• Title/Summary/Keyword: 요구조사 도구

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A Study of Young Adults' Information Behavior and Media Use: Focusing on the Children of Families with Immigration Background (청소년의 미디어 사용을 통한 정보 행태에 관한 연구 - 다문화 가정 자녀를 중심으로 -)

  • Lim, Yeojoo
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Library and Information Science
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    • v.50 no.3
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    • pp.455-490
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    • 2016
  • This study investigated the information behavior and media use of Korean young adults with immigration background, focusing on the influence of their social and cultural context. 11 young adults between 13 and 18 with immigration background participated in the study. The participants provided data via daily logs about information needs, written surveys about media use, and two times of in-depth interviews. The data gathered from these diverse methods were used in analyzing the participants' daily problem situations and attempts to satisfy information needs using media. The information needs of young adults with immigration background in their everyday lives included study, leisure, appearance, self-development, living, and career searching - study and leisure were the most needed information subjects. The young adults who participated in this study were actively using media to solve their information needs. For them, media was an emotional support, a tool to express their own identities, a solution that gives all the answers, and a good companion to spend time with. The proposed strategies about young adults' media use in this study could be used in planning library services for children of families with immigration background.

Effects of Inelastic Demand Spectrum on Seismic Capacity Evaluation of Curved Bridge by Capacity Spectrum Method (역량스펙트럼을 이용한 곡선교의 내진성능평가에 대한 비탄성요구스펙트럼의 영향)

  • Cho, Sung Gook;Park, Woong Ki;Joe, Yang Hee
    • Journal of the Korea institute for structural maintenance and inspection
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    • v.15 no.3
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    • pp.195-206
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    • 2011
  • The capacity spectrum method(CSM) has been more frequently used as a tool to evaluate the seismic capacity of the structure. Many formulas of strength reduction factors(SRF) have been proposed and adopted to generate the inelastic demand spectrum for the CSM. This study evaluates the impacts of the type of the SRF on the inelastic demand spectrum and finally on the seismic response displacement of curved bridge. For the purpose, the several existing formulas of SRFs were comparatively investigated through the case study. Curved bridges with different subtended angles were selected and the displacements of the bridge piers were estimated by using the different formulas of SRFs. Nonlinear time history analyses were also performed for the validation purpose of the CSM results. According to study results, the CSM may generate the larger displacement responses than the actual behaviors for the curved bridge with larger subtended angles. Though many methods have been suggested to generate the inelastic demand spectrum for CSM, they might not give noticeable differences in inelastic displacement of the bridge pier.

What are Core Competencies for Entrepreneurship Educators?: Conceptualization of Competency Within TPACK and Analysis of Education Needs (기업가정신(entrepreneurship) 교육자는 어떠한 역량을 갖추어야 하는가?: TPACK 모델을 적용한 역량 개념화 및 교육요구도 분석)

  • Yoon, Seonghye;Lee, Woo Jin
    • Asia-Pacific Journal of Business Venturing and Entrepreneurship
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    • v.17 no.1
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    • pp.79-87
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    • 2022
  • Recently, as the awareness of the necessity of entrepreneurship education has spread in secondary education, the competency of educators in the field of education has become more important. This study tried to derive the priority of education needs by exploring the competency of educators to practice entrepreneurship education and the result from analysis of the difference in importance and performance. For conducting the analysis, this study conceptualized entrepreneurship education competency based on the TPACK (Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge) model and developed a questionnaires to measure those competencies. Using TPACK and developed questionnaires, a survey was conducted on 217 secondary school teachers who were interested in entrepreneurship education, and derived the difference between importance-level and current-level was analyzed with a t-test. As a result of the study, for all sub-factors of TPACK, the mean of importance-level was higher than the mean of current-level, indicating that educational prescription was required. Also, as a result of analysis of Borich's requirements and The Locus for Focus Model, it was found that the factor with the highest priority in education was CK(Content Knowledge). Based on the results of study, implications for strengthening competencies for entrepreneurship educators were derived.

Satisfaction Evaluation for Tablet-based Smart AAC Device (태블릿 기반 스마트 AAC 기기 만족도 평가)

  • Kong, Jin-Yong;An, Na-Yeon
    • Journal of Digital Contents Society
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    • v.19 no.2
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    • pp.251-257
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    • 2018
  • The purpose of this study is to analyze the satisfaction and requirements of users' devices after development of tablet based AAC(Augmentative and Alternatice Communication) application for Android. The purpose of this study is to evaluate the satisfaction and the requirement of tablet - based AAC application, Were assessed using the Korea Assistive Technology Assessment Tool (KAAT). As a result of satisfaction evaluation of tablet-based smart AAC device, all the items including device, service, and everyday life showed positive response satisfying from 5 point scale to more than 4 point scale. However, it was relatively low in the items of effectiveness, manipulation and convenience. Some of the improvements in the application include the enlargement of the symbol sound and the simplicity of symbol editing. The results of the study suggest that continual updates of m Smart AAC applications, the simplicity of symbolic editing, application usage and training should be improved. The satisfaction evaluation results of this study and the feedback of potential users will be the guidelines for improving and complementing the functions of existing smart AAC devices.

