• Title/Summary/Keyword: 참여실태

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Fathers' Awareness and Practice of Picture Book Reading with Toddlers (영아-아버지 그림책 읽기에 대한 아버지의 인식과 참여 실태)

  • Kim, Myoungsoon;Pae, Sunyoung;Kim, Jiyeon
    • Korean Journal of Childcare and Education
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    • v.9 no.5
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    • pp.277-297
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    • 2013
  • The present study was designed to examine fathers' awareness and practice of picture book reading with toddlers. The subjects were 221 fathers who have toddlers, and the data collected by questionnaires were analysed by mean and standard deviation, and frequency analysis. As a result, approximately 59% of fathers stated that it is essential to read to their children who are 12 month old or less, and 36% of fathers answered that they read books as much as their children wanted. The majority considered the emotional aspect of picture book reading as being significant. Also, nearly half (46%) of the fathers read books to their children 1-2 times per week, and 37% of them spent 6-10 minutes at a time reading books. While reading books, 60% of the fathers explained text and pictures to their children and a fourth of the fathers answered their children's questions. Also, while reading books, fathers tried to accept their toddlers' responses positively. However, they did not have much time to read books to their children and had little knowledge on how to read books to infants. Further research and education programs on picture book reading for fathers are needed.

Analysis of the Promotion of Social Networking Services (SNS) in School Media with Focus on the Operation of the Facebook Page of a Graduate School Newspaper (학내 언론의 소셜네트워크서비스(SNS) 홍보에 관한 분석-A대 대학원 신문의 페이스북 페이지 운영실태에 대한 비판적 고찰을 중심으로-)

  • An, Hye-Jin;Lee, Seung-Ha
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.22 no.4
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    • pp.145-158
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    • 2022
  • Although the rapid development of technology has led to a swift increase in the number of companies using social networking services (SNS), it will not be accurate to say that they have fully "utilized" the functionality of SNS simply by "using" these services. Therefore, this study aims to increase the convenience of using digital technology and help SNS users in extending the functionality of these services beyond their regular use and thus, revitalize the field by increasing the service providers' efficiency. In this study, the Facebook usage status of a graduate school newspaper from an undisclosed university in Seoul was analyzed from February to December, 2021 using the participant observation method. The results of the study revealed the following: First, it is necessary to diversify the subject and type of content to ensure a continuous supply of quality content; Second, there is a need to examine the user categories and characteristics by utilizing SNS functionalities such as, the target reports and insights, and based on this, supply content that meets the needs of the users; Third, to resolve the problem of low levels of user participation and an inactive Facebook account, it is necessary to mobilize new marketing tools like online events. The significance of this study is that it confronts the real problems faced by some companies that cannot keep pace with market changes in a digital environment, identifies failure factors, and proposes solutions to them.

A Study on actual state of engineering education and research for improvement (공학교육의 실태와 개선방안에 대한 연구)

  • Park, Ik-Su;Cho, Sung-Eui
    • The Journal of Korean Institute for Practical Engineering Education
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    • v.1 no.1
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    • pp.13-18
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    • 2009
  • In this paper, local industry target by analyzing the actual state of engineering education-oriented, demand for engineering education to come up with ways to improve. To this end, training human resources training program in engineering education practice Caps-tone design, Cooperative system, contract-type as the main theme of human resources in the southwestern industrial target academic staff investigate the actual conditions were run cooperative education programs. Survey, southwestern regional industry operating experience, most industry-university cooperative education program that was unsatisfactory. In addition, promoting Cooperative system experience in the industry will promote the future looked reservation position, while the Caps-tone design is somewhat academic partners participating a majority opinion education program run by the model will be developing. Regional strategy based on future demand for industry-oriented engineering education program for running is to come up with ways improvements.

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Operating Practices and Satisfaction on e-Learning -Focused on Human Resources Nourishing Institutions in Busan- (이러닝 운영실태 및 만족도 조사 -부산지역 인력양성기관을 중심으로-)

  • Jung, Ju-Young;Park, Choel-Min
    • Journal of The Korean Association of Information Education
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    • v.11 no.1
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    • pp.49-57
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    • 2007
  • The purpose of this study is to investigate operating practices of human resources nourishing institutions and analyze the degree of satisfaction to the e-learning learners in Busan. This study adopted a questionnaire method in research of 70 human resources nourishing institutions and 758 e-learning learners in Busan area for empirical analysis. Techniques used in analyzing data was frequency analysis. SPSS for windows programs were applied in the analysis. The major findings of this study are as follows. First, it is found that there is a widespread affirmative perceptions in the fields of both operating practices and satisfaction on e-learning. Second, however, it is also found that more efforts needed to be made in some areas such as method for effective e-learning and the management of programs, and more concerns should be need to the age group of fifty-over. These groups are short of understanding and acceptance of e-learning environment.

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A Study to Facilitate Public Children's Library Operations and Services (공공어린이도서관 운영현황 및 활성화방안 연구)

  • Chang, Yun-Keum
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Library and Information Science
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    • v.44 no.1
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    • pp.199-215
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    • 2010
  • This study aims to explore the key elements to facilitate public children's library services by investigating the current status and limitations in services. For this, data were collected through observations and in-depth interviews with library directors and children's librarians in public children's libraries in Seoul. The interviews were conducted based on the semi-structured interview technique. The content of the interview consisted of the vision and service status of the library, the competencies and roles of children's librarians, and ways to facilitate and improve children's services. The study discovered that libraries do not have a policy manual for operations and guidelines, and that their operations vary substantially according to the characteristics of the operating institutions. To resolve these problems, suggestions were made to facilitate children's library operations and services in order to enhance the professionalism of children's librarians.

