• Title/Summary/Keyword: 승인절차

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A Study on Framework Development Directions for Solving Smart City Issues (스마트시티 이슈 해결을 위한 정책프레임워크 개발방향에 관한 연구)

  • Jang, Hwan-Young
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.19 no.5
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    • pp.432-443
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    • 2018
  • This study aims to present the direction of development of a policy framework to solve the problems associated with Smart Cities. For this purpose, first, after investigating the development process of domestic smart cities, we examined various cases of smart city policies being established overseas. Second, we analyzed the existing research into smart cities, in order to understand the relationship between the major issues. Third, an expert interview was conducted based on the identified issues. Fourth, we presented the direction of development of a Smart City policy framework to solve the major problems associated with domestic and foreign smart cities. In the policy framework presented in this research, after subdividing the elements used for solving each problem, we linked them with the smart city components and selected matching executable agents to prepare solutions. Then, once the deliberation process of the National Smart City Committee and the Smart Urban Service Support Organization has been completed, the government will support it financially and politically. It also suggested that it is necessary to perform continuous information gathering and monitoring work, along with the construction of a control tower to strengthen the network effect between smart city related markets. This research has significance in that it presents the procedures required for efficiently responding to the problems arising in the smart city promotion process. It is expected that it will serve as the basis for establishing policies dealing with the development and advancement of domestic smart cities in the future.

Problems and Suggestions for Improvement Derived from an Analysis of the Work of the Urban & Residence Environment Improvement Project -Focused on the Establishment of Preparation Committee and Association Committee- (도시 및 주거환경정비사업의 업무분석을 통한 문제점과 개선 사항 -조합설립추진위원회와 조합설립 업무를 중심으로-)

  • Ryu, Han-Guk;Son, Bo-Sik
    • Journal of the Korea Institute of Building Construction
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    • v.10 no.3
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    • pp.39-47
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    • 2010
  • The government has routinely made efforts to improve the living environment and infrastructure of less-developed areas through large area urban remodeling projects, which are in themselves attempts to overcome the disadvantages of piecemeal local area development. Such projects are very complex, and various stakeholders are involved. However, the data on such projects has not been well managed, and has not lent itself to being easily adopted to similar projects. In addition, there are numerous fragmented mega-projects that seem to be performed based on "rules of thumb" To address this issue, the work process of many urban and residence project types should be standardized otherwise the participants will be confused to work properly. In particular, typical residents who lack knowledge about building redevelopment, building remodeling, urban environment improvement projects, and the like think that it is difficult to establish the preparation committees and association committees for the projects. Therefore, we examined previous researches related to the urban and building renovation to solve the prescribed present problems. This paper presents the three necessary research performances: first, we analyzed the administrative work process in the related laws; second, we examined the practical work process of the preparation committee and association committee stages; and finally we deduced the problem and presented the required improvements.

A Study on Foreign Air Operator Certificate in light of the Convention on International Civil Aviation (시카고협약체계에서의 외국 항공사에 대한 운항증명제도 연구)