Health Status and Use of Health Care Services of the Elderly Utilizing Senior citizen Centers (경로당 노인의 건강상태와 건강관리서비스 이용 관련요인 분석)

  • Shin, Sun-Hye;Kim, Jin-Soon
    • Journal of agricultural medicine and community health
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    • v.27 no.1
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    • pp.99-113
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    • 2002
  • For this study a sample of 205 people, 66 males and 139 females, over 65 years of age, residing in C-gu of S-si and utilizing senior centers, were selected, The objective of the study was to provide basic data for health promotion program development provided by health centers. A questionnaire was used to collect date on general characteristics, health status, social health status and utilization rate for health services. The instruments used in this study were the Lawton scale, to measure daily routine function, the MMSE-K developed by Folstein and modified to fit the Korea situation, for mental health status, and the CES-Dtool developed by Radloff, for emotional health status. the SPSS Window program was used to calculate percentages. Tests of significance were done using t-test and ANOVA. Multiple regression analysis was used to identify variables influencing the use of health services. The results are as follows : Of those utilizing senior citizen centers, 40.9% of males and 17.3% of the female thought they were healthy. The average score for IADL was 7.4. The daily routine of female respondents consisted of buying household articles and drugs, and other IADLs such as riding the bus or subway alone. These resulted in a higher score compared to males. For emotional health, 7.6% of the males reported depression compared to 21.6% of the females. For mental health, 48.5% of the males and 28.8% of the females were found to be in the group suspicious for dementia. On social health, 57.6% of the males and 62.6% of the females reported no intimate human relations. Of those older people who had close human relations, 52.5% of the males indicated a friend as the closest person and 53.8% of the females, their children. On use of health services, there was a significantly higher need for mobile medical care services treatment for those with lower education levels and status of window/widower. There was a significantly higher need for health exmination services for those with lower levels of exercise, greater satisfaction with sleep, higher levels of oral health care, and higher social contacts. In conclusion, there is a need to provide varied programs for the promotion of health, along with parallel resolution of social, psychological and economic issues. It is recommended that health services for elderly people provided by the health centers be implemented with full recognition of these characteristics and differences.

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A Study on the Plan for Creating a Youth Entrepreneurship Education Environment (청소년 기업가정신 교육 환경 조성을 위한 방안 연구)

  • Kang, Kyoung-Kyoon
    • 대한공업교육학회지
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    • v.42 no.2
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    • pp.67-88
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    • 2017
  • The purpose of this research was educational needs of experts for revitalizing youth entrepreneurship education and creating effective conditions for such education. The subjects of the survey were chosen 100 teachers who had participated in entrepreneurship-related professional training for teachers were selected and surveyed. A total of 100 questionnaires were collected, of which 92 (92.00%) were used for the analysis. Eight were excluded as they were not properly answered. As for the used survey tool, a total of 8 areas and 30 items were derived from the review of the literature, and the validity of the contents was examined through expert meetings. The data were analyzed using the SPSS (ver. 20.0) statistical program. The analysis was conducted in terms of the required competency level, perceived competency level and educational needs. As for the used analytical methods, first, the averages of the required competency level and perceived competency level were calculated and the education needs were calculated using Borich's formula, and then the averages were compared through paired t-test. The results turned out to be statistically significant (p<.000). The details are as follows: As a result of the calculation of the educational needs the educational needs in all areas turned out to be very high with the average being 4.94 points, which indicates that the teachers strongly feel the need for educational strengthening in relation to entrepreneurship. These results show that all the educational conditions such as entrepreneurship-related curriculum, teacher professionalism, educational environment, educational support and the perception among school community members are insufficient in the current school settings. For the improvement of the current status, the education conditions in the following areas should be improved: the cooperation from school community members including principals, teacher support such as an exclusive responsibility teacher system, the development of an entrepreneurship curriculum, the securing of teacher professionalism through the implementation of the curriculum, teacher training support for the enhancement of their professionalism and the provision of educational environment and facilities. For enhancing the perception of parents and society regarding entrepreneurship, it is necessary to establish the precise concept of entrepreneurship and promote it based on such work.

