• Title/Summary/Keyword: 페르소나

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Finance and Persona: a Philosophical Understanding of Modern Finance (금융과 페르소나(persona): 금융의 정치 철학적 이해)

  • Kim, Jongcheol
    • 사회경제평론
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    • v.31 no.3
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    • pp.165-201
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    • 2018
  • According to F. Nietzsche and A. N. Whitehead, the fatal error of the modern Western ontology is to mistakenly assume that the structure of reality is the same as the structure of language, and to misplace the fictional linguistic subject as a realistic subject. This fictional concept of the subject is the concept of person. This paper will analyze how this fictional concept of person forms the basis for the development of modern finance. The historical period and place of analysis of the paper is England in the late 17th century. At this time and place, the modern form of banking began, and the concept of person was developed philosophically by English intellectuals, especially by John Locke. And at the same time, joint-stock companies and the English nation state acquired their independent abstract personhood. The fictional concept of person has reduced social relations to "exclusive property rights" and "creditor-debtor relations," and this reduction forms the ontological basis of modern finance. In modern finance where property rights and creditors' rights are mixed, property owners excercise exclusive property rights but avoid responsibility for the exercise by being transformed to creditors. Furthermore, property owners' privilege were extended when the modern groups-joint-stock companies and the nation state-who are endowed with eternal and independent personhood are reduced to debtors for the property owners.

Data-driven Co-Design Process for New Product Development: A Case Study on Smart Heating Jacket (신제품 개발을 위한 데이터 기반 공동 디자인 프로세스: 스마트 난방복 사례 연구)

  • Leem, Sooyeon;Lee, Sang Won
    • Journal of the Korea Convergence Society
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    • v.12 no.1
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    • pp.133-141
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    • 2021
  • This research suggests a design process that effectively complements the human-centered design through an objective data-driven approach. The subjective human-centered design process can often lack objectivity and can be supplemented by the data-driven approaches to effectively discover hidden user needs. This research combines the data mining analysis with co-design process and verifies its applicability through the case study on the smart heating jacket. In the data mining process, the clustering can group the users which is the basis for selecting the target groups and the decision tree analysis primarily identifies the important user perception attributes and values. The broad point of view based on the data analysis is modified through the co-design process which is the deeper human-centered design process by using the developed workbook. In the co-design process, the journey maps, needs and pain points, ideas, values for the target user groups are identified and finalized. They can become the basis for starting new product development.

Influence Factors of Use Intention of Chatbot by Applying Components of Experience-based Communication and Context-based Communication (체험 기반 커뮤니케이션 및 상황 기반 커뮤니케이션 구성요소를 적용한 챗봇 이용의도 영향요인)

  • Park, You-Young
    • Journal of Korea Entertainment Industry Association
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    • v.14 no.3
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    • pp.149-162
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    • 2020
  • This paper applied components of experience-based communication in terms of experience theory of Burnd H. Schmitt and context-based communication in the messenger platform environment through the scenario-based survey method, in order to study the influence of individual experiences, shared experiences, ubiquitous connectivity, and contextual usefulness on the perceived value and use intention of chatbot. Through this, the study is to provide companies in various service industries with practical approaches to further promote the use of chatbot. The implications of this study are as follows. First, as most chatbots still do not exceed the human planning level of designing them, it is necessary to consider how to design individual experience elements functionally according to the customer's intention to speak when developing the chatbot. Second, the chatbot should be designed not only from the perspective of completing specific tasks at any real time in anywhere, but also from the overall perspective of enhancing the quality of interaction, including the situation to which the customer belongs. Third, since the chatbot is likely to be anthropomorphized by users, it is important to be cautious about determining the chatbot's 'persona' and 'tone and manner' when developing the chatbot. Customer satisfaction is the most important criterion for the success of chatbot development. In other words, the quality of planning and data rather than the quality of artificial intelligence algorithms determines the utilization of chatbot. This is why companies are trying to make interactions with chatbot as close as possible to human interactions.

A 'Characterization' Study of a Character Actor - With a focus on the character building of Lee Sung-min's 'Ri Myung-un' in the film 'The Spy Gone North'- (캐릭터 배우의 '인물창조' 연구 - 영화 <공작>에서의 이성민의 '리명운' 성격구축을 중심으로 -)

  • Oh, Youn-Hong
    • Journal of Korea Entertainment Industry Association
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    • v.15 no.5
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    • pp.85-98
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    • 2021
  • The present thesis is a study about a character actor's characterization from the concept of 'star persona'. Conducted in 2020, this is a follow-up study about a personality actor's characterization. Lee Sung-min was selected due to his wide acting spectrum among domestic actors and his brilliant expression of differing characters as a character actor. The study discusses characterization methods for character actors on the basis of his role of high-ranking North Korean bureaucrat 'Ri Myung-un' in the film 'The Spy Gone North'. Stanislavski claimed that character building or characterization was the pinnacle of the acting art. However, such an expression of personality requires hard work and devotion from an actor. The actor Lee Sung-min practiced the North Korean dialect in order to act the role, and added the way the elite speak in North Korea to this dialect. He achieves a style of acting that raises tensions within the drama by spitting out lines in one breath and by making the audience fixate their gaze within character solo shots for which the character's emotions and lines serve as the core, with the purpose of maximizing dramatic tension and situational reality. Continuity and angle also serve extremely important roles in terms of expressing a character's personality development, affect, and emotions. The present thesis discussed the character development methods for a character actor's role of 'Ri Myung-un' in the film 'The Spy Gone North'.

