• Title/Summary/Keyword: 블랙홀 공격

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Transmission Performance of MANET under Multiple Blackhole Attacks (다중 블랙홀 공격이 있는 MANET의 전송성능)

  • Kim, Young-Dong
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Information and Commucation Sciences Conference
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    • 2015.10a
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    • pp.783-786
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    • 2015
  • Hole attack, which is disturbed transmission function through change of routing information, can cause critical results for MANET as non-infrastructure network. Backhole attack, as a typical hole attack, is one malicious attack which is disabled network transmission function by assumption of transmission data through modification of routing information. It is very important to evaluate transmission performance caused by blackhole attack, because transmission performance of MANET is affective with blackhole attack. In this paper, transmission performance is analyzed with MANET under multiple blackhole attacks caused multiple blackhole nodes. Computer simulation based on NS-2 is used as analysis tool and voice traffic is considered ad application service on MANET.

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The Effects of Backhole Attack on Lattice Structure MANET (격자구조 MANET에서 블랙홀 공격의 영향)

  • Kim, Young-Dong
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Information and Commucation Sciences Conference
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    • 2014.05a
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    • pp.578-581
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    • 2014
  • Blackhole attack, a kinds of attacks to routing function, can cause critical effects to network transmission function, Especially, on MANET(Mobile Ad-hoc Network) which it is not easy to prepare functions to respond malicious intrusion, transmission functions of entire networks could be degraded. In this paper, effects of blackhole attack to network transmission performance is analyzed on lattice structured MANET. Specially, performance is measured for various location of blackhole attack on lattice MANET, and compared with the performance of random structured MANET. This paper is done with computer simulation, VoIP(Voice over Internet Protocol) traffic is used in simulation. The results of this paper can be used for data to deal with blackhole attack.

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End-to-End Performance of Packet Aggregation Transmission over MANETs under Blackhole Attacks (블랙홀 공격이 있는 MANET에서 패킷취합전송의 종단간 성능)

  • Kim, Young-Dong
    • The Journal of the Korea institute of electronic communication sciences
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    • v.8 no.1
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    • pp.71-76
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    • 2013
  • In this paper, end-to-end performances for some VoIP traffics are measured and analyzed over MANET(Mobile Ad-hoc Networks) with packet aggregation transmission under blackhole attacks. A VoIP simulator based on NS-2 is used for performance measure. In the simulation, MOS, call connection ratio, network delay and packet loss rate are measured for end-to-end transmission performance. With analysis of measured data, characteristics of each traffics for performance parameters of packet aggregation transmission is showed on MANET under blackhole attack, As a results of this paper, some considerations be required for packet aggregation transmission are suggested to implement VoIP services on MANET under blackhole attacks.

IDS Performance on MANET with Packet Aggregation Transmissions (패킷취합전송이 있는 MANET에서 IDS 성능)

  • Kim, Young-Dong
    • The Journal of the Korea institute of electronic communication sciences
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    • v.9 no.6
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    • pp.695-701
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    • 2014
  • Blackhole attacks having a unauthorized change of routing data will cause critical effects for transmission performance. The transmission performance will be improved to the a certain level by using or having IDS(Intrusion Detection System)/IPS(Intrusion Prevention System) as countermeasures to blackhole attacks. In this papar, the effects of IDS to ene-to-end performance of packet aggregation transmission are analyzed on MANET(Mobile Ad-hoc Network) with IDS under blackhole attacks. MANET simulator based on NS-2 is used to analyze performance parameters as MOS, connection ratio, delay and packet loss rate as standard performance parameters, an another performance factor which is suggested in this paper. VoIP(Voice over Internet Protocol) traffics, one of voice services, is used for performance analysis. A suggestion for IDS implementation on MANET with packet aggregations under blackhole is shown as one of results.

Transmission Performance of MANET under Grayhole Attack (Grayhole 공격이 있는 MANET의 전송성능)

  • Kim, Young-Dong
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Information and Commucation Sciences Conference
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    • 2015.05a
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    • pp.639-642
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    • 2015
  • As attack to routing function on MANET(Mobile Ad-Hoc Network), hole attack make cause some critical effects. MANET is easily influenced with hole attack and can be critically effected on transmission performance, because it is configured with terminal device as temporary network and dose not have effective means for malicious attack. In this paper, effects of grayhole attack to network performance on MANTE is analyzed with computer simulation. Voice traffic is used in simulation, effects of grayhole attack is compaerd with blackhole attack. The method and result of this paper can be used for data to study grayhoke attack.

