• Title/Summary/Keyword: 연계 거동

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Modeling for the fate of Organic Chemicals in a Multi-media Environment Using MUSEM (다매체 환경 모델 MUSEM을 이용한 유해화학물질의 환경거동예측 모델링)

  • Roh, Kyong-Joon;Kim, Dong-Myung
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Marine Environment & Energy
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    • v.10 no.4
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    • pp.201-210
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    • 2007
  • Pollution by chemical substances such as POPs, EDCs and PBTs in the ecosystem has become more complex and varied, increasing the possibility of irreversible damage to human health or the ecosystem. It is necessary to have a exposure assessment in a multi-media environment for various chemical substances is required for efficient management. This study applied MUSEM(Multi-media Simplebox-systems Environmental Model), a multimedia environmental model that can simultaneously evaluate the possibility of exposure of hundreds of chemical substances in order to efficiently manage chemical substances that can have negative impact on human health or ecological environment through environmental contamination. MUSEM executed the modeling for Japan by setting all 47 prefectures of japan as the regional area for 62 chemical substances and the rest of the territory of japan, excluding regional area, as the continental area and made the estimation of concentration among environment media in each administrative area and made the sensitivity analysis on Tokyo area. The results of simulation for chemical distribution showed that most of the target chemicals located in water region. The result of sensitivity analysis for octanol-water partition rate showed that the concentration change of soil in urban/industrial area and sediment in freshwater was high. In the case of sensitivity analysis for degradation rate showed that the concentration change of freshwater, soil in urban/industrial area, and sediment in freshwater was high.

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Development of Continuous Rainfall-Runoff Model for Flood Forecasting on the Large-Scale Basin (대유역 홍수예측을 위한 연속형 강우-유출모형 개발)

  • Bae, Deg-Hyo;Lee, Byong-Ju
    • Journal of Korea Water Resources Association
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    • v.44 no.1
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    • pp.51-64
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    • 2011
  • The objective of this study is to develop a continuous rainfall-runoff model for flood prediction on a large-scale basin. For this study, the hourly surface runoff estimation method based on the variable retention parameter and runoff curve number is developed. This model is composed that the soil moisture to continuous rainfall can be simulated with applying the hydrologic components to the continuous equation for soil moisture. The runoff can be simulated by linking the hydrologic components with the storage function model continuously. The runoff simulation to large basins can be performed by using channel storage function model. Nakdong river basin is selected as the study area. The model accuracy is evaluated at the 8 measurement sites during flood season in 2006 (calibration period) and 2007~2008 (verification period). The calibrated model simulations are well fitted to the observations. Nash and Sutcliffe model efficiencies in the calibration and verification periods exist in the range of 0.81 to 0.95 and 0.70 to 0.94, respectively. The behavior of soil moisture depending on the rainfall and the annual loadings of simulated hydrologic components are rational. From this results, continuous rainfall-runoff model developed in this study can be used to predict the discharge on large basins.

Numerical Analysis of Phase Behavior and Flow Properties in an Injection Tubing during Gas Phase CO2 Injection : Application of Demonstration-scale Offshore CO2 Storage Project in the Pohang Basin, Korea (기체상태의 CO2 주입시 주입관내 상변화 및 유동 특성의 수치해석적 연구 : 포항분지 해상 중소규모 CO2 지중저장 사업에 적용)

  • Jung, Woodong;Sung, Wonmo;Han, Jeong-Min;Song, Youngsoo;Wang, Jihoon
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Gas
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    • v.25 no.4
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    • pp.10-18
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    • 2021
  • CO2 storage technology in an aquifer is one of the most effective way to decrease global warming due to a high storage capacity and economics. A demonstration-scale offshore CO2 storage project was performed in a geological deep aquifer in the Pohang Basin, Korea for a technological development of large-scale CO2 storage. A challenging issue in the early design stage of the project was to establish the proper injectivity during CO2 injection. To solve this issue, injection conditions were calculated by calculating injection rate, pressure, temperature, CO2 phase change, and thermodynamic properties. For this study, we simulated and numerically analyzed CO2 phase change from gas to supercritical phase and flow behavior in transport piping and injection tubing using OLGA program. Our results provide the injectivity conditions of CO2 injection system combined with a bottomhole pressure of an aquifer.

