• Title/Summary/Keyword: 신장조직검사

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Safety Evaluation of IGEs Separated and Refined from Colostrum (초유로부터 분리.정제된 IGFs의 안전성 평가에 관한 연구)

  • 조양희;이수원;정명섭;백승화;제갈승주;박강용
    • Food Science of Animal Resources
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    • v.23 no.2
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    • pp.137-144
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    • 2003
  • This study was carried out to investigate safety evaluation of IGEs separated and refined from bovine milk and commercial recombinant human IGFs. In order to evaluate toxicity of these samples, acute toxicity test and short term toxicity test were investigated with IGF-I separated and refined from colostrum and commercial recombinant human IGF-I from R&D systems company. for acute toxicity test, we selected recombinant human IGF-I from R&D systems company and establish one control group and three dose-level groups(0, 10, 20 and 50 $\mu\textrm{g}$ per rat). We have intravenously injected tail of rats with selected sample once. After 20 days, pathological cellular tissue analyses were investigated with liver, kidney and spleen of 12 rats in all test groups. However, Morbid tissue and abnormal statistical results were not discovered in all cellular tissues. For short term toxicity test, we selected IGF-I separated and refined from colostrum and establish one control group and three dose-level groups(0, 5, 10 and 15 $\mu\textrm{g}$/day per rat). Rats were orally injected with selected sample once a day during two weeks. After short term toxicity test period, Pathological cellular tissue analyses were investigate with liver, kidney and spleen of 12 rats in all test groups. However, Morbid tissue and abnormal statistical results were not discovered in all cellular tissues. These results suggest that IGF-I treated groups show no significant toxicological findings with changes of body weight, food consumption, water consumption, and pathological findings compared with control groups.

외상 후 스트레스 장애의 평가

  • Kim Jeong-Beom
    • 대한불안의학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 2004.06a
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    • pp.185-213
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    • 2004
  • 우리는 살아가면서 흔히 개인적으로 극심한 스트레스를 겪거나 불행히도 어떤 뜻밖의 재난이나 큰 사고를 경험할 수 있다. 이런 외상적 사건들을 겪고 대부분의 사람들은 잘 극복할 수 있으나 일부 사람들은 심각한 의상 후 스트레스 반응을 보여 그런 외상이 지나감에도 불구하고 괴로운 기억 속에서 그것을 회상시키는 활동과 상황을 피하며 늘 불안한 마음으로 몸은 현재에 살고 있지만 마음은 실상 과거에 매달려 있고 과거의 고통 속에서 헤어 나오지 못하고 있다. 외상 후 스트레스 장애는 다른 불안 장애, 우울증처럼 흔한 질환으로 사회생활에 큰 지장을 주며 삶의 질을 손상시킨다. 그렇지만 외상을 당한 당사자들이 이런 이야기를 하기 꺼려하고, 이런 사람들을 진료실에서 종종 만날 수 있는 임상가들도 외상의 심각성과 외상 후 스트레스 장애에 대한 인식이 부족하여, 우리 주위에 많은 사람이 외상 후 스트레스 장애로 고생하고 있지만 외상 후 스트레스 장애로 진단되는 경우가 실제보다 훨씬 적다. 따라서 외상 후 스트레스 장애에 대한 평가를 배움으로써 더 많은 환자들을 정확히 진단하며 다른 질환과의 감별을 쉽게 할 수 있고, 환자들의 고통과 어려움이 과연 무엇인지 잘 알 수 있으며, 치료 표적과 치료 전략을 정하고, 치료 계획을 세우는 데 도움을 얻을 수 있다. 평가 방법으로는 구조화된 면담, 평가 척도, 정신 생리적 측정법, 치료자의 임상적인 결정 등이 있다. 향후에는 외상 후 스트레스 장애의 증상 정도뿐만 아니라 일상생활, 사회적 관계, 직업적, 사회적 적응 및 기능에 미치는 영향도 같이 평가하는 도구들이 개발되고, 현재 개발된 많은 평가 척도들이 새로이 수정되고 표준화되어, 이런 평가 척도들을 통해 외상 후 스트레스 장애의 경과와 외상 후 스트레스 장애로 인한 정신 사회적 영향을 더 잘 알 수 있는 자료들이 많이 수집되길 바란다. 대칭이, 작은대칭이, 펄조개는 저질이 니질인 곳에서 주로 서식하고 있었고 귀이빨대칭이는 사니질과 사질에 주로 서식하고 있었다. 특히 삽교호 수계 채집된 귀이빨대칭이는 사니질과 사질의 저질에서 출현하였다.및 내장낭 조직들이 중요한 에너지 저장소이며, 영양 공급 기관임을 알 수 있었으며, 폐각근 조직과 내장낭 조직들의 영양물질 함량 변화는 생식소의 에너지 요구에 따라 변하고 있음을 알 수 있었다.. 따른 신장 기능에 대한 영향을 평가해 보아야 한다.하를 조사한 결과, 연간 진동해역으로 유입되는 오염부하량은 부유물질 기준으로 전체 37,316 ton/yr로 추정되었고, 이중 육지기원 부하량이 9,809 ton/yr (26.3%) 였고, 해역의 침강량 23,576 ton/yr (63.2%), 양식생물의 배설량이 3,932 ton/yr (10.5%) 로 대부분이 해역의 침강량에 의한 것으로 조사되었다. 육지오염부하량이 변동이 없다는 전제 조건 아래, 진동만의 피조개 채묘장을 미더덕 양식장으로 품종전환시킬 경우, 전체 부하량은 산술적으로 약 196%가 증가한 72,998 ton/yr 가 되고, 양식생물의 배설량은 10배 정도 증가하게 되어 진동만의 오염부하를 가중하게 된다. 진동만은 여름철 빈산소수괴 및 적조가 빈번하게 발생하고 있으므로 미더덕 양식장을 새로이 시설할 경우 오염부하가 가중될 것으로 판단되어, 앞으로 진동만의 양식장 수용능력을 파악하여 적정량의 양식물량이 시설되어야 할 것이다.25 psu에서 가장 높게 나타났다.인 단백뇨는 진행성 경과의 위험성을 동시에 암시해 주는 매우 유용한 지표이다. 본 연구 결과 학교 신체 검사상에서 발견된 단독 단백뇨의 주된 원인은 기립성 단백뇨로 81.8%를 차지하였다. 그러나 지속성 단백뇨의 경우 비록 9.1%의 빈도를 보였지만, 신장 조직검사를 시행한 결과 진행성 경과를 취할 수 있는