Factors Affecting the Depression of the Elderly Women in Poverty (빈곤층 여성 노인의 우울에 미치는 영향요인)

  • Park, Eun-A;Lee, In-Sook
    • Journal of agricultural medicine and community health
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    • v.34 no.2
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    • pp.256-266
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    • 2009
  • Objectives: This study was to investigate the factors affecting the depression of the elderly women in poverty in community. Methods: The subjects were 1,208 elderly women over 65 years who were enrolled in the Public Health Care Center from Apr. 2008 to Jun. 2008. Data were collected using questionnaires including general characteristics, health related behaviors and health status by nurses at the time of enrollment. The collected data were analyzed by descriptive statistics, $x^2$-test, Pearson correlation coefficients and multivariate logistic regression. Results: The major findings of this study are as follows : The elderly women in poverty show a tendency to have lower level in income, education, self-rated health, cognitive function compared with ordinary women in old age. The predictors of depression of the elderly women in poverty were spouse's existence or nonexistence, type of insurance, cognitive function, and self-rated health. Conclusion: These findings suggest the need to develop nursing strategies for decreasing depression in the elderly women in poverty. To decrease the depression of the elderly women, the above-mentioned major influencing factors should be considered.

The Effect of Virtual Reality Programs on Upper Extremity Function in Stroke Patients : A Meta-Analysis (뇌졸중 환자의 가상현실 프로그램이 상지기능에 미치는 영향 : 메타분석)

  • Cho, Sung-Hyoun;Choi, Ki-Bok
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.21 no.8
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    • pp.429-439
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    • 2020
  • This study examined the effect size of virtual reality programs on the upper extremity function of stroke patients through a meta-analysis. Databases, such as the Research Information Sharing Service, the Korean Studies Information Service System, the National Library of Korea, the Korean Citation Index, and the National Digital Science Library, were used. Previous articles were surveyed for virtual reality programs between January 2010 and June 2019. A meta-analysis was performed by selecting the final 14 studies based on the PICO standard. The RoB and RoBANS tools were used as quality assessment tools for randomized and non-randomized control trials, respectively. The CMA 3.0 program was used to calculate the effect size of each study. Sub-group analysis, meta-regression analysis, and publication bias were performed. The total effect size of the virtual reality programs on the upper extremity function was Hedges's g=0.390 (95% CI: 0.192~0.587) (p<.05). The virtual reality program positively affects the upper extremity function of stroke patients. Therefore, the development of various virtual reality programs and industry-academia cooperation technology for stroke patients is required in accordance with the fourth industry. Randomized control trials and detailed upper extremity function studies for virtual reality programs will be needed in follow-up studies.

Family Support for the Elderly : A Study by Types of Family Members (노인에 대한 가족의지지 : 가족원 유형별 연구)

  • Hong, Soon-Hae
    • Korean Journal of Social Welfare
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    • v.39
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    • pp.322-349
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    • 1999
  • The purpose of the study is to investigate kinds of social support provided by various types of family members, relationships between types of family support and personal variables of the elderly and structural variables of the family network, and the relationships between family support and depression of the elderly. Here, family included a spouse, sons and daughters and their spouses, grandchildren, siblings and parents of an older person. Social support consisted of emotional, instrumental, financial help and social companionship. Two-hundred-eight older persons of age 60 years and over were interviewed. The main results of the study were as follows: an older person's spouse tended to provide more for emotional support, sons for financial help, daughters-in-law for instrumental support, and daughters for emotional and financial support. Some elderly were also provided for emotional support by parents and siblings. Possibility of daughters-in-laws and grandchildren as support providers was also verified. Various factors among personal and network-structural characteristics were significantly related to many types of social support provided by various types of family members. In general, while younger female elders, elders with good IADL ability or more frequent contacts with family members tended to have social support from more family members, support from daughters-in-law was provided to the elderly with less functional abilities. Various types of social support from a spouse were significantly related to depression level of the elderly. Their depression level was more related to whether or not sons and daughters-in-law exist rather than whether or not they provide social support. Practical methods to increase family support for the elderly were discussed.

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Moderating Effect of Learning styles on the relationship of quality and satisfaction in the context of Business Simulation Game (시뮬레이션활용 경영 교육의 품질요인과 성과에 대한 학습유형의 조절효과)

  • Ahn, Tony Donghui
    • Journal of Service Research and Studies
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    • v.7 no.4
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    • pp.151-164
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    • 2017
  • This study aims to explore the effect of quality factors and learning styles on users' satisfaction in the use of business simulation tools in business education. For this purpose, statistical methods such as reliability test, factor analysis, ANOVA, regression analysis were carried out using the survey data from university students. The quality factors of education using simulation were classified into contents, education environment, interpersonal activities, and instructor support while learning styles were classified into proactive, self-directed, environmental-dependent, and passive styles. The results showed that each quality factors of education using business simulation had a strong positive effect on user satisfaction. Proactive and environment-dependent group had higher satisfaction than other groups. Learning styles had moderating effects on the quality-satisfaction relationship, and the direction and degree varied depending on the quality factors and learning styles. Theoretical and practical implications were drawn from these findings.