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Effects of Out-of-school STEAM Programs Based on Social-Emotional Learning  

Lee, Hyunjoo (Dongbu Elementary School)
Lee, Soo-Yong (Seoul National University of Education)
Jung, Jaeeun (Seoul Inhun Elementary School)
Lee, Saebyoul (Elementary School affiliated with Seoul National University of Education)
Choi, Eunhye (Seoul Euncheon Elementary School)
Kwak, E-Rang (Hansin Elementary School)
Kim, Younghwa (Seoul National University of Education)
Chang, Hyewon (Seoul National University of Education)
Publication Information
Journal of Korean Elementary Science Education / v.41, no.4, 2022 , pp. 740-753 More about this Journal
This study was conducted to develop and apply an out-of-school STEAM program model based on Social-Emotional Learning (SEL) for underprivileged students in the lower grades. To this end, a STEAM program based on SEL was developed, with the following characteristics. First, by integrating traditional STEAM learning elements and SEL elements, a structured program was designed with consistent stages, including mindfulness meditation→present an authentic situation→creative design→emotional experiences→reflection. Second, the program was structured so that elementary school students could develop mathematical thinking and scientific inquiry skills in problem-solving situations in daily life. Third, the detailed themes for each STEAM program involved storytelling-based problem situations, as well as activities centered on play and sympathy to reflect the educational needs of underprivileged students. From these characteristics, a total of five programs were developed and applied to 16 teachers and 354 lower-grade elementary school students in 16 community children centers nationwide. The results were as follows. First, while students' satisfaction with the STEAM program was 4.16, there were no significant differences in STEAM satisfaction according to gender. Second, while all students' interest and self-efficacy, which was one of sub factors of STEAM attitude, were significantly improved, no significant difference was seen in STEAM attitudes according to gender. Third, although students' SEL competencies were not significantly improved, relationship skills, which were among the sub factors of SEL competencies, were significantly improved, and there were no significant differences in SEL competencies according to gender. From these results, a discussion on the effect of the out-of-school STEAM program for underprivileged students and directions for follow-up studies was suggested.
underprivileged students; out-of-school program; Social-Emotional Learning; STEAM program; lower elementary students;
Citations & Related Records
Times Cited By KSCI : 7  (Citation Analysis)
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