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Analysis of Isolated Proteinuria on School Urinary Mass Screening (학교 신체 검사에서 발견된 단독 단백뇨에 대한 연구)

  • Kim Cheol- Min;Hahn HyeWon;Lee Byung-Sun;Park Young Seo
    • Childhood Kidney Diseases
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    • v.6 no.1
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    • pp.61-67
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    • 2002
  • Purpose: The urinary mass screening program in school aged population has been performed since 1981, but the consensus on the follow-up schedule and the management of isolated proteinuria has not been reached yet. The aim of this study was to investigate the cause of isolated proteinuria and to propose a guideline for the treatment and follow-up afterwards Methods: The medical records of 114 cases of isolated proteinuria detected through the analysis of urinary mass screening and evaluated at the pediatric outpatient clinic of Asan Medical Center from January 1990 to July 2001 have been reviewed. Results: The classification of isolated proteinuria was as follows. Transient proteinuria $32\%$, orthostatic proteinuria $65\%$, persistent proteinuria $3\%$, In orthostatic proteinuria group, daytime and nighttime proteinuria were $319.2{\pm}189.1\;mg/dL$ and $56.5{\pm}56.1\;mg/dL$. In persistent proteinuria group, daytime and nighttime proteinuria were $1140{\pm}540.5\;mg/dL$ and $289{\pm}58\;mg/dL$. After 30 month follow-up, 2 cases of persistent proteinuria were needed renal biopsy and 1 case revealed focal segmental glomerular sclerosis. In all cases, serum creatinine, albumin and complements levels were normal. In the orthostatic proteinuria group, no significant renal diseases were detected. Conclusion: Since most of the isolated proteinuria detected through the school urinary mass screening were orthostatic proteinuria or transient proteinuria, initially aggressive diagnostic method such as renal biopsy is not needed and regular follow- up with quantitation of proteinuria is warranted.(J Korean Soc Pediatr Nephrol 2002 ; 6 61-7)

