• Title/Summary/Keyword: 디지털 정보환경

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Implementing Space-based Networked Documentation for Donghae-Nambu Railway Areas in Busan Metropolitan City (공간 중심의 연계형 기록화의 실행 방안 부산지역 동해남부선을 사례로)

  • Seol, Moon-won;Kim, Jeong-hyeon
    • The Korean Journal of Archival Studies
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    • no.36
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    • pp.233-269
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    • 2013
  • This study aims to explore practicable and sustainable strategies for locality documentation through networking, linking, and recontextualization of records in digital environments. It applies the 'spanDoc(SPAace-based Networked Documentation) Model to document Donghae-Nambu Railway areas placed in Busan Metropolitan City tentatively. Considering that mobility and openness are the main characteristics of Busan, railway areas and their stations can be proper places for representing such localities of the city. Moreover, there can be much experiences and memories of residents surrounding those areas, because Donghae-Nambu Railway has been used as short distance transportation facilities across the inner city of Busan since 1930's. This study tries to implement the documentation strategy for the selected space, following the procedures of the spanDoc Model. Firstly, this study develops the structure of the subjects through investigating the related information sources and archives from various collecting institutions. Secondly, it carries out records surveys to identify the essential records types for documenting the Donghae-Nambu Railway areas. Thirdly, it describes the subjects and sub-subjects, and the entries of places, people and subjects for adding to the dictionaries. Finally, it links many entities such as subjects, records, and dictionary, and builds the databases regarding the inter-links and systematic accumulation of the outputs of each step.

A Study on the Expression of Sense of Space in 3D Architectural Visualization Animation (3D 건축 시각화 애니메이션의 공간감 표현에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Jong Kouk
    • The Journal of the Convergence on Culture Technology
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    • v.7 no.1
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    • pp.369-376
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    • 2021
  • 3D architectural visualization animation has become more important in architectural presentations due to the rapid development of digital technology. Unlike games and movies, architectural visualization animation most focuses on delivering visual information, and aims to express the sense of space that viewers feel in an architectural space, rather than simply providing an image of viewing buildings. The sense of space is affected not only by physical elements of architecture, but also by immaterial elements such as light, time, and human actions, and it is more advantageous to express it in animations that can contain temporality compared to a fixed image. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to search for elements to effectively convey a sense of space in architectural visualization animation. To this end, the works of renowned architectural visualization artists that are open to the public were selected and observed to search for elements to effectively convey a sense of space to viewers. The elements that convey the sense of space that are common to the investigated architectural animations can be classified into the movement and manipulation of the camera, the movement of surrounding objects, the change of the light environment, the change of the weather, the control of time, and the insertion of a surreal scene. It will be followed by a discussion on the immersion of architectural contents.

Development of LoRa IoT Automatic Meter Reading and Meter Data Management System for Smart Water Grid (스마트워터그리드를 위한 LoRa IoT 원격검침 및 계량데이터 시스템 개발)

  • Park, Jeong-won;Park, Jae-sam
    • Journal of Advanced Navigation Technology
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    • v.26 no.3
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    • pp.172-178
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    • 2022
  • In this paper, water meter AMR(automatic meter reading), one of the core technologies of smart water grid, using LoRa IoT network is studied. The main content of the research is to develop the network system and show the test results that one PC server receives the readings of water meters from multiple households through LoRa communication and stores them in the database, and at the same time sends the data to the web server database through internet. The system also allows users to monitor the meter readings using their smartphones. The hardware and firmware of the main board of the digital water meter are developed. For a PC server program, MDMS(meter data management system) is developed using Visual C#. The app program running on the user's smartphone is also developed using Android Studio. By connecting each developed parts, the total network system is mounted on a flow test bench in the laboratory and tested. For the fields test, 5 places around the university are selected and the transmission distances are tested. The test result show that the developed system can be applied into the real field. The developed system can be expanded to various social safety nets such as monitoring the living alone or elderly with dementia.

