• Title/Summary/Keyword: 지역자산 기반

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A Study for the Shoes Micro-sized Manufacturing Industry and the Development of the Government Policy: Surveyed on Beomcheon-Dong in Busan (신발소공인 산업의 실태분석 및 정책지원 방향: 부산진구 범천동을 중심으로)

  • Kim, Chul Min;Kim, Nog Hyeon
    • Journal of Korea Society of Industrial Information Systems
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    • v.22 no.6
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    • pp.47-59
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    • 2017
  • Korean Economy has been developed by the Korean Government's Support for the Large-sized Firms. This Government Policy causes the Polarization between Large-sized and Micro-sized Firms Aggravated. Micro-sized Firms are distributed over the Whole Industry Area, and can also cause the Economic Crisis If They are crashed down. Therefore Government Policy for the Micro-sized Manufacturing Industry is very Important Issue. This Paper Focused on the Analysis of Current Status for the Shoes Micro Manufacturing Industry. For the Effective Analysis, This Paper uses the Statistical Data Open to the Public and also conducts the Survey for the Micro-sized Firms in Busan. Statistical Program is used for Analyzing the Collected Data and the Major Findings are as Follows. First, Shoes Industry is led by the Micro and Small & Medium sized Firms rather than the Large-sized. And the Micro-sized Firms are getting the High Rate among the Whole Shoes Industry. Busan is heavily populated Area as the Origin of Shoes Industry. Second, even though Most of the Owner of the Micro-sized Firms have the High Technology Skill Level, Worker's Aging Phenomenon gets Worse and causes the Technology Handing down to the Next Generation Difficult. Third, Because the Factory Facility of the Micro-sized Firms is Dirt and Unstable, the Modernized Manufacturing Infrastructure such as the Apartment Factory Facility is Necessary. Forth, as the Micro-sized Firms which have the Intangible Asset such as Patent is Few, the Government Policy for Encouraging the Patent Application is strongly Needed. Fifth, Entrepreneurship and Collaboration Mind between Micro-sized Firms are Lacked, so Establishment of the Cooperative Union is required. Finally, the Effort for the Systemic Planning for the Management is lacked, and the Introduction of the Management Innovation is strongly needed. The Limitation and Future Research Direction is also discussed.

A Study on the Design Development of Rural and Traditional Village for Sightseeing Resources (관광자원화를 위한 농촌전통 테마마을의 디자인연구)

  • Yoo, Bo-Hyeon
    • Archives of design research
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    • v.19 no.1 s.63
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    • pp.235-242
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    • 2006
  • Korea which has not only beautiful scenery but long history in the world deserves to be a pride to all the koreans. It has prospered flourishing culture through the long history and preserved a lot of cultural properties all around the nation. Traditional and cultural properties should be preserved and developed induding those disappeared in the past. The economical competitiveness in provincial area is descending compared with that of international market places. The alternatives to save and promote provincial economy should be proposed and developed. The researches and studies which are active to make the traditional, cultural properties into sightseeing resources will contribute to save the provincial economy.

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Using Dark Tourism Study on Culture and Tourism of industrialization - Focusing on Honam righteous army - (다크 투어리즘을 활용한 문화관광 산업화 방안에 관한 연구 - 한말 호남 의병사(義兵史)를 중심으로 -)

  • Kim, Hyun-Cheol;Yoo, Jun-Ho;Ha, Kyu-Soo
    • Asia-Pacific Journal of Business Venturing and Entrepreneurship
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    • v.6 no.1
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    • pp.59-81
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    • 2011
  • The 21st century, the creation and utilization of knowledge and information are the core of all economic activity, knowledge-based economy is plunging into. Culture can not live without knowing the age of culture and national spirit of a nation's cultural assets. Closed for other cultures, countries can develop a culture that is neither marked by imitation and import of cultural industries can never be developed. Creative and diverse culture of its own cultural code, evenly balanced mix of social culture is really the cultural and creative culture. Central government and local government-led growth in the local economy in terms of competitive cultural industry development policy has been carried out. In general, a country or society, culture, industry, the creation of a unique cultural and Planning on the basis of information deliquescent recreated a typical high-risk high returns to pay the venture industry and the nature of the creative industries and the venture industry a unique mix of industrial Characteristic is that it has. These times and the industry can contribute to the flow of valuable cultural assets and a history of our righteous living and exercise will be a source of resources.