Citizen Participation in the Process of Establishing the Community Health Plan: Based on the results of roundtable discussions to Resolve the Health Disparity (지역보건의료계획 수립과정에서의 시민참여: 건강 격차 해소방안을 위한 시민원탁회의 결과를 중심으로)

  • Lee, Su-Jin;Hong, Nam-Soo;Kim, Keon-Yeop;Ryu, Dong Hee;Bae, Sang Geun;Kim, Ji-Min
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.22 no.5
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    • pp.151-161
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    • 2021
  • The purpose of this study was to identify citizens' needs and what they perceive the health-related problems are so public opinion can be reflected in the Daegu Community Health Plan. A citizen participation group was organized, and two roundtable discussions were held in June and July 2018. The number of participants in the first and second round was 40 and 44, respectively. Customer itinerary guidance, DVDM (Definition, Value, Difficulty, and Method) Map, and Persona-based scenario method were used for the roundtable discussions. The measures to improve the health status proposed by the citizens included expanding access to health services, establishing health services centered on small-living areas, expanding mental health services, creating health-friendly environments, resolving environmental problems, and improving social health. In addition, enhancing communication and creating harmonized environments, improving access to healthcare, generating pleasant physical environments, and assigning socials roles for vulnerable individuals were brought up as the means to resolve health disparities. The strength of the present study lies in the fact that, unlike survey methods, the citizens' exact needs were identified by sharing their thoughts. Moreover, it was proven that practical measures would be needed to implement citizen participation in planning health-related projects.

A Study on 'Character Creation' of Personality Actor - Focusing on Actor Jung Woo-sung and the Characters He Played - (퍼스낼리티 배우의 '인물창조' 연구 -배우 '정우성-캐릭터'들을 중심으로-)

  • Oh, Youn-Hong
    • Journal of Korea Entertainment Industry Association
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    • v.14 no.8
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    • pp.141-152
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    • 2020
  • This thesis is a study on the creation of characters of "personality actors and character actors" among the concepts of "star persona" of S. Prince. This study selected 7 representative films of Jung Woo-sung, a representative personality actor in the Korean film industry, and analyzed how 'Jung Woo-sung-character' is embodied in the film as a character component suggested by R. Dyer. In the traditional sense, the actor's acting has been highly valued for transformation and impersonation in character creation, but discussing the method of creating a character focusing only on the actor's acting in a movie acting implemented in combination with advanced technology I don't think it's suitable for movie acting research. Theorists such as R.Dyer and Edgar Morin, who studied film actors and stars, also emphasize that 'movie actors are different from theater actors' (by the film medium). Therefore, in this thesis, a detailed analysis of the acting of a personality actor was avoided. As Morin pointed out that the character in the movie can be implemented through the actor's image and type, not playing the type of role. I tried to propose the significance of this character creation method of the personality actor by analyzing actor Jung Woo-sung and his character.

A Study on the Reliability and Validity of the Collection of the Ethnography Method of Service Experience Data - Focusing on I know You_AI Service - (서비스경험데이터의 에스노그라피 방식 수집에 대한신뢰성과 타당성 연구 - I know you_AI 서비스를 중심으로 -)

  • Ahn, Jinho;Lee, Jeungsun
    • Journal of Service Research and Studies
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    • v.10 no.4
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    • pp.43-55
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    • 2020
  • Recently, as the importance of experience data increases, there are many attempts to deal with experience data from a data science perspective. In the case of approaching as a collection method of a quantitative survey method that seeks to quantify numerically such as big data, it is difficult to interpret the value of experience in a wide range, and it is relatively expensive and time consuming, and personal information infringement There is a limit to the analysis due to the risk of However, since ethnography, a procedure for collecting experience data based on qualitative research, is mainly carried out in the natural real environment of future customers from the perspective of users, it is possible to confirm the nature that customers face with a small sample. In addition, it is also easy to interpret the relational dimension of the empirical data. Although the ethnography method of collecting experiential data is economical and efficient, it is important to reduce errors in the collection process because the lack of scientific procedures for the data collection process can be a problem. It is important to secure the validity of whether the correct measurement tool is used for ethnography-based experiential data collection and to secure the reliability of the use of a valid measurement tool and method by accurately selecting the measurement target. From this point of view, it is necessary to verify the reliability of the research method that clearly selects the measurement target and secures the validity for the development of the correct measurement method and tool for the collection of ethnography experience data. Therefore, in this study, a verification study was conducted on the data and methodology cases of the'I know you_AI' service that analyzes the customer experience of self-employed based on the ethnography method of collecting experience data..