  • Lee, Koo-Hee
    • The Korean Journal of Air & Space Law and Policy
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    • v.30 no.1
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    • pp.31-64
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    • 2015
  • The Chicago Convention and Annexes have become the basis of aviation safety regulations for every contracting state. Generally, aviation safety regulations refer to the SARPs provided in the Annexes of the Chicago Convention. In order to properly reflect international aviation safety regulations, constant studies of the aviation fields are of paramount importance. Treaties duly concluded and promulgated under the Constitution and the generally recognized rules of international law shall have the same effect as the domestic laws of the Republic of Korea. Each contracting state to the Chicago Convention should meet ICAO SARPs about AOC and FAOC. According to ICAO SARPs, Civil Aviation Authorities shall issue AOC to air carriers of the state, but don't require to issue for foreign air carrier. However some contracting states of the Chicago Convention issue FAOC and/or Operations Specifications for the foreign operators. This FAOC is being expanded from USA to the other contracting states. Foreign operators have doubly burden to implement AOC of the ICAO SARPs because FAOC is an additional requirement other than that prescribed by the ICAO SARPs In Article 33, the Chicago Convention stipulates that each contracting state shall recognize the validity of the certificates of airworthiness and licenses issued by other contracting states as long as they are equal to or above the minimum standards of the ICAO. In ICAO Annex 6, each contracting state shall recognize as valid an air operator certificate issued by another contracting state, provided that the requirements under which the certificate was issued are at least equal to the applicable Standards specified in this Annex. States shall establish a programme with procedures for the surveillance of operations in their territory by a foreign operator and for taking appropriate action when necessary to preserve safety. Consequently, it is submitted that the unilateral action of the states issuing the FAOC to the foreign air carriers of other states is against the Convention. Hence, I make some proposals on the FAOC as an example of comprehensive problem solving after comparative study with ICAO SARPs and the contracting state's regulations. Some issues must be improved and I have made amendment proposals to meet ICAO SARPs and to strengthen aviation development. Operators should be approved by FAOC at most 190 if all states require FAOC. Hence, it is highly recommended to eliminate the FAOC or reduce the restrictions it imposes. In certain compliance-related issues, delayed process shall not be permitted to flight operations. In addition, it is necessary for the ICAO to provide more unified and standardized guidelines in order to avoid confusion or bias regarding the arbitrary expansion of the FAOC. For all the issue mentioned above, I have studied the ICAO SARPs and some state's regulation regarding FAOC, and suggested some proposals on the FAOC as an example of comprehensive problem solving. I hope that this paper is 1) to help understanding about the international issue, 2) to help the improvement of korean aviation regulations, 3) to help compliance with international standards and to contribute to the promotion of aviation safety, in addition.

A Comparative Review on Civil Money Penalties in Aviation Law (항공 과징금 제도의 비교법적 검토)

  • Lee, Chang-Jae
    • The Korean Journal of Air & Space Law and Policy
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    • v.34 no.1
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    • pp.3-38
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    • 2019
  • In 1984, Congress enacted a new measure of administrative sanctions which is a civil money penalty program for violations of Aviation Act and its implementing regulations. This civil money penalty system has been in operations in lieu of suspending or revoking certificates issued by Korean government, Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, and Transport. According to the rules of Aviation Business Act or Aviation Safety Act, where the Minister of Land, Infrastructure and Transport should order an air carrier to suspend operation because of her violation under certain rules, in which case the suspension of operation is likely to cause serious inconvenience to consumers of air transport services or to harm public interest, the Minister of the department may impose an administrative monetary penalty in lieu of the suspension of operation. In this regard, airline related civil money penalties are somewhat different from those of fair trade, which is the origin of the money penalties system in Korea. Civil money penalties in the field of fair trade are imposed on executive duty violations that undermine the value of the market economy order, and focus on reimbursement of profits due to violations and compensation for unfair spending by consumers. However, in the aviation sector, breach of duty by a business operator does not simply cause the property loss of the public, but it has a direct impact on life or property of the public. In this respect, aviation penalties are more likely to be administrative sanctions or punitive measures than refunds of unfair benefits, compared to penalties in the field of fair trade. In general, civil money penalties have been highly preferred as administrative sanctions because they are subject to investigations by administrative experts and thus, efficiency can be ensured and execution is quicker than judicial procedures. Moreover, in Korea, because punitive civil damages cannot awarded by the courts, the imposition of civil money penalties is recognized as a means of realizing social justice by recognizing the legal feelings of the people. However, civil money penalties are administrative sanctions, and in terms of effectiveness, they are similar to criminal fines, which are a form of punishment. Inadequate legislation and operation of penalties imposition may cause damage to the value of Constitution. Under the above recognition, this paper has been described for the purpose of identifying the present status of the civil money penalties imposition system and operating status in the area of air transport under the laws and regulations in Korea. Especially, this paper was focused on exploring the problem and improvement direction of Korean system through the comparative study with foreign laws and regulations.

Liabilities of Air Carrier Who Sponsored Financially Troubled Affiliate Shipping Company (항공사(航空社)의 부실 계열 해운사(海運社) 지원에 따른 법적 책임문제)