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Validity of Ultrasonography in the Diagnosis of Non-alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease in Living Liver Donors (생체 간이식 공여자에서 비알코올성 지방간 질환의 진단에 있어서 초음파검사의 타당도 연구)

  • Kim, Yon-Min;Han, Dong-Kyoon
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.11 no.10
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    • pp.342-348
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    • 2011
  • The study aimed to compare the validity between the abdominal ultrasonographic(US) grading system of fatty liver and histologic grading system of fatty liver in living liver donor candidates. As the fatty liver is defined as pathologic total fat >10%, US validity was sensitivity 64.6%, specificity 68%, positive predictive value 76.8%, negative predictive value 54%. As the strict data handling on US grading normal, mild fatty liver are negative, moderate fatty liver is positive, US validity was sensitivity 26.8%, specificity 100%, positive predictive value 100%, negative predictive value 45.5%. ROC curve analysis according to different cut off value of liver-to-kidney brightness ratio was Area under ROC curve=0.859(95% CI=0.795~0.922, state variable= total fat 10%). There were statistically significant difference( p<0.001). Ultrasonography for the fatty diagnosis showed a high validity to predict the result of histology grade of fatty liver.

A study on absorbing the Cr (Ⅵ) in the body and clearance (크롬(Ⅵ)의 체내 흡수와 소실속도에 관한 연구)

  • 김현영;이성배;이권섭;정용현;한정희;최종윤;김성화;김무강;이용묵
    • Proceedings of the Korea Society of Environmental Toocicology Conference
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    • 2003.10a
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    • pp.182-182
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    • 2003
  • 1.연구목적 : Cr $O_3$은 금속 도금용, 페인트 둥에 많이 사용되며 독성이 강하여 그동안 근로자 건강장해 및 직업병 사례가 많이 발생하였다. 그러나 산화크롬의 흡입에 의한 연구자료는 매우 부족하다. 이에 흡입챔버를 이용 Rats에 흡입노출을 통하여 유해성을 평가하고 각 장기에 흡수되는 크롬의 농도평가와 회복기간에 따라 각 장기별로 흡수된 크롬의 소실속도 둥을 연구하였으며 더불어 회복기간과 제거율의 상관관계 및 체내 반감기 등을 연구하였다. 2. 연구방법 : Cr $O_3$를 폐내 침착율 및 흡수율이 높은 0.5~5$\mu\textrm{m}$ 크기의 aerosol형태로 SD Rats 수컷에 전신폭로 하였다. 노출농도는 0.00, 0.20, 0.50, 1.25mg/㎥(Cr)으로 하여 1일 6시간, 주 5일, 13주간 반복 노출하였고 회복군은 시험물질 종료일을 기준으로 2주, 8주 경과 후 조직장기와 전혈, 혈장 및 적혈구내, 뇨 중 각각의 크롬농도를 분석하였으며 혈액 및 혈액 생화학적 검사도 병행하였다 3. 연구결과 : 혈액검사에서 0.20, 0.50 mg/㎥ 농도군 실험동물의 RBC와 HGB, HCT 둥은 감소의 경향을 보였으나 농도 의존적이지는 않았다. 신장의 절대중량은 대조군에 비해 유의하게 (p<0.05) 감소하고 폐장의 경우는 대조군에 비해 유의한(p<0.05) 절대중량 증가를 보였다 시험물질 노출 후 혈액 중 전혈, 혈장, 적혈구의 회복기간(x)별 크롬농도(y)의 소실속도 상관계수 (노출농도 0.50mg/㎥군의 경우)는 y = 66.51 $e^{0.057}$x/, y = 67.2 $e^{0.101}$x/, y = 70.01 $e^{0.030}$x/, 반감기는 12.0, 6.86, 23.0 일이고 폐장, 간장, 신장의 회복기간(x)별 크롬농도(y)의 소실속도 상관계수 (노출농도 0.50 mg/㎥군의 경우)는 y = 1808 $e^{0.004}$93x/, y = 12.02 $e^{0.029}$7x/, y = 67.61 $e^{0.029}$2x/ 반감기는 140.6, 23.3, 23.7 일로 평가되었다. 4. 고찰 : 실험동물의 전혈, 혈청, 뇨에서의 크롬농도와 시험물질 노출농도는 밀접한 상관을 가졌으나 농도에 정비례하지는 않았다. 뇨 중 흡수된 크롬의 경우 회복기간 초기 (12시간 내)에 대부분 배설이 일어나는 것으로 나타났다. 폐장이 간장, 신장 등 다른 장기에 비해 높은 축적량을 보였으며 축적된 크롬농도가 높을수록 크롬의 소실속도는 현저히 저하하는 경향을 보였다. 노출농도가 높을수록 각 장기조직 내 크롬의 소실속도 (clearance)는 크게 감소경향이 있었으며 이는 체내 과부하시 자정작용이 감소하는 것으로 판단되었다. 본 연구 결과 SD rat를 이용 반복흡입노출의 경우 생체의 무유해영향농도 (NOAEL)는 0.2mg/㎥이하이며 발암물질을 감안하여 안전계수를 100으로 할 경우 사람에 대한 NOAEL은 0.002mg/㎥이하로 판단되었다. 특히 호흡기와 폐장에 강한 유해성을 나타내는 것으로 확인되었다. 것으로 확인되었다.

