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Nutrient Balance and Vegetable Crop Production as Affected by Different Sources of Organic Fertilizers (유기자원에 따른 양분수지 및 작물생산)

  • Agus, Fahmuddin;Setyorini, Diah;Hartatik, Wiwik;Lee, Sang-Min;Sung, Jwa-Kyung;Shin, Jae-Hoon
    • Korean Journal of Soil Science and Fertilizer
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    • v.42 no.1
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    • pp.1-13
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    • 2009
  • Understanding the net nutrient balance in a farming system is crucial in assessing the system's sustainability. We quantified N, P and K balances under vegetable organic farming in a Eutric Haplud and in West Java, Indonesia in five planting seasons from 2005 to 2007. The ten treatments and three replications, arranged in a completely randomized block design, included single or combined sources of organic fertilizers: barnyard manure, compos ts or green manures. The organic matter rates were adjusted every planting season depending on the previous crop responses. The result sshowed that the application of ${\geq}20$ t $ha^{-1}$ barnyard manure per crop resulted in positive balances of N, P, and K, except in the second crops of 2006 where potassium balance were -25 to -11 kg $ha^{-1}$ under the treatments involving cattle barnyard manure, because of low K content of these treatments and high K uptake by Chinese cabbage. Application of 20 to 25 t $ha^{-1}$ of plant residue or 5 t $ha^{-1}$ of Tithonia compost also resulted in a negative K balance. Soil available P increased significantly under ${\geq}25$ t $ha^{-1}$ barnyard manure and that under chicken manure had the highest available P. Accordingly, chicken barnyard manure gave the highest crop yield because of relatively higher N, P, and K contents. Plant residues gave the lowest yield due to the lowest nutrient content among all sources. Reducing the use of barnyard manure to 12.5 t $ha^{-1}$ and substituting it with Tithonia compost, Tithonia green manure or vegetable plant residue compost gave insignificantly different yield compared to the application of 25 t $ha^{-1}$ barnyard manure singly. In the long run, application of 25 t ha-1 cattle, goat, and horse manure or about 20 t $ha^{-1}$ chicken manure is recommendable for sustaining the fertility of this Andisol for vegetable production.

Comparison of Stress and Life Satisfaction Between Non-Medical and Medical College Students (일반대학생과 의과대학생의 스트레스와 삶의 만족도 비교)

  • Kim, Nam Cheol;Kim, Sang Hoon;Lhm, Hong Kyu;Kim, Jung Ho;Jung, Hyung Shik;Park, Jong Chul;Kim, Young Shim
    • Korean Journal of Psychosomatic Medicine
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    • v.23 no.1
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    • pp.47-56
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    • 2015
  • Objectives:The aim of this study is to investigate any differences between non-medical and medical college students for : 1) a level and the nature of perceived stress, 2) a level of life satisfaction, and 3) the related factors affecting to life satisfaction. Methods:We measured self-reported questionnaires of stress, satisfaction with life, health behavior including happiness, alcohol use, nicotine dependency and depressive symptoms in 1,714(863 non-medical and 851 medical) college students. Results:Non-medical college students had significantly higher total stress scores than medical college students(${\chi}^2$=7.66, p<.001). In non-medical college students, employment problem score was significantly higher than medical college students(t=4.07, p<.001). In medical college students, the scores of academic achievement (t=-3.81, p<.001), change of social life(t=-2.03, p<.05), death(t=-2.05, p<.05) or sickness(t=-2.60, p<.05) of friends were significantly higher than non-medical college students. And non-medical college students showed significantly lower life satisfaction scores than medical college students(${\chi}^2$=-19.05, p<.001). We also found that life satisfaction were significantly related to happiness in non-medical college students(${\beta}$=.410, $R^2$=.325, p<.001) and depressive symptoms in medical college students(${\beta}$=-.435, $R^2$=.326, p<.001) by stepwise multiple regression analysis. Conclusions:In this study, a level and the nature of perceived stress, a level of life satisfaction, and the related factors affecting to life satisfaction showed definitely differences between non-medical and medical college students. We suggest with our findings that specified mental health promotion program need for the college student's mental health management.