An Interpretation of "Golden Bird" from the Perspective of Analytical Psychology (그림형제 동화 '황금 새'의 분석심리학적 해석)

  • Sang Hag Park
    • Sim-seong Yeon-gu
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    • v.31 no.2
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    • pp.177-214
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    • 2016
  • This thesis is an interpretation of "Golden bird" of Grimm's fairy tale and similar other tales from the perspective of analytical psychology. Golden bird story start loss of golden apple in king's garden. King and three sons are one-sided structure live without female members in family. They need feminine aspect. Adventure and journey of stupid youngest son can be seen as a individuation process in analytic psychology. Ego meets several painful experience during journey. New Kingdom has a new specific collective consciousness. When ego fixed dominated specific collective consciousness he can only be liberated after completing the difficult task of the next phase in crisis of death. This process is initiation, which is a supplement to feminity after recovery of increased consciousness, marriage with the princess, which is possible to unify the sexes (coniunctio oppositorum). The ego who got the apple, bird, horse, and princess which is shown to be a supplement to feminity, does not attain a complete success. Although the youngest comes out after brothers' failure, yet separation and abandonment of persona are difficult challenges and after all he achives a higher consciousness and then he primarily marries the princess, his Anima, after he executed his brothers for his repeated hardships, when the intellectual capacity is sacrificed as offering. Also, the fox restores himself from magic after the youngest son kills him and cut his head and feet, as the fox's wish. To be transformed into a human being. It experiences another consciousness. Finally, unifying the coniunctio oppositerum is fulfilled and a divine bond achieves the wholeness and it is accomplished individuation. In clinical practice, fox is compared to a therapist as a guide of individuation process who lead clients.

Exploring Factors to Minimize Hallucination Phenomena in Generative AI - Focusing on Consumer Emotion and Experience Analysis - (생성형AI의 환각현상 최소화를 위한 요인 탐색 연구 - 소비자의 감성·경험 분석을 중심으로-)

  • Jinho Ahn;Wookwhan Jung
    • Journal of Service Research and Studies
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    • v.14 no.1
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    • pp.77-90
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    • 2024
  • This research aims to investigate methods of leveraging generative artificial intelligence in service sectors where consumer sentiment and experience are paramount, focusing on minimizing hallucination phenomena during usage and developing strategic services tailored to consumer sentiment and experiences. To this end, the study examined both mechanical approaches and user-generated prompts, experimenting with factors such as business item definition, provision of persona characteristics, examples and context-specific imperative verbs, and the specification of output formats and tone concepts. The research explores how generative AI can contribute to enhancing the accuracy of personalized content and user satisfaction. Moreover, these approaches play a crucial role in addressing issues related to hallucination phenomena that may arise when applying generative AI in real services, contributing to consumer service innovation through generative AI. The findings demonstrate the significant role generative AI can play in richly interpreting consumer sentiment and experiences, broadening the potential for application across various industry sectors and suggesting new directions for consumer sentiment and experience strategies beyond technological advancements. However, as this research is based on the relatively novel field of generative AI technology, there are many areas where it falls short. Future studies need to explore the generalizability of research factors and the conditional effects in more diverse industrial settings. Additionally, with the rapid advancement of AI technology, continuous research into new forms of hallucination symptoms and the development of new strategies to address them will be necessary.

Relational Topography of Curatorial Practices and Publications (미술 큐레이팅과 출판의 관계적 지형)

  • Shan Lim
    • The Journal of the Convergence on Culture Technology
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    • v.10 no.5
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    • pp.351-356
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    • 2024
  • This paper concerns the dynamic relational landscape between art curating and publishing, and proposes continued interest and research on it. Publishing about art functions as a major means of mediating and disseminating art practices. It is also a metaphorical space for curating that visualizes original creations and their discourse, and also has a collective character that converges various art practices. Accordingly, this paper examines the complex aspects implied in publishing as art curating and the meaning of its manifestation. In the main text of this paper, first of all, there are authors such as Seth Siegelaub, who used publications as a space to produce works and reveal them to the public, and art critic Lucy Lippard, who founded Printed Matter and filled the space with books produced by artists. We also examine the concept of publication as an 'exhibition' through several examples. We also analyzes the historical changes that have raised the status of publications containing the voices of curators by revealing the intellectual narrative inherent in experimental curating through printed materials. Lastly, we traced Kassel Documenta's publication strategy, which gave authenticity and authority to the act of art curating and raised social attention to the curator persona. This research process is intended to promote an expanded understanding of art curating and to confirm the importance of publication, which is considered a part of curating within the art world.