• Title/Summary/Keyword: 2015 개정 과학과교육과정

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Development of HTE-STEAM Constellation Education Program Using Astronomical Teaching Aid: Focused on Cultivating Core Competencies for Future Society through the Concept of Space and Time (천문 교구를 활용한 HTE-STEAM 별자리 교육 프로그램 개발 연구 : 시공간 개념을 통한 미래 사회 핵심역량 함양을 중심으로)

  • Ahra Cho;Yonggi Kim
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Earth Science Education
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    • v.17 no.1
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    • pp.34-48
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    • 2024
  • With the global rise in interest in competency-based education, the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Korea outlined six core competencies in the 2015 revised curriculum, essential for future society's 'creative and convergent talent'. This study introduces an HTE-STEAM constellation education program designed to develop the core competencies outlined in the 2015 revised curriculum and address the limitations of hands-on astronomy education. The program's effectiveness was assessed through a pilot test. The program was implemented at G Library, an out-of-school education site in Cheongju-si, Chungcheongbuk-do, targeting students from 3rd to 6th grade. The study's results include: First, the HTE-STEAM program significantly impacted all aspects of the STEAM attitude test except for 'self-concept', particularly influencing 'science and engineering career choice', 'consideration', and 'communication'. Thus, it has led to positive outcomes in the cultivation of future society's core competencies, including 'creative thinking skills', 'communication skills', and 'community skills'. Secondly, the HTE-STEAM constellation education program, despite covering the challenging concept of spacetime, was deemed easy by many students. Observations of students applying the spatial concepts they learned by using teaching aids suggest that the program was effective in enhancing students' understanding of the spatial structure of the sky and the universe. Additionally, this program aligns with the 2022 curriculum's updated standards for understanding the sky's spatial structure. Consequently, the HTE-STEAM constellation education program positively cultivates future society's core competencies and serves as a valuable complement to night observation practices in schools.

International Comparison Study on the Articulation of the Science Curriculum: Focus on the Concept of Photosynthesis (과학과 교육과정의 연계성 국제 비교: 광합성 개념 중심으로)

  • Lee, Hyonyong;Yeo, Chaeyeong
    • Journal of The Korean Association For Science Education
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    • v.35 no.5
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    • pp.805-815
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    • 2015
  • The Korean education curriculum is making efforts to improve education to foster competencies that the future society demands through the 2007 and 2009 revised curriculum. The revised curricula focus on enhanced articulation for the quality curriculum. In this study, the curriculum is analyzed for vertical and horizontal articulation. In addition, the study found a problem in Korea's curriculum through international comparison and sought improvement. Furthermore, the study compared internationally articulation of the concept of photosynthesis, of which the results are as follows. First, our science curriculum focuses on vertical articulation and has relatively neglected the problem of horizontal articulation. To compensate for this problem, curriculum design should introduce aspects of 'nature' and 'environment' and should consider the interests and concerns of students, as countries with high horizontal articulation do. Second, the actual education field has a problem with the a lack of continuity and sequence because of concentration of concept in a specific grade or simply repeating the concept across multiple grades. These results have led to alternative proposals that should arrange basis of concept configuration such as 'Big Idea' and should establish the adoption of 'systems' frequently appearing in the other curricula. Finally, there may be mentioned a lack of research on students' learning progression, which can be a common standard of horizontal and vertical articulation. Research on learning progression has been a trend overseas, but there exists no study to fit Korea's situation, so education fields need to conduct the appropriate research on learning progression as part of the commitment to high-quality curriculum.