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A Study on the Forecasting Trend of Apartment Prices: Focusing on Government Policy, Economy, Supply and Demand Characteristics (아파트 매매가 추이 예측에 관한 연구: 정부 정책, 경제, 수요·공급 속성을 중심으로)

  • Lee, Jung-Mok;Choi, Su An;Yu, Su-Han;Kim, Seonghun;Kim, Tae-Jun;Yu, Jong-Pil
    • The Journal of Bigdata
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    • v.6 no.1
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    • pp.91-113
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    • 2021
  • Despite the influence of real estate in the Korean asset market, it is not easy to predict market trends, and among them, apartments are not easy to predict because they are both residential spaces and contain investment properties. Factors affecting apartment prices vary and regional characteristics should also be considered. This study was conducted to compare the factors and characteristics that affect apartment prices in Seoul as a whole, 3 Gangnam districts, Nowon, Dobong, Gangbuk, Geumcheon, Gwanak and Guro districts and to understand the possibility of price prediction based on this. The analysis used machine learning algorithms such as neural networks, CHAID, linear regression, and random forests. The most important factor affecting the average selling price of all apartments in Seoul was the government's policy element, and easing policies such as easing transaction regulations and easing financial regulations were highly influential. In the case of the three Gangnam districts, the policy influence was low, and in the case of Gangnam-gu District, housing supply was the most important factor. On the other hand, 6 mid-lower-level districts saw government policies act as important variables and were commonly influenced by financial regulatory policies.

A Study on Satisfaction on Use of VR Tourism Program (VR관광콘텐츠의 이용만족에 대한 연구)

  • Yang, Sung-Soo
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.19 no.8
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    • pp.184-193
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    • 2019
  • With the development of the information and communication technology, tourism items or products based on new technology is created or developed for tourists. This study examines tourist's satisfaction about VR program, "Secret Wind Forest", which is the story of Gotjawal, one of famous Jeju eco-tourism attraction. In order to achieve the study goal, it identified a study model from the previous studies. It collected data using survey from visitors who used VR program. The total of 227 questionnaires was utilized for data analysis. Based on the study model, it accepted five hypotheses (H1~H5), which are as follows. Firstly, individual innovativeness has a significant effect on perceived usefulness. Secondly, individual innovativeness influenced perceived usefulness, and perceived usefulness and ease influenced usage satisfaction. These results have both theoretical and practical contribution in terms of the development to tourist products using VR program. Academics can provide basic theories such as tourism activities, behaviors, and attitudes to tourism consumer-related studies on VR tourism program in terms of content application. Practically, it can help tourist marketers who want to use VR tourism program and content developers who use VR devices to construct VR program stories using tourism resources and to plan and execute contents considering the target market.

Review for Assessment Methodology of Disaster Prevention Performance using Scientometric Analysis (계량정보 분석을 활용한 방재성능평가 방법에 대한 고찰)

  • Dong Hyun Kim;Hyung Ju Yoo;Seung Oh Lee
    • Journal of Korean Society of Disaster and Security
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    • v.15 no.4
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    • pp.39-46
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    • 2022
  • The rainfall characteristics such as heavy rains are changing differently from the past, and uncertainties are also greatly increasing due to climate change. In addition, urban development and population concentration are aggravating flood damage. Since the causes of urban inundation are generally complex, it is very important to establish an appropriate flood prevention plan. Thus, the government in Korea is establishing standards for disaster prevention performance for each local government. Since the concept of the disaster prevention performance target was first presented in 2010, the setting standards have changed several times, but the overall technology, methodology, and procedures have been maintained. Therefore, in this study, studies and technologies related to urban disaster prevention performance were reviewed using the scientometric analysis method to review them. This analysis is a method of identifying trends in the field and deriving new knowledge and information based on data such as papers and literature. In this study, papers related to the disaster prevention performance of the Web of Science for the last 30 years from 1990 to 2021 were collected. Citespace, scientometric software, was used to identify authors, research institutes, countries, and research trends, including citation analysis. As a result of the analysis, consideration factors such as the the concept of asset evaluation were identified when making decisions related to urban disaster prevention performance. In the future, it is expected that prevention performance standards and procedures can be upgraded if the keywords are specified and the review of each technology is conducted.

