• Title/Summary/Keyword: 취업결정수준

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Determinants of Poverty Among the Working Poor with Disabilities (근로장애인 빈곤 결정요인에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Jong-Jin;Park, Ja-Kyung
    • Korean Journal of Social Welfare
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    • v.59 no.1
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    • pp.251-274
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    • 2007
  • Although linkages between poverty and disability are often noted, until recently they have not been systematically examined in Korea. Many people with disabilities tend to become poorer because they lack access to jobs. And income support programs are not sufficient. But more severe is people with disabilities in labor market tend to be poor. The purposes of this study were to explore the characteristics of working poor with disabilities and to identify the major determinants of poverty. For this, '2005 Survey on the Workers With Disabilities' was used. The data was analyzed by descriptive statistics, t-test, logistic regression. The results showed that gender, age, education level, marital status, region where they live, the number of the household member, the severity of disability, the onset of disability are significant predictors in determining their poverty status. Also employment status, occupation type, industry type, numbers of years in current job are major determinants of their poverty status. Finally, based on these results several policy implications were presented.

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A Study on the Satisfaction of Self-Employed (만족도를 이용한 자영업에 관한 연구)

  • Oh, Yu-Jin
    • The Korean Journal of Applied Statistics
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    • v.22 no.2
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    • pp.281-296
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    • 2009
  • This study examines the job and life satisfactions of the self-employed. It uses the Korean Labour and Income Panel Study(KLIPS, hereafter) data for 1998 and 2004. We examine the phases of satisfaction and what variables influence satisfaction for both years and compare the results in order to see what changed between the two regimes. We make use of k-means clustering to divide self-employed into similar degrees of satisfaction. As a result, we are able to classify the self-employed into three groups(low, medium and high) both for the two regimes. High groups consists of relatively younger, well-educated, low working dates, higher proportion of woman than other groups. As a result of regression analysis, we have some evidence that women are more satisfied than men for job satisfaction and that the existence of income is more important than the amount of income for life satisfaction. The age, education, satisfaction for working place, and health are significant to both satisfactions.

Location Determinants for Newly Established and Relocated Manufacturing Firms (신설 및 이동 제조업체의 입지 결정요인 분석)

  • Yoojin Yi
    • Journal of the Korean Regional Science Association
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    • v.40 no.3
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    • pp.95-108
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    • 2024
  • This study analyzes the location determinants of newly established and relocated manufacturing firms in South Korea using the National Business Survey data from 2016 to 2019. Both new establishments and relocations are concentrated in the Seoul metropolitan area, Chungcheong, Yeongnam, and Daegyeong regions, with relocated firms showing a higher degree of spatial concentration. Employing a negative binomial regression model, we find that manufacturing concentration, population density, industrial diversity, and lower wage levels positively influence both new establishments and relocations. The proportion of highly educated workers, accessibility to producer services, and average land prices only positively affect the frequency of new establishments, suggesting that firms in the early stages of their life cycle, which are more dependent on human capital and producer services, demonstrate a higher willingness to pay for land use. Conversely, increased travel time to Seoul and improved transportation accessibility enhance the probability of attracting relocated firms. This implies that cost reduction incentives associated with distance from Seoul may outweigh the benefits of proximity to the capital in relocation decisions. Our findings suggest that strengthening agglomeration economies and improving transportation infrastructure efficiency could increase the likelihood of attracting relocated manufacturing firms to non-capital regions.

The Relationship of Anxious Attachment, Avoidant Attachment and Career Indecision: The Multiple Mediation Effects of Social Comparison, Self-Criticism, and Fear of Negative Evaluation (애착불안, 애착회피와 진로미결정수준과의 관계: 사회비교경향성, 자기비난, 부정적 평가두려움의 다중매개효과)

  • Sohn, Young Mi;Park, Cheong Yeul
    • Korean Journal of Culture and Social Issue
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    • v.26 no.3
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    • pp.145-166
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    • 2020
  • The present study examines whether fear of negative evaluation, social comparison and self-criticism mediate the relationship between insecure attachment and career indecision. Participants are 401 unemployed people in their 20s who have never had a job. The major findings of this study are as follows. First, correlation analysis indicates that both anxious attachment and avoidant attachment are positively related to fear of negative evaluation and self-criticism. Also, anxious attachment is positively correlated with social comparison, whereas avoidant attachment is negatively correlated with it. Second, both insecure attachments have significant positive correlation with career indecision. Third, it shows the respective unique mechanisms by which each of the two insecure attachment forms are related to career indecision are distinctive: Specifically, The linkage between anxious attachment and career indecision is partially mediated by self-criticism and social comparison, whereas avoidant attachment is indirectly related to career indecision through a full mediation of self-criticism and social comparison. Implications and limitations of this study are discussed.

