• Title/Summary/Keyword: 세계관 교육

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A Study on the Ecocentric Worldview of Elementary School Students (초등학교 4-6학년 학생들의 생태중심 세계관에 대한 연구)

  • Kim, Hee-Seok;Paik, Seoung-Hey
    • Journal of Korean Elementary Science Education
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    • v.40 no.2
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    • pp.227-238
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    • 2021
  • Ecocentric worldview is considered as worldview that overcomes present environment problems and increases animal right. This study explores the formation of an ecocentric worldview for 4th-6th graders based on Peter Singer's research that divides the development of morality into family-centered, species-centered, and ecocentric worldview. The subjects of this study were 77 4th graders, 84 5th graders, and 91 6th graders in Daegu Metro- politan City. The results of surveying students' worldview based on the questionnaire developed by dividing into 6 questions are as follows. In most of the items in grades 4-6, the rate of formation of a species-centered worldview or a family-centered worldview was higher than that of an ecocentric worldview. However, in the case of 6th grade students was significantly higher than in other grades because they learned lesson on wolf restoration in the 5th grade science class. This may be seen as an effect of education, but since the ecocentric worldview did not appear high in other questions, it is reasonable to assume that 6th graders simply recited what they learned rather than forming a true ecocentric worldview. Therefore, there is a need for education that can help students to think, judge, and act on the basis of the ecocentric worldview consistently in any situation, rather than just memorizing the knowledge of the ecocentric worldview learned.

Effects of Science Education and Sustainable Development Education on High School Students' Worldviews (과학교육과 지속가능발전교육 접목 프로그램이 고등학생의 세계관에 미치는 영향)

  • JI, Dukyoung;Son, Yeon-A
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Earth Science Education
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    • v.13 no.3
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    • pp.253-269
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    • 2020
  • The study developed and analyzed programs that incorporate observable worldviews-based science education and education for sustainable development(ESD) in science classes to emphasize integration with the background of the times and achieve effective goals of science education aimed at cultivating scientific literacy. As a result of applying the program to actual high school students, students were able to see the transition to the worldviews of ecology in the process of considering various values and making decisions by identifying their own values. Students' worldviews were found to be at odds during the process of identifying their worldviews and approaching values in various aspects of the class due to the conflicting values of each curriculum and teacher worldviews. In the area of individual values, the worldviews should be applied in science education and understanding of the worldviews of teachers and curriculum contents is also required. Through this study, we hope that access to the area of individual values represented by the worldview in science education will help students change fundamental.

A Case Study on the Christian Worldview Education Program through Maker Education Based Design Thinking at Christian University (기독 대학의 디자인사고 기반 메이커교육을 통한 기독교 세계관 교육 프로그램 운영 사례 연구)

  • Seongah Lee;Hyeajin Yoon
    • Journal of Christian Education in Korea
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    • v.73
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    • pp.117-137
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    • 2023
  • This is a case study of an extra-curricular program that designed and implemented maker education based on design thinking to foster a Christian worldview. The program was designed at K university in the course of 10 sessions as following stages; tinkering, providing a special lecture for motivation, finding issues, empathizing, making, sharing and reflecting. A total of 15 students in 5 teams participated in the program, progressed through each stage in the process of solving the problems they found around them so that their neighbors and the creative world could become better. As a result of operating this program, the participants became concerned about their neighbors and community and reflected on the change of perspective of the world from a Christian worldview. As a suggestion for follow-up research and projects, to develop a model of maker education based on design thinking for cultivating a Christian view of the world is proposed in order to support to easy design and management of the program even if there is a lack of professional related knowledge and experience. In addition, it is needed to develop a manual and guide book including a facilitator's role and an assessment tool like a rubric that can give feedback on the performance of the program and make improvement.

A Study on the Environmental Worldviews of Middle School Students (중학교 학생의 환경적 세계관 조사 연구)

  • Kew-Cheol Shim
    • Journal of The Korean Association For Science Education
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    • v.44 no.1
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    • pp.1-9
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    • 2024
  • The purpose of this study is to examine middle school students' environmental worldviews, focusing on the following: 'Technocentric (TC)', 'Ecocentric (EC)', and 'Sustainable Development (SD)' environmental worldviews. The instrument surveying the worldviews of middle school students comprised two components: 'natural environment' and 'human action & environment'. The 'natural environment' component consisted of four categories. These were the value of humans in nature, the value of natural environments, nature reigned by humans, and the equilibrium sustaining power of environmental ecosystems. The 'human action & environment' component also consisted of four categories. These were the depletion of energy & resources, technology development, economic growth, and the severity of environmental problems. The subjects were 376 middle school students (152 males and 224 females), who were selected from 10 middle schools, and they answered question items by themselves through an online survey system. They displayed more 'Sustainable Development environmental worldviews' and 'Ecocentric environmental worldviews' than 'Technocentric environmental worldviews'. Furthermore, the female students displayed more 'Sustainable Development environmental worldviews' than the males. Hence, it is necessary to implement educational approaches that address and relate to the sustainable development environmental worldviews of middle school students.