Stand Structure and Sapling Growth Characteristics of Korean Red Pine Stands Regenerated by the Seed Tree Method (소나무 모수림 시업지의 임분구조 및 치수생육특성)

  • Lee, Daesung;Choi, Jungkee
    • Journal of Korean Society of Forest Science
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    • v.110 no.4
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    • pp.678-688
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    • 2021
  • This study was conducted to provide growth characteristics and stand information in preparation for natural regeneration method and silvicultural treatment of seed tree method in Korean red pine stands by using the field inventoried data 18 years after the seed tree regeneration method in 2001 and analyzing the stand and sapling characteristics. The study area was located in the Research Forest of Kangwon National University, Chuncheon-si, Gangwon-do. In November 2018, we collected tree measurement factors, such as diameter at breast height (DBH), height, crown class, stem quality, tree age, and annual height increment on the established plots. We calculated the basal area, volume, height-diameter ratio (HD ratio), and additional stand density variables such as the relative density and %stocking to analyze the managed stands. The number of mother trees was 58 trees/ha, with a 17.7% stocking level, whereas the number of saplings was 2,330 trees/ha, with a 79.0% stocking level. In germination, the age distribution of saplings ranged from 2001 to 2007, with most belonging to 15-16 years. The development condition of saplings was 10 cm in DBH and 8 m in height. DBH and height were higher as the crown class is more dominant, and this difference was statistically significant in the analysis of variance and Duncan's multiple comparison test (p<0.0001). HD ratio ranged mostly between 80% and 90%, and more than 95% of sapling stems were of high quality, with a straight, unbroken top, non-sweep, and non-diseased stem. On average, the annual height increment of saplings was 21.9 cm at 1 year, 43.3 cm at 5 years, 54.3 cm at 10 years, and 64.3 cm at 15 years. The overall height growth with age increased smoothly. According to the analysis of covariance, the annual height growth by crown class differed significantly. The regression analysis parameters revealed that annual height growth increased with age and dominant crown class.

Spatial Downscaling of Ocean Colour-Climate Change Initiative (OC-CCI) Forel-Ule Index Using GOCI Satellite Image and Machine Learning Technique (GOCI 위성영상과 기계학습 기법을 이용한 Ocean Colour-Climate Change Initiative (OC-CCI) Forel-Ule Index의 공간 상세화)

  • Sung, Taejun;Kim, Young Jun;Choi, Hyunyoung;Im, Jungho
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.37 no.5_1
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    • pp.959-974
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    • 2021
  • Forel-Ule Index (FUI) is an index which classifies the colors of inland and seawater exist in nature into 21 gradesranging from indigo blue to cola brown. FUI has been analyzed in connection with the eutrophication, water quality, and light characteristics of water systems in many studies, and the possibility as a new water quality index which simultaneously contains optical information of water quality parameters has been suggested. In thisstudy, Ocean Colour-Climate Change Initiative (OC-CCI) based 4 km FUI was spatially downscaled to the resolution of 500 m using the Geostationary Ocean Color Imager (GOCI) data and Random Forest (RF) machine learning. Then, the RF-derived FUI was examined in terms of its correlation with various water quality parameters measured in coastal areas and its spatial distribution and seasonal characteristics. The results showed that the RF-derived FUI resulted in higher accuracy (Coefficient of Determination (R2)=0.81, Root Mean Square Error (RMSE)=0.7784) than GOCI-derived FUI estimated by Pitarch's OC-CCI FUI algorithm (R2=0.72, RMSE=0.9708). RF-derived FUI showed a high correlation with five water quality parameters including Total Nitrogen, Total Phosphorus, Chlorophyll-a, Total Suspended Solids, Transparency with the correlation coefficients of 0.87, 0.88, 0.97, 0.65, and -0.98, respectively. The temporal pattern of the RF-derived FUI well reflected the physical relationship with various water quality parameters with a strong seasonality. The research findingssuggested the potential of the high resolution FUI in coastal water quality management in the Korean Peninsula.

A Study on the Asia Container Ports Clustering Using Hierarchical Clustering(Single, Complete, Average, Centroid Linkages) Methods with Empirical Verification of Clustering Using the Silhouette Method and the Second Stage(Type II) Cross-Efficiency Matrix Clustering Model (계층적 군집분석(최단, 최장, 평균, 중앙연결)방법에 의한 아시아 컨테이너 항만의 클러스터링 측정 및 실루엣방법과 2단계(Type II) 교차효율성 메트릭스 군집모형을 이용한 실증적 검증에 관한 연구)