An Analysis on the State of Adjustment on Mathematical Education for Adolescent North Korean Defectors (새터민 청소년의 수학학습 실태 및 적응 요인 분석)

  • Yeon, Bo-Ra;Kim, Hong-Chan
    • Journal of the Korean School Mathematics Society
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    • v.15 no.3
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    • pp.467-486
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    • 2012
  • By identifying the state of adjustment regarding mathematical education for adolescents who escaped from North Korea and analyzing the relevant factors from multiple perspectives, this study is aimed at finding improvement methods for their math education adoptability. To fulfill such objective, this paper-reviewed the existing literature and research, conducted participatory observation, collected and analyzed survey research on math education adoptability for 43 students who are currently attending an alternative school for North Korean defectors. The results of this research are as follows: There is a serious pattern of maladjustment concerning math education of adolescents who defected from North Korea. The lack of basic skills in mathematical principles due to the gap in their studies results in poor academic performance, particularly in the advanced stages of learning. In the process of defection, environmental challenges, such as the loss of basic study skills which naturally results from the gap in their studies and differences in the educational curriculum between North and South Korea, are posing difficulties for these students.

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A Study on Practical Approaches for CSR in Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises in Korea (한국 중소기업 CSR 경영 실태 분석과 개선방안에 관한 연구)

  • Jeung, Gil-Chea
    • Journal of Industrial Convergence
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    • v.18 no.2
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    • pp.87-94
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    • 2020
  • This paper belongs in a literature of sustainablity policy determination. This paper offers an actual status and explanation to corporate social responsibility of SMEs in Korea. This study examines CSR situation focused on developing mechanisms to enable the SMEs sector. Firstly, this study suggests introducing the third-party professional assurance service on sustainablity reports and/or asking global accreditation such as ISO14001 and ISO26000 when entry as a provider in government e-procurement system. Secondly, this study introduce the CSR Committee headed by the CEO and coordinates group-wide committees to discuss the CSR Guidelines. Third, because CSR does not only have to do with the SMEs, but pertains to the local community and business partner, this study offered the opportunity to work with large companies in aspects of CSR.

A Survey on SW Club Activities in Science Core High Schools (과학중점 고등학교에서의 SW동아리 활동 실태 조사)

  • Lee, Jaeho;Shin, HyunKyung;Park, Hee Gyun
    • Journal of Gifted/Talented Education
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    • v.25 no.6
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    • pp.971-987
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    • 2015
  • This paper aims at analyzing SW club acitivities on the science core high school using information disclosure. Targeting 103 schools across the nation science core high schools, the factors influencing the SW Club was analyzed. And science core high school education plans, business plans and management reports were analyzed in SW club activities. It was the most influencing on the SW club in Creative-Experiential activities organization of computer courses. So computer curriculum reform is urgently needed. SW extra subject activities and funding was having a positive effect. Tuition reimbursement rates was having a negative effect. But academic achievement did not significantly affect. Therefore as many students as possible should be able to assist the SW extra subject activities. And it is required Programs and budget support that reflect the characteristics of local and school. Also, as science core high schools have STEAM education, science, mathematics and technology home economics teachers etc were leading the SW club activities by fusing the their curriculum and SW education. As these activities are consistent with the purpose of SW education, research should be more active autonomic consisting of various teachers.

A Research on the On-Site Inspection to Establish Safety Village in Rural Areas (재난안전마을 구축을 위한 농촌지역 실태조사 연구)

  • Koo, Wonhoi;Shin, Hojoon;Baek, Minho
    • Journal of the Society of Disaster Information
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    • v.11 no.3
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    • pp.421-428
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    • 2015
  • This study reviewed the occurrence and cases of disasters in the rural areas with an aim to establish safety village in rural areas. It also identified the occurrence of disasters and problems with on-site inspections of 6 villages which had suffered from disaster, and figured out people's awareness of and requirements for disaster and safety in rural areas by conducting surveys on the awareness of the residents. The research concluded as follows: First, it is required to come up with the measures to increase the interest of the rural residents in disaster and safety. Second, it is required to develop customized content to improve the residents' awareness of disaster prevention through continued education and trainings. Third, it is required to have legal/institutional grounds for continuous budget support and maintaining the continuity of business. Fourth, it is required to equally establish the structural and non-structural measures to make safety village.

Middle School Science Gifted Students' Perception of the Open-Inquiry Activity and Field Survey (중학교 과학영재 학생들의 자유탐구에 대한 인식과 실태)

  • Hong, Jee-Hye;Hong, Hun-Gi
    • Journal of Gifted/Talented Education
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    • v.23 no.3
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    • pp.373-386
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    • 2013
  • The purpose of this study is to survey the middle school science gifted students' perception of the open-inquiry activity. To conduct the research we worked with 80 science gifted students, and the questionnaire was about the experience of the open-inquiry activity and the preference of the research methods. And also, we observed 19 gifted students of their open-inquiry activity and interviewed in each step. The answers were compared with the questionnaire survey. As a result, gifted students in this study have average of 3.25 times of open-inquiry experiences, and they prefer the group investigation comparing with the individual project. In the method of selecting the subject, they prefer an autonomous selection rather than passive influence of the instructor. And they seem to give large meaning on the fact that they are operating the open-Inquiry by themselves.