Numerical modelling of Fault Reactivation Experiment at Mont Terri Underground Research Laboratory in Switzerland: DECOVALEX-2019 TASK B (Step 2) (스위스 Mont Terri 지하연구시설 단층 내 유체 주입시험 모델링: 국제공동연구 DECOVALEX-2019 Task B(Step 2))

  • Park, Jung-Wook;Guglielmi, Yves;Graupner, Bastian;Rutqvist, Jonny;Park, Eui-Seob
    • Tunnel and Underground Space
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    • v.29 no.3
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    • pp.197-213
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    • 2019
  • We simulated the fault reactivation experiment conducted at 'Main Fault' intersecting the low permeability clay formations of Mont Terri Underground Research Laboratory in Switzerland using TOUGH-FLAC simulator. The fluid flow along a fault was modelled with solid elements and governed by Darcy's law with the cubic law in TOUGH2, whereas the mechanical behavior of a single fault was represented by creating interface elements between two separating rock blocks in FLAC3D. We formulate the hydro-mechanical coupling relation of hydraulic aperture to consider the elastic fracture opening and failure-induced dilation for reproducing the abrupt changes in injection flow rate and monitoring pressure at fracture opening pressure. A parametric study was conducted to examine the effects of in-situ stress condition and fault deformation and strength parameters and to find the optimal parameter set to reproduce the field observations. In the best matching simulation, the fracture opening pressure and variations of injection flow rate and monitoring pressure showed good agreement with field experiment results, which suggests the capability of the numerical model to reasonably capture the fracture opening and propagation process. The model overestimated the fault displacement in shear direction and the range of reactivated zone, which was attributed to the progressive shear failures along the fault at high injection pressure. In the field experiment results, however, fracture tensile opening seems the dominant mechanism affecting the hydraulic aperture increase.

Proper Orthogonal Decomposition Based Intrusive Reduced Order Models to Accelerate Computational Speed of Dynamic Analyses of Structures Using Explicit Time Integration Methods (외연적 시간적분법 활용 동적 구조해석 속도 향상을 위한 적합직교분해 기반 침습적 차수축소모델 적용 연구)

  • Young Kwang Hwang;Myungil Kim
    • Journal of the Computational Structural Engineering Institute of Korea
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    • v.37 no.1
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    • pp.9-16
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    • 2024
  • Using the proper orthogonal decomposition (POD) based intrusive reduced order model (ROM), the total degrees of freedom of the structural system can be significantly reduced and the critical time step satisfying the conditional stability increases in the explicit time integrations. In this study, therefore, the changes in the critical time step in the explicit time integrations are investigated using both the POD-ROM and Voronoi-cell lattice model (VCLM). The snapshot matrix is composed of the data from the structural response under the arbitrary dynamic loads such as seismic excitation, from which the POD-ROM is constructed and the predictive capability is validated. The simulated results show that the significant reduction in the computational time can be achieved using the POD-ROM with sufficiently ensuring the numerical accuracy in the seismic analyses. In addition, the validations show that the POD based intrusive ROM is compatible with the Voronoi-cell lattice based explicit dynamic analyses. In the future study, the research results will be utilized as an elemental technology for the developments of the real-time predictive models or monitoring system involving the high-fidelity simulations of structural dynamics.

A New Detailed Assessment for Liquefaction Potential Based on the Liquefaction Driving Effect of the Real Earthquake Motion (실지진하중의 액상화 발생특성에 기초한 액상화 상세평가법)