  • Choi, June-Sun
    • The Korean Journal of Air & Space Law and Policy
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    • v.32 no.1
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    • pp.177-200
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    • 2017
  • This writer have thus far reviewed the civil and criminal obligations of the directors of a parent company that sponsored financially troubled affiliates. What was discussed here applies to logistics companies in the same manner. Hanjin Shipping cannot expect its parent company, Korean Air to prop it up financially. If such financial aid is offered without any collateral, under Korean criminal law, the directors of the parent company bears the burden of civil and criminal responsibility. One way to get around this is to secure fairness in terms of the process and the content of aid. Fairness in terms of process refers to the board of directors making public all information and approving such aid. Fairness in terms of content refers to impartial transactions that block out any possibilities of the chairman of the corporate group acting in his private interest. In the case of Korean Air bailing out Hanjin, the meeting of board of directors were held five times and a thorough review was conducted on the risks involved in the loans being repaid or not. After the review, measures to guard against undesirable scenarios were established before finally deciding on bailing out Hanjin. As such, there are no issues. In terms of the fairness of content, too, there were practically no room for the majority shareholder or controlling shareholder to pocket profits at the expense of the company. This is because the continued aid offered to a financially troubled company (i.e. Hanjin Shipping) was a posing a burden to even the controlling shareholder. This writer argues that the concept of the interest of the entire corporate group needs to be recognized. That is, it must be recognized that the relationship of control and being controlled between parent company and affiliate company, or between affiliate companies serves a practical benefit to the ongoing concern and growth of the group and is therefore just. Moreover, the corporate group and its affiliates, as well as their directors and management must recognize that they have an obligation to prioritize the interests of the corporate group ahead of the interests of the company that they are directly associated with. As such, even if Korean Air offered a loan to Hanjin Shipping without collateral, the act cannot be treated as an offense to law, nor can the directors be accused of damages that they bear the responsibility of compensating under civil law.

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Building Transparency on the Total System Performance Assessment of Radioactive Repository through the Development of the Cyber R&D Platform; Application for Development of Scenario and Input of TSPA Data through QA Procedures (Cyber R&D Platform개발을 통한 방사성폐기물 처분종합성능평가(TSPA) 투명성 증진에 관한 연구; 시나리오 도출 과정과 TSPA 데이터 입력에서의 품질보증 적용 사례)

  • Seo, Eun-Jin;Hwang, Yong-Soo;Kang, Chul-Hyung
    • Journal of Nuclear Fuel Cycle and Waste Technology(JNFCWT)
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    • v.4 no.1
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    • pp.65-75
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    • 2006
  • Transparency on the Total System Performance Assessment (TSPA) is the key issue to enhance the public acceptance for a radioactive repository. To approve it, all performances on TSPA through Quality Assurance is necessary. The integrated Cyber R&D Platform is developed by KAERI using the T2R3 principles applicable for five major steps : planning, research work, documentation, and internal & external audits in R&D's. The proposed system is implemented in the web-based system so that all participants in TSPA are able to access the system. It is composed of three sub-systems; FEAS (FEp to Assessment through Scenario development) showing systematic approach from the FEPs to Assessment methods flow chart, PAID (Performance Assessment Input Databases) being designed to easily search and review field data for TSPA and QA system containing the administrative system for QA on five key steps in R&D's in addition to approval and disapproval processes, corrective actions, and permanent record keeping. All information being recorded in QA system through T2R3 principles is integrated into Cyber R&D Platform so that every data in the system can be checked whenever necessary. Throughout the next phase R&D, Cyber R&D Platform will be connected with the assessment tool for TSPA so that it will be expected to search the whole information in one unified system.

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Study on Improvement in Operation and Management of Ultra-light flying device Civil Complaints Management System for Ultralight Aircraft (초경량비행장치의 민원처리시스템 운용 및 관리 효율성 개선을 위한 연구)

  • Seok, Geum-chan;Jang, Moon-su;Ryu, Yeon-seung
    • Journal of the Korea Convergence Society
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    • v.11 no.1
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    • pp.237-246
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    • 2020
  • The background of the research is the following: As a result of ultra-light flying device industry development, the utilization of drones and their efficiency have been increasing. However, problems regarding flight permission·approval procedure have not been improved, resulting in increased number of civil complaints. Thus, the purpose of this research is to minimize such civil petition according to the required standards of the two government organizations through enhancing the procedure for managing and employing the system. The research methods entail pinpointing the problems by analysing ultra-light flying device related literature review and by holding focus-interviews with field experts, thereby verifying and providing improved solutions. Under (MLIT) Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport supervision and in accordance with aviation security law, the research provides various updated functions such as improved civil petition processing system's employment and management system, flight approval, integration of names, process, format regarding aviation photographing approval, tool buttons such as the 'Main' button in the system's homepage. This research has the following expected effects : Firstly in the law and regulations section, the clear distinction in the missions and roles of each organization enhances cooperations in tackling civil petition. Secondly the integration of civil petition process reduces time and improves efficiency. And lastly, the improvement of supplementary tools for the public is expected to minimize civil petitions. Future research needs to be conducted under the supervision of the Ministry of National Defense(MND). Factors such as systematic infrastructure for flight photography approval, related unit's reorganization following the defense reform 2.0, and guaranteed conditions for field security action units need to be ameliorated.