A Case Study on the Effectiveness of the Cooperative Management by Leading of Forest Owners and Its Extension System - A demonstrational cooperative management in the private forest guided by the Korean German Forest Management Project - (산주주도형(山主主導型) 협업경영사업(協業經營事業)과 그 지도체계(指導體系)의 효과(效果)에 대한 사례연구(事例硏究) -한독기구(韓獨機構) 사유림협업경영(私有林協業經營) 시범사업(示範事業)을 중심(中心)으로-)

  • Kim, Jong Kwan
    • Journal of Korean Society of Forest Science
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    • v.67 no.1
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    • pp.17-27
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    • 1984
  • The Yangsan Forest Management Station (YFMS) of Korean German Forest Management Project (KGFMP), working with the 6 legal villages of Uljugun, Kyongnam, led the forest owners in the area to organize the Forest Management Cooperative (FMC) voluntairily for improvement of private forest management and fostered it as a model from May 1975 to Apr. 1984. YFMS sent out FMC a forest manager as a forestry expert carrying out the leading extension program at the equal position with forest owners and gave FMC financial, administrative and technical assitances. During the 6 years from 1977 to 1982, 4 FMC were founded and are being operated democratically. 228 forest owners have taken the membership of their own free will and the forestland of the members covers 2,567 ha equivalent to 57% of the total private forest in the area. During the period the total area of the planting and tending is 4,185 ha, this means that a member executed 3.1 ha of forest operations per year in average, showing the high willingness on forest operations. In addition the joint works have resulted in the joint properties equivalent to 27 million Won and it will be an important foundation for operation of FMC which is a forest owners's cooperative organization for improvement of private forest management in this area. The total expenditure spent for the fostering of FMC amounted to 497,587 thousand Won and 58% of them were charged from KGFMP funds, 27% from the forest owners and 15% from public funds. The expenditure for investment was 273,104 thousand Won and 59% of the sum were appropriated as subsidies at the national level. The forest owners charged 43% of that and this means that each member invested approximately 100 thousand Won to his forestland per year in average. For the extension program 169,503 thousand Won were spent and it can be explained that 5,885 Won were spent per ha a year. The organization of FMC operated autonomously in a democratic way and the horizontal and leading extension system, which aspects the human rights, were very much effective in fostering the cooperative organization of forest owners for improvement of private forest management.

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A study on the impact and activation plan of unmanned aerial vehicle service (무인항공기 서비스 영향성과 활성화 방안 연구)

  • Yoo, Soonduck
    • The Journal of the Institute of Internet, Broadcasting and Communication
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    • v.22 no.2
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    • pp.1-7
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    • 2022
  • The purpose of this study is to discuss the impact of unmanned aerial vehicle service and how to activate it. The discussion on the impact of the introduction of the unmanned aerial vehicle service was examined in terms of economic, environmental, and social acceptance, and a plan to revitalize the industry was presented. In terms of economic impact, if transportation services are increased using unmanned aerial vehicles in the future, road-based transportation cargo may decrease and road movement speed may increase due to reduced road congestion. This can have a positive effect on the increase in the value of land or real estate assets, and it also provides an impact on smart city design. In terms of environmental impact, unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) generally move through electricity, so they emit less exhaust gas compared to other existing devices, such as vehicles and railroads, and thus have less environmental impact. However, noise can have a negative impact on the habitat in the presence of wild animals along their migration routes. In terms of social acceptability of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV) technology, areas that are declining due to the emergence of new services may appear, and at the same time, organizations that create profits may appear, causing conflicts between industries. Therefore, it is essential to form a social consensus on the acceptance of emerging industries. The government should come up with various countermeasures to minimize the negative impact that reflects the characteristics of the unmanned aerial vehicle use service. Just as various systems such as road signs were introduced so that vehicles can be operated on the ground to secure air routes in the mid- to long-term for revitalization of unmanned-based industries, development and establishment of services that should be introduced and applied prior to constructing air routes I need this. In addition, the design and implementation of information collection and operation plans for unmanned air traffic management in Korea and a plan to secure a control system for each region should also be made. This study can contribute to providing ideas for mid- to long-term research on new areas with the development of the unmanned aerial vehicle industry.

