• Title/Summary/Keyword: 호스피스 완화의료 교육

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Activities of a Home Hospice Organization (가정호스피스기관의 활동에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Jung-Hee;Choi, Young-Soon
    • Journal of Hospice and Palliative Care
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    • v.3 no.1
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    • pp.28-38
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    • 2000
  • Purpose : This study examined characteristics of, problems of and services provided to hospice recipients and their family members at a home hospice organization. Methods : The subjects were 113 people who were discharged from one free-standing home hospice organization between November, 1994 and lune, 1999. Since the opening of the organization in November of 1994, it has provided hospice services at patients' homes with no charge. Data were collected from those subjects' records. Results : The average age of the subjects was 57.1 years; those aged 60 and over were 54%. Spouse was the most frequent(50.9%) primary caregiver followed by daughter-in-law and daughter. All the subjects were diagnosed as having cancer. Of those 41 subjects who did not know their terminal stage in the beginning, 31 subjects came to know their states. Of the subjects, 72.7% were referred from their physicians. On the average, the service duration and the number of home visits were 6.8 weeks and 7.2 times, respectively. Pain was the most prevalent problem of the subjects(89.4%). Medication management was the most frequently provided service followed by psychological supports. The reasons for discharge were death(88.5%) and refusal(8%). Home was the most frequent place of death(60%). Conclusion Home hospice service providers should be trained particularly in working with elders and in managing cancer pain. People need to be referred at an appropriate time for achieving goals of hospice. Community recognition of hospice services needs to be promoted.

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Perception of Artificial Hydration for Terminally Ill Cancer Patients: Patients, Families and General Public (말기 암 환자에서의 정맥 내 수액요법에 대한 인식도: 환자, 보호자 및 일반인)

  • Yang, Seong-Kyeong;Yong, Jin-Sun
    • Journal of Hospice and Palliative Care
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    • v.12 no.4
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    • pp.220-227
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    • 2009
  • Purpose: The purpose of the study was to investigate how much understand about artificial hydration in patients with terminal cancer, according to the subject groups, including patients, families, and general public. Methods: Data were collected from June 2007 to December 2007 and the participants included 22 hospitalized patients in the hospice unit of S Hospital, 100 families, and 101 participants who participated in a hospice education program for the general public. The questionnaire was developed through literature review, interview with patients' families, and expertise consultation. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics with an SAS program. Results: Understanding of artificial hydration among patients, families and general public was examined from three perspectives. From an ethical perspective, 'if you receive artificial hydration, you can live longer', 45.5%, 63%, and 52.4% of the above three groups, respectively, answered "yes". From an emotional perspective, 'artificial hydration must be provided', 81.8%, 70% and 58.4%, respectively, agreed. From a cultural perspective, 'if artificial hydration is not provided for the patient, the families will feel painful', 95.5%, 83%, and 88.2%, respectively, answered "yes". Conclusion: This study found the differences in understanding of artificial hydration among patients, families and general public, and also found that less than 50 percent of the participants understood artificial hydration appropriately. We suggest, therefore, that patients' understanding about artificial hydration should be determined in the clinical setting and then followed by individualized education according to given medical situations.

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A Study on Home Visiting Hospice Care of the Terminally Ill Patients (가정 호스피스케어환자 방문간호 조사분석)

  • Lee, So-Woo;Lee, Eun-Ok;Park, Hyun-Ae;Oh, Hyo-Sook;Ahn, Hyo-Seop;Huh, Dae-Suk;Yun, Young-Ho;Kim, Dal-Sook;Rho, Yoo-Ja
    • Journal of Hospice and Palliative Care
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    • v.1 no.1
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    • pp.39-46
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    • 1998
  • Purpose : Hospice Care is considered as one of the most perfect solutions for the problems brought up as the number of chronically ill patients are increasing rapidly and most of social welfare oriented countries are seeking the quality of life. Our former studies(1996, 1997) were to find out the current status of the hospice care in Korea by surveying terminally ill patients and their family members as well as medical professionals. The former study was also to conduct the operation research by developing an information service system for training of hospice care teams and volunteers, and hospice patients management. The purpose of this study was that hospice information service system was tested by home visiting hospice care through visiting nurses. Methods : From October 1, 1997 to March 31, 1998, Twenty six terminal cancer patients were included in this study from Seoul National University Hospital and other hospital. Databases and homepage, hospice information service system were designed and developed for the information needed for the hospice care before this study by our research team and this services were available through the internet. Visiting nurses were trained about this system and they visited the patients with PC notebook and provided them hospice care with hospice information system. They collected physical, psychiatric, social data of the subjects at the first visit and during hospice care at home. Results : Sixteen subjects(61.5%) died during the study and the mean survival was 20.7 days. Anorexia(96.2%), immobility(88.5%) and pain(84.6%) were the major symptom in the 26 subjects, Altered nutrition(26.1%) and pain(12.4%) were the most frequent diagnoses in 226 nursing diagnoses of the subjects. Families understood and demanded the hospice care more than patients. And most patients and families didn't demand spiritual or social care. Conclusion : Through this demonstration study, it was found that we have to provide the information of pain management and nutritional support for patients by the nurses and visiting hospice nurse. The information service system needs to be upgraded with information and manpower of spiritual and social care according to the findings.

