• Title/Summary/Keyword: 방사선 선량 분포

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Evaluation of Dose Distributions calculated with ITV Measurement Plan Data and PTV Measurement plan Data under the condition of Respiratory Motion during 3D for ABD Cancer (내부표적체적 기반의 치료계획과 호흡연동 기법을 적용한 치료계획과의 선량비교 분석)

  • Park, Ho-Chun;Han, Jae-Bok;Song, Jong-Nam;Choi, Nam-Gil
    • Proceedings of the Korea Contents Association Conference
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    • 2014.11a
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    • pp.227-228
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    • 2014
  • 방사선치료의 발전으로 3차원치료보다 진보된 호흡연동방사선치료가 시행되어지고 있다. 호흡의 규칙성과 환자의 위치 재현성이 중요한 치료적응 인자이며, 호흡연동 방사선치료의 효율을 높일 수 있는 지표이다. 국가암통계상 고령의 암환자가 증가하며, 수술, 화학요법을 병행하는 암 치료법이 널리 이용이 되고 있다. 고식적인 치료를 요하는 고령의 복부 암 환자분들에 호흡연동 방사선치료법을 사용하는데 에는 호흡의 불규칙성과 체위의 재현성의 문제점으로 인한 치료 효율의 저하를 가져온다. 본 연구에서는 호흡에 의한 종양 움직임이 있는 방사선 치료에서 내부표적체적 기반의 치료계획과 호흡연동 기법을 적용한 치료계획과의 선량비교 분석하였다. 2가지 치료법 모두 정상조직 보호선량에 부합한 것으로 나타났으며 치료체적은 처방선량의 95%이상 포함된 선량분포로 적합하였다. ITV 설정을 통한 3D Plan은 고식적 치료을 목적으로 하는 고령의 환자, 체위 및 호흡의 불안정성 환자에게 처방선량의 95% 이상의 4D Plan의 치료법 보다 짧은 시간에 치료함으로써 치료효율을 높일 수 있을 거라 사료된다. 다만 정상조직보호선량(NTCP)에 부합하는지에 대한 평가가 전제되어야 한다.

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Hypofractionated Radiation Therapy for Early Glottic Cancer - Preliminary Results - (초기 성문암 환자에서의 소분할 조사법을 이용한 방사선치료 - 예비적 결과 -)

  • Wu Hong-Gyun;Hong Semie;Shin Seong Soo;Park Charn Il
    • Radiation Oncology Journal
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    • v.19 no.4
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    • pp.301-305
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    • 2001
  • Purpose : This study was peformed for the evaluation of the feasibility and toxicity of hypofractionated radiation therapy for early glottic cancer Methods and Materials : From February 1999 to February 2000, 20 patients with Histologically confirmed Stage I, II glottic cancer were enrolled into this study. There were 18 males and 2 females, the median age of the patients was 59 years. The distribution of stage distribution was as fellows; T1aN0-16 patients, T1bN0-1 patient, T2N0-3 patients. Eighteen patients underwent laryngomicroscopic biopsy only, and two patients underwent laser cordectomy. All patients received radical radiation therapy (2.5 Gy per fraction, 24 fractions, total 60 Gy). Median duration of treatment was 36 days (range $31\~45\;days$). Results : Radiation therapy were well tolerated. Most common acute reactions were odynophagia and hoarseness, and these reactions resolved after radiation therapy. There were one case of RTOG grade 3 odynophagia $(5\%)$, six cases of grade 3 hoarseness $(30\%)$. Response of radiation therapy was evaluated one month after completion of treatment. All patients revealed complete response. During follow up, total three cases of treatment failure were detected. two cases were local recurrence in 10 and 13 months of radiation therapy and one case was local recurrence and distant metastasis in 2 months of radiation therapy. Conclusion : This hypofractionated radiation therapy schedule was feasible and effective for control of early glottic cancer But longer follow up time would be required to assess the long-term disease control and the late complication by shortening radiation therapy duration.

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Dose Distribution and Design of Dynamic Wedge Filter for 3D Conformal Radiotherapy (방사선 입체조형치료를 위한 동적쐐기여과판의 고안과 조직내 선량분포 특성)

