• Title/Summary/Keyword: 유아교육

검색결과 1,611건 처리시간 0.037초

Contributors of Extra-curricular Activities of Preschool Children: Focused on Home Environment Factors and Maternal Belief about Factors on Academic Achievement (가정환경 변인과 학업성취에 관한 어머니의 교육신념이 유아의 사교육 실태에 미치는 영향)

  • Han, You-Me
    • The Korean Journal of Community Living Science
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    • 제21권1호
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    • pp.81-90
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    • 2010
  • This study aimed to identify the contributors of extra-curricular activities of preschool children focusing on home environmental factors(financial capital, human capital, and social capital) and maternal belief about factors on academic achievement(child's effort, child's ability, teacher's instruction, and maternal teaching). One hundred and seventy three mothers whose preschool children were attending child-care centers in Seoul and Kyunggi-Do participated in the survey. Kinlaw et al.(2001)'s Importance of Effort/Ability Scale was used to assess the mother's belief about the factors on academic achievement. Stipek et al.(1992)'s Activities Sub-scales was revised to measure a social capital, that is the mother's formal and informal activities providing to their preschool child. Educational level was utilized as human capital and monthly income was considered as financial capital. Also, using open ended questions, the subjects were asked to respond to the numbers of extra-curricula activities their child was presently attending, and when he or she began to attend the extra-curricular activity. The main results are as follows. In general, the mothers provided informal activities to their preschool child more than formal activities. Also, they believed the teacher's instruction is the most important and the child's ability the least important in their child's academic achievement. The number of extra-curricular activities was predicted by mothers' formal activities and their belief on their child's ability. The age of starting extra-curricular activities were explained by mothers' formal activities and their educational level.

Needs Assessment of Nutrition Education for Preschoolers and Their Parents using Focus Group Interview (포커스 그룹 인터뷰를 이용한 유치원 학부모 대상의 유아영양교육 요구도 조사)

  • Kim, Kyungmin
    • Journal of the East Asian Society of Dietary Life
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    • 제25권1호
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    • pp.20-29
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    • 2015
  • This study investigated the demand of nutrition education programs among preschooler's parents. Focus group interview was conducted four times with 29 parents of preschool children. Most subjects appeared to have interest in nutrition education; 'very interested' (58.6%), 'somewhat interested' (20.7%). Sources of nutrition information were 'internet' (35.1%), 'books' (21.6%), 'newspaper or magazines' (13.5%), 'family or relatives' (13.5%), 'media' (8.1%), 'preschool' (5.4%) and 'hospital or public health center' (2.7%) in order. The most frequently mentioned health problems related to dietary behavior were atopy and obesity. Major concerns for children's dietary behavior was picky eating habits, and having questions for how to deal with this problem. Most subjects had trouble with obtaining an adequate amount of dietary supplements for their children. Nutrition education for parents about food labeling and information on processed foods was in demand. Preferred methods of nutrition education for children were playing games with stickers, gardening vegetables, and participating in cooking. Attitudes toward computer-assisted education materials, one of the methods of nutrition education, appeared to be ambivalent. Some preschool parents showed negative attitudes towards exposing their children to electronic devices at an early age, whereas others showed positive attitudes. Subjects were interested in meal-planning and ways to balance nutrients for their child. Parents preferred attending professional lectures to receive reading materials or searching websites as an adult nutrition education method. Results of this study have implications on providing basic information for developing nutrition education programs for preschoolers and their parents. Future research should focus on developing nutrition education programs for both preschools and the home.

The Effects of Integrated Activities Using Wordless Picture Books on Increase in Preschool Children's Creativity (글 없는 그림책을 활용한 통합 활동이 유아의 창의성 신장에 미치는 효과)

  • Son, Jeong-Hwa;Kim, Young-Joo
    • Journal of Families and Better Life
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    • 제25권4호
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    • pp.57-66
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    • 2007
  • This study purposed to examine the effects of integrated activities based on wordless picture books on increase in children's creativity. As for the subject of this study, 20 five-year old children(9 boys and 11 girls), who go to D Kindergarten in Ulsan-si, were selected as a experimental group and 20 five-year old children(8 boys and 12 girls) as comparative group, who attend B Kindergarten in Ulsan-si. For this study, all children of the groups were taken pre-test. After this experiment, difference in creativity of two groups was examined through post-test. The total of 42 sessions were conducted for 14 weeks from the first week of April to the second week of July, 2005. The test tool for this study was Creativity Scale developed by Kim Sang-yun (2003). To verify study questions, the mean of the two groups and the standard deviation were calculated and independent-sample t-test was carried out using SPSS WIN 11.5. The results of this study were as the following: First, integrated activities based on wordless picture books showed statistically significant difference in children's creativity between the experimental group and the comparative one(p<.001), which suggested that the activities affected increase in children's creativity in general. Second, integrated activities centering around wordless picture books indicated statistically significant difference in fluency(p<.05), flexibility(p<.01) and originality(p<.001), sub-factors of children's creativity, between the experimental group and the comparative one. This result revealed that these activities were effective. Third, integrated activities based on wordless picture books did not show significant difference in elaboration, a sub-factor of children's creativity, between the two groups. As the result of this study, integrated activities based on wordless picture books had positive effects on increase in children's creativity.

