• Title/Summary/Keyword: 파랑 감쇠

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Characteristics of Wave Attenuation with Coastal Wetland Vegetation (연안 습지식생에 의한 파랑감쇠 특성)

  • Lee, Seong-Dae
    • Journal of Wetlands Research
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    • v.18 no.1
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    • pp.84-93
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    • 2016
  • As a transition region between ocean and land, coastal wetlands are significant ecosystems that maintain water quality, provide natural habitat for a variety of species, and slow down erosion. The energy of coastal waves and storm surges are reduced by vegetation cover, which also helps to maintain wetlands through increased sediment deposition. Wave attenuation by vegetation is a highly dynamic process and its quantification is important for understanding shore protection and modeling coastal hydrodynamics. In this study, laboratory experiments were used to quantify wave attenuation as a function of vegetation type as well as wave conditions. Wave attenuation characteristics were investigated under regular waves for rigid model vegetation. Laboratory hydraulic test and numerical analysis were conducted to investigate regular wave attenuation through emergent vegetation with wave steepness ak and relative water depth kh. The normalized wave attenuation was analyzed to the decay equation of Dalrymple et al.(1984) to determine the vegetation transmission coefficients, damping factor and drag coefficients. It was found that drag coefficient was better correlated to Keulegan-Carpenter number than Reynolds number and that the damping increased as wave steepness increased.

A Study on Attenuation of Ground Vibration Using Hammer Generated Seismic Wave (탄성파탐사에 의한 토양층 지반진동의 감쇠연구)

  • 서만호;손호웅
    • The Journal of Engineering Geology
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    • v.6 no.2
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    • pp.95-102
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    • 1996
  • A study on the attenuation of ground vibration was carried out on the soil layer using seismic exploration method. A 12-channel engineering seismograph was used to acquire real digital amplitude data in field work. Frequency analysis of seismic data shows maximum spectrum amplitude around 40Hz. Relative amplitude decreases exponentially as the distance increases and the attenuation factors are n = 0.25 and a = 0.13-0.20. Internal attenuation indexes(a) are 0.13 and 0.20 in the wet soil zone and the vegatated soil zone, respectively. It means that ground vibration attenuates faster in vegatated soil zone than in wet soil zone. Average internal attenuation coefficient(h) was determined to be 0.094 from seismic velocity and frequency analysis.

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Study on Analysis of Evanescent Waves Generating the Strong End Axial Vibration of a Finite Cylindrical Shell (유한 원통셸의 큰 끝단 종진동을 발생시키는 감쇠파에 대한 분석 연구)

  • Kil, Hyun-Gwon
    • The Journal of the Acoustical Society of Korea
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    • v.30 no.7
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    • pp.361-367
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    • 2011
  • Propagating waves (flexural, longitudinal and shear waves) travelling with constant amplitudes and evanescent waves decaying exponentially are generated on a cylindrical shell. Evanescent waves are generally generated in the vicinity of an vibration excitation point and near ends of the shell. But the evanescent waves can generates strong axial vibration at the ends of the cylindrical shell. The strong end axial vibration due to those evanescent waves has been observed in an author's previous paper dealing with measurements of the in-plane axial vibration of a finite cylindrical shell. In this paper the strong end axial vibration due to the evanescent waves has been theoretically analyzed. In order to analyze the vibration of the cylindrical shell, wave propagation approach has been implemented. Comparison between theoretical and experimental results for the axial vibration of the shell showed that the strong evanescent wave can be generated due to mode conversion (conversion from flexural wave to evanescent wave) at the ends of cylindrical shell. It also showed that the evanescent wave can generate the strong axial vibration near the ends of the cylindrical shell and that it can have effect even on 1/3 of the total length of the shell.

Seismic attenuation from VSP data in methane hydrate-bearing sediments (메탄 하이드레이트 부존 퇴적층으로부터 획득한 수직탄성파 (VSP) 자료에서의 탄성파 진폭 감쇠)

  • Matsushima, Jun
    • Geophysics and Geophysical Exploration
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    • v.10 no.1
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    • pp.29-36
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    • 2007
  • Recent seismic surveys have shown that the presence of methane hydrate (MH) in sediments has significant influence on seismic attenuation. I have used vertical seismic profile (VSP) data from a Nankai Trough exploratory well, offshore Tokai in central Japan, to estimate compressional attenuation in MH-bearing sediments at seismic frequencies of 30-110 Hz. The use of two different measurement methods (spectral ratio and centroid frequency shift methods) provides an opportunity to validate the attenuation measurements. The sensitivity of attenuation analyses to different depth intervals, borehole irregularities, and different frequency ranges was also examined to validate the stability of attenuation estimation. I found no significant compressional attenuation in MH-bearing sediments at seismic frequencies. Macroscopically, the peaks of highest attenuation in the seismic frequency range correspond to low-saturation gas zones. In contrast, high compressional attenuation zones in the sonic frequency range (10-20 kHz) are associated with the presence of methane hydrates at the same well locations. Thus, this study demonstrated the frequency-dependence of attenuation in MH-bearing sediments; MH-bearing sediments cause attenuation in the sonic frequency range rather than the seismic frequency range As a possible reason why seismic frequencies in the 30-110 Hz range were not affected in MH-bearing sediments, I point out the effect of thin layering of MH-bearing zones.

