• Title/Summary/Keyword: 음향 정보

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Conceptual Design of Structure Subsystem for Geo-stationary Multi-purpose Satellite (정지궤도복합위성 구조계 개념설계)

  • Kim, Chang-Ho;Kim, Kyung-Won;Kim, Sun-Won;Lim, Jae-Hyuk;Kim, Sung-Hoon
    • Journal of Satellite, Information and Communications
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    • v.7 no.3
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    • pp.110-115
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    • 2012
  • Satellite structure should be designed to accommodate and support safely the payload and equipments necessary for its own missions and to secure satellite and payloads from severe launch environments. The launch environments imposed on satellites are quasi-static accelerations, aerodynamic loads, acoustic loads and shock loads. Currently KARI(Korea Aerospace Research Institute) is developing Geo-KOMPSAT-2(Geostationary Earth Orbit KOrea Multi-Purpose Satellite) with technologies which were acquired during COMS(Communication, Ocean and Meteorological Satellite) development. As compared to COMS Geo-KOMPSAT-2 requires more propellant due to mass increase of Advanced Meteorological Payload with high resolution and increase of miss life, it is difficult to apply the design concept of COMS to Geo-KOMPSAT-2. This paper deals with conceptual design of Structural Subsystem for Geo-KOMPSAT-2.

A Study on Arrangement and Configuration of Acoustic Output Equipment according to Type of Church Broadcast Sources (교회 방송음원의 종류에 따른 음향출력 설비 구성 배치에 관한 연구)

  • Park, Eunjin;Lee, Seonhee
    • Journal of Satellite, Information and Communications
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    • v.11 no.3
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    • pp.80-85
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    • 2016
  • In this paper, by comparatively analyzing horn type speaker and line array type speaker developed based on line sound source theory and point sound source theory, we research whether theory is adaptable or not in real. Academically, point sound source is attenuated as much as 6dB in accordance with double distance and line sound source is attenuated as much as 3dB in accordance with double distance. Line array speaker system developed based on line sound source is analyzed by theory of line sound source about occurring small sound pressure attenuation and it is propose of research that array composition of right speaker is selected in accordance with use purpose and environment. For this purpose, we analyze theory of point sound source and line sound source. we analyze parameter value by simulating designed horn type speaker and line array speaker based on theory.

Performance Analysis of LDPC code with Channel Estimation in Underwater Communication (수중통신 채널에서 채널 추정 오차에 따른 LDPC 부호 성능분석)

  • Kim, Nam-Soo;Jung, Ji-Won;Kim, Ki-Man;Seo, Dong-Hoan
    • Journal of the Korea Institute of Information and Communication Engineering
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    • v.13 no.11
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    • pp.2295-2303
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    • 2009
  • Underwater acoustic(UWA) communication has multipath error because of reflection by sea-level and sea-bottom. The multipath of UWA channel causes signal distortion and error floor. In this paper, we proposed the compensation method of multipath effect using the impulse response of the UWA channel and then analysis the performance of channel coding such as LDPC code, concatenate code. Also we analysed the time-delay errors and estimated amplitude errors of estimated channel information and its affection on the performance. As shown in simulation results, the performance of proposed compensation method is better than the performance of conventional method.

Speech Recognition Accuracy Measure using Deep Neural Network for Effective Evaluation of Speech Recognition Performance (효과적인 음성 인식 평가를 위한 심층 신경망 기반의 음성 인식 성능 지표)

  • Ji, Seung-eun;Kim, Wooil
    • Journal of the Korea Institute of Information and Communication Engineering
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    • v.21 no.12
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    • pp.2291-2297
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    • 2017
  • This paper describe to extract speech measure algorithm for evaluating a speech database, and presents generating method of a speech quality measure using DNN(Deep Neural Network). In our previous study, to produce an effective speech quality measure, we propose a combination of various speech measures which are highly correlated with WER(Word Error Rate). The new combination of various types of speech quality measures in this study is more effective to predict the speech recognition performance compared to each speech measure alone. In this paper, we describe the method of extracting measure using DNN, and we change one of the combined measure from GMM(Gaussican Mixture Model) score used in the previous study to DNN score. The combination with DNN score shows a higher correlation with WER compared to the combination with GMM score.