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Analysis of the Perception of Hospice and Narcotic Analgesics by Family Caregivers of Terminal Cancer Patient (말기 암 환자 보호자의 호스피스와 마약성 진통제에 대한 인식도 분석)

  • Kwak, Kyung-Sook;Chun, Sung-Ho;Ha, Jung-Ok;Lee, Kyung-Hee
    • Journal of Hospice and Palliative Care
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    • v.9 no.2
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    • pp.106-111
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    • 2006
  • Purpose: In terminal cancer patients, pain control with narcotic analgesics and supportive care by hospice are very useful treatment modality. However, many patients and their caregivers are poorly compliant in using narcotic analgesics for fear of addiction and tolerance. And also many patients and family caregivers are reluctant to accept hospice, presuming that hospice means patient's condition is no longer reversible and progressively deteriorating. The purpose of this study was to evaluate and analyze the perception of using narcotic analgesics and hospice by family caregivers of terminal cancer patients who play a critical role in health care in Korean culture. Methods: A total of 54 terminal ranter patient's family caregivers participated in this study. Questionnaire consisted of 15 questions about narcotic analgesics and hospice. Results: The study revealed following results. 1) family caregivers who are not aware of hospice are more than half (56.7%). 2) 81.8% of family caregivers agreed that hospice care is beneficial to terminal cancer patients. 3) 85.1% of family caregivers were under financial burden. 4) 83.2% of patient complained pain in 24 hours. 3) while 88.5% of family caregivers believed that narcotic analgesics can control pair, 79.1% and 79.6% of them also believed that use of narcotic analgesics would result in addiction and tolerance, respectively. Conclusion: There still exist barriers to family caregivers in using narcotic analgesics for pain control. And also, terminal cancer patient's family caregivers have poor information about hospice. Therefore, educational intervention about narcotic analgesics by pharmacist and doctors are needed for proper pain control for terminal ranter patients. In addition, more precise information about hospice care should be provided for terminal cancer patients and their family caregivers.

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The Association of Life Event Stress, Family Function and Cancer (암과 생활사건스트레스 및 가족기능의 연관성)

  • Choi, Youn-Seon;Lee, Young-Mee;Hong, Myung-Ho;Chun, Byung-Chul
    • Journal of Hospice and Palliative Care
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    • v.2 no.2
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    • pp.114-124
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    • 1999
  • Purpose : To clarify the relation between psychosocial variables and cancer in Korea. Methods : Case-control study. Participants: 239 subjects in 2 university hospitals in Seoul completed a series of psychometric instruments(the Olson's FACES III and the Lee's 98-items life event scale). Results : In bivariable analysis, there were statistically significant difference in age and economic status(income): marginal significance in education status and marital status between the cases and controls. The family function type and stress score were not significantly different. The result of multivariable logistic regression, analysis showed that the risk of cancer was associated with economic status and marital status, but neither the family function nor the life event stress. Conclusion : In this study, we cannot prove the statistical association between the family function, life event stress and cancer. It is necessary to persevere in our efforts to clarify the relation between stress and disease and to develop the useful tools to measure the Korean family function and life event stress.

