• Title/Summary/Keyword: 초등 저학년

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A Study of the Degree of Obesity in Elementary School Students according to Grade and Gender (초등학생의 학년별 성별 비만실태)

  • Cho, In-sook;Park, In-hyae;Ryu, Hyun-sook;Park, Yo-sup;Hwang, Sen-lye;Ahan, hyun-hee
    • Journal of agricultural medicine and community health
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    • v.31 no.2
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    • pp.177-185
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    • 2006
  • Objectives: This study was carried out with 31, 519(16,653 boys, 14,857 girls) of elementary school students to investigate the prevalence of obesity at a district in Gwangju City. It can be applied to develope an educational program of the obesity control as basic data in this local area Methods: The data collected from May, 2004 to July, 2004 were analyzed by SAS PC+ 8.0 program. Children were selected depending on criteria from obesity index (%) by using physical index (height, body weight), and then subjects were classified into one of three groups according to the degree of obesity: mild(20~29.9%), moderate(30~49.9%), and severe($?50%{\cdot}$) obesity. Results: It showed that male elementary school students were higher and heavier than female elementary school students(p< .001) in every grade except the 4th grade(height) and the 6th grade ( body weight). The obesity rates of male students(11.6%) showed higher(p< .001) than those of female students(8.8%). Specially the 4th grade elementary school boys were higher than any other groups in obesity(13.7%). As a whole, the prevalence of obestiy showed mild(5.9%), moderate(3.8%), and severe(0.6%). Male students showed higher rate of obesity than those of female students. The obesity of male students showed higher rate than that of female students except 2-3rd grade elementary school students(p< .001). The obesity of 4~6th grade elementary school students showed higher rate than those of 1~3rd grade students(p< .001). Conclusions: The obesity rates of male students are higher than that of female students, and the obesity rates of 4~6th grade students are higher than those of 1-3rd grade students in the elementary school. Additionally, these results suggest that the program may be needed to prevent obesity of children.

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An Analysis on Suitability of Words and Sentences in Mathematics Textbooks for Elementary First Grade (초등학교 1학년 수학 교과서의 어휘 및 문장 적합성 분석)

  • Chang, Hyewon;Lim, Miin
    • Journal of Educational Research in Mathematics
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    • v.26 no.2
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    • pp.247-267
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    • 2016
  • It has been pointed out that the mathematics textbooks according to 2009 revised national curriculum cause difficulty not by mathematical knowledge but concomitantly by words and sentences for the first graders who just started learning Korean alphabets. This study focused on the suitability of words and sentences in mathematics textbooks for elementary first grade. We analyzed the degree of difficulty and familiarity in terms of words and the structure, length, and expression in terms of sentences. The results show some causes that lead the first graders to the difficulty. In more detail, we found 108 difficult words and 6 unfamiliar words for the first graders. And it is noticed that the textbooks contain 37 compound sentences, 727 complex sentences, and 38 compound-complex sentences. They also contain 237 long sentences that are composed of 9 words or more, 168 sentences that assign two activities or more, and 52 sentences that contain three nouns or adjectives or more successively. Based on these results and discussions, we suggested several implications for writing mathematics textbooks for the lower grades in elementary school.

Analysis of counting of multicultural students in the first grade of elementary school (초등학교 1학년 다문화학생들의 수 세기 분석)

  • Do, Joowon
    • Education of Primary School Mathematics
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    • v.27 no.4
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    • pp.421-434
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    • 2024
  • This study investigated counting of multicultural students in the first grade of elementary school and derived implications for counting instruction based on the results. To this end, one-on-one interviews were conducted with three multicultural students in the first grade of elementary school as the experimental group and three non-multicultural students as the control group. The students' counting was compared and analyzed from the perspectives of accuracy, efficiency, and fluency, and the results of the study are as follows. In counting forward, there were differences in counting ability according to the linguistic characteristics of multicultural students. In counting backward, there were differences in counting ability according to the level of mathematics achievement. There were differences in counting by 10 up to 100 in native language numerals depending on the level of mathematics academic achievement. The factors that affect counting all objects in various ways may vary depending on the number of objects. Multicultural students used simpler counting strategies when counting a limited number of objects rather than counting all objects in various ways. The results of this study will provide basic data on counting of elementary school students in the lower grades, and will contribute to the establishment of effective teaching and learning methods for the counting.