Wave Transformation Due to Energy Dissipation Region (에너지 감쇠영역으로 인한 파랑변형)

  • 윤종태
    • Journal of Korean Society of Coastal and Ocean Engineers
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    • v.11 no.3
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    • pp.135-140
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    • 1999
  • To simulate the wave transformation by an energy dissipation region, a numerical model is suggested by discretizing the elliptic mild-slope equation. Generalized conjugate gradient method is used as solution algorithm to apply parabolic approximation to open boundary condition. To demonstrate the applicabil-ity of the numerical procedure suggested, the wave scattering by a circular damping region is examined. The feature of reflection in front of the damping region is captured clearly by the numerical solution. The effect of the size of dissipation coefficient is examined for a rectangular damping region. The recovery of wave height by diffraction occurs very slowly with distance behind the damping region.

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Wave Damping Rate Over Multi-layer Permeable Bed of Finite Depth (깊이가 유한한 다중 투수층 위에서의 파의 감쇠율)

  • Suh, Kyung-Duck;Do, Ki-Deok
    • Journal of Korean Society of Coastal and Ocean Engineers
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    • v.21 no.2
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    • pp.127-135
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    • 2009
  • Reid and Kajiura(1957) has studied on the wave damping rate over a permeable bed of infinite depth. In this study, wave damping rate over a permeable bed of finite depth is derived by linear wave theory. It is then extended to derive wave damping rates over a double or triple layer, each of which consist of different material. Applying the wave damping rate to the mild slope equation, the wave transmission coefficient over a permeable bed has been calculated. The model has been certificated by comparing with the result of Flaten and Rygg(1991)'s integral equation method in the case of a single-layer bed.

Roll Damping Moment of a Small Fishing Vessel by Free Rolling Test in Waves (파랑중 자유 횡동요 시험에 의한 소형어선의 횡동요 감쇠모멘트에 관한 연구)

  • H.H. Chun;S.H. Chun;S.Y. Kim
    • Journal of the Society of Naval Architects of Korea
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    • v.37 no.2
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    • pp.30-37
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    • 2000
  • The roll damping characteristics of the three models of a 3ton class fishing vessel, that is the bare hull, hull with bilge keels, and hull with bilge keels and a central wing are investigated by the free roll tests in head waves in a towing tank with the variations of the forward speed, initial angle and OG. The wave length variations are also included. The experimental results are compared with the numerical results of mathematical modellings by the energy method for these three models and the energy dissipation patterns are also compared. The roll damping speed increases, the effect of the waves on the roll damping of the models with the additional devices is negligible due to the much increased damping caused by the lift increase.

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Numerical Experiment of Wave Attenuation considering Behavior of Vegetation Zone (식생대의 거동을 고려한 파랑감쇠의 수치실험)

  • Jeong, Yeon Myeong;Hur, Dong Soo
    • Journal of Korean Society of Coastal and Ocean Engineers
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    • v.28 no.4
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    • pp.232-239
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    • 2016
  • In this study, the two-way coupled analysis method of LES-WASS-2D and DEM has been newly developed to review numerically wave attenuation due to behavior of vegetation zone could not yet applied in numerical analysis. To verify the applicability, two-way coupled analysis method is analyzed comparing to the experimental result about characteristics of wave attenuation using vegetation. Numerically analyzed behavior and characteristics of wave attenuation according to height length, distribution length, spacing of vegetation zone and incident wave conditions. It was confirmed to be effective of 3~4% wave attenuation were increased height length and distribution length, narrowed spacing of vegetation. Finally, this study is applicable to behavior and wave attenuation prediction of vegetation zone.

Damping of Water Waves over Permeable Bed of Finite Depth (유한한 깊이의 투수층에 의한 파랑의 감쇠)

  • Kim, Gun-Woo;Lee, Myung-Eun
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Marine Environment & Safety
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    • v.18 no.3
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    • pp.199-205
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    • 2012
  • In this study, wave transformation by damping due to the permeable bed of finite depth is investigated. The relationship between wave damping rate and relative water depth are presented. The damping rate is used in the eigenfunction expansion method to calculate the wave dissipation over the permeable bed. For a permeable shoal, the eigenfunction expansion model result is compared with that of the integral equation method to show good agreement. The model is also used to examine the wave reflection over the permeable planar slope of various frequency. It has been found that in general relatively short waves are more influenced by the permeability of the permeable seabed than relatively long waves unless the water depth is so large that the influence of permeable bed on surface water waves disappears.

Experimental Study on Slow Drift Motion Damping (장주기 표류운동의 감쇠력에 관한 연구)

  • 김현조;홍사영;김진하
    • Journal of the Society of Naval Architects of Korea
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    • v.39 no.4
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    • pp.24-31
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    • 2002
  • In the present study, the amount of slow drift motion damping of shuttle tanker in still water and various environments is measured through free decay model test. Although the estimation of slow drift damping is essential in analysing slow drift motion of moored FPSO or DP controlled shuttle tanker, it is difficult to predict damping accurately by theoretical analysis. The estimation of drift damping depends on model test mostly. Through the model test, the amount of slow drift damping is measured and the effects of environments and thruster action on drift damping are investigated. The measured damping characteristics are expected to be used in the analysis on slow drift motion of moored vessel.