• Title/Summary/Keyword: 위성기반보정항법

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Performance Verification of Psudolite-based Augmentation System Using RF signal logger and broadcaster (RF 신호 수집/방송 장치를 활용한 의사위성 기반 광역보정시스템의 후처리 성능 검증)

  • Han, Deokhwa;Yun, Ho;Kee, Changdon
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Navigation and Port Research Conference
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    • 2014.06a
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    • pp.103-104
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    • 2014
  • Wide Area Differential GNSS(WA-DGNSS) was developed in order to improve the accuracy and integrity performance of GNSS. In Korea, WA-DGNSS development project, which aims to develop core algorithms and verify the performance using pseudolite-based demo system, is currently in progress. In this paper, overall structure of developed system and experimental methods which enables the post-processing test with commercial receiver will be described. In this system, pseudolite is used to broadcast augmenting signal and RF signal logger and broadcaster were used to test the performance. Performance test was conducted broadcasting the logged RF signal and pseudolite signal to commercial receiver and those results will be described.

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국내 공항 주변환경에서의 전리층 폭풍이 항공용 지역위성항법 보강시스템에 미치는 영향 및 비행 시험을 통한 Code-Carrier Divergence Test 결과 분석

  • Ju, Jeong-Min;Heo, Yun-Jeong;Jo, Jeong-Ho;Heo, Mun-Beom
    • Bulletin of the Korean Space Science Society
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    • 2010.04a
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    • pp.35.3-35.3
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    • 2010
  • 항공용 지역위성항법 보강시스템(Ground Based Augmentation System, GBAS)은 지상에서 위성항법시스템에 대한 위치보정정보와 무결성 정보를 생성 및 제공하여 공항 주변 항공기의 정밀 이착륙을 돕는 지상기반의 시스템이다. 이 시스템은 기본적으로 위성항법신호를 사용하기 때문에 전리층 영향을 받게 되는데 특히 전리층 폭풍(Ionospheric storm)의 경우 공간적으로 급격한 위치오차 차이를 발생시키기 때문에 안정적인 항공기의 정밀이착륙을 위해서는 전리층 폭풍의 영향을 최소화 하는 것이 중요하다. 이를 위하여 현재 항공용 지역위성항법 보강시스템의 지상시스템(Ground Facility)과 항공기 탑재시스템에서의 전리층 폭풍에 대한 정확한 감시와 전리층 폭풍의 지배적 영향을 받는 위상항법신호를 제거하거나 보완하는 방식 등 전리층 폭풍의 영향을 최소화하기 위한 기법들이 계속해서 연구 중이다. 이 논문에서는 2001년과 2003년 미국에서 발생한 전리층 폭풍에 대한 위성항법데이터 분석 결과와 기존의 연구결과를 기반으로 전리층 폭풍에 대한 모델링과 지상시스템과 항공기 간의 공간적 상이현상(Spacial decorrelation)을 고려하여 전리층 폭풍이 항공기 이착륙에 미치는 영향에 대한 분석 결과를 제시한다. 전리층 폭풍에 대한 수학적 모델링을 하기 위해서는 전리층 폭풍의 물리적 특성에 대한 이해와 전리층 폭풍 발생 시 획득한 위성항법 데이터를 이용한 통계학적 분석이 선행되며 이러한 분석결과와 항공기 이착륙에 절차를 반영하여 항공기에 미치는 영향 분석을 위한 수학적 모델을 완성하였다. 완성된 모델을 국내 공항에서 실제 비행시험을 통하여 획득한 위성항법데이터에 적용하여 전리층 폭풍이 국내 공항에서 항공기 이착륙에 어떠한 영향을 미치는지를 분석하였다. 또한, 대표적 전리층 폭풍 감지기법 중 하나인 Code-Carrier Divergence Test 알고리즘을 적용한 결과도 함께 제시하였다. 이 논문의 결과는 항공용 지역위성항법 보강시스템에 대한 전리층 폭풍의 영향을 최소화하기 위한 기법 연구의 기반이 되며 시스템의 성능평가를 위한 다양한 시뮬레이션환경의 하나로서도 활용이 가능할 것이다.