Development of Criteria for Measuring the Observation Abilities of Elementary School Students (초등학생의 관찰능력 측정을 위한 준거 개발)

  • Park, Yu-Jeong;Kim, Beom-Ki
    • Journal of The Korean Association For Science Education
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    • v.31 no.6
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    • pp.998-1008
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    • 2011
  • The purpose of this study is to develop the criteria for measuring the observation abilities of elementary school students. Object, viewpoint and mental demand constitute the evaluation criteria of observation abilities. Object domain was classified into two- and three-dimensional figures, while viewpoint was classified into constancy and variety of views. Mental demand covered 2 through 5. The assesment tool based on the threedimensional criteria was developed for the lower, middle and upper grades of 166 elementary school students. Results from this study were as follows. These students' scores were significantly different in the classification by each dimension and distinguishable between the grades. They scored high on two-dimensional figures, constancy of view and lower mental demand, and the upper grade students' scores were higher than the lower ones in all dimensions. Therefore, the evaluation criteria developed in this study can be used effectively for measuring the observation abilities of elementary school students. Implication for this study was determined to be the development of a valid and reliable test for observation abilities of elementary school students.

Trajectories of Mothers' Perceived Marital Conflict and its Relationship to Depression and Children' School Readiness, Self-esteem, and Happiness (어머니가 지각한 부부갈등 변화 양상에 따른 우울 및 자녀의 학교준비도, 자아존중감, 행복감 차이)

  • Yeon, Eun Mo;Choi, Hyo-Sik
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.21 no.5
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    • pp.344-352
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    • 2020
  • The purpose of this study was to identify the latent classes in the changing patterns of marital conflict perceived by mothers to explore its relationship with the changing patterns of mothers' depression, school readiness, self-esteem, and happiness of their children five years after their birth. A total of 1,243 responses from the 1st (2008) to 5th (2012) and 7th (2014) to 10th (2017) Korean Child and Youth Panel Study(KCYPS) were analyzed by Latent Growth Modeling (LGM) and Growth Mixture Analysis (GMA). The results were as follows. First, three changing patterns in the mothers' perceived marital conflict groups were identified: low-low changing, average-uptrend, and high-unchanging group. Second, an increasing pattern of depression was found from mothers of high-unchanging group over five years. Third, school readiness for their children was differentiated according to the latent classes. In particular, children from the low-low changing group showed higher readiness as well as self-esteem and happiness. Fourth, children from mothers of the low-low changing group showed high self-esteem and happiness in lower grades in elementary school. The results of this study suggest that the mothers' perceived marital conflict had an influence on themselves as well as their children's school related behaviors. Suggestions for an intervention program to resolve marital conflict are also discussed.

Qualitative Case Study on the Development and Management of Parent Participation education Program - for Multi-cultural Parents with Children in early elementary School - (부모참여형 다문화 부모교육 프로그램 개발 및 운영과정에 대한 질적 사례 연구: 초등학교 저학년 자녀를 둔 결혼이민자 가정을 중심으로)

  • Kim, Eun Jeong;Chung, Se Mi;Jeong, Jee Young
    • Korean Journal of Family Social Work
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    • no.57
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    • pp.217-253
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    • 2017
  • This study examines the process of developing and managing parent participation education programs, its performance, and its factor of deriving performance targeted on multi-cultural parents with children in early elementary school. Particularly, opinions of multi-cultural parents were considered and every process of developing and managing the program in this study was reflected. The analysed results were largely divided into three upper categories, which were 'growing as parents', 'forming new multi-culturalism', 'creating support system', and eight sub-categories. In addition, the factors that led to the positive achievement of program were appeared as 'development of active education program', 'organization and operation of parent inclusive program', 'utilization of flexible group structure', 'implementation of close interaction and communication between the members of the development team and the management team'. Based on the following results, we propose development and management process for effective multi-cultural parent education program.

The Web-based Multimedia Contents Development for Training Sense of Space (공간 감각을 기르기 위한 웹기반 멀티미디어 컨텐츠 개발)

  • 정상영;이경현
    • Proceedings of the Korea Multimedia Society Conference
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    • 2002.11b
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    • pp.716-719
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    • 2002
  • 이 연구의 목적은 근래에 초등학교 수학과 교육과정의 도형영역에 새로이 도입된 '공간감각'을 기르기 위한 웹 코스웨어를 개발하여 단순히 교과서에만 제시된 구체물 조작만으로는 기르기 힘든 공간감각을 기르는데 있다. 개발된 코스웨어는 학습내용을 수준별로 구성하고 있어 바로 학습 현장에 투입하여 수준별 학습, 개별화 학습을 실현할 수 있도록 하였다. 또한 초등학교 저학년에게 구체물로서는 조작할 수 없는 것들을 다양한 애니메이션 기법을 통하여 직접 조작해 볼 수 있도록 하고, 재미있는 놀이를 학습에 적절히 활용함으로써 학습 흥미도를 높이고자 하였다.