A Study on the Prediction of Yard Tractors Required by Vessels Arriving at Container Terminal (컨테이너터미널 입항 선박별 야드 트랙터 소요량 예측에 관한 연구)

  • Cho, Hyun-Jun;Shin, Jae-Young
    • Journal of Korea Port Economic Association
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    • v.37 no.4
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    • pp.33-40
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    • 2021
  • Currently, the shipping and port industries are implementing strategies to improve port processing capabilities through the expansion and efficient operation of port logistics resources to survive fierce competition with rapidly changing trends. The calculation of the port's processing capacity is determined by the loading and unloading equipment installed at the dock, and the port's processing capacity can be improved through various methods, such as additional deployment of logistics resources or efficient operation of resources in use. However, it is difficult to expect an improvement effect in a short period of time because the additional deployment of logistics resources is clearly limited in time is clear. Therefore, it is a feasible way to find an efficient operation method for resources being used to improve processing capacity. Domestic ports are also actively promoting informatization and digitalization with the development of the 4th industrial revolution technology. However, the calculation of the number of Y/T (Yard Tractor) assignments in the current unloading process depends on expert experience, and related previous studies also focus on the allocations of Y/T or Calculation of the total number of Y/T required. Therefore, this study analyzed the factors affecting the number of Y/T allocations using the loading and unloading information of incoming ships, and based on this, cluster analysis, regression analysis, and deep neural network(DNN) model were used.

The Effects of Self-esteem, Shopping Motivations, and Shopping Tendencies on the Clothing Purchase Behavior of the MZ Generation (MZ세대의 자아존중감, 쇼핑동기 및 쇼핑성향이 의복구매행동에 미치는 영향)

  • Lee, Myeong-Jin;Lee, Min-Ji;Kim, Hye-Kyung
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.22 no.9
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    • pp.308-321
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    • 2022
  • The purpose of this study is to understand how self-esteem, shopping motivations, and shopping tendencies affect the clothing purchase behavior of the so-called "MZ generation," a cohort that includes both millenials and Generation Z and exerts significant influence in various areas. The results of this study can be summarized as follows: First, it was found that extrinsic purchase motivations (purchased made due to the influence of other people), trend-seeking shopping tendencies, and pleasure-seeking shopping tendencies had a positive and significant effect on personal needs among the sub-factors of clothing purchase behavior of the MZ generation. Second, it was found that the MZ real purchase shopping motivations, trend-seeking shopping tendencies, pleasure-seeking shopping tendencies, and convenience-seeking shopping tendencies had a positive and significant effect on actual needs among the sub-factors of clothing purchase behavior among the MZ generation. Third, it was found that social self-esteem, extrinsic purchase motivations, and convenience-seeking shopping tendencies had a positive and significant effect on clothing marketing strategies among the sub-factors of clothing purchase behavior of the MZ generation. On the other hand, personal self-esteem was found to negatively affect the marketing strategies of clothing purchase behavior. In other words, the expectation that the MZ generation would buy clothes in accordance with their individual preferences and beliefs was not supported by the findings of this study. It would appear that the beliefs and behaviors of the digitally savvy MZ generation are changed by the fashion trend-related information they readily access when purchasing clothing. From the above research results, it can be concluded that there many variables that influence the clothing purchase behavior of the MZ generation and it is thus necessary to consider this cohort a new consumer segment and establish marketing strategies accordingly.

A Case Study on Exploring Service Examples of Domestic and International Art Content Platform (국내외 아트 콘텐츠 플랫폼의 서비스 사례 고찰)

  • Jun Hee Park;Seung In Kim
    • Industry Promotion Research
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    • v.9 no.3
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    • pp.147-154
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    • 2024
  • Since the COVID-19 pandemic, art content platforms have evolved into content venues for the holistic experience of art, which is distinct from offline experiences, and possesses unique characteristics that are no longer just auxiliary means of information delivery. The purpose of this study is to explore the direction of platform development for art content in order to revitalize art experiences in the era of the Fourth Industrial Revolution by analyzing functional utility cases of art content platform services both domestically and abroad. To achieve this, factors for analyzing the functional utility of art content platforms were extracted through literature research. Then, the functions and services of domestic and foreign art content platforms were categorized into three groups, and based on the analysis factors of 'interaction', 'reliability', 'convenience', and 'diversity' extracted from the literature, the development direction of art content platforms was examined through a service and function analysis. The significance of this study is that it analyzed the overall user experience online and the development direction of art content platforms through functional utility analysis. Through this, it aims to provide implications by analyzing the various utilization possibilities of art content platforms and the perspective of users who experience art in the media environment.

