• Title/Summary/Keyword: 사생활침해

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A Study on Liberalization of Cross-Border Data Transfer in Digital Trade Agreements (디지털 무역협정의 국경 간 데이터 이전 자유화 연구)

  • Chung, Jason
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Information and Commucation Sciences Conference
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    • 2022.05a
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    • pp.627-628
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    • 2022
  • There is no internationally accepted codified definition of digital trade because of the wide variety and scope of related industries and transactions(product + service + data) in general. Recently, innovative changes are taking place in digital trade due to the development of technologies such as IT due to the 4th industrial revolution, and advanced countries such as the US, EU, and Japan are including digital trade issues such as data movement liberalization in the negotiation agenda of the digital trade agreement. The issue with the liberalization of cross-border data movement is that freedom of data movement is necessary to vitalize digital trade, but it also increases the risk of information security and privacy violations. Looking at the directions of advanced countries, the US favors minimization of regulations, Europe favors regional single marketization, but passively opens up to the outside world, and China promotes independent markets through regulations. Therefore, measures to strengthen restrictions on cross-border data movement are an issue that has recently been implemented by each country or an international aggrement is scheduled to be reached soon, and Korea also needs a close response.

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A Study of LBS Security Model in the Application Service using PKI based digital signature (PKI기반의 전자서명을 이용한 LBS 응용서비스에서의 보안 모델 연구)

  • 이진우;이민수;송오영;박세현
    • Proceedings of the Korea Institutes of Information Security and Cryptology Conference
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    • 2003.12a
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    • pp.372-375
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    • 2003
  • 위치기반 서비스(Location Based Service)는 이동통신망 또는 GPS 등을 기반으로 사람이나 사물의 위치를 정확하게 파악하고 이를 활용하여 다양한 응용이 가능한 서비스를 의미한다. 최근 위치기반 서비스는 이동통신 기지국이나 GPS를 통해 개인이나 차량등의 위치를 파악하여 긴급구조, 교통정보, 재난관리 등을 서비스하는 신산업 분야로서의 중요성이 증대됨에 따라 이에 대한 관심이 급증하고 있다. 그러나 이러한 산업 파급효과와 서비스 유형을 고려할 때, 공간정보의 활용과 위치기반서비스의 구현에서 핵심적인 역할을 하는 것이 위치정보인데 이러한 위치정보는 여타의 정보와 다른 특성을 가지게 된다. 즉, 위치정보는 개인정보보호 및 프라이버시(사생활)보호의 문제와 직결된다는 것이다. 특히 위치정보가 성명, 주민등록번호, 주소, 전화번호 등과 함께 직접적으로 사생활 침해의 문제를 강하게 발생시킬 수 있어 위치정보는 여타의 정보에 비하여 보다 강력한 보호를 필요로 한다. 본 논문에서는 LBS에 대한 전반적인 사항을 분석하여 문제점을 도출하고, LBS Privacy 문제점을 보호할 수 있는 방안을 제시한다. 최종적으로 제안된 모델은 차세대 LBS 시스템의 개인정보 및 Privacy 보호를 위한 기술적인 대안을 제시하였으며, 차세대 이동통신의 기반 기술이 될 것으로 기대한다.

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A study on the Stress of Using Social Networking Services and Its Discontinuance Intention (소셜네트워크서비스(Social Network Service) 사용의 스트레스와 사용중단의도에 관한 연구)

  • Park, Kyung-Ja;Park, Seung-Bong
    • Journal of the Korea Society of Computer and Information
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    • v.19 no.12
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    • pp.275-285
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    • 2014
  • The development of ICT has promoted the infusion of 'social,' which is not only 'personal,' but also strengthens social connection and communication; and SNS lies in the center of the infusion. Although SNS has been positioning itself as a significant domain in our lives based on the developed technologies, such as openness, extendibility and real-time, it has caused social concerns due to unexpected side effects. Therefore, this study aims to identify the stressors causing SNS stress and the factors influencing discontinuance of SNS. As a result, 5 factors including 'techno-overload,' 'techno-invasion,' 'techno-insecurity,' 'techno-complexity' and 'pace of change' were found to be SNS stressors. It is thought that this study would provide an academic implication for the future studies of stress and discontinuance related to SNS and a guideline for establishing practical strategies.