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Bereavement Care of Hospice Services in Korea (국내 호스피스 기관의 사별 관리 실태)

  • Ro, You-Ja;An, Young-Lan
    • Journal of Hospice and Palliative Care
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    • v.3 no.2
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    • pp.126-135
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    • 2000
  • Purpose : To evaluate the present status of bereavement care in Korean hospice service as a basic database for the effective bereavement care. Method : The data were collected two sets from September to October, 1999 and from November to December, 2000, 55 hospice institutions identified by the Hospice Education Institution, College of Nursing, Catholic University were contacted for a telephone survey. The researchers conducted telephone interviews with hospice administrators for 10 to 30 minutes. Result : 1) Among the 55 Korean Hospice institutions, 38 institutions(69.1%) provided bereavement services. 2) The contents of bereavement services consisted of telephone call 28 institutions(74.5%), bereaved family meeting 26 institutions(69.4%), home visiting 22 institutions(57.9%), mail 16 institutions(42.1%), personal counselling 7 institutions(18.4%). 3) The 26 hospice institutions(68.4%) which provided meetings for bereaved families met with the following frequency : Annually is 11 institutions(42.3%), biannually 6 institutions(23.1%), monthly 6 institutions(23.1%) and bimonthly 3 institutions(11.5%). 4) Only 4 hospice institutions(10.5%) used the assessment tool to screen for high risk of bereaved. 5) The major difficulties of current bereavement services were low attendance for the bereaved family meeting, shortage of professional managers and volunteers, limited accessibility to hospice institutions, little social awareness for the bereaved, and financial difficulties. 6) The hospice administrators expressed the need for the development of bereavement program, the education program for the bereavement services, trained professionals, the sufficient provision of human resource and financial support for more effective bereavement services. Conclusion : Although many hospice institutions(69.1%) provided bereavement services, they generally lacked capable bereavement professionals and various individualized bereavement services. In conclusion, it is required to develop the specified bereavement program and the training program for the staff and volunteers, so as to provide customized bereavement services based on individual needs. Further research will be necessary to evaluate the effects of customized bereavement services in Korea before applying to practice.

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Database for Hospice Nursing in Electronic Medical Record (호스피스 전자기록을 위한 데이터베이스 개발)

  • Kim, Young-Soon;Lee, Chang-Geol;Lee, Kyoung-Ok;Kim, Ok-Kyum;Kim, In-Hye;Kim, Mi-Jeong;Hwang, Ae-Ran;Lee, Won-Hee
    • Journal of Hospice and Palliative Care
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    • v.7 no.2
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    • pp.200-213
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    • 2004
  • Purpose: The purpose of this study was to create an electronic nursing record form to build a hospice nursing process database to be used in the u-hospital EMR system. Specific aims of the study were: 1. To generate a complete, accurate, and simple electronic nursing record form. 2. To verify its appropriateness following documentation with the standardized hospice protocol. 3. To verify its validity and finalize the hospice nursing process database through discussion among hospice professionals. Methods: Nursing records from three independent hospice organizations were collected and analyzed by five expert hospice nurses with more than 10 years of experience, and a nursing record database was developed. This database was applied to 81 hospice patients at three hospice organizations to verify its completeness. Results: 1. An electronic nursing record form with completeness, accuracy, and simplicity was developed. 2. The completeness of the standardized home hospice service protocol was 95.86 percent. 3. The hospice nursing process database contains 18 items on health problems, 79 items on related causes and major symptoms, and 229 items on nursing interventions. Conclusion: The new nursing record form and database will reduce documentation time and articulate and streamline the working process among team members. They can also improve the quality of hospice services, and ultimately enable us to estimate hospice service costs.

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The Single-Session Group Education for Advanced & Terminal Cancer Patients and their Family Members (진행암 및 말기암 환자와 가족을 위한 집단 교육 프로그램)

  • Lee, Young-Sook;Heo, Dae-Seuk;Kim, Mi-Ra;Kim, Won-Gyung;Choi, Jeong-Yun
    • Journal of Hospice and Palliative Care
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    • v.7 no.1
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    • pp.64-72
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    • 2004
  • Purpose: This research aims to assess the effect of a single session of group education of hospice program at Seoul National University Hospital for the advanced and terminal cancer patients and their family members. Methods: Response to questionnaires from 89 participants were evaluated using SAS and CHISQ analysis. The questionnaires included the following items: 1) the characteristics of participants; 2) the characteristics of patients; 3) the difficulties of patient care; 4) the satisfaction with the program Results: The participants consist of 33 patients (37.5%) and 56 family members (56.2%). Diagnosis included mainly stomach, lung, breast, and colon cancer. Participants of family members consisted of spouse, parent, children, daughter-in-law, and siblings (in decreasing order). The participants were interested in the medical information, nutrition, pain and symptom management, and psychosocial adaptation. They had difficulties in emotional problem, nutrition and symptom management. Even though it was a single session of group education, the level of satisfaction was high (95%). Conclusion: This research shows that even the single session of the group education for the advanced and terminal cancer patients and their family members is very helpful by giving them the necessary information. In order to develop comprehensive care-giving services, more specific informations, more opportunities to participate in such sessions and longer question-answer time is required.