Comparison of the Science Education Curriculum and the Environmental Education Curriculum for Promoting Environmental Education (환경교육 활성화를 위한 과학과 교육과정과 환경과 교육과정 비교)

  • Yoon, Jin-A;Nam, Younkyeong
    • Journal of the Korean earth science society
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    • v.41 no.2
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    • pp.155-175
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    • 2020
  • The purpose of this study is to analyze the 2015 revised Science Curriculum and Environment Curriculum, and to provide implications for the correlation and complementarity between the two standards. For the analysis of the curriculum, the contents system of the two standards was reorganized based on the four categories of knowledge, attitude, inquiry, participation and practice, which are common literacy elements of science and environment, based on previous studies. Content Analysis was performed on content elements and detailed performance expectation. As a result of this study, there was a difference in terms of the core competencies and goals. The Environment Curriculum emphasized sustainable development and social participation while the Science Curriculum emphasized scientific inquiry and literacy. The contents system analysis results according to the four literacy factors are as follows. First, in terms of attitude, both standards deal with research ethics in common. However Environment Curriculum values learners' values and views on the environment more than Science Curriculum which emphasizes the science attitude as science investigators. Second, there was a serious problem in the knowledge linkage between two standards. In same grade groups, the level of content knowledge dealt in two standards was not consistent. Third, in the inquiry aspect, the Environment Curriculum deals with interdisciplinary topics in the purposefully designed inquiry unit, whereas the Science Curriculum presents various research activities based on related science concepts in every unit. Fourth, in the participation and practice aspect, the Environment Curriculum focused on participation and practice while the Science Curriculum focused on sustainable science and technology development and improvement, scientific interest and decision-making ability. This study provide implications for education for sustainable development(ESD) by providing the complementary potentials between Science Curriculum and Environment Curriculum.

Exploring the High School Students' Perception of Relationships among History of Science, Science, and History: Focus on 'History of Science' in the 2015 Revised Science Curriculum (고등학생들의 과학사, 과학, 역사 과목에 대한 관계인식 탐색 -2015 개정 과학과 교육과정 진로선택 과목 '과학사'를 중심으로-)

  • Lee, Jun-Ki;Ha, Minsu;Shin, Sein
    • Journal of The Korean Association For Science Education
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    • v.39 no.5
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    • pp.613-624
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    • 2019
  • The purpose of this study is to explore high school students' perception of the relationship among science, history, and history of science which is one of the career elective subjects in the 2015 revised science curriculum. This study compares students' perception before and after experiencing history of science course. To do this, data in the format of Venn diagram that students draw to represent their perception on relationship between the history of science, science, and history were collected. The collected data were inductively categorized. As a result of analyzing the Venn Diagram data, there are five different kinds of categories: 'History of science as an intersection of science and history,' 'History of science as an independent domain,' 'History of science as part of history,' 'History of science as part of science,' and 'History of science encompassing both science and history.' And there were 27 different sub-categories within the 5 categories. In addition, before taking the course on history of science, many students tended to regard science history as the intersection of science and history. However, after the course, students' perception changed and differed according to their affiliated academic track. For the humanities, history of science is perceived as part of history, and for the students in science track it is perceived as a part of science. Based on these findings, we suggest that history of science teaching-learning should be conducted that help high school students to experience a new perspective that is different from the curriculum in affiliated academic track.

High School Students' Perceptions on Science Elective of the 2009 Revised Curriculum (2009 개정 과학과 교육과정의 과학 선택 과목에 대한 고등학생의 인식 조사)

  • Sim, Jaeho;Park, HyunJu;Lee, Jun-Ki
    • Journal of Science Education
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    • v.39 no.2
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    • pp.133-150
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    • 2015
  • The purpose of this study was to investigate the suitability of elective of the 2009 revised high school science curriculum. This study surveyed 911 students in 126 high schools by using proportionate stratified sampling. Each participating students carried out the on-line survey comprising 13 items about personal and academic suitability. The result of analyzing the response of the questionnaire were as follows. First, there were deviation of study-load, depth, difficulty, etc. between science elective I and II. Second, even though 'science' subject was developed as a subject for improving scientific literacy, it was found that it was considered difficult next to Physics I. Besides, it showed 'science' subject could not function properly to improve the ability to communicate. According to the results of analyzing the degree of interest in science elective, it can not be determined 'no interest in subject' is from the reason of difficulty or large amount of contents to memorize. The results of this study will be useful to provide suggestions for the improvement of next high school science curriculum and textbooks.