A Study of the Effect of the Socioeconomic Status of Couple on the Induced Abortion in Korea (부부의 사회경제적 지위가 인공임신중절에 미치는 영향에 관한 일 연구)

  • Lee, Sung-Yong;Lee, Jung-Whan
    • Korea journal of population studies
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    • v.34 no.1
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    • pp.1-25
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    • 2011
  • There are two main purposes in this study. First, we compare the effects of wives' characteristics with the effects of the husbands' characteristics on the induced abortion. Second, we analyze whether the determinants of the induced abortion have changed according to parity and conception period. The main findings are follows. First, both wives' and husbands' socioeconomic characters have insignificant effects on the induced abortion at parity 0, in the 1997 and 2000 Korean Fertility Survey data. Second, during the periods of the lowest-low fertility, after 2000 in Korea, wives' employments have positive effects at parity 0 and 1, while husbands' educational levels have negative effects at parity 1 on the induced abortion. The implications are as follows. First, having children had been the universal social phenomenon before 2000 in Korea. however, after 2000, reproductions have become the women's choice, lather than the duty of married women. Women must weight the balance between the benefits and the costs of children so that women's fertility behaviors become a rational choice. Women's employment is the most important factor in these rational calculations. Second, both Western individualism and the traditional Korean familism have significant effects on the fertility behavior and the induced abortions in Korea. This rejects the diffusion theory, which tells that the traditional familism must be replaced by the Western individualism in order to decline the fertility rates in developing countries.

Place-based Policy and Urban Poverty: An Analysis of Employment Mismatch and Placeness of Regional Labor Market (장소기반 정책과 도시빈곤: 일자리 미스매치와 지역노동시장의 장소성 분석)

  • Lee, Wonho
    • Journal of the Korean Geographical Society
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    • v.51 no.1
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    • pp.41-56
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    • 2016
  • This study investigates the employment and spatial mismatch as a significant acting factor of deepening urban poverty and analyses the placeness of regional labor market that the more efficient place-based labor market intervention needs to take into account. The change of unemployment rate as a regional labor market outcome in metropolitan cities is determined by the dynamic interaction between disequilibrium of labor supply and demand and employment mismatch according to various labor market conditions and its process is certainly differentiated across the metropolitan regional labor markets. In addition, it is analyzed that during the employment suburbanization the spatial mismatch puts differentiated impacts on different labor groups through human capital requirements and industry-selective job opportunities. As a result, because this whole process works with its unique process within individual regional labor markets, in order to link between urban poverty and employment mismatch and to promote problem-solving labor market intervention, we need to develop place-based policy based on the placeness of regional labor marekt.

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A Convergence Effect on the Purchasing Behavior of Elementary School Mothers' Recognition of Processed Food Labeling Standards (초등학생 어머니의 가공식품 표시기준 인식이 구매행동에 미치는 융복합 효과)

  • Kang, Keoung-Shim;Lee, Se-Jeoung
    • Journal of Digital Convergence
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    • v.18 no.10
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    • pp.527-535
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    • 2020
  • The purpose of research is to examine mothers with elementary school children in Chungcheong and the convergence effect of recognition of food labeling standards on purchasing behavior. A two-step cluster analysis was performed for group classification according to the purchase behavior of processed foods and the collection was determined by Schwarz's BIC criteria. Three types were determined: "convenience pursuit," "large mart preference," and "high cost reverse purchase". The proportion of college graduates in 'large mart preference' was higher, the proportion of employment mothers in 'high cost reverse purchase' was higher, and the need for food labeling standards was higher in 'large mart preference'. 'Shelf life' was recognized as the most important item. 'Large market preference' scored higher in 'used materials' and 'food additives', 'nutrition labelling'. In order to improve the purchasing behavior of processed foods, above all else, it is necessary to develop customized educational media that can be easily applied to real life.

