• Title/Summary/Keyword: 직장지

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Relationships of Fatigue to Job Satisfaction and Turnover Intention among Clinical Nurses at Small & Medium-Sized Hospitals (중소병원 간호사의 피로와 직무만족 및 이직의도와의 관계)

  • Choi, So-Eun;Kim, Sang-Dol
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.14 no.9
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    • pp.4218-4226
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    • 2013
  • This is a descriptive study to identify relationships of fatigue to job satisfaction and turnover intention among clinical nurses. The subjects were 162 clinical nurses at 2 small and medium-sized hospitals in K and B cities. The data were collected from February 1st throughout 28th, 2013. The collected data were analyzed using the SAS program through $x^2$-test, t-test, ANOVA, Scheff$\acute{e}$ test, and Pearson's correlation coefficients. There was a negative correlation between high fatigue level and job satisfaction and colleagues of its subgroups (r=-0.29, p=.0214; r=-0.29, p=.0239), positive correlation it and turnover intention(r=0.33, p=.0089). Also there was a negative correlation between promotion and overall job satisfaction subgroup of job satisfaction and turnover intention(r=-0.17, p=.0268; r=-0.19, p=.0144). Therefore nurse managers are in need of applying the organizational management system which is considered the relationship with my colleagues at work, promotion and overall job satisfaction etc. to prevent and decrease fatigue induced factors and turnover intentions.

A LAN Protocol Analyzer including Simulation Function for PC Environment (PC 환경에서 시뮬레이션 기능을 포함한 LAN 프로토콜 분석장비)

  • Chung, Joong-Soo;Lee, Jun-Won
    • Journal of KIISE:Computing Practices and Letters
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    • v.8 no.5
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    • pp.583-589
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    • 2002
  • The Internet is absolutely contributed to information telecommunication revolution nowadays. Realizing local network at the various type of buildings such as a company and a university, ethernet is used for subnet and FDDI, ATM are used for backbone mainly in order to get internet services. Processing TCP/IP protocol suite and analyzing the protocol exactly is essential to detecting the problem occurring in the network and developing communication equipment. This paper presents implementation of ethernet LAN protocol analyser which monitors and simulates ICP/IP protocol suite carrying the Internet and non-Internet protocol such as Netware and NetBIOS. MS window98 and visual C are used for development environment and application program operates on the NDIS firmware. The performance analysis on the proposed system is carried out as monitoring and simulating the traffic over LAN of a university. In the result of monitoring the system, the processing time of a packet captured over the LAN is about 1.5ms. In case of simulating the system, the processing time to be taken carrying out TCP connection and disconnection once is packet is about 8.6ms. The performance analysis of monitoring and simulation results satisfies with 10 Mbps ethernet LAN environment.

Successful Marriage Adaptation of Korean Husbands Who are Multicultural Families (다문화가정 한국인 남편의 성공적인 결혼적응)

  • Jeong, Hye-Won
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.17 no.5
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    • pp.337-356
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    • 2017
  • The purpose of the research is to explore the main cause and effect of successful marriage that Korean husbands, who are multicultural families had. To do the research, the experiment has been done with 7 husbands for 2 months. The 7 husbands took depths interview and analyzed the result by grounded theory approach. As a result, the husband experienced 'repentance of marriage' because of 'unready marriage', but 'Raising children', 'Helping housework' and 'recognition from friends and colleague' have affected the husbands to have a successful marriage adaptation. Based on the result, a political and practical proposal has been proposed to the Korean husbands who are multi-cultural family. Here are the examples of the proposal. As a social welfare policy, 'obligation of information offering for prospective spouse', 'following the Labor Standards and parental leave', 'expansion of visiting supervise system' and 'making guidance for husbands and distribute map of Immigration Office, Multicultural Family Support Center and Community Center' have proposed. And as an alternative plan for a practical social welfare policy and continuous social awareness improvement, 'various education program', 'a program with domestic married couple', 'a program with parents-in-law', 'a specific program to increase the housework participation for husbands' and necessity of development and practice of group program for husband have been emphasized.

