• Title/Summary/Keyword: 창조적 사고

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A study of Construction Management for the Application to the Residential Environment Improvement Project (주거환경정비사업에서의 건설사업관리 적용 방안 연구)

  • Lee, Jeong-Bok
    • Korean Journal of Construction Engineering and Management
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    • v.7 no.2 s.30
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    • pp.89-97
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    • 2006
  • With the increased demand on housing quality and effective urban redevelopment, a new paradigm in reconstruction project is in need. Especially, the Urban and Residential Environment Improvement Law which initiated on July 1, 2003 has become a significant turning point. This code is expected to function as a consistent and systematic measure. This study will examine the code's major concepts and methods to progress reconstruction projects effectively. The application of construction management is examined carefully since the new code requires renewal project consulting firms to function as a professional complement rather than simply perform administration work, as in the past. Also, construction managing methods that can be related to renewal project consulting are examined and speculated. Lastly, methods to improve efficiency in reconstruction projects are introduced through case study and analysis on applicability and expected results.

The Development of Question Sheet to Improve Middle School Students' Scientific Creativity (중학생들의 과학창의력 신장을 위한 발문지 개발)

  • Jeong, Ji-Eun
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Earth Science Education
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    • v.9 no.3
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    • pp.255-268
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    • 2016
  • The education should adapt learners well to any changes and have them create something for such a era. Form the point of this view. question sheet was developed for middle school students to improve their scientific creativity. For this study, 146 item questions, which was from chapter 7 about solar system movement in the 3rd grade textbook for middle school students, was developed. For 5 weeks, 142 third graders in middle school were chosen and observed. They were divided into an experimental group and a control group. The teaching model using question sheet was applied to the experimental group, while the traditional teaching model, to the control group. This study compared two groups based on scientific creativity and academic achievement. In both scientific creativity and academic achievement, the group using question sheet showed meaningful differences. This result of the analysis indicated that teaching model using question sheet stimulated student's creative thinking and helped them to achieve a goal of lesson. The teaching model using question sheet can be used as an effective way to increase students' creativity.

A Comparison between Korean and American College Students' Evolution Concepts based on the History of Evolutionary Ideas (진화개념의 역사에 근거한 한국과 미국 대학생의 진화개념 수준 비교)

  • Ha, Minsu
    • Journal of The Korean Association For Science Education
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    • v.37 no.4
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    • pp.659-668
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    • 2017
  • This study was conducted to identify whether there is a significant difference in the developmental stages of the evolution concept depending on the major and the country. For this study, college students (both biology major and non-biology major) in Korea and the United States answered evolution concept assessment developed by Ha (2007). The data were analyzed based on the method of developed by Ha (2016). As a result of this study, Cronbach alpha for internal consistency reliability and MNSQ indices for item response fitness of the ordered multiple choice method providing 0 to 4 point scores to creationism, teleology, intentionality, use/disuse, and natural selection respectively, satisfied the benchmark. The level of Korean college students' evolution concepts was located in use/disuse and the level of USA college students' evolution concepts was located in teleology. No interaction effect was found between the difference of conceptual progressions of evolution concept by major and country and evolution contexts (human, animal, and plant). There was a significant relationship between developmental stages of evolution concept and their religiosity. Based on the results of this study, we discuss developmental characteristics of evolutionary concepts.

A Study on Culture Studies for the Circuit of Culture of Policy Discourse: Focus on Cultural Representations and Signifying Practices (정책담론의 문화흐름에 대한 문화연구: 문화적 표상과 의미의 실체를 중심으로)

  • Kim, Man-Ki
    • Journal of Digital Convergence
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    • v.9 no.3
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    • pp.69-79
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    • 2011
  • This study is the text discourse of agenda setting through media policy on the three communities. The materials of subjects are the 71 text discourses that appeared in the columns, the special manuscripts, and the comments on the contemporary topics in 33 media. The subjects focuses on the metaphor, metonymy, and binary transposition. This kind of connotation tends to be imploded into people through media, so that it produces hyperreality. This process produces the regulation and strengthens the reality through the circuit of culture. Thus this research tries to develop the theoretical foundation for analysing the text discourse produced by the media. Also it focuses on widening the research scope to study the effects that the circuit of culture provides on the politics, society, and economics. Therefore The first, the objective meanings(denotation)which the referents of the community as T'PALACE, I'PARK, and STARCITY are 'larger scale', 'high and skyscraper', 'the rich people and the plutocrats who have very high academic career' and ' the residence place for the famous stars and successful CEOs', etc. and the subjective meanings, connotations which the referents of the community are 'The first street' transposes '1%' 'their own space' into the characteristics of the wealth of Gangnam district or Korean wealth', the additional significations which the metaphors such as 'the noble community', 'the sample for the high -level residential space', and 'the greed of 1%'. Conclusion, The significations of the symbols became imploded into the population and circulated along with the cultural streams through the media. The referents are recreated and consumed among the other communities such as the named 'PALACE', 'I'PARK', 'STARCITY' in the other areas. This kind of ideology tends to create the myths such as 'the 1% rich people of Gangnam', 'the first street of Korean wealth', and create the regulation such as 'the compound taxes for the real-estates', 'the policy of reducing the taxes for the rich', 'the policy of reducing the taxes for the 1% of the rich'. Also these regulations make the politicians operate new policies and are being utilized as 'slogan' for the politicians.

