• Title/Summary/Keyword: 업무 갈등

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Relationships among Violence Experience, Resilience and Job Stress of Nurses Working in Emergency Department (응급실 간호사의 폭력경험, 자아탄력성, 직무스트레스와의 관계연구)

  • Song, Young-Jin;Lee, Hye-Kyung
    • Journal of the Korean Applied Science and Technology
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    • v.37 no.5
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    • pp.1390-1401
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    • 2020
  • This study is a descriptive research to identify the relationship among violence experience, resilience and job stress of nurses working in emergency department. The subjects of this study were 143 nurses with over one year working in emergency departments of 6 hospitals located in D city and C city and collected data through structured questionnaire. It was from November 6th to November 15th. The degree of violent experience of the subjects was 1.26 ± 1.31 out of 4. The average score of resillience was 2.50 ± 0.55 out of 4. The average score of job stress was 3.62 ± 0.49 out of 5. The result of correlation between violence experience, resilience and job stress, among the sub factors, in the correlation among violence experience and job stress sub factors, verbal violence experience was significantly positively correlated with nursing work(r=.194, p=.010), role conflict stress(r=.158, p=.030), and physical threat experience was positively correlated with nursing work(r=.200, p=.008), role conflict(r=.162, p=.027), and conflict with doctor(r=.145, p=.042). In the correlation between resilience and job stress sub factors, nursing work stress is hardness(r=-.189, p=.012), persistence(r=-.165, p=.025), and optimism (r=-.186, p=.013) and there was a negative correlation with the region. Expertise stress is hardness(r=-.230, p=.003), persistence(r=-.195, p=.010), optimistic(r=-.194, p=.010) and there was a negative correlation. Nurse-treated stress was positively correlated with spirituality(r=.154, p=.033). In the subcategory correlations of resilience and violent experience, the hardness had a negative correlation with the physical threat(r=-.150, p=.037) experience. The persistence was negatively correlated with the experience of physical threats(r=-.138, p=.050). The optimism was negatively correlated with the experience of physical violence(r=-.151, p=.036). As a result, it is necessary to create a safe working environment free from violence and to reinforce training on how to deal with violence in order to reduce the job stress of emergency department nurses. In addition, measures to cope with stress according to age and work experience and programs to increase resilience should be developed and mediated to reduce the job stress of emergency department nurses.

A Fundamental Study on the Maintenance of Administrative Boundaries based on Spatial Information (공간정보기반의 행정경계 정비를 위한 기초연구)

  • Yun, Ji-Ye;Park, Hong-Gi;Choi, Yun-Soo;Nam, Dae-Hyun
    • Spatial Information Research
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    • v.20 no.1
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    • pp.47-57
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    • 2012
  • An Administrative Boundary is the basic of spatial information to cover geographical and regional area. Its importance has arisen in our society at the Smart world era. However, it is difficult to serve exact boundary's lines as administrative boundaries are based on the cadastre lines of land register ; these partly are overlay each other or has gaps. So, it Should be adjusted. But, the maintenance work of administration boundaries causes a conflict or confusion unless we offer concrete procedures and detailed plans previously. Therefore, a rational method is required to prevent side-effects such as confusion, disagreem ent and a conflict etc. In this Study, we present a method and 5 step procedures to make better use in a practical maintenance work. we researched on basic studies of Administrative boundary's concept, history. And we performed a field survey as well as analysis of current problems. considering these results, we suggest usage of various spatial data sources, stake-holders' participation, a method of Nearest district's boundaries to maintain administrative boundaries. Throughout the method, we expect it to serve correct boundary-data to various fields without a big confusion. it is also useful to apply its results not only for re-surveying our land but for recording appropriate boundary-data as rational lines.

A Study on Antecedents of Cognitive and Affective Trust Leading to IT Service Project Performance (IT서비스 프로젝트에 있어서 인지적 신뢰와 정서적 신뢰를 형성하는 요인들에 관한 연구)

  • Yoon, Jungin;Park, Jun-Gi;Lee, Jungwoo
    • Information Systems Review
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    • v.16 no.1
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    • pp.51-71
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    • 2014
  • This study explores the influence of cognitive and affective trust on IT service project performance. Technology and Business expertise are posited as antecedents for cognitive trust which social bonding and relationship conflict as over for affective trust. Communication is posited as the commons antecedent for both kind of trust. A study was administered among IT Project leading in different projects. Analysis of 169 data point in general supports the research model. For building cognitive trust, Communication is formal to be must important while business expertise the second and technical expertise the third. For affective trust, the influence of antecedent are relatively smaller than the case of cognitive trust. For project performance, Cognitive trust seem to have stronger impact as IT may have direct impact as well as indirect impact via affective trust. Findings trust though the impact is smaller than the cognitive trust. In practice, this means to maintain Balanced approach in fostering trust-cognitive and affective.