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Cystic Diseases of the Kidney in Children (소아의 낭포성 신질환)

  • Lee Ji-Suk;Rho Kwang-Sik;Kim Ji-Hong;Lee Jae-Seung;Kim Pyung-Kil
    • Childhood Kidney Diseases
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    • v.1 no.2
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    • pp.144-150
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    • 1997
  • Purpose : The kidney is one of the most common sites of cyst formation. Cystic diseases of the kidney are a diverse group of clinicopathologic entities and variable prognosis. They span a wide range of both age of presentation and severity of the renal disease. And many of them are systemic disorders, sharing similar process of cyst formation in other organs. Recently, development of imaging studies has been contributing widely to the diagnosis of the diseases. Treatment, however, is not established satisfactorily. We performed this study to evaluate the occurrence and treatment of cystic diseases of the kidney. Methods : We reviewed retrospectively the medical records of 44 patients with cystic diseases of the kidney in the Department of Pediatrics, during last 11 years. Results : In the 44 patients with cystic diseases of the kidney, 31 patients(71%) had multicystic dysplastic kidney and 11(35%) of them received nephrectomy due to differentiation from neoplasms or severe abdominal distension. Seven patients(16%) had polycystic kidney disease, and all of them were infantile type. Five patients(11%) were diagnosed as having a simple renal cysts. Progression to renal failure was noted in none of the cases. In 14(32%) out of total 44 patients, the diagnosis was made in neonatal or infantile pelted. Conclusion : The incidence of cystic diseases of the kidney appeared very low, but further investigation on their pathogenesis, classification, and indication of treatment is needed.

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Research on Changing of Renal Relative Uptake Depending on the Setting of Background ROI in Kidney MAG3 Study of Hydronephrosis Patients (Hydronephrosis 환자의 Kidney MAG3 검사 시 Background ROI 설정에 따른 신장 상대 섭취율 변화에 관한 연구)

  • Noh, Ik Sang;Ahn, Byung Ho;Kim, Soo Yung;Choi, Sung Wook
    • The Korean Journal of Nuclear Medicine Technology
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    • v.17 no.2
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    • pp.25-30
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    • 2013
  • Purpose: To evaluate kidney function, renal relative uptake is very important and is affected by kidney and the setting of background region of interest (ROI). In particular, in the case of patients with hydronephrosis to the naked eyes, such as size, position and shape etc. can be difficult to identify. So according to ROI to be set by user, the results are many differences. This study assumes the ROI of a constant kidney. According to the change of background ROI by analyzing renal relative uptake affect how the results are intended to study. Materials and Methods: From January 2012 to February 2013, we analyzed 27 patients with hydronephrosis who were examined MAG3 test in nuclear medicine department of Samsung medical center. After patients were received intravenous injection of $^{99m}Tc-MAG3$ 185 MBq (5 mCi) data were obtained. While we reconstructed images of patients, we've changed background ROI in the process of setting up ROI. First, in the process of renal processing, automatic ROI which set automatically and background ROI which needed to set manually were compared. Second, we set the ROI position separated by above, lateral and bottom of kidney. Third, background setting time were compared with 1-2 min and 2-3 min. Results: The relative uptake occurred in 3.7%p of the errors on average in Automatic & Manual ROI study. And comparison of background ROI position study, located in the lower position was more accurate results. Above, lateral, bottom each of the values 74.6%, 67.6% and 62.0% showed respectively. The standard value was 59.9%. finally, split function range test doesn't show significant difference. Conclusion: The study shows that relative uptake of kidney is affected in the background ROI. Therefore, it should be set by considering various dependent factors.