Types of Concept Figuration in Landscape Design based on Memory (기억에 기반한 조경설계의 개념 형상화 유형)

  • An, Seung-Hong
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.45 no.6
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    • pp.171-184
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    • 2017
  • The designers pursue the thoughtful and wide thinking through the accumulation of knowledge and cultivation of insights for making use of high-level design philosophy and language. The purpose of this study is to investigate characteristics of concept figuration types based on designer's 'memory' in landscape design. The results of this study are as follows. First, the design idea starts to be based on the language and image memory of the designer. The figuration types are composed of the verbal and visual view which are representative communication means. Second, the verbal concept figuration of landscape design consists of two types. The symbolic language of the title as a design theme can be a 'phrase', and it should have a hierarchial balance between the master and the sub. 'Descriptive shape of conceptual scenario' is a text that expresses the concept narratively in order that the reader virtually experiences designed landscapes. Third, visual concept figuration of landscape design is divided into three types. 'Simple visualization of a diagram' is easily embodied through a simple graphic using symbols, comments, images and key words. 'Concept sketch and shape of core idea' is useful to grasp the core of the idea such as physical element, form attribute of space and spatial relation at the initial phase of the concept. 'A collage and montage that create a new shape with a combination of images' are a collection of materials and images that provide a new perspective. These are tools to depict them in a compressed way after recording landscapes phenomenon.

The Entrepreneurial Factors and Entrepreneurial Intention on Student (대학생의 창업요인과 창업의지와의 관계 연구)

  • Kim, Hong
    • Asia-Pacific Journal of Business Venturing and Entrepreneurship
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    • v.7 no.1
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    • pp.263-271
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    • 2012
  • The purpose of this study is to investigate the relationship between entrepreneurial factors and entrepreneurial intention on student. This study is designed to examine the effect of entrepreneurial factors on entrepreneurial intention. Data for the study was compiled through surveys on 300 students who study in engineering school of H university. Empirical results of the hypothesis testing are summarized as follows: The results indicate that both two variable groups have positively influenced the entrepreneurial factors was highly related to entrepreneurial intention. The factors entrepreneurship are background, individual and situational factor. This all factors influence on entrepreneurial intention. The entrepreneurial factors had a positively influence on will power of entrepreneur. The entrepreneurial factors had a positively influence on performance of entrepreneur.

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Space Design Expression Method According to the Analysis of the Characteristics of Movies - Focused on the Characteristics Expressive of the Illusionist - (영화의 특성 분석에 따른 공간디자인의 표현방법 - 환영성 표현 특성을 중심으로 -)

  • 송춘의
    • Archives of design research
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    • v.17 no.1
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    • pp.231-240
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    • 2004
  • Space design in the 21st century has been developed in connection with media more various than ever. In the age of image represented by popular culture, space design connected with media is based on post-reason thoughts constituting the post-modern society, and reflects polysemously and pluralistically changes in the society through the identification of art with life. The movie, which is an image perceived particularly sensibly and the most impractical simulated image among various illusionary media images composing the contemporary society, is growing rapidly in interrelation with various fields of art based on its peculiar nature, and its influence is getting more extensive. The movie manipulates mass society to create what does not exist and restore lost images into new realities through the reproduction of extremely realistic senses, and uses them in establishing virtual realities and creating illusionary images representing the age of simularc. The illusionary expression of the movie produces new meanings through disintegrating existing meanings and recombining them, and expresses popular culture from a position closest to our everyday life. Such an analytical attitude toward the illusionary movie reflecting our society can be a new approach to space design. The present study attempts to suggest the possibility of applying such an illusionary characteristic of the movie as a methodology of space design by utilizing the characteristic as a conceptual language of space design.

