• Title/Summary/Keyword: 협력특허

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Issues of Income Tax on the Compensation for Employee Invention of the University (대학 직무발명 보상금에 대한 소득세 과세 관련 쟁점 검토 -대법원 2015.4.23. 선고 2014두15559 판결을 계기로-)

  • CHEE, Seonkoo
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.17 no.5
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    • pp.219-226
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    • 2016
  • There has been some controversy about imposing income tax on the compensation for university employees' inventions. In this research, various issues of taxation related to such compensation are examined, with Supreme Court Judgement 2014Du15559 as a means of understanding the confusion associated with this taxation. An amendment of the Income Tax Law is proposed based on the examination results, in order to promote research in the university field, which is able to make various types of compensation for employee inventions fall into the category of tax exemptions. It is concluded that if the Income Tax Law is amended to refer to the definition of technology in the Technology Transfer and Commercialization Promotion Act, instead of that of the Invention Promotion Act, the compensation resulting from newly emerging IPRs and technical know-how, which are currently taxed, can become tax exempt.

International Biological Material Procurement and Utilization Research (해외생물소재 확보 및 활용 연구)

  • Yun, Narae;Nam, Bo-Mi;Lee, Changyoung;Kim, Soo-Yong;Paik, Jin-Hyup;Choi, Sang-Ho
    • Proceedings of the Plant Resources Society of Korea Conference
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    • 2019.10a
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    • pp.99-99
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    • 2019
  • 한국생명공학연구원 해외생물소재센터는 해외생물소재 확보 및 활용연구를 통하여 차세대 국가핵심전략 BT산업의 필수원자재인 생물소재의 범지구적 확보와 보존 관리의 임무를 수행하고 있다. 이를 위해 권역별 해외생물소재 공동연구센터(중국, 코스타리카, 인도네시아, 베트남) 및 37개국과의 국제협력 네트워크를 구축하고 있다. 세계적 수준의 생물소재 국가 인프라 구축을 목표로 국내 산 학 연 연구자들에게 다양한 해외생물소재 공급을 통한 지속 가능한 바이오 경제 기반 구축을 지원하고 있다. 해외생물소재센터에서는 2006년부터 특히 천연물 의약품 개발 분야에 많이 사용 되고 있는 해외 식물소재를 지속적으로 확보하고 있으며, 확보된 식물소재의 추출물 제조 및 추출물 은행을 구축, 이에 대한 생물활성 평가를 실시하며 연구자들에게 기초 자료로 제공하고 있다. 현재까지 총 36,500종의 해외식물소재를 확보하였으며, 추출물 약 320만점을 확보하였다. 확보된 소재의 분양활동을 통해 산 학 연 연구자들에게 180만여 점을 분양하였으며, 이를 활용한 다수의 논문과 특허를 획득하였고 중대형 기술이전을 실시하였다. 해외생물소재센터는 홈페이지 기반 분양 신청 시스템[https://www.ibmrc.re.kr]을 통하여 해외식물소재(Powder 와 Extact 형태) 분양서비스를 제공하고 있다. 또한 소재가치제고 연구를 통한 산업화 지원과 해외생물소재의 표본정보 서비스, 해외거점센터를 활용한 현지정보 제공 서비스를 지원하고 있다.

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Promoting Access to Health Technologies in the Post-pandemic Era: Gavi, Global Fund, Unitaid, and Access to COVID-19 Tools Accelerator (ACT-A) Programs (포스트 코로나 시대 보건의료기술 접근성 제고를 위한 탐색 연구: 세계백신연합(Gavi) 글로벌펀드(Global Fund), 국제의약품구매기구(Unitaid) 및 Access to COVID-19 Tools Accelerator 사업 사례)

  • Song, Sooyeon;Heo, Jongho
    • Journal of Appropriate Technology
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    • v.7 no.2
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    • pp.216-224
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    • 2021
  • Purpose: Global collaboration to accelerate development and equitable access to COVID-19 tests, treatments, and vaccines was launched with the name of the Access to COVID-19 Tools Accelerator (ACT-A), and this initiative owes its expertise to the lessons learned of the global health organizations. To date, the comprehensive mechanisms and potential effects of the initiative remain largely unknown. Methods: This study reviewed the programs of Gavi, the Global Fund, Unitaid, and ACT-A, which mitigating barriers to greater use of health technology with an analytic framework. Results and conclusion: The study findings are as follows. First, programs to alleviate the absence of necessary technology include the International Finance Facility for Immunization and Covax Facility. Second, Pooled Procurement Mechanism and Accelerated Order Mechanism are examples of mitigating the inability to access technology. Third, programs to overcome reluctance to adopt accessible technology include health system strengthening efforts such as the capacity-building health workforces. Further actions of Korea are needed to collaborate with the initiatives to enhance health outcomes.