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A Study on Detection Improvement Technique of Black Hole Node in Ad Hoc Network (Ad Hoc Network에서 블랙 홀 노드 탐지 향상 기법에 관한 연구)

  • Yang, HwanSeok;Yoo, SeungJae
    • Convergence Security Journal
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    • v.13 no.6
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    • pp.11-16
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    • 2013
  • Mobile node must move optionally and perform the router and the host functions at the same time. These characteristics of nodes have become a potential threatening element of a variety of attacks. In particular, a black hole which malicious node causes packet loss among them is one of the most important issues. In this paper, we propose distributed detection technique using monitoring tables in all node and cooperative detection technique based cluster for an efficient detection of black hole attack. The proposed technique performs by dividing into local detection and cooperative detection process which is composed of process of step 4 in order to improve the accuracy of the attack detection. Cluster head uses a black hole list to cooperative detection. The performance of the proposed technique was evaluated using ns-2 simulator and its excellent performance could be confirmed in the experiment result.

End-to-end Transmission Performance of VoIP Traffics based on Mobility Pattern over MANET with IDS (IDS가 있는 MANET에서 이동패턴에 기반한 VoIP 트래픽의 종단간 전송성능)

  • Kim, Young-Dong
    • The Journal of the Korea institute of electronic communication sciences
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    • v.9 no.7
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    • pp.773-778
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    • 2014
  • IDS(Intrusion Detection System) can be used as a countermeasure for blackhole attacks which cause degrade of transmission performance by causing of malicious intrusion to routing function of networks. In this paper, effects of IDS for transmission performance based on mobility patterns is analyzed for MANET(Mobile Ad-hoc Networks), a suggestion for effective countermeasure is considered. Computer simulation based on NS-2 is used in performance analysis, VoIP(Voice over Internet Protocol) as an application service is chosen for performance measure. MOS(Mean Opinion Score), call connection ratio and end-to-end delay is used as performance parameter.

Transmission Performance of Application Service Traffic on MANET with IDS (IDS가 있는 MANET에서 응용 서비스 트래픽의 전송 성능)

  • Kim, Young-Dong
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Information and Commucation Sciences Conference
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    • 2012.05a
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    • pp.584-587
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    • 2012
  • MANET, which can be constructed with only terminal devices, has structural advantages of ease installation and operation, also has environmental change of rapid supply of smart phone, it's usage can be extended to application area likes as emergency communication, leasure, exploration and investigations. But, as one characteristic of MANET, no use of communicaton infrastructure caused disadvantage of weakness for information intrusion which is frequently occurred, nowadays. In this paper, the effects of IDS(Intrusion Detection System), one of defence tools for information intrusion, is analyzed for transmission performance. Blackhole attack is assumed as a type of intrusion, MANET defence with IDS from intrusions. Computer simulation based on NS-2 used for performance measurement. In this paper, performance measurement is done for application service to analyze application level effects of IDS. VoIP service is used as application service.

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Transmission Performance of VoIP Traffic under Blackhole Attacks on MANET (블랙홀 공격이 있는 MANET에서 VoIP 트래픽의 전송성능)

  • Kim, Young-Dong
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Information and Commucation Sciences Conference
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    • 2011.10a
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    • pp.637-640
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    • 2011
  • Recently, rapid spreading of smart-phone make an expectation for increase of practical application for MANET(Mobile Ad-Hoc Network) which is not used infrastructure like as base-station. One of important application for MANET will be VoIP(Voice over Internet Protocol) known as Internet telephony. On the other hand, information intrusions causing serious problems is not allowed exception of MANET. Especially, there are some dangerous problems of intrusions to MANET, differently to other networks, because of it's usage of military purpose or emergency application of rescue. In this paper, to analyze this intrusion problem on MANET with blackhohe attacks, effect of intrusion to transmission performance is studied. VoIP traffic is assumed as an application service on MANET, computer simulation with NS-2 is used for this analysis.

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Transmission Performance of MANET with Intermittent Blackhole Attacks (간헐적 블랙홀 공격이 있는 MANET의 전송성능)

  • Kim, Young-Dong
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Information and Commucation Sciences Conference
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    • 2013.10a
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    • pp.1037-1040
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    • 2013
  • Based on easy construction and operation compared with infra-structure communication netowrks, and rapid spreading of smart phone having high powered calculation ability and Wi/Fi function, usage of MANET(Mobile Ad-Hoc Network), which is configured with simply several terminals, is increased in applications of emergency communications, leisure, explorations. However, because of supporting difficulty of communication infra-structure makes some defects of malicious information intrusion like as hacking. In this paper, effects of transmission performance caused by information intrusion is analyzed. The results of published studies is based on environment of continuous intrusions, but this paper assumed intermittent attacking condition. In this paper, blackhole attack is used for intrusion type to MANET, voice traffic is used as a application traffic. Compuer simulation, based on NS-2, is used for measuring of performance parameters, and the analysis for the simulation results is shown as considerations of this paper.

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