Development and Validation of Occupational Personality Scale Required for Industrial High School Graduates (고졸 취업자에게 요구되는 직업인성 척도 개발 및 타당화)

  • Kim, Minwoong;Kim, Taehoon
    • Journal of vocational education research
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    • v.37 no.6
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    • pp.36-60
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    • 2018
  • The purpose of this study is to explore the occupational personality required for high school graduates and to develop a scale to measure them objectively. In order to achieve the purpose of the study, this study constituted the delphi committee composed of the teacher group and the industrial personnel group. Afterwards, Delphi survey was conducted twice, and it was found that 12 jobs such as sincerity and honesty were related to occupational personality. As a result of the development of the scale based on the previous research and the expert group interview, 12 factors and 116 scales were developed for the pre - occupational personality test tool. In order to verify the validity and reliability of the developed preliminary test tool, we conducted a questionnaire survey of 700 students of vocational high school, and 514 questionnaires were used for final analysis. Parallel analysis was performed to determine the number of factors before exploratory factor analysis. As a result, eight factors were found to be appropriate. As a result of exploratory factor analysis using the 'maximum likelihood method' and 'direct oblimin rotation method', 78 items of 8 factors were found appropriate. However, in order to confirm whether the item reflects the contents of the factors, we conducted a content validity test for the expert group. As a result, feedback was obtained that 19 items were irrelevant or inadequate. Therefore, the validity of the existing job personality test tool and the modified job personality test tool were verified through confirmatory factor analysis. As a result, the fitness of the revised test tool was higher and the fitness level was generally good.

A Study on Improving Perception of Subject-Special Librarian and Subject-Special Services: Focusing on Survey Targeting Students Who Take 'Medical Terms and MeSH' and 'Health & Medical Information Sources' (주제전문사서와 주제전문서비스에 대한 인식제고를 위한 연구 - '의학용어와 MeSH', '보건의학정보원' 수강생 대상 설문조사를 중심으로 -)

  • Oh, Eui-Kyung
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Library and Information Science
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    • v.50 no.1
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    • pp.437-456
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    • 2016
  • This study, based on the need for department of LIS education program that targets training of subject-special librarian, focuses on proving that such education can improve perception of subject-special librarian and strengthen career decision-making. This study is composed of two parts. First, this study investigates case studies about subject-special librarian cultivation. Second, this study includes a survey about subject-special librarian, improving understanding about subject-special librarian, and improving career decision-making which was carried out targeting students who take 'Medical Terms and MeSH', and 'Health & Medical Information Sources' courses. Results are as follows. First, most of the respondents felt the need for medical librarian and medical information services (88.7%), understood the role of medical librarian (92.5%), got to know more about the types and functions of medical information services (100%), and came to be more aware of the self-esteem a medical librarian feels as a professional. Second, relatively, the percentage of respondents who demonstrated the willingness to work at a medical library (45.3%) or work in the field of medical information services (26.4%) was noticeably low. Third, there were no statistical difference in whether the students took related courses or not, number of courses they took and difference in their school year, and in regard of the level of understanding of medical librarian and medical information services, those who took courses demonstrated higher understanding than did those who did not take those courses. Also, those who took the courses showed stronger willingness to work as a medical librarian. Fourthly, the curriculum carried out by the department of library and information service was effective in understanding medical librarian and medical information services, but makes students more cautious about deciding whether or not to start their career at a medical library. Lastly, it was recommended that there is a need to have the curriculum updated in order to help students overcome the difficulty and unfamiliarity they feel about medical subject.

Exploration into the Determinants of Household Consumption: Liquidity Constraint and Family Characteristics (횡단면 자료를 이용한 가구소비 결정요인에 관한 연구 - 유동성 제약과 가구별 특성을 중심으로 -)

  • Hur, Seok-Kyun
    • KDI Journal of Economic Policy
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    • v.27 no.1
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    • pp.1-38
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    • 2005
  • Our paper aims to estimate a household consumption function in the presence of liquidity constraints as well as household characteristics. Empirical findings from a Korean cross-sectional data (National Survey of Household Income and Expenditure) reveal that several family characteristics, such as household size, number of working members, children in school, and educational level and age of the household head, turn out to be critical determinants of household consumption. Especially, the influence of household size on consumption decision is shown to be highly significant, not only indirectly through its impact on household income, but also directly by affecting the household's preference for consumption itself. While, the other family characteristics primarily influences household income. Our paper distinguishes itself from existing literature in that it greatly improves the explanatory power of the estimated household consumption function by measuring the degree of the liquidity constraint rather than simply identifying its presence. Based on the assumption that the present value of human capital is a function of household characteristics, the degree of the liquidity constraint is represented by the underestimated portion of the human capital. Such a method of implementing the liquidity constraint is useful in treating various types of assets according to their liquidity. Finally, our estimated household consumption function is applied to decompose cross-sectional variances of consumption inequality. The analysis confirms that the overall alleviation in liquidity constraints in Korea after the 1997 currency crisis reduced consumption inequality despite the worsening of income inequality and changes in the demographic composition of family characteristics during the same period.

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