  • 추성실
    • Progress in Medical Physics
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    • v.9 no.2
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    • pp.77-88
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    • 1998
  • Wedge shaped isodoses are desired in a number of clinical situations. Hard wedge filters have provided nominal angled isodoses with dosimetric consequences of beam hardening, increased peripheral dosing, nonidealized gradients at deep depths along with the practical consequendes of filter handling and placement problems. Dynamic wedging uses a combination of a moving collimator and changing monitor dose to achieve angled isodoses. The segmented treatment tables(STT) that monitor unit setting by every distance of moving collimator, was induced by numerical formular. The characteristics of dynamic wedge by STT compared with real dosimetry. Methods and Materials : The accelerator CLINAC 2100C/D at Yonsei Cancer Center has two photon energies (6MV and 10MV), currently with dynamic wedge angles of 15$^{\circ}$, 30$^{\circ}$, 45$^{\circ}$ and 60$^{\circ}$. The segmented treatment tables(STT) that drive the collimator in concert with a changing monitor unit are unique for field sizes ranging from 4.0cm to 20.0cm in 0.5cm steps. Transmission wedge factors were measured for each STT with an standard ion chamber. Isodose profiles, isodose curves, percentage depth dose for dynamic wedge filters were measured with film dosimetry. Dynamic wedge angle by STT was well coincident with film dosimetry. Percent depth doses were found to be closer to open field but more shallow than hard wedge filter. The wedge transmission factor were decreased by increased the wedge angle and more higher than hard wedge filters. Dynamic wedging probided more consistent gradients across the field compared with hard wedge filters. Dynamic wedging has practical and dosimetric advantages over hard filters for rapid setup and keeping from table collisions. Dynamic wedge filters are positive replacement for hard filters and introduction of dynamic conformal radiotherapy and intensity modulation radiotherapy in a future.

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Patient Radiation Exposure Dose in Computed Tomography (전산화단층촬영장치에서 환자피폭선량)

  • Cho, Pyong Kon
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Radiology
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    • v.9 no.2
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    • pp.109-115
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    • 2015
  • In case of a CT examinations, there is a difference in the distribution of radiation dose from that of general X-ray equipments, and it has been known to cause a great radiation exposure during the examinations. However, owing to its high reliability on the accuracy of a examinations result, its use has increased continuously. In consideration of such a circumstance, the CT equipment, radiation dose during CT examinations, diagnostic reference level, and solutions to reduce radiation dose were mentioned on the basis of previously reported data.

Analysis on the Dosimetric Characteristics of Tangential Breast Intensity Modulated Radiotherapy (유방암의 접선 세기조절 방사선치료 선량 특성 분석)

  • Yoon, Mee Sun;Kim, Yong-Hyeob;Jeong, Jae-Uk;Nam, Taek-Keun;Ahn, Sung-Ja;Chung, Wong-Ki;Song, Ju-Young
    • Progress in Medical Physics
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    • v.23 no.4
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    • pp.219-228
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    • 2012
  • The tangential breast intensity modulated radiotherapy (T-B IMRT) technique, which uses the same tangential fields as conventional 3-dimensional conformal radiotherapy (3D-CRT) plans with physical wedges, was analyzed in terms of the calculated dose distribution feature and dosimetric accuracy of beam delivery during treatment. T-B IMRT plans were prepared for 15 patients with breast cancer who were already treated with conventional 3D-CRT. The homogeneity of the dose distribution to the target volume was improved, and the dose delivered to the normal tissues and critical organs was reduced compared with that in 3D-CRT plans. Quality assurance (QA) plans with the appropriate phantoms were used to analyze the dosimetric accuracy of T-B IMRT. An ionization chamber placed at the hole of an acrylic cylindrical phantom was used for the point dose measurement, and the mean error from the calculated dose was $0.7{\pm}1.4%$. The accuracy of the dose distribution was verified with a 2D diode detector array, and the mean pass rate calculated from the gamma evaluation was $97.3{\pm}2.9%$. We confirmed the advantages of a T-B IMRT in the dose distribution and verified the dosimetric accuracy from the QA performance which should still be regarded as an important process even in the simple technique as T-B IMRT in order to maintain a good quality.

An Accelerated Approach to Dose Distribution Calculation in Inverse Treatment Planning for Brachytherapy (근접 치료에서 역방향 치료 계획의 선량분포 계산 가속화 방법)

  • Byungdu Jo
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Radiology
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    • v.17 no.5
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    • pp.633-640
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    • 2023
  • With the recent development of static and dynamic modulated brachytherapy methods in brachytherapy, which use radiation shielding to modulate the dose distribution to deliver the dose, the amount of parameters and data required for dose calculation in inverse treatment planning and treatment plan optimization algorithms suitable for new directional beam intensity modulated brachytherapy is increasing. Although intensity-modulated brachytherapy enables accurate dose delivery of radiation, the increased amount of parameters and data increases the elapsed time required for dose calculation. In this study, a GPU-based CUDA-accelerated dose calculation algorithm was constructed to reduce the increase in dose calculation elapsed time. The acceleration of the calculation process was achieved by parallelizing the calculation of the system matrix of the volume of interest and the dose calculation. The developed algorithms were all performed in the same computing environment with an Intel (3.7 GHz, 6-core) CPU and a single NVIDIA GTX 1080ti graphics card, and the dose calculation time was evaluated by measuring only the dose calculation time, excluding the additional time required for loading data from disk and preprocessing operations. The results showed that the accelerated algorithm reduced the dose calculation time by about 30 times compared to the CPU-only calculation. The accelerated dose calculation algorithm can be expected to speed up treatment planning when new treatment plans need to be created to account for daily variations in applicator movement, such as in adaptive radiotherapy, or when dose calculation needs to account for changing parameters, such as in dynamically modulated brachytherapy.