Musculoskeletal Symptoms and Its Related Factors among Male Workers in a Nonferrous Manufacturing Industry (비철금속제조업 생산직 남성 근로자들의 근골격계 자각증상과 관련요인)

  • Jeong, Yeon-Ok;Cho, Young-Chae
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.13 no.8
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    • pp.3552-3560
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    • 2012
  • This study was conducted to find out the complaint rate of musculo-skeletal disorder and its related factors from male manufacturing workers at a nonferrous manufacturing industry. As for the research subjects, 302 workers selected from a nonferrous manufacturer located in Daejeon City, and as for the collection of data, a standardized anonymous questionnaire survey were conducted from May 1, 2011 to June 30, 2011. As a results, the complaint rate of musculo-skeletal disorders by each body part, the symptom of shoulders was 42.7%, the highest rate, followed by the waist, 36.8%, the neck and the hand/wrist/finger, 30.5% respectively, the leg and foot, 30.1% and arm/elbow, 20.9%. The complaint rate of musculo-skeletal disorder for the sociodemographic characteristics was significantly high as survey participants' age and BMI were low and in the group having low subjective health condition. The complaint rate of musculo-skeletal disorder for the health-related behavior characteristics was significantly high in the group having been absent from work due for diseases, in the group having received outpatient services, in the group having been hospitalized for treatment, in the group not having a regular exercise and in the group having insufficient sleeping hours. Finally, the complaint rate of musculo-skeletal disorder for the job-related characteristics was significantly high in the group suffering from the physical burden of their work, in the group working while bending at the waist and in the group carrying out repetitive tasks.

The relationship between lifestyle and sodium intake in Korean middle-aged workers (한국 중년 직장인의 나트륨 과다섭취 특성과 영향요인)

  • Kim, Myung-Gwan;Kim, Keon-Yeop;Nam, Hang-Me;Hong, Nam-Soo;Lee, Yu-Mi
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.15 no.5
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    • pp.2923-2929
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    • 2014
  • This research was conducted to grasp the characteristics of excessive sodium intake and its related factors in Korean middle-aged workers to help prevent and manage cardio-cerebrovascular disease. Study subjects were 40-59-year-old workers (n=1,438) who took part in the 2010 Korean National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (KNHANES). Subjects were divided into: 1) a group that ingested more than 4,000 mg of sodium per day and 2) a group that ingested less than 4,000mg of sodium/day. We analyzed the relationship between general characteristics, sodium-related disease, health behaviors, and frequency of eating out with excessive sodium intake. The proportion of subjects with sodium intake of more than 4,000 mg/day was high in men, smokers, and drinkers. As educational level and frequency of eating out went up, so did the proportion of subjects with sodium intake more than 4,000 mg/day. It's necessary to educate the public and create policies regarding sodium reduction in middle-aged men for the prevention and management of cardio-cerebrovascular disease, and various approaches are necessary to reduce overall sodium intake in the restaurant environment.

Police Officers' Cognitions of Police Investigation Specialization (수사경과제에 대한 경찰공무원의 인식)

  • Choi, Mu-Chan
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.9 no.6
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    • pp.289-299
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    • 2009
  • This study set out to analyze the perceptions of investigative police officers and division police officers regarding Police Investigation Specialization, which had been in effect for four years, identify the problems, and search for alternative policies. The results led to the following alternative policies; first, the communication among the members should be facilitated by trading the jobs between investigative policemen and division members in certain percentage regularly, integrating job education and special work, and developing diverse support programs for detective activities to provide them with opportunities to experience and understand investigation. The second suggestion concerns the investigation members' morale. There should be a range of measures to boost their moral such as allocating separate budget and personnel to support the investigation department and the treatment of major criminal and civil cases, giving each investigation team an office and investigation room to improve their working environment, readjusting the promotion ratio of Police Investigation Specialization to introduce a promotion system proper for each investigation's characteristics. The third suggestion is to secure job efficiency. It's required to reinforce the current short-term specialized education program to bring up practical and professional investigators, open the certification exam of professional investigators to all members so that every policeman can have their abilities recognized and approved as long as they have the demanded capabilities, and create a system of shedding off the members idle at work by reflecting low performance records when evaluating the members to decide who to dismiss from Police Investigation Specialization. And finally, it's important to divide duties rationally. The rationality of duties division can be guaranteed by setting the guidelines for direct handling for the team leader to help him devote himself to his duties, defining objective criteria of measuring investigation workload, and creating devoted systems and teams for simple and small accidents so that experienced investigators can deal with high-profile cases.