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Histopathology of unidentified viral disease of cultured carp Cyprinus carpio (양식 잉어, Cyprinus carpio에서 발생하는 미동정 바이러스성 질병의 병리조직학적 특징)

  • Seo, Jang-Woo;Kim, Wi-Sik;Kim, Jong-Oh;Jung, Sung-Ju;Kim, Seok-Ryel;Park, Myoung-Ae;Oh, Myung-Joo
    • Journal of fish pathology
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    • v.23 no.1
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    • pp.131-135
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    • 2010
  • Unidentified viral disease with high mortalities has been recorded consistently since 1998 in cultured carp Cyprinus carpio in Korea. In the present study, we investigated the histopathological characteristics of the diseased carp to evaluate the relatedness to koi herpesvirus disease (KHVD). Histopathogical examination revealed severe necrotic changes and vacuous cells in the kidney, spleen, liver, pancreas, heart and intestine, but eosinophilic intranuclear inclusion, a typical characteristic of KHV infection was not detected. These results suggest that KHVD may be not a cause for the high mortality occurring among cultured carp in Korea and possibly other unknown viral disease could are related.

Early Stage Legg-Calve-Perthes Disease in a Dog: Clinical, Surgical, Radiological, Computed Tomography and Histological Findings (초기 허혈성 대퇴골두 괴사증을 보이는 개에서 임상학적, 수술적, 방사선학적, 컴퓨터단층촬영, 조직학적 소견)

  • Thak, Min-Ae;Yoon, Hun-Young;Jeong, Soon-Wuk
    • Journal of Veterinary Clinics
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    • v.30 no.5
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    • pp.366-370
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    • 2013
  • A 7-month-old Pomeranian presented with non-weight bearing lameness on the right pelvic limb. Physical examination revealed pain on extension of the right hip joint, and serum chemistry results showed an increased concentration of creatine kinase. Radiographic findings at admission included a weak radiolucent line on the right femoral head and widening of the right hip joint space, and mild displacement of the right capital femoral epiphysis was additionally identified on day 14. Computed tomography (CT) showed a decreased Hounsfield Unit measurement and a fracture line on the right femoral head. Early stage Legg-Calve-Perthes disease (LCPD) was diagnosed and femoral head and neck ostectomy was performed on the right femur. A fracture fissure and osteophytes at the epiphyseal plate of the femoral head were identified surgically. Necrosis in the femoral metaphysis and epiphysis was observed histologically. This case report describes the radiography, CT images, and surgical and histological findings in a dog with early stage LCPD.

A Toxicity Evaluation for the Toxic Gases of Building Finish Materials (건축물 마감재료 연소가스에 의한 독성평가)

  • Cho, Nam-Wook;Cho, Dong-Ho;Oh, Eun-Ha
    • Journal of the Korean Applied Science and Technology
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    • v.29 no.1
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    • pp.129-140
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    • 2012
  • Smoke toxicity is the test for the toxicity evaluation of smoke and hazardous gas, caused by combustion of building materials and finishing materials. Smoke toxicity can be evaluated by the mean incapacitation time of mice. This test result can be influenced by the health status of mice and test condition. In acute inhalation toxicity test of hazardous gas, no typical clinical findings and histopathologic abnormalities were observed. Tracheitis and bronchitis as well as acute lung inflammation around terminal bronchiole in some mouse of the highest dose group. Through this study, we established the method for inhalation toxicity test of hazardous gas as well as the SOP of inhalation toxicity test. However, in the future studies, the concentration control methods for inhalation technologies on hazardous gas will be needed to improve continuously and also further studies on other gas inhalation toxicity will be needed to conduct.