and Diseases
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    • v.29 no.1
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    • pp.67-86
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    • 1991
  • In order to determine the seasonal prevalence and population dynamics of Culex tritaeniorhynchus in relation to the epidemics of Japanese encephalitis, and ecology of these vector mosquito in Kyungpook Province, Korea, studies were con- ducted during the Period of 7 years from 1984 to 1990. Cx. tritaeniorhynchus first collected in June between 4th and 28th, and trapped in large numbers during the period from mid-August to early September, showed a simple sharply pointed one-peaked curve. There was a gradual decrease from mid-September, with a very small number of them collected until early October in every year. The average number of Cx. tritaeniorhynchus rapidly decreased after 1985, and the number became particularly low in 1989. The highest population density, which was observed in August during the initial three years, was found to be delayed in the following years, accompanied by a decrease in the number of mosquitoes. In the trend of nocturnal activity of Cx. tritaeniorhynchus, with oncoming darkness they become very active, gradually decreasing in activity toward mid night, but slightly increasing toward dawn. The immature stages of Cx. tritaeniorhynchus were first found in rice fields contributing to peak adult densities in mid-July. The highest average densities of Cx. trisaeniorhynchus was 14,900 per m2 on mid-August 19th. The larval Cx. tritaeniorhynchus showed high resistance levels and resistance ratios against 5 organophosphorus compounds. In the adult horisontal life table characteristics of Kyungsan colonies of Cx. tritaeniorhynchus under insectary condi- tions, life expectancy was 28.3 days for males and 59.8 days for females. The net reproductive rate was 7.8 and generation time was 25.6 days.

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