The Effects of Participation in Sporting Activities on Job Satisfaction in Rehabilitation Hospital Workers (재활병원 종사자들의 스포츠 참여 활동과 직무만족도에 관한 연구)

  • Moon, Kyung-Min;Lee, Hyuen-Soo
    • 재활복지
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    • v.22 no.4
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    • pp.59-81
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    • 2018
  • The purpose of this study is to investigate the effect of participation of sports activities on job duties by analyzing job satisfaction of workers in rehabilitation hospital. From April to May 2015, 400 nurses, nursing assistants, physiotherapists, occupational therapists, and administrative staffs were selected from eight rehabilitation hospitals in Busan Metropolitan City. Analysis was performed by t-test, frequency analysis, exploratory factor analysis, Cronbach's alpha analysis, one-way ANOVA and Duncan tests. correlation analysis and regression analysis were conducted to obtain the following conclusions. As a result of the difference of job satisfaction according to participation form of sports activity, there was a significant difference in all factors such as exercise time, exercise frequency, sports item, and exercise period. As the exercise time and exercise frequency were higher and the athletic career was higher, Among the items, participation of aquarobic and aerobic was found to increase job satisfaction. Regression analysis showed that self - evaluation, job orientation, job commitment, and job satisfaction had positive effects among the five factors of job satisfaction. There is a significant difference.

A Study on the Job Stress of Social Welfare Officials and Administrative Officials

  • Lee, Jung-Seo;Kim, Young-Hwan
    • Journal of the Korea Society of Computer and Information
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    • v.25 no.6
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    • pp.231-237
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    • 2020
  • The purpose of this study is to present theoretical and policy implications based on the results of the empirical analysis of job stress in consideration of insufficient prior research on the level of job stress by public officials in charge of social welfare and public officials in general administration. For this purpose, social welfare and general administrative positions working at the City Hall of G Metropolitan City and five autonomous districts(including the Dong community service center) were selected as subjects for research. The data analysis used the SPSS statistical program to obtain technical statistics based on the average of the lower variables of the job stress. According to the analysis, there is a difference in the subjective perception level of public officials in charge of social welfare and public officials in general administration in both internal factors of job, such as job demands and job autonomy and external factors of job, such as job insecurity, organizational system, conflict of relations, inadequate compensation, and job culture. Based on this, it presented policy measures that require the granting of self-esteem of public officials in charge of social welfare, improvement of their duties, and adjustment of their workload to an appropriate level.

Analysis of physical and mental damage factors affecting the satisfaction of the working environment: Using the 5th Korea Working Conditions Survey (근로환경 만족도에 영향을 주는 신체적, 정신적 피해 요인 분석 : 제5차 한국근로환경조사를 이용하여)

  • Jeon, Hyeok-Jin;Pyo, Se-in;Choi, Jea-Won;Yoo, Jeong-Eun;Lee, Kim-Dong-Eun;Kim, Chang-Hwan
    • Journal of the Health Care and Life Science
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    • v.9 no.1
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    • pp.195-201
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    • 2021
  • The study was initiated to identify the causes of physical and mental harm to workers and provide basic data. It is an analysis study using raw data from the 5th Working Environment Survey, and the study analyzed the impact of gender, verbal violence, insults, sexual harassment, sexual interest, and bullying on working environment satisfaction. Most of the victims' sexual harassment offenders were their coworkers (83.6 percent), and it was confirmed that women experienced more damage from bullying and sexual interest than men. Insult and verbal abuse have been identified as factors that reduce working environment satisfaction. Based on this study, we hope to improve productivity and work-life balance as well as improve workers' satisfaction with the working environment as a program that takes into account workers' influence factors.

Study on about Emotional Labor Experience of Social Workers through Thematic Analysis : Focusing on Social Workers in P City Case (주제분석을 통한 사회복지 종사자의 감정노동 경험 연구: P시 사례를 중심으로)

  • Suh, Borahm
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.19 no.3
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    • pp.31-47
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    • 2019
  • This study analyzes the emotional labor experiences of 8 social workers in social welfare facilities and public institutions by thematic analysis method with interveiws with them. Six categories and Twenty two themes concerning the emotional labor experience were derived from the analysis. Six categories are as follows: 'work life as a target for anger', 'unsafe workplace', 'emotional labor that ruins life', 'overcoming hurt emotion', and 'living with emotional labor'. Social workers are constantly required to perform emotional labor providing services to clients in the field of practice, and they also suffer verbal abuse from clients. Social workers feel the pressure of work in the environment that does not tolerate mistakes and they must keep their safety on their own. In these cases, emotional labor has effects on the physical and mental health of workers. The problem of emotional labor is difficult to solve and there might not be no choice but to endure. This study suggests practical and policy measures for social workers based on the results of the analysis. Policy suggestions are as follows: safety assurance for social workers, establishment of base facilities for employee support, human rights education for employees, preparation of super vision system, and the provision of a mental health care system.