A Study on Intelligent Value Chain Network System based on Firms' Information (기업정보 기반 지능형 밸류체인 네트워크 시스템에 관한 연구)

  • Sung, Tae-Eung;Kim, Kang-Hoe;Moon, Young-Su;Lee, Ho-Shin
    • Journal of Intelligence and Information Systems
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    • v.24 no.3
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    • pp.67-88
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    • 2018
  • Until recently, as we recognize the significance of sustainable growth and competitiveness of small-and-medium sized enterprises (SMEs), governmental support for tangible resources such as R&D, manpower, funds, etc. has been mainly provided. However, it is also true that the inefficiency of support systems such as underestimated or redundant support has been raised because there exist conflicting policies in terms of appropriateness, effectiveness and efficiency of business support. From the perspective of the government or a company, we believe that due to limited resources of SMEs technology development and capacity enhancement through collaboration with external sources is the basis for creating competitive advantage for companies, and also emphasize value creation activities for it. This is why value chain network analysis is necessary in order to analyze inter-company deal relationships from a series of value chains and visualize results through establishing knowledge ecosystems at the corporate level. There exist Technology Opportunity Discovery (TOD) system that provides information on relevant products or technology status of companies with patents through retrievals over patent, product, or company name, CRETOP and KISLINE which both allow to view company (financial) information and credit information, but there exists no online system that provides a list of similar (competitive) companies based on the analysis of value chain network or information on potential clients or demanders that can have business deals in future. Therefore, we focus on the "Value Chain Network System (VCNS)", a support partner for planning the corporate business strategy developed and managed by KISTI, and investigate the types of embedded network-based analysis modules, databases (D/Bs) to support them, and how to utilize the system efficiently. Further we explore the function of network visualization in intelligent value chain analysis system which becomes the core information to understand industrial structure ystem and to develop a company's new product development. In order for a company to have the competitive superiority over other companies, it is necessary to identify who are the competitors with patents or products currently being produced, and searching for similar companies or competitors by each type of industry is the key to securing competitiveness in the commercialization of the target company. In addition, transaction information, which becomes business activity between companies, plays an important role in providing information regarding potential customers when both parties enter similar fields together. Identifying a competitor at the enterprise or industry level by using a network map based on such inter-company sales information can be implemented as a core module of value chain analysis. The Value Chain Network System (VCNS) combines the concepts of value chain and industrial structure analysis with corporate information simply collected to date, so that it can grasp not only the market competition situation of individual companies but also the value chain relationship of a specific industry. Especially, it can be useful as an information analysis tool at the corporate level such as identification of industry structure, identification of competitor trends, analysis of competitors, locating suppliers (sellers) and demanders (buyers), industry trends by item, finding promising items, finding new entrants, finding core companies and items by value chain, and recognizing the patents with corresponding companies, etc. In addition, based on the objectivity and reliability of the analysis results from transaction deals information and financial data, it is expected that value chain network system will be utilized for various purposes such as information support for business evaluation, R&D decision support and mid-term or short-term demand forecasting, in particular to more than 15,000 member companies in Korea, employees in R&D service sectors government-funded research institutes and public organizations. In order to strengthen business competitiveness of companies, technology, patent and market information have been provided so far mainly by government agencies and private research-and-development service companies. This service has been presented in frames of patent analysis (mainly for rating, quantitative analysis) or market analysis (for market prediction and demand forecasting based on market reports). However, there was a limitation to solving the lack of information, which is one of the difficulties that firms in Korea often face in the stage of commercialization. In particular, it is much more difficult to obtain information about competitors and potential candidates. In this study, the real-time value chain analysis and visualization service module based on the proposed network map and the data in hands is compared with the expected market share, estimated sales volume, contact information (which implies potential suppliers for raw material / parts, and potential demanders for complete products / modules). In future research, we intend to carry out the in-depth research for further investigating the indices of competitive factors through participation of research subjects and newly developing competitive indices for competitors or substitute items, and to additively promoting with data mining techniques and algorithms for improving the performance of VCNS.