Parents' Perception and Attitudes to the School Meal Service Program(SMSP) in $Kinder\'{g}arten$ (유아교육기관의 급식에 대한 학부모의 태도 및 인식조사)

  • Lee Younemee;Oh Yu-Jin
    • Korean Journal of Community Nutrition
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    • 제10권2호
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    • pp.141-150
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    • 2005
  • This Study investigated kindergarten parents' attitude, satisfaction and demand in the school meal service programs (SMSP). The subjects were 2450 parents that their child attended at kindergarten's SMSP from 16 provinces. To com-pared children's eating habits according to their parent age group and residence area, the percentage of regularly breakfast eating were lower in 'below 30 years old' group and large city residence than 'above 30 years old' group and middle and small city residence. And taking breakfast item was partially different pattern according parent age, 'below 30 years old' group and large city child ate more bread and milk as breakfast than Korean style breakfast with steamed rice and soup and side dish. In the prefer types of school meal service, most prefer types of meal service was fully meal service at kindergarten, $79.1\%$ subjects wanted this type. But 'below 30 years old' group's parent answered 'lunch box brings from home' ratio was higher than 'above 30 years old' group. Most parents accepted the present meal cost and $63.8\%$ of subjects was willing to pay more money to improve the quality of SMSP Twenty-six precent parents was responded that no improvement children's eating habit through SMSP. And they answered the key point of SMSP management was 'cooking sanitation'($65.1\%$) and 'nutrition' ($50.0\%$) and they answered the urgent improvement point at SMSP was 'Improvement taste and quality of meal' ($62.6\%$). Kindergarten parents' attitude about catering service as SMSP as not to prefer, but $10.4\%$ of subjects answered that catering service is ideal meal service type in kindergarten and they expected the advantage of catering service was 'convenience of foodservice'($40.7\%$) and 'support foodservice facilities and labor'($32.4\%$) and they also pointed out disadvantage was 'lower in meal freshness'($53.9\%$) and 'sanitation Problem'($51.9\%$).

Development and Application of a Health Belief Model Based Nutrition Education Program for Day Care Center Children (건강신념 모델에 근거한 보육시설 유아대상 영양교육 프로그램 개발 및 적용)

  • Sin Eun-Kyung;Lee Yeon-Kyung
    • Korean Journal of Community Nutrition
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    • 제11권4호
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    • pp.488-501
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    • 2006
  • The purpose of this study was to develop various nutrition education materials, including an animated CD, for day care center children and their teachers and in order to apply the nutrition education programs systematically. We evaluated the effect of the nutrition education programs on nutrition knowledge in the first year, and the effect of the nutrition education programs on nutrition knowledge, food attitudes and eating behaviors in the second year in day care center children. In the first year, nutrition education foundational materials, such as the animated CD-ROM, videotape, textbook, panels, posters, slogans, leaflets, picture disks, hand puppets, stickers for compensation and poster boards were developed. The subjects were 537 children (286 boys,251 girls) aged four to six years. In the second year, nutrition education materials, such as the animated CD-ROM and textbook were developed. The nutrition education group included 368 children (177 boys 191 girls) aged four to six years, and the comparison group consisted of 108 children (54 boys,54 girls) Regarding the nutrition knowledge test results in the first year, the pre-test mean of children was 6.82, however, the post-test mean was 11.35 and showed a significant increase (p < 0.001). Regarding the nutrition knowledge test and the food attitude test results in the second yew, the nutrition education group had significantly higher scores than the comparison group in a post-test (p < 0.001). For the eating behavior test results, the post-test means between the comparison group and the nutrition education group were not significant. The test results show that several months of nutrition education is not enough to improve eating behaviors. As a result, nutrition education has improved nutrition knowledge and food attitudes in day care center children but short-term nutrition education was not sufficient to induce a change in eating behaviors. To improve eating behaviors in day care center children, nutrition education programs must be applied to day care center children in addition to their Parents and Persistent education will have to be continued.

Childcare Teacher's Cognition of Human Right Awareness for Handicapped Children and Consciousness of Social Integration (보육교사가 인지하는 장애아동의 인권인식과 사회통합에 대한 연구)

  • Lee, Mi-Na;Kim, Young-Chun
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • 제16권4호
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    • pp.387-398
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    • 2016
  • The purpose of this research is to examine childcare teacher's cognition of human right awareness for handicapped children and consciousness of social integration. The subjects were 209 kindergarten teachers in G city. The collected data were analyzed by descriptive statistics, correlation, and regression analysis with SPSS ver. 14.0. The results are as follows: Among the childcare teacher's awareness about children with disabilities human right, awareness of right to survive, right to be protected, right to participate, and right to development had direct effects on their consciousness of social integration. Among the social supports influenced by childcare teacher's awareness of human right, informational support and material support had both direct and indirect effects on their consciousness of social integration. Therefore, as childcare teachers' awareness of human right is an important factor for their consciousness of social integration, a systemic human right education for human right awareness should be provided, the necessity of establishing various social support system should be recognized to foster the social environment of respecting young children's human right, and human right awareness should be practiced into action in daily life, in order to help childcare teachers to develop as the main agents of children's human right.