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Effect of Teachers' Training Course Using Micro:bit for Non-Informatics Teachers on Programming Self-Efficacy (마이크로비트 활용 연수가 비 정보과 교사의 프로그래밍 자아효능감에 미치는 영향)

  • Lee, Dagyeom;Lee, Youngjun
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society of Computer Information Conference
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    • 2022.07a
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    • pp.385-386
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    • 2022
  • 2015 개정 교육과정에서는 미래 사회의 인재를 육성하기 위해 중학교에 정보 교과를 필수화하였다. 이를 지도할 정보·컴퓨터 교사를 확보하기 위해 비 정보과 교사를 대상으로 부전공연수를 실시하여 정보 교육을 할 수 있는 자격을 부여하고 있다. 이들은 일반 학습자와 다르게 교육학적 지식과 역량은 높으나, 내용 지식은 컴퓨터과학의 초보자 수준이다. 이러한 학습자의 특성을 고려하여 마이크로비트를 활용한 연수를 12차시 동안 진행하였고, 이는 비 정보과 교사의 프로그래밍 자아효능감에 긍정적인 영향을 준다는 것을 확인할 수 있었다. 그러나 본 연구는 단일집단에게 실험을 실시하였으므로 그 효과를 일반화하는 데 한계가 있다. 따라서 후속 연구에서는 비교 집단을 설정하는 실험 설계로 교육 효과를 검증할 필요가 있다.

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Analysis on Continuity between the 2015 Revised Elementary Intelligent Life Curric ulum and Sc ienc e Curric ulum for Grades 3-4 (2015 개정 초등학교 슬기로운 생활과 3~4학년 과학과 교육과정의 연계성 분석)

  • Park, Jisun;Chang, Jina;Jin, Ye Eun
    • Journal of Korean Elementary Science Education
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    • v.41 no.2
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    • pp.267-282
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    • 2022
  • This study aims to analyze the continuity and sequence between the intelligent life curriculum for grades 1-2 and the science curriculum for grades 3-4 with a focus on knowledge and inquiry process skills. The results demonstrate that contents related to science in the intelligent life curriculum consisted of only 10 out of 32 elements. Five elements were related to the science curriculum for grades 3-4 and limited to the 'life sciences' area. Particularly, the intelligent life curriculum did not address topics related to 'matter' and 'motion and energy'. Developmental connection was established in the 'life sciences' area and dramatic changes were noted for the topics related to 'earth and space' area. In terms of inquiry process skills, the levels of observation, measurement, inference, and communication naturally increased, whereas a developmental connection was noted between the intelligent life and science curricula. Classification can be viewed as a developmental link; however, viewing the classification as scientific from the epistemic perspectives was insufficient. In the case of expectation, a gap was observed in both curricula due to the absence of expectation activities in the intelligent life curricula. The study discussed the implications for securing the connection between the intelligent life and science curricula on the basis of these results.

Development of Dietary Life Curriculum in Elementary and Secondary Schools Home Economics that Integrated Habermas's Three Systems of Action (Habermas의 세 행동체계를 융합한 초·중·고등학교 가정교과 식생활 교육과정 개발)

  • Choi, Seong-Youn;Chae, Jung-Hyun
    • Journal of Korean Home Economics Education Association
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    • v.32 no.2
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    • pp.117-139
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    • 2020
  • The purpose of this study was to develop curriculum of the elementary, and secondary school home economics that integrates three systems of action and to prepare a plan for convergence education in home economics curriculum. To achieve this goal, the characteristics of elementary, secondary school dietary curriculum integrating three systems of action, the focus of development, core competencies, and goals were derived through the review of literature. In this study, we set up perennial and sub-practical problems and selected content elements. The contents system of the developed curriculum was modified and supplemented by examining the validity of experts, and the achievement standard of the middle school home economics dietary education curriculum was developed by integrating the three systems of action. The content system of the elementary, and secondary school home economics curriculum that integrated the three systems of action is centered on practical problems, and the perennial problem is 'What should we do to practice healthy dietary life?' There are five areas of this curriculum: 'health and diet', 'food planning', 'food purchase and management', 'cooking', and 'meal', and the scope of curriculum is repeatedly expanded to 'personal and family', and 'social'. The practical problems in the five areas are composed of 10 practical problems in the two dimensions (personal & family, and society), and the practical problems and contents elements are spiralled by applying the principle of integration. The contents of this curriculum were compared with the achievement standards and learning elements of the dietary life in the 2015 elementary school practical arts, middle and high school 'technology & home economics', and the 'home economics science' curriculum. The results showed that the developed curriculum encompassed additional content beyond all the content already included in the 2015 revised curriculum.