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Effects of Out-of-school STEAM Programs Based on Social-Emotional Learning (사회정서학습 기반의 학교 밖 STEAM 프로그램의 효과)

  • Lee, Hyunjoo;Lee, Soo-Yong;Jung, Jaeeun;Lee, Saebyoul;Choi, Eunhye;Kwak, E-Rang;Kim, Younghwa;Chang, Hyewon
    • Journal of Korean Elementary Science Education
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    • v.41 no.4
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    • pp.740-753
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    • 2022
  • This study was conducted to develop and apply an out-of-school STEAM program model based on Social-Emotional Learning (SEL) for underprivileged students in the lower grades. To this end, a STEAM program based on SEL was developed, with the following characteristics. First, by integrating traditional STEAM learning elements and SEL elements, a structured program was designed with consistent stages, including mindfulness meditation→present an authentic situation→creative design→emotional experiences→reflection. Second, the program was structured so that elementary school students could develop mathematical thinking and scientific inquiry skills in problem-solving situations in daily life. Third, the detailed themes for each STEAM program involved storytelling-based problem situations, as well as activities centered on play and sympathy to reflect the educational needs of underprivileged students. From these characteristics, a total of five programs were developed and applied to 16 teachers and 354 lower-grade elementary school students in 16 community children centers nationwide. The results were as follows. First, while students' satisfaction with the STEAM program was 4.16, there were no significant differences in STEAM satisfaction according to gender. Second, while all students' interest and self-efficacy, which was one of sub factors of STEAM attitude, were significantly improved, no significant difference was seen in STEAM attitudes according to gender. Third, although students' SEL competencies were not significantly improved, relationship skills, which were among the sub factors of SEL competencies, were significantly improved, and there were no significant differences in SEL competencies according to gender. From these results, a discussion on the effect of the out-of-school STEAM program for underprivileged students and directions for follow-up studies was suggested.

The Effectiveness of online English Learning Program Contents for Elementary School Students (초등학교 온라인 영어 학습 콘텐츠 유형별 효과성)

  • Kim, Yoojeong
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.18 no.2
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    • pp.427-437
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    • 2018
  • This study explored the effectiveness of the online English learning program contents for elementary school students. The study used the online English learning program served by Gyeonggi province office of education. 107 students attending P elementary school in K city volunteered for the program. After studying English via the website for almost one year, they were asked to respond the questionnaires related to the contents of the online English program. Since the research investigated that the relations of students' grades, the time for the study, their diagnostic test scores, and the effectiveness of the contents, the survey responses were analyzed with Spearman correlation. As a result, older students thought that the type of problem-solving, the type of performing a task, WBI (Web Based Instruction) were not efficacious. Also, these types of online English program were chosen as ineffective from the students at the higher level. Whereas the type of private lesson, the lessons based on a story, and the type of animation were preferred to the students who spent longer time on the website. This highlights the need to consider the students' characteristics such as students' grades, the time for the study, and their English level when developing the contents of the online English learning program.

Pedagogical Methodology of Teaching Activity-based Flow Chart for Elementary School Students (초등학생 대상의 활동 중심 순서도 교육 방법)

  • Lee, Yong-Bae;Park, Ji-Eun
    • Journal of The Korean Association of Information Education
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    • v.16 no.4
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    • pp.489-502
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    • 2012
  • Today computer education puts an emphasis on algorithm education. There are little researches about how to express the given problem in algorithm and how to interpret the expressed algorithm. In this study play-based learning methods dealing with flow chart which is one of the expressing tools of algorithm are developed for lower graders of elementary school. Then we diagnosed the learning possibility of the tool after applying the methods in a classroom environment. There are four types of learning game activities; sequential play, selective play, repetitive play and puzzle play. Puzzle play is a game that students need to reconstruct the learned content to a real flow chart by using flow chart cards. The result of an achievement test after teaching students flow chart showed that the group who took the play-based lesson got their average score with about 7.5% higher than the group who took the ICT-based lesson. Both the groups got their average scroe of more than 9 out of 10 after the lesson. This result shows that flow chart lessons are adaptable for the lower graders of elementary school. It also shows that play-based education can be exceptionally effective.

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