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Community Residents' Knowledge, Attitude, and Needs for Hospice Care (일부 지역주민들의 호스피스에 대한 인지와 태도 및 간호요구 조사)

  • Ro, You-Ja;Han, Sung-Suk;Ahn, Sung-Hee;Yong, Jin-Sun
    • Journal of Hospice and Palliative Care
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    • v.2 no.1
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    • pp.23-35
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    • 1999
  • Purpose : The hospice movement began about 30 years ago in Korea. However, basic studies have seldom been conducted about the general public's knowledge concerning hospice care and their needs for it. The purpose of this study was to investigate the general public's knowledge of and attitude toward hospice, and their needs for hospice care, and to analyze the needs for hospice care in relation to their knowledge and attitude in residents from a specific community. Methods : The survey was conducted with 924 people randomly selected from a district in Seoul. The data were collected through a self-reporting questionnaire constructed by the authors. With 30 items given in the questionnaire, the level of hospice needs showed Cronbach's alpha .89 in a pilot study and .92 in this study and the items were classified into four areas by a factor analysis. The data collected were analyzed by means of t-test and ANOVA. Results : 1) The average age of the respondents was 38. The majority of the respondents were well-educated. 2) Regarding awareness of hospice care, 54%(501 people) indicated they have heard of hospice. About 74% thought that people should be able to prepare for death in advance. About 83% wanted to be informed when they have life threatening illnesses such as terminal cancer. Also, about 63% responded that patients with terminal diseases should be provided with physical, spiritual, and psychological care for minimizing pain and peaceful death. Regarding the attitude toward hospice care, 74% responded that they would use hospice care if needed. The number of the respondents who preferred home visitation by the hospice team to care for the terminally ill ranked first with 34%. Concerning needs for hospice care : 1) By needs area, physical need showed highest mean(M=4.37), followed by social need(M=3.96), emotional need(M=3.87), and the spiritual need(M=3.79). The overall need level showed the mean value of 4.00 which reflects a considerable need for hospice care. 2) By demographic characteristics, people age over 50, the married, and the unemployed indicated higher level of needs for hospice care. Women showed higher level of needs than did men, and Catholics demonstrated higher level of needs than believers of other religion(P<0.0001). 3) As for the knowledge of and attitude toward hospice rare, the level of hospice care needs was significantly higher in the following groups: those who have heard of hospice, those who are aware of death preparation, those who want information on terminal diseases, those who want to use every method to sustain life, and those who are aware of hospice needs(P<0.001). Conclusion : It is assumed that the findings of this study on the knowledge, attitude, and needs for hospice care in the public can contribute to planning a successful hospice care program. Furthermore, the findings of this study will serve as useful data for the promotion of home hospice care to improve the quality of life of community residents, and contribute to the development of hospice care as a whole.

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Care Needs of Hospice Patients in Comparison with Those from the Family Caregivers' Perspective: Q methodology (호스피스 환자의 돌봄 요구와 가족이 인지하는 환자의 돌봄 요구 비교: Q 방법론)

  • Yong, Jin-Sun;Hong, Hyun-Ja
    • Journal of Hospice and Palliative Care
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    • v.7 no.2
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    • pp.153-168
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    • 2004
  • Purpose: The purpose of tile study was to identify types of care needs of hospice patients and those from the family caregivers' perspective and to compare these two groups in reporting patients' care needs through Q-methodology. Methods: Twenty three Q-statements concerning care needs were selected through in-depth interviews of hospice patients. Data were collected from 20 hospice patients as well as 20 family caregivers respectively by sorting 23 Q-statements into 9 points standard. Data analysis was performed by using PC QUANL program. Results: Principal component analysis identified four types of care needs of the hospice patients. Overall, the accuracy of family caregiver reports was 48% in all types of care needs. Type 1 was named 'physical care needs type' for those whose greatest need was physical care to be free of pain and comfortable. The accuracy in Type 1 was 62.5%. Type 2 was named 'emotional care needs type' for those who would like to share love and intimacy with their family members. The accuracy in Type 2 was 20%. Type 3 was named 'spiritual care needs type' for those who would like to receive forgiveness from their God and prayers and visitation of clergy. The accuracy in Type 3 was 60%. Type 4 was named 'social care needs type' for those who would like to complete their ongoing work and to give service to others. The accuracy in Type 4 was 50%. Conclusion: There was a great difference between hospice patients and the family caregivers in reporting patients' care needs. Thus, hospice nurses need to educate family caregivers to more accurately assess patients' care needs.

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