A Study on Vulnerability Factors of The Smart Home Service ('스마트홈 서비스'의 보안취약요인에 관한 연구)

  • Jeon, Jeong Hoon
    • Convergence Security Journal
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    • v.20 no.4
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    • pp.169-176
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    • 2020
  • Recently, the era in which various services using smart devices are used is sometimes referred to as the so-called "smart era". Among these, Smart Home Service' have not only brought about significant changes in the residential environment and culture, but are evolving very rapidly. and The 'Smart Home Service' provides more convenient services to users through communication between various electronic products in general homes, and has a bright future in the future. In particular,'Smart Home Service' provides various services combined based on IoT(Internet of Things) technology and wired/wireless communication in connection between various devices. However, such a "smart home service" inherits the security vulnerabilities of the underlying technologies such as the Internet of Things and wired and wireless communication technologies, and accidents that lead to the leakage of personal information and invasion of privacy continue to occur. So, it is necessary to prepare a countermeasure and prevention against the weak factors of the underlying technologies. Therefore, this paper is expected to be used as basic data for future application technology development and countermeasure technology by examining various security vulnerability factors of 'Smart Home Service'.

A Study on People Count of Hospital Facilities Using Wi-Fi MAC (WiFi MAC을 이용한 병원시설 인원계수의 활용에 관한 연구)

  • Yun-Kyoo Ryoo
    • Journal of the Health Care and Life Science
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    • v.10 no.2
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    • pp.253-258
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    • 2022
  • It is a widely known fact that MAC addresses can be collected using Wi-Fi from mobile phones that people carry. However, since collecting and using MAC addresses without individual consent entails many legal problems, it was difficult to actively utilize them. In order to prevent invasion of privacy information due to unintentional exposure of these MAC addresses in recent years, the method of protecting privacy information by exposing a randomly generated virtual MAC address rather than the MAC address of the actual device is applied to all mobile devices. is becoming By exposing a randomly generated virtual MAC address on a device, it becomes impossible to identify and track an individual using the MAC address. However, the fact that various facts can be estimated through MAC Address collection is still valid. By expanding the application of Random MAC Address, the possibility of invasion of privacy information has been completely removed from the MAC address that has been raised in the past, so that it can be used more actively than in the past. In this paper, we propose a method for automatically collecting and analyzing statistical information of hospital visitors using MAC addresses. The collection of hospital visitors using MAC Address is a low cost and relatively accurate method, and the analysis of hospital visitors through steady collection can provide very objective and scientific evidence for hospital operation.

Application of Police Video Equipment for Fighting Crime and Legal Trends (범죄 대응을 위한 경찰 영상장비의 활용과 법 동향)

  • Lee, Hoon;Lee, Won-Sang
    • Informatization Policy
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    • v.25 no.2
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    • pp.3-19
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    • 2018
  • With the introduction of video cameras into law enforcement, a great deal of police organizations have adopted the technology in their routine crime prevention activities. The up-to-date systems of ambient surveillance energized by CCTV, police wearable cameras, drones, and thermal imaging devices enable the police to thoroughly monitor public spaces as well as to rigorously arrest on-scene criminals. These efforts to improve the level of surveillance are often met with public resistance raising concerns over citizens' rights to privacy. Recent studies on the use of police video equipment have constantly raised the issues related to the lack of applicable legal provisions, risk of personal information and privacy infringement as well as security vulnerabilities. In this regard, the present study attempted to review the public surveillance methods currently used by law enforcement agencies worldwide within the context of public safety and individual rights to privacy. Furthermore, the present study also discussed the legal boundaries of police use of video equipment to address public concerns over privacy issues.

A Privacy Protection REID System using Random basis ID Allocating (난수 기반의 ID 할당을 이용한 프라이버시 보호 RFID 시스템)

  • Park, Jin-Sung;Choi, Myung-Ryul
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.7 no.6
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    • pp.1155-1159
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    • 2006
  • In this paper, we have proposed a privacy protection RFID system using random number based ID allocation. Currently, there are rising issues about privacy violation in RFID system. This issues caused by tracking the ID of tag which present unique identity of tag. The proposed system dynamically allocates random basis ID to tag, then the tag can not be traced. The random ID allocation procedures of this system can be operate in cryptographic mode or normal(non-cryptographic) mode. This system can be applied to privacy protected customer tracking RFID system in mesa-outlet stores which tracing customer's moving path.