An Exploratory Study on Development of Korean Media Educational Model (한국형 미디어교육 모형의 개발에 대한 탐색적 연구)

  • Lee, Ran;Hyun, Eunja
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.17 no.3
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    • pp.462-473
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    • 2017
  • This study suggested appropriate media educational model for the Korean situation based on the two previous research results concerning Korean media mental model which have abstracted from elementary schoolers and parents respectively living in and around Seoul. This looked through typical media educational model being in effect in Western countries such as Buckingham's creation-centered model, Hobbs' action-centered model, Potter's analysis-centered model and Vanhoozer's worldview-centered model, synthesized all the strengths of each model, and finally modified and reorganized this new model to reflect demanders' needs. Newly developed demander-centered educational model is a kind of circulation model consisting of a chain of the steps: worldview and viewpoints, use(access), analysis and evaluation, reflection, and social act; Each step borrowed the essential contents of each domain of objectives and tried to reflect the specific situations for Korean demanders. The needs for media use etiquette against addiction and cyberbullying were applied to the step of 'worldview and viewpoint', the needs for the educational status of books as media to 'use(access)', and the reality of highly used digital media to 'social act.'

Suggesting Strategies of Integrating Science Based on Worldview: Climate Change (세계관을 바탕으로 통합과학 교육전략 제안: 기후변화를 중심으로)

  • Oh, Jun-Young;Son, Yeon-A
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Earth Science Education
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    • v.11 no.1
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    • pp.1-20
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    • 2018
  • The purpose of this study is to suggest some strategies for integrated science. It also suggests educational strategies through worldview. The directions of most educational policy are based on the deficit model. It is assumed that learners are always lacking in knowledge, and as a result they do not understand properly. However, it is difficult for the public and students to change their attitudes because they do not feel much lacking. For example, the world view of climate change coexists with an optimistic mechanical worldview and an organic and entropy worldview. This study is characterized by the process of expanding awareness of living and fulfillment of knowledge rather than the existing deprivation model. Unconnected knowledge has problems in diversity. It is neither sustainable nor flexible. It is not about eliminating interdisciplinarity but about lowering it. We go into another area with your deep expertise, but we must have a purpose. As a result, not only problem solving but also dynamic feedback of mutual feedback between other domains increases the quality and quantity of knowledge.

Education : Learning to Fly on One's Own Strength (자기 역량 강화를 위한 학습 모형에 관한 연구)

  • Ina ter Avest
    • Journal of Christian Education in Korea
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    • v.73
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    • pp.7-19
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    • 2023
  • In education, the educere aspect makes itself felt - moving from an original situation to something higher, something better. Moreover, the formative character of educare can be recognised in the German concept Bildung, which focuses on human beings in their wholeness, on their attitude within society and their worldview. What shape has been given in the Netherlands to these different aspects of education over the centuries? Without creating the impression that a linear development in thinking about - and acting in - education has taken place throughout history, and without the ambition to be comprehensive, we look at what took place between adults and children in previous centuries in the Netherlands. Will our investigation yield historical constants or differences? We let ourselves be surprised.

Negative Effects of Digital Technologies and the Direction of Church Education in the Era of the Great Digital Transformation (디지털 대전화의 시대, 디지털 역기능과 교회교육의 방향)