An Analysis on the Contents of STS in the High-School 'Science' Textbooks according to the Curriculum Revised in 2009- Focused on the Unit of 'Evolution of Life' and 'Health of Humanity and Scientific Technology' (2009 개정 교육과정에 따른 고등학교 '과학' 교과서의 STS 내용분석 - '생명의 진화'와 '인류의 건강과 과학기술' 영역을 중심으로 -)

  • Jeong, Kyeong-Ha;Son, Yeon-A;Kim, Dong-Ryeul
    • Journal of Science Education
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    • v.39 no.3
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    • pp.343-357
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    • 2015
  • The present study aims to analyze the extent of the use of STS contents in the areas of 'Evolution of Life' and 'Health of Humanity and Scientific Technology' in 'Science' textbooks and to determine whether they meet the goals of the curriculum revised in 2009. The analysis of the 7 types of textbooks according to the STS topics areas indicated big differences between textbooks as little as 16.67% and as much as 58.33%. Also, among the topics associated with STS, 'Space Development and National Defense' and 'Environmental Problems' were not included. In the STS activity areas, the areas of 'Structured Debate,' 'Interpretation of Data,' 'Research and Investigation' showed great frequency. On the other hand, the STS activity areas of 'Field Activities,' 'Problem-solving and Decision-making,' 'Role Playing,' 'Simulation,' 'Case Study,' and 'Research Design' showed small frequency. Analysis of the STS contents for each area indicated 67.57% for the contents relevant to 'the applicability of science' accounting for the largest part whereas 'Understanding of Occupations related to Science' accounted for 1.63%, showing a great difference in their frequency. Seven standards except 'the applicability of science' were included each contents beyond 10% or less than 10% proportion. The STS contents included in the life science area of the 7 types of convergence-style 'Science' textbooks for the high-school accounted for an average of 20.75%, from as little as 12.35% to as much as 26.90%, depending on the publishes.

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Comparative Analysis of Inquiry Activities for Authorized Textbooks in Elementary School Science under the 2015 Revised Curriculum: Stratum and Fossils (2015 개정 교육과정 초등학교 과학 검정교과서의 탐구활동 비교 분석 - 지층과 화석을 중심으로 -)

  • Kim, Eun-Jeong;Jung, Suk-Jin;Shin, Myeong-Kyeong;Shin, Young-Joon;Lee, Gyu-Ho
    • Journal of Korean Elementary Science Education
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    • v.41 no.2
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    • pp.295-306
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    • 2022
  • This study aims to analyze the aspect of inquiry activity for seven national science textbooks, which were recently authorized and developed for elementary schools. The study reviewed seven of the abovementioned textbooks, which were introduced to the authorized textbook system for 2022 in elementary schools. In-depth analysis was conducted on inquiry activities, which were frequently emphasized since the third curriculum. A chapter entitled "Stratum and Fossils" was selected to analyze the detailed types of inquiry activity using the framework. First, analysis was conducted on six types of inquiry activity. The result indicated that two out of seven inquiry activities different among the national and authorized textbooks. In other words, the two slightly differed from the inquiry activities presented in national textbooks. It was not reasonable that the introduction of the authorized textbook exerted an effect on the increase of autonomy and variety of teaching and learning activities compared with those of national textbooks. Second, science process skills, material, and inquiry process were established as standards for the detailed types of inquiry activity. The study demonstrated a slight difference among textbooks in terms of material and inquiry process, whereas the inquiry activities of the seven authorized textbooks were the same or similar. This finding indicated that students could experience seven types of inquiry activities. Moreover, the study examined inquiry activities related to essential learning contents in detail and found that there were more diverse than types of inquiry activities.