A Study on the Direction of Reform in Licensing Policy of Government R&D Outputs to Promote Academic Technology Transfer (대학의 기술이전 촉진을 위한 국가 연구개발사업의 기술료제도 개선방안)

  • Song, Choong-Han;Kim, Hae-Do
    • Journal of Korea Technology Innovation Society
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    • v.11 no.1
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    • pp.1-22
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    • 2008
  • The Korean government has tried to increase the total national R&D investment and, to streamline acts and regulations concerning national R&D activities. Korea's total R&D expenditure in the field of S&T for the year 2006 amounted to about 27.3 trillion won including government R&D of 8.9trillion won. The Korean government enacted several pieces of legislation concerning S&T: the "Technology Transfer Promotion Act (1999)" ; the "Framework Act on Science and Technology (2000)", and the "Presidential Regulation for Managing the Government R&D Programs (2001)." With these efforts the capacity of Korea S&T has made great strides recently. But for years Korea has run a severe deficit of technology trade. The Korea's balance ratio of technology trade is 0.36 (export/import). It means that Korean industry excessively depends on foreign resource in introducing new technologies. The Korean government has put a lot of effort into promoting the commercialization of technologies developed in universities. The public technology transfer policy of the government has improved the infrastructure of technology transfer and commercialization. However, the government has realized that these policies have not been as effective as they were anticipated. In spite of these various efforts, the technologies obtained from the government R&D Programs have not been transferred to the Korean industry properly. Only 13.6% of technologies developed in universities for the year 2005 were transferred to industry. The academic royalty revenues for the year was 0.15% of their total R&D expenditure It shows only a twentieth of the percentage of royalty revenues for the American universities. The reasons of poor commercialization of academic technologies are intermingled with imperfection of technology transfer system, lack of licensing experience, immaturity of socio-economic circumstance and inadequacy of legal system and government policy. In this study we analyzed the problems of legal system and policy in licensing of government R&D outputs and suggested proper alternatives.

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Exploring How to Develop Teaching & Learning Materials to Create New Problems for Invention ('문제 만들기' 활동을 통한 발명 교수·학습자료 개발 방향 탐색)

  • Kang, Kyoung-Kyoon;Lee, Gun-hwan;Park, Seong-Won
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.18 no.9
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    • pp.290-301
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    • 2017
  • This research aimed to develop problem creating worksheets as a teaching & learning material for problem solving activities and assess its effectiveness. Activity worksheets for creative problem development were established. The effectiveness of the problem-creating classes taught to gifted students in invention was evaluated. In addition, effective strategies for encouraging problem creating and question making in teaching & learning processes were explored. The creative problem identification activity consisted of 5 steps, which are idea creation, convergence, execution, and evaluation. The results showed that elementary and middle school students taught in the classes using this problem-identification worksheet were highly satisfied with the program. This study concluded that it requires an educational environment, government level collaboration, and support to create a mature social atmosphere and educational environment motivating students to keep asking questions and identify problems. Through continual modification, additional ongoing efforts to increase the credibility and the quality of the worksheets as a creative problem solving and learning tool will be needed.

A Study for Promotion Strategies of the Smart Grid in Convergence technology (융합기술을 활용한 스마트그리드 촉진전략에 관한 연구)

  • Mun, Jeong-Min;Leem, Wook-Bin;Cho, Sae-Hong
    • Journal of Digital Contents Society
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    • v.15 no.4
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    • pp.513-520
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    • 2014
  • The Smart Grid is next-generation power system materialized Convergence and Integration of power technologies and Information Technologies. And this system is the next generation power system optimizing energy efficiency via real-time information exchanges grafting the information technologies upon present power networks which are web-net. The introduction of smart grid can be embodied for latitude, distributed and cooperated network by inter-active exchange of energy information between electrical power provider and consumer previous uni-directional electrical power supplement. Therefore in this paper, we proposed Convergence technologies - Smart power grid, Smart Place, Smart Renewable and Smart Electricity Service - to make smart-grid succeed via analyzing the datum. And we scoped on Convergence and Integration technologies, which could be used for smart-power-grid that is most important factor to replace previous power industries. And we brought out the expecting industrialize timing and interesting aspects and analyzed the result with survey of professional worker from institute, research center, power plant and business of power industries. And proposed the essential policies for the government and power-control-business companies based on the datum and survey output.