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A Study on the Characteristics of the Creation Process of Convergence Performing Arts - Focusing on PADAF - (융·복합 공연예술 창작과정의 특징 연구 - 파다프(PADAF)를 중심으로)

  • Jo, Jeong-Min
    • Journal of Korea Entertainment Industry Association
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    • v.14 no.8
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    • pp.163-174
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    • 2020
  • The purpose of this study is to derive the characteristics of the creative process of convergence performing arts. Therefore, the PADAF-Play and Dance Art Festival, a representative convergence performing arts festival in Korea that has been held steadily every year since the first event in 2011, was selected as the subject of the study. Through PADAF, a representative convergence performing arts festival in Korea, qualitative case studies were selected through process-oriented discovery to study the characteristics of the creative process of convergence performing arts, which is a key feature of performing arts in the 21st century. For realistic and empirical research, the 8th and 9th PADAF participated in the entire process from the initial stage of preparation to the closing ceremony and conducted several in-depth interviews with PADAF officials and participating artists. Looking at the characteristics of the convergence performance art creation process through PADAF, creators overcame difficulties that they had not thought of in different ways in the process of meeting different heterogeneous genres, but through understanding other genres, experiential values through convergence, sharing as collaborators, and various ways of communication. The characteristics of the convergence performing arts creation process, which is focused on PADAF, are "Rhizom thinking" by French philosopher Gilles Deleuze(1925-1995), "Collective intelligence," and "Experimental Value for Experimental Creation" by creators. Through this derivation, we will help the changing performing arts scene based on the basic human desire to understand convergence performance art a little more and communicate through the extended expression of convergence.

A Study on The Introduction Method of Industrial Design for Small Business (중소기업의 산업디자인 도입방법에 관한 연구)

  • 이수봉
    • Archives of design research
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    • v.11 no.2
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    • pp.129-140
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    • 1998
  • This study aimed to grqJe for and present guideline roodel when the qJerator of domestic small manufacturing industry try to introch1ce the first industrial design by easier and more effective method. As the method of study, first of aiL examined the necessary of introducing industrial design throogh coosidering about the role and importance of small business. And next, analysed and examined the result of researching by enquete that is for qJerators of cbnestic small business. As a result, preconditioos for effective introducing industrial design were found. And, based 00 the preconditioos that were found through researching by enquete, examined the approachable introducing methods. Finally, set up the effectivable introducing methods of industrial design for doo1estic small manufacturing industry as a graphical model. As a result of study, First, the operator of small business who try to introduce industrial design needs to be well aware of these six cooditions as a prenise of effective awroach.1) coosciousness of role and versus a nation and a people of own industry Cereative 2) managing coosideratim and examinatim of a necessity of introducing industrial design as a cata1yst 3) A certain understanding aIntt essence and value of industrial design 4) Study and examinatim about a case of sucessful introducing industrial design arxl common introducing method of small business.5) Befarehand examinatim of introducing method making use of professional design organization and consultatim wicket 6) Prodent examination about the appointlrent puprpose, method of designer and infonmtion about designer. Second, as the position of small bnsiness that introduce industrial design fur the first time, it is confirmed that the aroroach going with introducing types - preliminary introducing, partitial introducing, regular introducing, whole industry level introducing - considered necessity rate of introducing industrial design and introducing range at the same time. This method is able to approach step by step, but it is confinmed that there is a characteristic in being able to select the method freely, and understanding easily for being coostructed visual form.

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New Platform of Orientalism-Based Design Education (동양성 기반의 디자인 교육의 새로운 플랫폼)

  • Choi, Kyung Ran
    • Korea Science and Art Forum
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    • v.20
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    • pp.455-464
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    • 2015
  • As the recognition toward the Korean design education development to nurture creative talents for the future society has been expanded recently, various supports and promoting strategies are being suggested. This study suggests the orientalism-based new design education platform in design education field to nurture creative talents. To have the competitiveness of creative talent nurturing, the system and education programs to rear creative talents are required. The purpose of this study is to suggest the new platform for the change of direction in design education and search for the methods in detail. The research process can be described as following: First, this study stated about the research background and its boundary. Based on the literature review and the condition of the crisis of Korean design education (Korean Industrial Statistic Investigation), it described the current condition and the characteristics. Second, this study stated about the education which will be disappeared in the information society, the change of direction in design education, and the new platform. In the current study, the change toward the strategies that give priority to the growth strategies on the knowledge-based industry was stated. Third, this study stated about that the future design education should be centered on the orientalism-based creativity in the trend changing to the six conditions for the future talents and the beliefs and values toward Asia, and what methods should be sought to achieve this trend. It suggested focusing on the aim for the direction for College education and its program curriculums as the solutions in detail. Fourth, based on the contents stated earlier in this study, it stated synthetically the direction of practice through the network of the design cluster and derived the implications. In conclusion, based on the recent orientalism-based mind, this study suggested the ways to find the identity of Korean design education itself and have the competitiveness in design education programs. The ways to secure them is to come from the integrated system innovation of the network. By actively applying the design clusters, colleges and universities, designers, studios, government policy organizations, design institutes, corporates, media, and fairs, this study suggests the sustainable education system and the practical methods.