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Trends of Open PPP/PPP-RTK Correction Services (Open PPP/PPP-RTK 보정정보 서비스 동향)

  • Cheolsoon Lim;Yongrae Jo;Yebin Lee;Yunho Cha;Byungwoon Park;Dookyung Park;Seungho Lee
    • Journal of Advanced Navigation Technology
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    • v.26 no.6
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    • pp.418-426
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    • 2022
  • Unlike OSR(observation space representation), the SSR(state space representation) augmentation system is suitable for a one-way broadcasting service because it provides the same corrections to all users in the service area. Due to this advantage, several GNSS(global navigation system) systems such as Galileo, BDS(beidou navigation satellite system), QZSS(quasi zenith satellite system) are establishing PPP (precise point positioning)/PPP-RTK precision positioning services based on SSR messages. Therefore, in this paper, we try to understand the trends of satellite-based PPP/PPP-RTK correction services by analyzing the system configurations, characteristics, and precise positioning performance of satellite-based SSR correction broadcasting services.

A Study on the development and Implementation of Multi-purpose All Airspace Satellite Based Augmentation System (SBAS) (다목적 전 공역 위성항법보정시스템 개발 및 적용에 대한 연구)

  • Lee, Gun Young
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Aviation and Aeronautics
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    • v.22 no.1
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    • pp.15-21
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    • 2014
  • Modern aircraft air navigation has been changed from the conventional air navigation aid to utilizing Global Navigation Satellite System. For the air navigation of fast moving aircraft, GNSS required extremely high accuracy and reliability. This study reviews the basic concept of Satellite Based Augmentation System which is discussed in the International Working Group of International Civil Aviation Organization and status of some SBAS leading State's case. In addition to that, a progress of SBAS development and implementation in the Republic of Korea was reviewed with pointing out of general hurdles and counter measures.

National-Wide NETPPI-LT Cluster Design using CORS (상시기준국을 이용한 정밀위치결정 인프라 클러스터 전국단위 설계)

  • Shin, Miri;Ahn, Jongsun;Son, Eunseong;Heo, Moon-Beom
    • Journal of Advanced Navigation Technology
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    • v.22 no.6
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    • pp.577-584
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    • 2018
  • GNSS based transport infrastructure cluster is to broadcast satellite navigation correction information and integrity information capable of precise positioning for land transport users. This makes it possible to do lane-level positioning reliably. However, in order to provide the lane-level positioning and correction information service nationwide, new station sites selection and to build GNSS stations have a heavy cost and a burden for a considerable period of time. In this paper, we propose the cluster design criteria and national-wide network-based precise positioning for land transportation (NETPPI-LT) cluster design for a cluster-based precise positioning. Furthermore, it is analyzed the precise positioning pre-performance of this cluster design based on the spatial error and verified its suitability as the precise positioning pre-performance of the cluster design.

Configuration of Network Based GNSS Correction System for Land Transportation Navigation (육상교통 항법을 위한 네트워크기반 위성항법보정 시스템의 구성)

  • Son, Minhyuk;Son, Eunseong;Lee, Eunsung;Heo, Moon-Beom;Nam, Gi-Wook
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Aviation and Aeronautics
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    • v.21 no.4
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    • pp.17-26
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    • 2013
  • In this paper, a configuration procedure of a transportation infrastructure system for GNSS based very precise real-time positioning is proposed. This infrastructure system consists of several receiving station, a central station, and communication sub-systems. The required performance, design, implementation and verification of each sub-system are explained respectively. The required performance can be broken down into accuracy, integrity, stability, processing time. The design of the each sub-system is performed in accordance with the required performance and each sub-system is built with regard to the design. Lastly the implemented system is verified in comparison with the required performance.