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A Study on the Freedom of the Press and the Remedy for Defamation (언론의 자유와 명예훼손 구제방법에 관한 연구)

  • Jeon, Chan-Hui;Ji, Yong-Soo
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.12 no.10
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    • pp.159-168
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    • 2012
  • Freedom of speech is indispensable in Democracy. It is a rink among government agencies. Mass media as institutionalized means which forms public opinion impacts quite a few to a society. Mass media as a life media in our daily lives has characteristics of speed and prompt report. It is difficult to measure the effect on a society. Mass media is a lifeline in democracy because it has freedom of opinion for seeing, listening, speaking, and criticizing about the people's right to know in an information society. Our Constitution also guarantees freedom of the press, information(peoples's right to know), report, the collection of news, and edition. Because an unnecessary thing about a privacy is reported by mass media, it can violate defamation. This study seeks to be unbiased in reporting and what the principles of the Constitution for minimizing an invasion of a person's privacy is. This study also seeks freedom of speech and the right to know. In case that a personal honor is invaded by a mass media and a publication, this study provides the Constitution basis, Criminal Law basis, and Civic Law basis for remedy violation. A report for apology on newspaper and by television was widely used as "a proper punishment for honor recovery in the past". The constitutional court had decided that including the report of apology for "a proper punishment of honor recovery" in the article 764 of the Civic Law as a reason of freedom of conscience and the violation of personal rights was against the Constitution. Therefore, this study examples what is a legal remedy in practical?, where is legal basis of special remedy in the Civic Law, and what is a method by the Press Arbitration Law compared with the examples of other countries. On the other hand, because a mass media may injure a person's honor and infringe a person's privacy, if the report is categorized as a malicious press, the true role which mass media has to do may not demonstrated. In conclusion, this study was to minimalize infringement of mass media to a person and to seek a realistic alternative of a legal remedy.

An identification of optimized energy usage factors and monitoring System development for safety identification for elderly living (독거노인 안전확인을 위한 최적 에너지원 규명 및 모니터링 시스템 구현)

  • Kim, Hosik;Cha, Youna;Chin, Sangyoon
    • Korean Journal of Construction Engineering and Management
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    • v.15 no.4
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    • pp.39-48
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    • 2014
  • The speed of aging society is increasingly getting faster in Korea. Currently, there are over one million elderly living alone, which represents more than 19% of the total elderly in Korea. Although various policies and research have been implemented for caring the elderly living alone, there have been obvious limitations in realization of the caring system due to inconvenience, privacy violation, difficult operation and maintenance. Therefore, the objective of this study is to develop a method and a prototype system to monitor safety of elderly living alone by using energy usage information of automatic meter reading device. The proposed system is expected to improve or resolve the existing limitations and to provide 24 hour monitoring and early detection of death for the elderly living alone without adding staffs for operation and maintenance in a more effective and economic way.

The Relationship of Privacy Violation and Psychological Distance in Korean Ubiquitous Government Service (한국 유비쿼터스 정부 서비스에서의 사생활 침해와 심리적 거리와의 관계)

  • Cho, Sung-Bin;Kim, Jin-Hwa;Ha, Byoung-Chun
    • Journal of the Korean Operations Research and Management Science Society
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    • v.34 no.2
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    • pp.15-34
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    • 2009
  • Today the u-government services are becoming more personalized and intelligent. For the successful implementation of personalization, individual user's privacy concerns must be respected and taken care of. Based on the empirical survey results, this research summarizes the reluctance to the government's use of private information using six categories. We measure user's psychological distance toward e-government using the four levels, adopting the suggestions by the Proxemics. Since a positive correlation is Identified between people's psychological Intimacy toward e-government and their tolerance to the use of private Information, the amount and/or types of private information should be sequentially used in personalization systems. Initially allowing the least intolerable private information such as occupation information, the personalization system should additionally use the next tolerable Information such as health information or service request/interest information, as user's psychological distance toward government services becomes shorter.