A Study on Difference in Tendency of Undergraduates with Reliance on Factors of Online Game Addiction (온라인 게임 중독 요인에 따른 대학생들의 경향 차이 연구)

  • Jeon, Mi-Yeon;Kim, Eui-Jeong
    • Journal of the Korea Institute of Information and Communication Engineering
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    • 제13권6호
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    • pp.1228-1233
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    • 2009
  • The purpose of this study is to suggest a countermeasure against a major cause that leads to game addiction, by grasping tendency of the actual condition for the online game use in freshmen for university and by analyzing relationship of game addiction according to factors. As a result of analyzing on relationship among sub-variables for game addiction, it could be known that the more men in gender leads to the more serious game addiction and that the longer game time given using once leads to the higher level in control loss and game addiction. Also, it was indicated that the more in group with high risk leads to the more serious in physical and mental problem. There is a suggestion that a scale related to game is developed for the expansion in counseling institution nationwide and for the preventive education targeting all the ages including undergraduates and adults as well as small children and children.

The Influence of the Teaching Ethics Perceived by Preservice Childcare Teachers on Teacher Efficacy and Professionalism Awareness (예비보육교사들이 지각한 교직윤리의식이 교사효능감과 전문성인식에 미치는 영향)

  • Kim, Young-Tae
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • 제16권10호
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    • pp.6779-6787
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    • 2015
  • The objective of this study is understand the influence of the teaching ethics of preservice childcare teachers on teacher efficacy and professionalism awareness. In order to achieve the study objective, the questionnaires were distributed to 285 preservice childcare teachers in A city. In the results of the study, first, regarding the teaching ethics perceived by preservice childcare teachers, 'the ethics of infants' were the most highly perceived while the 'teaching strategy' on teacher efficacy, and 'social service' and 'professional ethics' on professionalism awareness were the most highly perceived. Second, preservice childcare teachers' teaching ethics, teacher efficacy, and professionalism awareness had statistically significant correlations. Third, preservice childcare teachers' teaching ethics had positive influence on teacher efficacy and professionalism awareness. Based on the results of this study, in order to improve the quality of the childcare service after understanding the importance of preservice childcare teachers' teaching ethics, it would be necessary to have various researches on the internal stability of the systematic education for childcare teachers to have teacher efficacy and professionalism awareness.

Effect of Nutrition Education Program Developed by a Public Health Center on Preschool Children's Nutrition Knowledge and Dietary Habits and the Parent's Dietary Attitudes (보건소 영양교육 프로그램이 유아의 영양지식, 식습관 및 부모의 식태도에 미치는 효과)

  • Hong, Mi-Ae;Choi, Mee-Sook;Han, Young-Hee;Hyun, Tai-Sun
    • Korean Journal of Community Nutrition
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    • 제15권5호
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    • pp.593-602
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    • 2010
  • This study was carried out to examine the effects of nutrition education program developed by Jincheon Public Health Center on preschool children's nutrition knowledge and dietary habits and the parents' dietary attitudes. The subjects of this study were five- and six-year-old children as well as their parents. A 5-week nutrition education program was implemented to 104 children in five day care centers, and 107 children in three day care centers were investigated as a control group. Activity tools designed for each lesson such as puzzles, food magnets, story, songs, Pierrot costume, and balls were used. Nutrition knowledge and dietary habits of children and dietary attitudes of parents were evaluated before and after education. Mean nutrition knowledge score in the education group was significantly higher than that in the control group after education (p < 0.001). Mean dietary habit score of three questions (three meals a day, eating at fixed time, eating breakfast) in the education group was also significantly higher than that in the control group after education (p < 0.01). In addition, parents in the education group showed significantly higher mean dietary attitude score than those in the control group even though they did not receive education (p < 0.001). Our nutrition education program was found to be effective in improving nutrition knowledge and dietary habits in preschool children as well as improving dietary attitudes in their parents.

Research of Education Program for Autistic Children the Clay (흙 놀이를 통한 유아자폐증치료과정 연구)

  • Kim, Sung-Min
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • 제9권3호
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    • pp.91-98
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    • 2009
  • The structure of modern society are complex, fast, overflowing of individualism and losing of independence through the standardization of human relationship. The frequency increased that children watch television and play computer game alone through this structure. Also, the mental disorder like as autism tend to be increase for childhood because, parents overprotect, unmethodical bringing up children, emotional disturbance and effect of genetic. Therefore, research and case study of art therapy publish that illustrates a tendency of developing and growing. On the base of this situation art therapy realize more important than before and gain power. Therefore, this research consider that clay therapy effect for autistic just children and investigate function of catharsis through the case study. Also, make study that social rappot and function of catharsis develop for children who has autism. The suggest effect of synergy which come from clay therapy(education of ceramic) and development of education program.