Performance Verification of Psudolite-based Augmentation System Using RF signal logger and broadcaster (RF 신호 수집/방송 장치를 활용한 의사위성 기반 광역보정시스템의 후처리 성능 검증)

  • Han, Deok-Hwa;Yun, Ho;Kim, Chong-Won;Kim, O-Jong;Kee, Chang-Don
    • Journal of Navigation and Port Research
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    • v.38 no.4
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    • pp.391-397
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    • 2014
  • Wide Area Differential GNSS(WA-DGNSS) was developed in order to improve the accuracy and integrity performance of GNSS. In this paper, overall structure of Pseudolite-Based Augmentation System(PBAS) and experimental methods which enables the post-processing test with commercial receiver will be described. For generating augmenting message, GPS measurement collected from five NDGPS reference stations were processed by reference station S/W and master station S/W. The accuracy of augmenting message was tested by comparing SP3, IONEX data. In the test, RF signal of user was collected and correction data were generated. After that, RF signal was broadcasted with pseudolite signal. Test was conducted using three commercial receiver and the performance was compared with MSAS and standalone user. From the position output of each receiver, it was shown that improved position was obtained by applying augmenting message.

Method of Differential Corrections Using GPS/Galileo Pseudorange Measurement for DGNSS RSIM (DGNSS RSIM을 위한 GPS/Galileo 의사거리 보정기법)

  • Seo, Ki-Yeol;Kim, Young-Ki;Jang, Won-Seok;Park, Sang-Hyun
    • Journal of Navigation and Port Research
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    • v.38 no.4
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    • pp.373-378
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    • 2014
  • In order to prepare for recapitalization of differential GNSS (DGNSS) reference station and integrity monitor (RSIM) due to GNSS diversification, this paper focuses on differential correction algorithm using GPS/Galileo pesudorange. The technical standards on operation and broadcast of DGNSS RSIM are described as operation of differential GPS (DGPS) RSIM for conversion of DGNSS RSIM. Usually, in order to get the differential corrections of GNSS pesudorange, the system must know the real positions of satellites and user. Therefore, for calculating the position of Galileo satellites correctly, using the equation for calculating the SV position in Galileo ICD (Interface Control Document), it estimates the SV position based on Ephemeris data obtained from user receiver, and calculates the clock offset of satellite and user receiver, system time offset between GPS and Galileo, then determines the pseudorange corrections of GPS/Galileo. Based on a platform for performance verification connected with GPS/Galileo integrated signal simulator, it compared the PRC (pseudorange correction) errors of GPS and Galileo, analyzed the position errors of DGPS, DGalileo, and DGPS/DGalileo respectively. The proposed method was evaluated according to PRC errors and position accuracy at the simulation platform. When using the DGPS/DGalileo corrections, this paper could confirm that the results met the performance requirements of the RTCM.

Development of Wave Monitoring System using Precise Point Positioning (PPP 기반 항법 알고리즘을 이용한 파고 계측시스템 설계 및 구현)

  • Song, Se Phil;Cho, Deuk Jae;Park, Sul Gee
    • Journal of the Korea Institute of Information and Communication Engineering
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    • v.19 no.5
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    • pp.1055-1062
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    • 2015
  • A GPS based wave height meter system is proposed in this paper. The proposed system uses a dual-frequency measurements, a precise GPS satellite information and a PPP-based navigation algorithm to estimate the position with high accuracy. This method does not need to receive corrections from the reference stations. Therefore, unlike RTK based wave meter, regardless of the distance to the reference stations, it is possible to estimate position with high accuracy. This system is very simple and accurate system, but accelerometer-based system requires the other sensors such as GPS. Because position error is accumulated in the accelerometer system and must be removed periodically for high accuracy. In order to get the measurements and test the proposed wave height meter system, a buoy equipped with the test platform is installed on the sea near by Jukbyeon habor in Uljin, Korea. Then, to evaluate the performance, compares built-in commercial wave height meter with proposed system.