  • 최재순;강한수;김수일
    • Journal of the Korean Geotechnical Society
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    • v.20 no.5
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    • pp.145-159
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    • 2004
  • The conventional method for assessment of liquefaction potential proposed by Seed and Idriss has been widely used in most countries because of simplicity of tests. Even though various data such as stress, strain, stress path, and excess pore water pressure can be obtained from the dynamic test, especially, two simple experimental data such as the maximum deviatoric stress and the number of cycles at liquefaction have been used in the conventional assessment. In this study, a new detailed assessment for liquefaction potential to reflect both characteristics of real earthquake motion and dynamic soil resistance is proposed and verified. In the assessment, the safety factor of the liquefaction potential at a given depth of a site can be obtained by the ratio of a resistible cumulative plastic shear strain determined through the performance of the conventional cyclic test and a driving cumulative plastic shear strain calculated from the shear strain time history through the ground response analysis. The last point to cumulate the driving plastic shear strain to initiate soil liquefaction is important for this assessment. From the result of cyclic triaxial test using real earthquake motions, it was concluded that liquefaction under the impact-type earthquake loads would initiate as soon as a peak loading signal was reached. The driving cumulative plastic shear strain, therefore, can be determined by adding all plastic shear strains obtained from the ground response analysis up to the peak point. Through the verification of the proposed assessment, it can be concluded that the proposed assessment for liquefaction potential can be a progressive method to reflect both characteristics of the unique soil resistance and earthquake parameters such as peak earthquake signal, significant duration time, earthquake loading type, and magnitude.

The Behavior of Pitting Corrosion Associated with Microstructure of a Cast Lean Duplex Stainless Steel in Chloride Environments (염화물 환경에서 린 듀플렉스 스테인리스 주강의 미세조직과 연계한 공식 거동)

  • In-Sung Lee;Soon-Tae Kim;Chae-Jin Nam;Seung-Man Yang;In-Sung Cho;Seung-Mok Yoo
    • Journal of Korea Foundry Society
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    • v.43 no.5
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    • pp.230-240
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    • 2023
  • The pitting corrosion behavior of 329LD cast lean duplex stainless steel and CF3M cast austenitic stainless steel was investigated in chloride environments. The pitting corrosion resistance of the 329LD alloy was superior to that of the CF3M alloy because the pitting potential, passive region, and critical pitting temperature of the low Ni-low Mo 329LD alloy were higher than those of the high Ni-medium Mo commercial CF3M alloy. There are two main reasons for the enhancement of the pitting corrosion resistance of high Cr-low Momedium N 329LD alloy compared to the low Cr-medium Mo CF3M alloy: First, the pitting resistance equivalent number (PRENδ+γ) value of the 329LD alloy is higher than that of the CF3M alloy. Second, the passive region of the 329LD alloy is larger than that of the CF3M alloy. It indicates that the synergistic effect of the three elements by adding high Cr and low Mo-medium N to the 329LD alloy enhances the passivity of the passive film, thereby increasing the pitting corrosion resistance. It was verified that based on the PRENγ of austenite (γ) and PRENδ of ferrite (δ) values calculated using an N-factor of 16, the pitting corrosion of the 329LD alloy was selectively initiated at the γ-phases because PRENγ value of austenite (γ) was smaller than that of ferrite (δ), and finally propagated from the γ-phase to the δ-phase.

Organic Matter Analysis and Physicochemical Properties of Leachate from a Foot-and-Mouth Disease Landfill Site (구제역 가축 매몰지 침출수의 물리 화학적특성과 유기물질 성상분석)

  • Kang, Mee-A;Kim, Mi-Sun;Choi, Byung-Woo;Sohn, Ho-Yong
    • Microbiology and Biotechnology Letters
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    • v.40 no.2
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    • pp.128-134
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    • 2012
  • Foot and mouth disease (FMD) is one of the most notorious and contagious viral diseases afflicting cloven-hoofed animals. In this study, the physicochemical properties of leachate from a FMD landfill site at 773-1, Waryong, Andong, Korea and the ground water from 777, Waryong, Andong, Korea, were analyzed for 1 year from December $10^{th}$ 2010 to November $17^{th}$ 2011. The leachate was collected from the FMD landfill site during March, May, July, September and November, 2011 and changes in pH, brix, water content, insoluble solids, crude proteins, crude lipids, total and reducing sugars and ash content were determined. Considering the annual profiles of temperature and rainfall at the FMD landfill site, the dramatic changes in the physicochemical properties of the leachate from March to July, and especially from May to July, such as increases in pH, and a rapid reduction of brix and organic matter, may be closely linked to the growth of microorganisms in the leachate. The sharp decreases in the concentration of biominerals, such as Mg, Ca, and Fe from 1073, 4311 and 56.2 ppm in March to 151, 78, and 0.1 ppm in November, further suggest that decreases in organic matter in the leachate result from degradation by microorganisms originating from the intestines of the livestock. Analysis of the profiles of the organic materials in the leachate revealed that the properties of the leachate were similar to those of excremental matter-derived water. These results could be applied to a number of fields for the analysis of organic matter behavior, the development of the degradation process, and risk analysis in the environment for hygiene and food industries, of leachate from FMD landfill sites.