A study to 3D dose measurement and evaluation for Respiratory Motion in Lung Cancer Stereotactic Body Radiotherapy Treatment (폐암의 정위적체부방사선치료시 호흡 움직임에 따른 3D 선량 측정평가)

  • Choi, Byeong-Geol;Choi, Chang-Heon;Yun, Il-Gyu;Yang, Jin-Seong;Lee, Dong-Myeong;Park, Ju-Mi
    • The Journal of Korean Society for Radiation Therapy
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    • v.26 no.1
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    • pp.59-67
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    • 2014
  • Purpose : This study aims to evaluate 3D dosimetric impact for MIP image and each phase image in stereotactic body radiotherapy (SBRT) for lung cancer using volumetric modulated arc therapy (VMAT). Materials and Methods : For each of 5 patients with non-small-cell pulmonary tumors, a respiration-correlated four-dimensional computed tomography (4DCT) study was performed. We obtain ten 3D CT images corresponding to phases of a breathing cycle. Treatment plans were generated using MIP CT image and each phases 3D CT. We performed the dose verification of the TPS with use of the Ion chamber and COMPASS. The dose distribution that were 3D reconstructed using MIP CT image compared with dose distribution on the corresponding phase of the 4D CT data. Results : Gamma evaluation was performed to evaluate the accuracy of dose delivery for MIP CT data and 4D CT data of 5 patients. The average percentage of points passing the gamma criteria of 2 mm/2% about 99%. The average Homogeneity Index difference between MIP and each 3D data of patient dose was 0.03~0.04. The average difference between PTV maximum dose was 3.30 cGy, The average different Spinal Coad dose was 3.30 cGy, The average of difference with $V_{20}$, $V_{10}$, $V_5$ of Lung was -0.04%~2.32%. The average Homogeneity Index difference between MIP and each phase 3d data of all patient was -0.03~0.03. The average PTV maximum dose difference was minimum for 10% phase and maximum for 70% phase. The average Spain cord maximum dose difference was minimum for 0% phase and maximum for 50% phase. The average difference of $V_{20}$, $V_{10}$, $V_5$ of Lung show bo certain trend. Conclusion : There is no tendency of dose difference between MIP with 3D CT data of each phase. But there are appreciable difference for specific phase. It is need to study about patient group which has similar tumor location and breathing motion. Then we compare with dose distribution for each phase 3D image data or MIP image data. we will determine appropriate image data for treatment plan.

Comparison of Linac-based VMAT Stereotatic Radiosurgery and Conventional Stereotatic Radiosurgery for Multiple Brain Lesions (Linac 기반 VMAT 정위적 수술 뇌 병변 연구와 기존의 정위적 방사선 수술 비교)

  • Jang, Eun-Sung;Chang, Bo-Seok
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Radiology
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    • v.15 no.2
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    • pp.239-246
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    • 2021
  • Portal Dosimetry was verified using EPID to secure the clinical application and reliability of the existing research dose evaluation. The dose distribution of Geant4 was compared with the measured value by 360° rotational irradiation with a 2.5 cm cone for stereotactic brain surgery. To confirm the dose distribution of patients with brain metastasis, the dose distribution investigated by inserting a Gafchromic EBT film into the parietal phantom and the dose distribution obtained from the parietal phantom using VMAT are compared and applied to actual patients. As a result of the analysis, it was confirmed that the accuracy of the beam center and the center of the couch coincide accurately with an error within 1mm as a result of QA through a pin ball. In addition, it was confirmed that the EBT3 film has excellent linearity in the range of 0 to 10 Gy according to various dose irradiation. In the same setting as the two cervical phantoms, we confirm that the implementation and simulation results calculations of dose calculations based on Geant4 using photon beams match the experimental data within the treatment planning volume (PTV). Therefore, volume modulated arc treatment (VMAT) 360° rotational irradiation was performed, and the result of iso-dose distribution analysis by rotational irradiation confirmed that it is appropriate to include a virtual tumor.