A Study of Mobile Collaboration Environment based on Distributed Object Group Framework and Its application (분산객체그룹프레임워크 기반 모바일 협업 환경 및 적용에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Dong-Seok;Jeong, Chang-Won;Joo, Su-Chong
    • The KIPS Transactions:PartD
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    • v.13D no.6 s.109
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    • pp.847-856
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    • 2006
  • In this paper, we suggested a mobile collaboration framework for supporting mobile services among mobile devices, and designed and implemented on this environment. The suggested framework has three elements; groups of sensors and mobile devices(Fixed and Moving-typed PDAs) and a home server. We designed interfaces for interactions with each other in collaboration environment with three elements described above. The information collected by sensors can be share and exchanged by mobile devices or a home server in accordance with Push and Pull methods. This framework is based on the distributed object group framework(DOGF) we implemented before. Therefore the DOGF provides functions of object group management, storing information and security services to our mobile collaboration framework via application interfaces defined. The information collected by sensors is arranged according to user's security 'demands. And user profile information is used for checking authority of each service object. Each component for executing functions of mobile devices and a home server is implemented by TMO scheme. And we used the TMOSM for interactions between distributed components. Finally, we showed via GUI the executablity of a given healthcare application scenario on our mobile collaboration framework.

A Study on Role Assignment between the Ministries of Government for the Research and Development on Disaster Prevention (방재 연구개발 분야의 정부 부처간 역할 조정에 관한 연구)

  • Park, Jung-Han;Choi, Gyu-Hyun;Kim, Young-Soo;Jung, Seong-Hoon;Lee, Sang-Houck;Lee, Pyeong-Koo;Lee, Woan-Kyu
    • Economic and Environmental Geology
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    • v.41 no.3
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    • pp.359-372
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    • 2008
  • A number of researches on disaster risk reduction using the most advanced equipments and scientific technologies have been performed to minimize the damage of property and to protect human life. Although the Korean government is trying to enlarge the research area for disaster risk reduction, the investment size and the applicable results in this area have stayed in the lower level comparing to other scientific fields in Korea and the same field in advanced countries. However, the National Emergency Management Agency (NEMA), a government Agency which is responsible for disaster management coordination, was established in June 2004 establishing an efficient and well-organized system to cope with various disasters. In this study, investment size by the government was evaluated and associated areas were also identified. We also analyzed the roles on research and development for disaster risk reduction among different government Ministries were analyzed and role assignment to each Ministry was proposed. The role assignment has been concreted by conducting the process of approval in the government.

A Study on the Actual Condition Analysis and Improvement Direction of Disaster Safety Education Training Course in School - Focused on Disaster Safety Management for School Facilities - (학교 재난안전 교육연수과정 실태분석 및 개선방향에 관한 연구 - 학교시설에 대한 재난안전관리 중심으로 -)

  • Lee, Byoung-Ho;Park, Youn-Ju;Lee, Jae-Rim
    • The Journal of Sustainable Design and Educational Environment Research
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    • v.17 no.2
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    • pp.11-21
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    • 2018
  • This study suggests desirable disaster safety education curriculum through analyzing the operational status of the school disaster safety management training course and demand survey of school staff. First, the problem of the disaster safety training course of the school is not connected with the lack of law and system and the school disaster safety job. Second, improvement of law and system and variety of training should be made to acquire professional knowledge. Third, it is necessary to divide curriculum into the following four categories, according to educational needs of public officials ; Educational administration officers course focused on facility safety, maintenance and disaster countermeasure. Educational officials in technical post course addressing approval and permission of school facility projects, seismic reinforcement of school building, etc. Educational supervisors course covering roles and responsibilities of the school safety supervisors in the event of disaster. Teaching staffs course focused on safety instructions for students. Fourth, it is found that lectures and experiential learning methods are the most desirable methods of teaching and learning, and the major ranks are earthquake disaster, fire, gas, typhoon, school road, and electrical safety.