The Latest Progress on the Development of Technologies for $CO_2$ Storage in Marine Geological Structure and its Application in Republic of Korea (해저 지질구조내 $CO_2$ 저장기술의 연구개발 동향 및 향후 국내 실용화 방안)

  • Kang, Seong-Gil;Huh, Cheol
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Marine Environment & Energy
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    • v.11 no.1
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    • pp.24-34
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    • 2008
  • To mitigate the climate change and global warming, various technologies have been internationally proposed for reducing greenhouse gas emissions. Especially, in recent, carbon dioxide capture and storage (CCS) technology is regarded as one of the most promising emission reduction options that $CO_2$ be captured from major point sources (eg., power plant) and transported for storage into the marine geological structure such as deep sea saline aquifer. The purpose of this paper is to review the latest progress on the development of technologies for $CO_2$ storage in marine geological structure and its perspective in republic of Korea. To develop the technologies for $CO_2$ storage in marine geological structure, we carried out relevant R&D project, which cover the initial survey of potentially suitable marine geological structure fur $CO_2$ storage site and monitoring of the stored $CO_2$ behavior, basic design for $CO_2$ transport and storage process including onshore/offshore plant and assessment of potential environmental risk related to $CO_2$ storage in geological structure in republic of Korea. By using the results of the present researches, we can contribute to understanding not only how commercial scale (about 1 $MtCO_2$) deployment of $CO_2$ storage in the marine geological structure of East Sea, Korea, is realized but also how more reliable and safe CCS is achieved. The present study also suggests that it is possible to reduce environmental cost (about 2 trillion Won per year) with developed technology for $CO_2$ storage in marine geological structure until 2050.

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Separation of Nanomaterials Using Flow Field-Flow Fractionation (흐름 장-흐름 분획기를 이용한 나노물질의 분리)

  • Kim, Sung-Hee;Lee, Woo-Chun;Kim, Soon-Oh;Na, So-Young;Kim, Hyun-A;Lee, Byung-Tae;Lee, Byoung-Cheun;Eom, Ig-Chun
    • Journal of Korean Society of Environmental Engineers
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    • v.35 no.11
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    • pp.835-860
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    • 2013
  • Recently, the consumption of nanomaterials has been significantly increased in both industrial and commercial sectors, as a result of steady advancement in the nano-technologies. This ubiquitous use of nanomaterials has brought up the concern that their exposure to environments may cause detrimental effects on human health as well as natural ecosystems, and it is required to characterize their behavior in various environmental media and to evaluate their ecotoxicity. For the sake of accomplishing those assessments, the development of methods to effectively separate them from diverse media and to quantify their properties should be requisitely accompanied. Among a number of separation techniques developed so far, this study focuses on Field-Flow Fractionation (FFF) because of its strengths, such as relatively less disturbance of samples and simple pretreatment, and we review overseas and domestic literatures on the separation of nanomaterials using the FFF technique. In particular, researches with Flow Field-Flow Fractionation (FlFFF) are highlighted due to its most frequent application among FFF techniques. The basic principle of the FlFFF is briefly introduced and the studies conducted so far are classified and scrutinized based on the sort of target nanomaterials for the purpose of furnishing practical data and information for the researchers struggling in this field. The literature review suggests that the operational conditions, such as pretreatment, selection of membrane and carrier solution, and rate (velocity) of each flow, should be optimized in order to effectively separate them from various matrices using the FFF technique. Moreover, it seems to be a prerequisite to couple or hyphenate with several detectors and analyzers for quantification of their properties after their separation using the FFF. However, its application has been restricted regarding the types of target nanomaterials and environmental media. Furthermore, domestic literature data on both separation and characterization of nanomaterials are extremely limited. Taking into account the overwhelmingly increasing consumption of nanomaterials, the efforts for the area seem to be greatly urgent.