A Comparative Study on Institutions for Technology Transfer of Korea and the U.S. : Exploring Cases of KAIST and the University of California (한국과 미국의 기술이전 제도 비교 연구 : KAIST와 캘리포니아대학교를 중심으로)

  • Kim, Sang-Tae;Hong, Woon-Sun
    • Journal of Korea Technology Innovation Society
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    • v.16 no.2
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    • pp.444-475
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    • 2013
  • This study explores the trajectories of institutionalization for technology transfer both in the U.S. and Korea, particularly focusing on two universities: Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST), and the University of California (UC). By comparing the diverging paths of the two universities in setting up institutions, this paper examines the limits of and lessons for technology transfer policies both to Korean government and universities in Korea. The University of California was involved in designing rules and codes, on one hand, to stimulate its members' engagements with technology transfer activity and, on the other hand, to keep its academic integrity since, no later than, the 1960s. The efforts and consequences range from its rules of patenting system to its codes of conducts. Through making rules formal and resolving conflicts on technology transfer activity, the U.S., and the University of California have decreased uncertainties for its members' engagements with industries. By contrast, KAIST has not built up such range of rules or codes due to its shorter experience and its constraining legal contexts. Korea introduced the legal format of the US Bayh-Dole Act in 2002, and its central government has led the initiatives for technology transfer, not allowing much latitude for its universities. This study implies a set of policy recommendations to the Korean government and KAIST: to build entrepreneurial universities, the government should give greater latitude to universities, so universities should be more rigorously engaged in developing their own rules and routines; the government, rather, should focus on providing bridging R&D funds like the Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR), so researchers could draw on resources to move their basic research into next phases; KAIST would be better to promote its members to engage with industries, and introduce conduct codes that allow its academics to engage in industrial activity, rather than building up its commercialization facilities.

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Strategy and Task of Government-Funded Research Institution for Post Catch-Up Innovation : Based on case of KRICT(Korea Research Institute of Chemical Technology) (탈추격 혁신을 위한 정부출연연구기관의 노력과 과제: 한국화학연구원을 중심으로)

  • Seong, Ji Eun;Ko, Young Ju
    • Journal of Technology Innovation
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    • v.21 no.2
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    • pp.85-113
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    • 2013
  • This study analyzes the government-funded research institutions as players which derive inner transition based on technology, policy and market environment changes. In this study, the main case is KRICT(Korea Research Institute of Chemical Technology) which tries to make post catch-up innovation in the organization. This institution has attempted to overcome the limitation such as change of technology paradigm and PBS(Project Based System) since 2000's. Responding to the needs of technology convergence and innovation by the paradigm change, KRICT has reformed organization and R&D management system prospectively. And this institution sets the goal like development of natural friendly technologies, small and medium-sized business support, and providing countermeasures of social problems. This case shows possibility of continuous innovation. There are some structural limitation like budget restriction, multiple organization structure, and biased quantitative assessment, but endogenous efforts of government -funded institutions make the new paradigm of post catch-up innovation.

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Importance and Management of the Laboratory Notebooks in the Research Record (연구기록물 중 연구노트의 중요성과 관리 제도화)

  • Kim, Sang-Jnu
    • Journal of Information Management
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    • v.39 no.2
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    • pp.45-74
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    • 2008
  • The purpose of this study was to promote the understanding of laboratory notebook's record characteristics through getting a line on the importance of the notebooks which have record, information, communication, and proof functions. To improve the research ethics and cultures, this study was examined and investigated by literature references and survey results. This study analyzed the status of the notebooks in part of laboratory information system of the R&D institutes, paper notebooks for laboratory records management, and the introduction of ELN for digital record. For the notebook's institutionalization, more review is needed to the possibility of involvement in the conflict, evidential requisite and signature by inspector, the limitation of autonomous policy for the notebook's operation, the difficulty of preservation for 30 years, the introduction of ELN and utilization for the notebooks. To improve management and institutionalization for the notebooks, it is needed to the notebook's record for knowledge management and evidential values, support and budget for the notebook's management department, researcher's recognition conversion for the notebooks related to the intellectual property and technology transference, the record method train for the notebooks from the university classes, and the introduction of ELN related to the laboratory information management system or project management system.