Relationship between Maternal Work Activity and Congenital Muscular Torticollis (어머니의 직업활동이 선천성 근육사경에 미치는 영향)

  • Kim, Ki-Jeon;Song, Brian Byung
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.13 no.9
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    • pp.270-280
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    • 2013
  • The Purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship between congenital muscular torticollis and maternal work activity. This study was conducted with a total of 89 outpatient pregnant women whose child presented congenital muscular torticollis at the Department of Rehabilitation of "C" Hospital in Suwon within the period from 2006 to April 30, 2011. The results were as followings: (1) The mean age at the time of giving birth was 30.09years; the proportion of pregnant women with college education or higher was high; the proportion of first delivery was 82.0%; the most common way of delivery was natural childbirth, followed by Cesarean section and vacuum extraction; the proportion of breech delivery was 20.2%; and in 82.0% of the women, the first child had congenital muscular torticollis. (2) 59.6% of the women had a career; 45.3% had engaged in professional practice or had a related job; 75.5% had worked until the third trimester of their pregnancy; 54.7% had worked for seven hours or more in a seated position; and the mean number of working hours was 8.75 (3) The level of work-related stress was a low 25% or less, and in the subdivisions of work-related stress, only the level of strained relations belonged to the upper 50% or higher. (4) For the correlation between the survey respondents' job stress and job features, stress (full score: 100 points) showed a strong positive correlation with job demand, strained relations, inadequate reward, and workplace culture. Workplace also showed a strong positive correlation with inadequate reward. Mean daily working hours showed a strong positive correlation with mean weekly working hours.

An Analysis of Teacher's Job Stress: Differences in Teacher-Student Relationship and Parental Involvement (잠재프로파일 분석을 통한 초등학교 교사의 직무스트레스 유형 분류 및 영향 요인 검증: 교사-아동 관계, 학부모 교육 참여 차이)

  • Choi, Hyo-Sik;Yeon, Eun Mo
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.22 no.6
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    • pp.431-440
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    • 2021
  • The purpose of this study was to classify the latent profiles of elementary school teachers' job stress and to explore the effects of the relative variables to determine these classifications. In addition, the differences in the teacher-student relationship and parental involvement in school based on the classification were discussed. Data from 709 elementary school teachers who participated in the 11th wave of the Panel Study on Korean Children in 2018 were analyzed by Latent Profile Analysis (LPA). The findings can be summarized as follows. First, four subgroups could be defined according to the elementary school teachers' job stress: low-level job stress group, mid-level job stress group, mid-level administrative work stress group, and mid-level relationship and guidance stress group. Second, the final education and average time to work were significant determinants of the latent groups. Third, teacher-student conflict and parental involvement in school showed differences between the subgroups. Specifically, the mid-level relationship and guidance stress group reported the highest conflict level with children and the lowest parental involvement in school. These findings suggest promoting relief and preventative training programs for elementary school teachers to overcome various job stress.

The factors affecting on Turnover Intention of Nurses Working in Rehabilitation Hospitals (재활전문병원 간호사의 이직의도 영향요인)

  • Kim, Nam Hee;Park, Jung Suk
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.16 no.6
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    • pp.4077-4085
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    • 2015
  • This study is identify the factors affecting the level of their turnover intention of rehabilitation hospitals nurses. Study subjects were 205 nurses at a rehabilitation hospitals three in B city and two in D city. The data was collected from July 1, to July 30, 2014. The data was analyzed using the SPSS win 18.0 program. The mean scores were 3.66 for role conflicts, 3.14 for job satisfaction, and 3.04 for turnover intention. There was weak, positive correlation between the level of role conflicts and that of turnover intention of the respondents. There was relatively strong, negative correlation between the level of job satisfaction and that of turnover intention of the respondents. Total explanation power was 49.8% and the greatest impact on the level of turnover intention of rehabilitation hospital nurses was organizational requirements among the sub-areas of job satisfaction, which accounted for 37.6% alone. It is necessary to develop their organizational job satisfaction for and promote nursing profession, develop a program to improve job satisfaction.