  • Park, Ro-Kyung
    • Journal of Korea Port Economic Association
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    • v.37 no.1
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    • pp.31-70
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    • 2021
  • The purpose of this paper is to measure the clustering change and analyze empirical results, and choose the clustering ports for Busan, Incheon, and Gwangyang ports by using Hierarchical clustering(single, complete, average, and centroid), Silhouette, and 2SCE[the Second Stage(Type II) cross-efficiency] matrix clustering models on Asian container ports over the period 2009-2018. The models have chosen number of cranes, depth, birth length, and total area as inputs and container TEU as output. The main empirical results are as follows. First, ranking order according to the efficiency increasing ratio during the 10 years analysis shows Silhouette(0.4052 up), Hierarchical clustering(0.3097 up), and 2SCE(0.1057 up). Second, according to empirical verification of the Silhouette and 2SCE models, 3 Korean ports should be clustered with ports like Busan Port[ Dubai, Hong Kong, and Tanjung Priok], and Incheon Port and Gwangyang Port are required to cluster with most ports. Third, in terms of the ASEAN, it would be good to cluster like Busan (Singapore), Incheon Port (Tanjung Priok, Tanjung Perak, Manila, Tanjung Pelpas, Leam Chanbang, and Bangkok), and Gwangyang Port(Tanjung Priok, Tanjung Perak, Port Kang, Tanjung Pelpas, Leam Chanbang, and Bangkok). Third, Wilcoxon's signed-ranks test of models shows that all P values are significant at an average level of 0.852. It means that the average efficiency figures and ranking orders of the models are matched each other. The policy implication is that port policy makers and port operation managers should select benchmarking ports by introducing the models used in this study into the clustering of ports, compare and analyze the port development and operation plans of their ports, and introduce and implement the parts which required benchmarking quickly.

Antibiotics Susceptability of Streptococcus pneumoniae Isolated from Single Tertiary Childrens' Hospital Since 2014 and Choice of Appropriate Empirical Antibiotics (최근 4년간 국내 단일 의료기관을 내원한 소아청소년에서 분리된 폐구균의 항생제 감수성 양상 분석)

  • Jung, Jiwon;Yoo, Ree Nar;Sung, Hungseop;Kim, Mina;Lee, Jina
    • Pediatric Infection and Vaccine
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    • v.26 no.1
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    • pp.1-10
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    • 2019
  • Purpose: We investigated the distribution and antimicrobial resistance of pneumococcal isolates from hospitalized children at Asan Medical Center for recent 4 years, and aimed to recommend proper choice of empirical antibiotics for pneumococcal infection. Methods: From March 2014 to May 2018, children admitted to Asan Medical Center Childrens' Hospital with pneumococcal infection were subjected for evaluation of minimal inhibitory concentration (MIC) for ${\beta}-lactams$ and macrolide antibiotics. Patient's age, underlying disease, gender were retrospectively collected. Using Monte Carlo simulation model and MIC from our study, we predicted the rate of treatment success with amoxicillin treatment. Results: Sixty-three isolates were analyzed including 20.6% (n=13) of invasive isolates, and 79.4% (n=50) of non-invasive isolates; median age were 3.3 years old, and 87.3% of the pneumococcal infections occurred to children with underlying disease. Overall susceptibility rate was 49.2%, 68.2%, and 74.6% for amoxicillin, parenteral penicillin, and cefotaxime respectively. 23.8% and 9.5% of the isolates showed high resistance for amoxicillin, and cefotaxime. Only 4.8% (n=3) were susceptible to erythromycin. Monte Carlo simulation model revealed the likelihood of treatment success was 46.0% at the dosage of 90 mg/kg/day of amoxicillin. Conclusions: Recent pneumococcal isolates from pediatric patients with underlying disease revealed high resistance for amoxicillin and cefotaxime, and high resistance for erythromycin. Prudent choice of antibiotics based on the local data of resistance cannot be emphasized enough, especially in high risk patients with underlying disease, and timely vaccination should be implemented for prevention of the spread of resistant strains.