  • Mikyoung Seo
    • Journal of Christian Education in Korea
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    • v.77
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    • pp.85-105
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    • 2024
  • The purpose of this study is to formulate the direction of Church education, taking into account the negative effects of digital technologies in the era of the Great Digital Transformation. Firstly, the study discussed comprehension of the Great Digital Transformation and negative effects of digital technologies. The term "Great Digital Transformation" signifies a fundamental shift into a world where everything that surrounds us becomes digital-based. In this era of the Great Digital Transformation, the negative effects of digital technologies are intensifying. Secondly, the study discussed the issue of education and church education during the great digital transformation period. The use of digital technologies has been widespread in schools. However, academic circles have raised concerns about the negative effects of digital technology on both the classroom environment and basic academic skills such as reading ability. Since digital education is becoming more popular, there is a fear that church education may fall behind in a rapidly changing society. In conclusion, the study proposed recommendations for reshaping Church education in the era of the Great Digital Transformation, considering the negative effects of digital technologies. The first is Christian worldview education, which is centered around the faith community. Education in the Christian worldview, learned through the interaction with various faiths within the faith community, encourages critical thinking and reflection on the risks posed by the digital age that are associated with capitalism and meritocracy. The second is Christian care, which is centered around the faith community. Christian care in the era of the Great Digital Transformation will help us to form genuine connections with discriminated, isolated, and lonely souls who suffer from negative effects of digital technologies, guiding them towards the path of salvation.

Characteristic of cultivating theory in fables of Sam Guk Yu Sa(三國遺事; The Heritage of the Three States) reflected to "Experience-Learning" theory - In the central figure of Three Fables with Naksan temple, Bunhwang temple, and Geumsan temple ('경험-학습' 이론에 비추어 본 『삼국유사』 설화의 수양론적 특징 - 낙산사·분황사·금산사에 얽힌 세 설화를 중심으로 -)

  • Choi, Seung Hyun;Kim, Young Hoon;Shin, Chang Ho
    • The Journal of Korean Philosophical History
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    • no.32
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    • pp.371-394
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    • 2011
  • Buddhism have affected Korea traditional education very much. Sam Guk Yu Sa is a book which includes the public disposition grounded on world view of Buddhism. In the wide scope, the public disposition relates to their cultivating education. This paper reviewed cultivating education grounded on John Dewey "experience-learning" model about the Buddhistic public disposition appearing in Sam Guk Yu Sa. "Meaning-experience" as "adult-becoming" appearing in Sam Guk Yu Sa shows a strong characteristic of cultivating education when we see on a creative horizon in the Buddhistic world. Dewey-Deleuze's cultivating education which modernizes the theory of John Dewey meets at the place of the public disposition and three fables of Sam Guk Yu Sa grounded on the Buddhistic world. This could open possibility to interpret the cultivating theory of Korea traditional thought and western educational theory with interdigitation. Fables of Sam Guk Yu Sa dealt with growth and maturity of the public from Buddhist monk to folk wishes to achieve Bulgukto(佛國土; the land with Buddha) through the process of cultivating education which leads to "impulse-observation-knowledge-determination." In these series of process for "adult-becoming," life itself possesses characteristic of cultivating theory. In this respect, fables of Sam Guk Yu Sa shows Korea traditional cultivating theory and can be a role of a discourse book for cultivating educational theory which could relate to western educational theory.

The Philosophical Status of Scientific Theories for Science Education (과학교육을 위한 과학이론의 철학적 위치)

  • Jun-Young, Oh;Eun-Ju, Lee
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Earth Science Education
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    • v.15 no.3
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    • pp.354-372
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    • 2022
  • The purpose of this study is to explore the philosophical position of various scientific theories based on the scientific worldviews for science education. In addition, it aims to expand science education, which has usually dealt with epistemology and methodology, to ontology, that is, to the problem of metaphysics. It can be said that there exists a physical realism, traditionally defined as a strong determinism of the metaphysical belief. That is fixed and unchanging objective scientific knowledge independent of our minds, which was established by Newton, Einstein and Schridinger. What can be seen in the natural laws of dynamics can be called 'mathematicization'. Einstein also shook the traditional views to some extent through the theory of relativity, but his theory was still close to traditional thinking. On the contrary, to escape from this rigid determinism, we need anthropomorphic concepts such as 'possibility' and 'chance'. It is a characteristic of the modern scientific worldviews that leads the change of scientific theory from a classically strong deterministic thought to a weak deterministic accidental accident, probability theory, and a naturalistic point of view. This can be said to correspond to Darwin's theory of evolution and quantum mechanics. We can have three types of epistemological worlds that justify this ontological worldviews. These are rationalism, empiricism and naturalism. In many cases, science education does not tell us what kind of metaphysical beliefs the scientific theories we deal with in the field of education are based on. Also, science education focuses only on the understanding of scientific knowledge. However, it can be said that true knowledge can bring understanding only when it is connected to the knowledge of learned knowledge and the learner's own metaphysical belief in the world. Therefore, in the future, science education needs to connect various scientific theories based on scientific worldviews and philosophical position and present them to students.