A Study on Hydrographic Survey based on Acoustic Echo-Sounder and GNSS (음향측심기와 GNSS 기반의 수로측량에 관한 연구)

  • PARK, Eung-Hyun;KIM, Dae-Hyun;JEON, Hae-Yeon;KANG, Ho-Yun;YOO, Kyung-Wan
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Geographic Information Studies
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    • v.21 no.3
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    • pp.119-126
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    • 2018
  • In this study, In this study, the Datum Level-based hydrography surveying system and the ellipsoid-based system were analyzed to acquire more consistent depth data. For the study, the ellipsoid-based surveying for hydrography was conducted twice for the same track line. And the depth was calculated by correcting rise and fall of water level (water level change by tidal energy and other marine environmental energies) respectively by the traditional water level correction method and ellipsoidally referenced water level correction method. there is able to check that Ellipsoid-based hydrographic surveying data is more improved than Datum Level-based hydrographic surveying data in aspect of level difference phenomenon in the same area (surveying line). This result shows that if the Ellipsoid-based hydrographic surveying is performed, the sea level change (tidal energy and other marine environmental energy) of the survey area in real time could be reflected to more consistent generating bathymetric data.

Accuracy Improvement of Surveying & Mapping for Seabed Facilities (해저시설물 조사성과의 정확도 제고)

  • Kim, June-Sik;Choi, Yun-Soo;Park, Sun-Mi;Kang, Moon-Kwon
    • Spatial Information Research
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    • v.17 no.1
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    • pp.103-115
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    • 2009
  • Recently, the seabed facility is gradually being increased based on the development of harbor and the coastal area. However, the comparison between the survey data with the chart still shows the significant differences leading to various disasters over sea accident. Therefore, in this study, the investigation on the seabed facility were performed in 5 areas through an accuracy analysis using an up-to-date surveying equipment(MBES, SSS and SBP). Based on the study more systematic management on the seabed facility, more accurate method on the surveying, and some considerations on the related policies are suggested. Through the study, we obtained more accurate measurement on depth and seabed piping forms in Jakdo and Pyong-tack, on sunken ship in a Mok-po, on seabed crater in Je-ju. In addition, it was possible to present the method for the construction of information infra and a connection with the seabed facility. The criteria on the equipment's specification, surveying method and procedures are set by the experiments and the investigation and surveying accuracy on the seabed facilities are also suggested.

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In-droplet preconcentration of microparticles using surface acoustic waves (표면탄성파를 이용한 액적 내 마이크로입자의 농축)

  • Park, Kwangseok;Park, Jinsoo;Jung, Jin Ho;Destgeer, Ghulam;Ahmed, Husnain;Ahmad, Raheel;Sung, Hyung Jin
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Visualization
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    • v.15 no.1
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    • pp.47-52
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    • 2017
  • In droplet-based microfluidic systems, in-droplet preconcentration of a sample is one of the important prerequisites for biochemical or medical analysis. There have been a few studies on preconcentration in a moving droplet, but they are limited to practical applications since 1) their method are time-consuming or 2) they require specific properties such as electric and magnetic properties. In this study, we demonstrated the position control of polystyrene particles of 5 and $10{\mu}m$ in diameter inside a moving water-in-oil droplet using traveling surface acoustic waves. Since the frequencies for effective control of each diameter were found, microparticles with no labels could be utilized. In addition, the proposed method enabled on-demand preconcentration inside a polydimethylsiloxane microchannel. In-droplet preconcentration of microparticles was realized by splitting a mother droplet with manipulated particles at a downstream bifurcation zone. Given these advantages, the proposed system is a promising acoustofluidic lab-on-a-chip platform for preconcentration inside a droplet.

Computer simulation for the machinery diagnosis by using the bispectrum (바이스펙트럼 해석의 설비진단을 위한 컴퓨터 시뮬레이션)