Preparation and Measures for Elderly with Dementia in Korea : Focus on National Strategies and Action Plan against Dementia (한국의 치매에 대한 대응과 대책 : 국가 전략과 활동계획)

  • Lee, Moo-Sik
    • Journal of agricultural medicine and community health
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    • v.44 no.1
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    • pp.11-27
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    • 2019
  • Dementia is major epidemic disease of the 21st century in the world. Dementia is one of the major issues in public health globally. Also in Korea, the estimated prevalence of dementia was 8.7%(0.47 million) in 2010, the number will reach the 1 million mark in 2024, it will become a 15.1%(2.71 million) by 2050. Among Koreans aged 65 or older, 725,000 are estimated to be suffering from dementia in 2017. Against dementia, Korea developed three National Dementia Plans in 2008, 2012, and 2016. The 1st plan was came into effect in 2008 and focused on prevention, early diagnostic, development and coordination of infrastructures and management, and improving awareness. The 2nd plan was launched in 2012, addressed the same priorities but had a stronger focus on supporting family members. In 2012 the Dementia Management Act established a statutory basis for organization of the National Dementia Plans. Under the Dementia Management Act, the government is required to produce a comprehensive plan for dementia every 5 years. The Act also orders that the government should register the dementia patients and collect statistics on epidemiology and the management of the dementia conditions. The Dementia Management Act of Korea required the operation of the National Institute of Dementia and Metropolitan/Provincial Dementia Centers to make and carry out dementia management plans throughout the nation. The Act also mandate to establish Dementia Counselling Centers in every public health center and the National Dementia Helpline. The 3rd National Dementia Plan of 2016 aims to build a dementia friendly community to ensure people with dementia and their carer live well. This plan focus on community-based prevention and management of dementia, convenient and safe diagnosis, treatment, and care for people with dementia, the reduction of the care burden for family care-givers of people with dementia, and support for dementia research through research, statistics and technology. In 2017, Moon's government will introduce the "National Dementia Responsibility System," which guarantees most of the burden caused by dementia. This plan include that the introduction of a ceiling on self-pay for dementia diseases, expansion of the application of dementia care standards through alleviating the support criteria for long-term care insurance for mild dementia, expansion of dementia support centers, expansion of national and public dementia care facilities. In the meantime, Korea has accomplished many accomplishments by establishing many measures related to dementia and promoting related projects in a short time, but there are still many challenges.

Analysis of Growth Environment on Old Tree, a Natural Monument in Gyeongsangbuk-do (경북지역의 천연기념물 노거수 생육현황 분석)

  • Kim, Tae Sik;Cho, Sun Hee;Kang, Hee Jin
    • Korean Journal of Heritage: History & Science
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    • v.43 no.1
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    • pp.190-211
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    • 2010
  • The purpose of this paper is to provide the preliminary data for maintenance of old trees of natural monuments and establishing protection projects. Accordingly, growth conditions, location circumstances, environment and protection management were analyzed for old trees at 34 sites in Gyeongsangbuk-do. Tree forms, crown, trunk and trees' health, leaves volume were analyzed in survey sites. As the results, the growth of Picrasma quassioides in Songsadong, Andong-si and Catalpa ovata in Hongwon-ri, Cheongsong-gun were not in good condition, along with other old trees of 6 cities (Quercus variabilis in Susan-ri, Uljin-gun, Juniperus chinensis in Hujeong-ri, Uljin-gun, Pyrus ussuriensis in Ssangjeon-ri, Uljin-gun, Salix glandulosa var. pilosa in Deokchon-ri, Cheongdo-gun, Pinus densiflora for. multicaulis in Hwasan-ri, Mungyeong-si, Pinus densiflora in Daeha-ri, Mungyeong-si). Accoding to these results, protection project and consistent monitoring are necessary. The analysis results of growth conditions per location circumstances showed that the old trees in the small spaces with large traffic of people were in bad condition. Therefore, it is necessary to secure sufficient space and soil improvement for such trees. The analysis results of growth conditions per species showed that Zelkova serrata, Quercus spp., Pinus densiflora are in good condition while Salix koreensis and others, i.e. a singular tree, are in poor condition. Thus, relatively smaller individuals and separately situated trees need careful management in their protection. The analysis results of trunk's growth ratio showed that Pinus densiflora, Ginkgo biloba, Zelkova serrata are in good condition whereas Juniperus chinensis, Quercus variabilis, Salix koreensis are not. It is a recent trend that tree surgeries are gradually decreasing; there are a number of damaged trees with no maintenance/management, and several sites requiring mend trunks management and cabling, bracing in protection and management projects. Hence, in the future, local government and management organizations should plan for systematic management and establish a protection plan for the natural monument trees. Also, 12 sites were found to be in need to purchase lands in order to secure the growth spaces, and since most of these areas are available for purchase, it is needed to promote a budget and purchase those areas through persuasion of the owner. These areas seems crucial in order to maximize the effect of conservation efforts and budgets for the preservation and restoration of the old trees.