The Effect of the Turnover Intention of Flight Attendant on Job satisfaction -Focused on Supervisory Support- (항공사 승무원의 이직요인이 직무만족에 미치는 영향에 관한 연구 -상사지원 조절효과를 중심으로-)

  • Lee, Jung-Hyun;Heo, Jeong-Ho
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.16 no.11
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    • pp.8096-8105
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    • 2015
  • The purpose of this research is to understand influence of personal turnover factors and work turnover factors on job satisfaction in career decision-making and to analyze the moderating effects of supervisor support in their relations. Meaningful difference between one group with high supervisor support and other group with low supervisor support is demonstrated in regard with a course; job burnout ${\rightarrow}$ job satisfaction, and work overload ${\rightarrow}$ job satisfaction. Hence from a perspective of the course of job burnout ${\rightarrow}$ job satisfaction and work overload ${\rightarrow}$ job satisfaction, it can be argued that a group with low supervisor support yields more influence. Also it is shown that conflicts on balancing between job and family do not have influence on job satisfaction for either group with high supervisor support or with low supervisor support. As the result of the research shows, it bears a quite significant meaning that career development/lack of opportunity out of personal turnover intentions disclose difference between these two groups with different levels of supervisor support. Especially, a group of flight attendants which females are consisted of a majority of employees would require that their supervisors have more emotional interactions with each employee, so as that better opportunity would be given to the employees. To this end, utmost efforts are needed that deep and genuine relations with a supervisor can be built up.

A Meta-analysis of the Factors Related to Psychological Burn-out of Early Childhood Teachers (유아교사의 심리적소진과 관련된 요인에 대한 메타분석)

  • Moon, Dong-Kyu
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.19 no.11
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    • pp.38-52
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    • 2018
  • This study examined the effect sizes of psychological burnout-related factors on the psychological burnout of early childhood teachers by applying meta - analysis focusing on master 's theses, doctoral dissertations and journals that have been published in Korea for the past 20 years. The results of the analysis are as follows. First, the total effect size, the factor group, the sub-factor, and the positive and negative effect factors of the inducing and inhibiting factors showed a significant effect size. Second, in terms of inducing factors, the task problem group showed a larger effect size than the negative relationship group. Third, among the lower factor of the negative relationship group, all the sub factors excluding the negative relationship with the director, effect size showed a medium effect size. Fourth, task stress showed the greatest effect size among the sub factors of the task factor group, followed by role conflict, task overload, and role ambiguity. Fifth, resilience showed the greatest effect size among the inhibition factors, followed by organizational support factor, teacher efficacy factor, social support factor, and emotional factor. Sixth, all sub factors of the emotional labor factor group, organizational support factor of the organizational support factor group, general teacher efficacy factor of the teacher efficacy factor group, and all sub factors of social support factor Medium effect size. In addition, the lower factor of all the other factors showed a large effect size. Seventh, of the effect factors, job satisfaction factor, depression factor, and turnover intention factor all showed a large effect size.

A Study on Working Time and Psychological Difficulties of National and Public Daycare Center Teachers in the Operation Process of an Accreditation System (평가인증 운영과정에서 국공립 어린이집 보육교사의 직무수행 시간과 심리적 어려움에 관한 연구)

  • An, So Young
    • Korean Journal of Childcare and Education
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    • v.12 no.1
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    • pp.203-223
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    • 2016
  • The purpose of this study is to reveal working time and psychological difficulties of national and public daycare center teachers in the operation process of an accreditation system and seek ways of resolving them. For this purpose, a survey was conducted on 413 teachers in 291 national and public daycare centers in Seoul, Gyeonggi, and Incheon, and in-depth interviews were conducted with 7 nursery teachers. It showed that in the operation process of an accreditation system, teachers had been performing heavy tasks of 11 hours daily, and they were experiencing psychological difficulties with the conflict 'between interactions with infants and other duties', 'between free exploration and safety health', and 'between our story and external criteria'. Based on the findings, the following changes of recognition for nursery teachers were required. First, there is a need for the change of recognition concerned with the child-care of high quality, rather than performing evaluation index. Second, there is a need for the change of recognition concerned with overall optimization rather than sectional optimization. This study is significant in that it suggested the basic direction for the operation process of an accreditation system, by exploring the psychological difficulties of nursery teachers.

Effects of Task Stress on the Job Satisfaction of Fire Protection Management Workers (소방시설관리업 종사자의 직무스트레스가 직무만족에 미치는 영향)

  • Lim, Kyoung-Yeon;Kong, Ha-Sung
    • Fire Science and Engineering
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    • v.33 no.5
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    • pp.130-139
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    • 2019
  • This study identified the level of task stress experienced by fire protection system management workers and analyzed the effects of task stress on job satisfaction and proposed future response. First, task stress according to background cause showed differences in relation to age, position, monthly salary, total career, license, and task, but there was no difference in relation to academic background. Second, of the sub-parameters of stress, physical environment, task demand, organizational system, lack of reward, and workplace culture have negative effects on job satisfaction as stress increases, while interpersonal relation conflict and job insecurity do not have any effect. In the future, it will be necessary to investigate the empirical causes of work overload and to study organization-level stress relief measures.