Perspectives on the Characteristics and Meanings as of a Traditional Ecological Landscape as Dangsan Forest and Dangsan Ritual Place in Seoseong-ri, Wando-gun (완도군 서성리 당산숲.당산제 공간의 전통생태경관적 특성 및 의미 고찰)

  • Choi, Jai-Ung;Kim, Dong-Yeob;Kim, Mi-Heui;Jo, Lock-Whan
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Traditional Landscape Architecture
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    • v.30 no.1
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    • pp.135-145
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    • 2012
  • Traditional village forests called Dangsan forests and Bibo forests in Korea represent an unique cultural landscape with a history of more than several hundred years. Feng-shui forest in China, Satoyama and Shinto shrine forest in Japan are recognized internationally as 'traditional ecological landscapes'. Dangsan forests and Bibo forests have been preserved through generations in the villages, and are no less valuable than Feng-shui forest, and Satoyama. However, the names of Dangsan forest and Bibo forest have not been well recognized worldwide. Dangsan forest in Seoseong-ri, Wando-gun is located on a mountain slope at a riparian forest. It consists of an evergreen broadleaf forest and Carpinus laxiflora forest. The characteristics of Dangsan forest in Seoseong-ri could be found at 10 sacrifice offering places. Two Dangsan trees on the coastal area are included in the sacrifice offering places. Cultural heritage can retain their value when they are fully sustained. Additional construction, demolition or modification should be banned. Furthermore, all means must be taken to facilitate the preservation of monuments and the value and meanings pertaining to them should not be distorted. In a respect of authenticity, Dangsan forest in Seoseong-ri, Wando-gun seems to have original Dangsan culture based on animism with a philosophic background, where a religious service for the mountain god is held at rock of mountain god, and Dangsan ritual is held at shrine on January 8 at 4:00 am by lunar calendar. Relating to the conservation and management of cultural heritage in international discussion, the importance is that whether there is sustainability on the right to the enjoyment of cultural heritage. Dangsan forest in Seoseong-ri is leaved alone to the public. The forest need a social mechanism to support the recovery of deformed shrine and to heighten public awareness of Dangsan forest in order to claim the value as a unique traditional ecological landscape in Korea.

Research on the revitalization of Japanese artworks: Focus on Japan Advanced Art Museum Policy (일본의 문화경제전략과 미술품 유동성 활성화에 관한 연구 - 문화청의 선진미술관 정책 추진을 중심으로 -)

  • Chu, Min-Hee
    • Korean Association of Arts Management
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    • no.51
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    • pp.135-166
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    • 2019
  • Recently, the Japan Cultural Agency announced a plan for revitalizing the art market represented by reading museums (advanced art museums) to promote industry through strengthening the sustainability and economics of art museums. Along with these policy announcements, the Japanese cultural system and Bypyeongje are divided into pros and cons, and there has been a heightened opposition, which is now in a state where policy promotion has been temporarily suspended. The opposite reason is that it does not meet the museum's inherent purpose of preservation and lore, and the reason for favoring that commercialism can ruin the art world is that the Japanese art society is other than art museums and museums Also, it consists of non-profit organizations, art festival administration organizations, support staff, volunteers, etc., but because of the high subsidy bias, no real labor costs are paid, which means that it is virtually neglected. Also, there is a vigilance that the art society itself, which reduces its reliance on subsidies in response to social changes, can survive. Seeing that the situation is not much different from Japan, Korea is also actively discussing new establishments of the National Art Bank, performing art appraisal and evaluation functions for revitalizing art works, art loan, art trust, etc. There is. As it is difficult to solve realistic problems with subsidies from the future situation, it is difficult for us to expand investment in culture, and culture and economy are united and linked. You will find a plan to make it operational. In this regard, it is thought that the examination of the cultural and economic agency's strategy, represented by the Japanese advanced art museums, gives us a meaningful suggestion.