Effects of a Short-term Multimodal Group Intervention Program on Cognitive Function and Depression of the Elderly (단기 집단 복합중재가 정상 노인의 인지기능 및 우울에 미치는 영향)

  • Jung, Beom-Jin;Choi, Yu-Jin
    • Therapeutic Science for Rehabilitation
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    • v.8 no.3
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    • pp.57-68
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    • 2019
  • Purpose: This study aimed to investigate the effects of a short-term group multimodal intervention program that mixes physical activity, cognitive motion, and social interaction, on the cognitive function and depression level of healthy over 75-year-old individuals. Method: This study used a one group pre-test-post-test design, and intervention was made for 70 minutes per session, once a week, for four sessions in total. To compare changes in cognitive function, depression level and physical function before and after intervention, this study used the Mini-Mental State Examination-Dementia Screening (MMSE-DS), Geriatric Depression Scale-Short Form (GDS-SF), and Berg Balance Scale (BBS). Result: After applying group multimodal interventions to healthy over 75-year-old individuals, there was a statistically significant improvement in their cognitive function (p < 0.01), and there was a statistically significant decrease in their depression level (p < 0.05). Also, there was an increase in the rating score of the degree of balance from $46.83{\pm}9.11$ points before the intervention, to $48.08{\pm}7.00$ points after the intervention; however, it was not statistically significant (p > 0.05). Conclusion: Short-term group multimodal intervention that mixes physical activity, cognitive motion, and social interaction had a significant effect on slowing down the deterioration of cognitive function in healthy over 75 year-old individuals, and decreased their depression level. This study is significant in that it presents a foundation for providing more systematic intervention for the prevention of dementia and depression in the healthy older individuals. Follow-up studies should verify the result through research on the effects of an occupational therapist's professional treatment, and experimental group-control research.

A Study of 'Yokagura of Takachiho': A sacred Music and Dancing Performed in Takachiho, the Land of Japanese Myths (일본신화의 고장 다카치호(高千穗)의 요가구라(夜神樂))

  • Park, Weon-mo
    • Korean Journal of Heritage: History & Science
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    • v.38
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    • pp.43-107
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    • 2005
  • A ritual ceremony accompanied by a song and dance is called as Kagura in Japan. The word Kagura is originally derived from Kamukura, which means the place where spirits reside. However, later it came to refer to the whole process of the ritual ceremony itself. Through the field studies, this paper examines Takachiho-kagura, helded in Takachiho, known as the village of myths, located in northern Miyazaki-ken in Japan. Kagura takes place all night through in each and every village in Takachiho and it normally runs from the end of November when the harvest season ends until early February the next year. One ordinary house is especially chosen for this ceremony, in which Kagura performs 33 repertoires. Takachiho-kagura is sometimes called as Yokagura, since the performance takes place over-night. A song and dance is performed by ordinary village people called hoshyadong, who inherited Takachiho-kagura. Currently, the ceremony is held in more than 20 villages and designated by the government as "Important Intangible Folk Cultural Property" in Japan. Takachiho-kagura follows the example of rituals held in Sada shrine in Izumo, which is now eastern Hiroshima-ken. It is the dance using a bell, a sword, a fan, which signify Norimono and is usually combined with mask-play called as Shinno. From the shrine of village, itwelcomes the gods who defense their village, called Ujikami and other 8 million gods, called Yaoyorozunokami, in Kagurayado, where Kagura of 33 repertoires is played in order. Kagura starts from dances for attendance of the gods, Hikomai, Daidono, Kamioroshi, performs dances of Amanoiwato, the gate of heaven's cave in Japanese myths, Dazikara, Uzume, Dotori, and continues dances for the old ghosts Shibahiki, Yatsubachi mixed with acrobatics. Finally, this performance ends with dances to send off the gods, Hinomae, Gurioroshi, Gumooroshi, until the dawn the next morning. This paper explores Takachiho-kagura from the perspective of folk performance with ethnography. These days, ecstasy and oracle do not happen in Takachiho-kagura. However, it kept the old form of folk performance as Kagura held in ordinary house. Especially, in Takachiho, remarkable venue of the Japanese myths, Takachiho-kagura is developed artistically. The first field study was held in Gokamura, Iwato-zone and Ashakabe, Mitai-zone between December 6th and December 12th 1997. Afterwards, the second field study was conducted in the area of Shiba and Ashakabe from December 17th until December 19th 1997 and from December 1st until December 10th 2000.