  • 오재응;정준회;염성하
    • 제어로봇시스템학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 1986.10a
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    • pp.128-133
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    • 1986
  • 설비진단에 응용되는 신호처리의 기법으로는 파워스펙트럼, 바이스펙트럼, 켑스트럼 등이 사용되었다. 파워스펙트럼은 이론적인 면과 계산과정 그리고 신호처리에서의 적용방법등이 잘 알려져서 성공적으로 사용되어져 왔다. 특히 음향분야에서는 여러가지 응용기술이 개발되어 실제계에 적용되고 있으며 계측장비도 파워스펙트럼 해석법에 알맞게 개발되어져 왔다. 파워스펙트럼해석법을 사용하여 진동계를 구성하는 각 요소들의 고유진동수와 진동계 전체를 나타내는 진동파들의 주파수성분 간의 관계에 의하여 진동의 원인 및 소음원 등을 추정하는 것이 가능하다. 그러나 파워스펙트럼은 일반적으로 정상적인 신호를 갖는 진동계에 대한 해석 일 때는 그 이론과 실제가 잘 일치하지만, 진동계 자체가 항시 임의의 주파수를 갖고서 움직일 때 그 해석에는 다음과 같은 문제점이 생긴다. 첫째, 불규칙한 진동계에서는 규칙적인 진동계보다 잡음의 영향을 많이 받기 때문에 실제로 잡음이 진동계의 고유주파수 부근에 있을 경우에는 파워스펙트럼해석으로는 불가능한 경우가 있다. 둘째, 진동파 중에 포함되어 있는 위상이라는 중요한 정보가 없다. 셋째, 시간지연에 따른 진동계의 정확한 정보를 얻을 수 없다. 이상에서 볼 때 파워스펙트럼해석법은 한계가 있음을 알 수 있다. 따라서 본 논문은 바이스펙트럼이라는 해석법을 사용하여 정상과정에서 비정상과정으로 시간지연에따라 변하는 진동계 또는 정상적인 진동계의 저주파에서의 상호간섭 정도 및 위상관계를 관찰함으로써 파워스펙트럼과 비교하여 바이스펙트럼해석법의 타당성을 검토한다. 바이스펙트럼의 실제적인 계산방법은 P. J. Huber가 세가지 접근 방법을 제안했는데 시간영역에서의 평균화를 행하여 계산하는 법, 연속된 기록들을 평균화하는 것, 주파수 영역에서의 평균화를 행하는 것 등이 있다. 본 논문에서는 FFT를 먼저 행하고 파워스펙트럼과 바이스펙트럼 및 바이코히어런스를 구하였다. 그러나 바이스펙트럼해석법은 수치해석적인 면에서 볼 때 파워스펙트럼해석법에 비하여 미약한 점이 많고 통계학적인 그 의미가 확실하게 알려져 있지 않기 때문에 본 논문에서는 시뮬레이션을 통하여 그 물리적 의미를 규명하고져 한다.

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Development of a Low frequency Operating Electronic Ballast for Fish Attracting Lamps (저주파 구동형 집어등용 전자식 안정기 개발)

  • Kil Gyung-suk;Kim Il-kwon;Song Jae-yong;Han Ju-seop;Shin Gwang-chul
    • Journal of the Korea Institute of Information and Communication Engineering
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    • v.9 no.5
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    • pp.1052-1058
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    • 2005
  • This paper dealt with the design and fabrication of a low frequency electronic ballast for ruh attracting lamps. The proposed electronic ballast was composed of a full-wave rectifier, a step don converter operated as a constant power controled current source, an inverter operated by 130 Hz square wave, and an ignition circuit. An acoustic resonance phenomenon of discharge lamps could be eliminated by application of 130 Hz square wave. Also, a circuit of high voltage pulse generation for lamp ignition was added to the ballast. From the experimental results, voltage and current of the lamp operated by the electronic ballast were estimated 132.5 V and 7.6 A, respectively. and the power consumption was about 1,000 W. The weight of the ballast, which is one of important advantages, was reduced to one-fifth of conventional magnetic ballasts.

Design and Fabrication of an Electronic Ballast for Short-Arc Lamps (Short-Arc 램프용 전자식 안정기의 설계 및 제작)

  • Kim Il-Kwon;Han Ju-Seop;Kil Gyung-Suk
    • Journal of the Korea Institute of Information and Communication Engineering
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    • v.10 no.4
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    • pp.652-658
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    • 2006
  • This paper deals with an electronic ballast for hish intensity short-arc discharge lamps, which consists of a boost converter, a step down converter operated as a current source with power regulation and a low frequency inverter with external ignition circuit The ignition circuit generates high voltage pulses of 130[Hz] up to 5 [kV]. A reignition circuit is equipped in the ballast, and it operates the lamp at a regular interval for protection when an ignition fails. Acoustic resonance phenomenon was eliminated by operating a low frequency square wave voltage and current. The measured lamp voltage, current and consumption power were 123.8 [V], 8.1 [A] and 1,002 [W], respectively. From the experiment, we confirmed that the prototype ballast operates the lamp with a constant power.