A Study on the Management of Manhwa Contents Records and Archives (만화기록 관리 방안 연구)

  • Kim, Seon Mi;Kim, Ik Han
    • The Korean Journal of Archival Studies
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    • no.28
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    • pp.35-81
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    • 2011
  • Manhwa is a mass media (to expose all faces of an era such as politics, society, cultures, etc with the methodology of irony, parody, etc). Since the Manhwa records is primary culture infrastructure, it can create the high value-added industry by connecting with fancy, character, game, movie, drama, theme park, advertising business. However, due to lack of active and systematic aquisition system, as precious Manhwa manuscript is being lost every year and the contents hard to preserve such as Manhwa content in the form of electronic records are increasing, the countermeasure of Manhwa contents management is needed desperately. In this study, based on these perceptions, the need of Manhwa records management is examined, and the characteristics and the components of Manhwa records were analyzed. And at the same time, the functions of record management process reflecting the characteristics of Manhwa records were extracted by analyzing various cases of overseas Cartoon Archives. And then, the framework of record-keeping regime was segmented into each of acquisition management service areas and the general Manhwa records archiving strategy, which manages the Manhwa contents records, was established and suggested. The acquired Manhwa content records will secure the context among records and warrant the preservation of records and provide diverse access points by reflecting multi classification and multi-level descriptive element. The Manhwa records completed the intellectual arrangement will be preserved after the conservation in an environment equipped with preservation facilities or preserved using digital format in case of electronic records or when there is potential risk of damaging the records. Since the purpose of the Manhwa records is to use them, the information may be provided to diverse classes of users through the exhibition, the distribution, and the development of archival information content. Since the term of "Manhwa records" is unfamiliar yet and almost no study has been conducted in the perspective of records management, it will be the limit of this study only presenting acquisition strategy, management and service strategy of Manhwa contents and suggesting simple examples. However, if Manhwa records management strategy are possibly introduced practically to Manhwa manuscript repositories through archival approach, it will allow systematic acquisition, preservation, arrangement of Manhwa records and will contribute greatly to form a foundation for future Korean culture contents management.

A Study on Development and Prospects of Archival Finding Aids (기록 검색도구의 발전과 전망)

  • Seol, Moon-Won
    • The Korean Journal of Archival Studies
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    • no.23
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    • pp.3-43
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    • 2010
  • Finding aids are tools which facilitate to locate and understand archives and records. Traditionally there are two types of archival finding aids: vertical and horizontal. Vertical finding aids such as inventories have multi-level descriptions based on provenance, while horizontal ones such as catalogs and index are tools to guide to the vertical finding aids based on the subject. In the web environment, traditional finding aids are evolving into more dynamic forms. Respecting the principles of provenance and original order, vertical finding aids are changing to multi-entity structures with development of ISAD(G), ISAAR(CPF) and ISDF as standards for describing each entity. However, vertical finding aids can be too difficult, complicated, and boring for many users, who are accustomed to the easy and exciting searching tools in the internet world. Complementing them, new types of finding aids are appearing to provide easy, interesting, and extensive access channels. This study investigates the development and limitation of vertical finding aids, and the recent trend of evolving new finding aids complementing the vertical ones. The study finds three new trends of finding aid development. They are (i) mixture, (ii) integration, and (iii) openness. In recent days, certain finding aids are mixed with stories and others provide integrated searches for the collections of various heritage institutions. There are cases for experimenting user participation in the development of finding aids using Web 2.0 applications. These new types of finding aids can also cause some problems such as decontextualised description and prejudices, especially in the case of mixed finding aids and quality control of user contributed annotations and comments. To solve these problems, the present paper suggests to strengthen the infrastructure of vertical finding aids and to connect them with various new ones and to facilitate interactions with users of finding aids. It is hoped that the present paper will provide impetus for archives including the National Archives of Korea to set up and evaluate the development strategies for archival finding aids.

A Study on Industry-specific Sustainability Strategy: Analyzing ESG Reports and News Articles (산업별 지속가능경영 전략 고찰: ESG 보고서와 뉴스 기사를 중심으로)

  • WonHee Kim;YoungOk Kwon
    • Journal of Intelligence and Information Systems
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    • v.29 no.3
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    • pp.287-316
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    • 2023
  • As global energy crisis and the COVID-19 pandemic have emerged as social issues, there is a growing demand for companies to move away from profit-centric business models and embrace sustainable management that balances environmental, social, and governance (ESG) factors. ESG activities of companies vary across industries, and industry-specific weights are applied in ESG evaluations. Therefore, it is important to develop strategic management approaches that reflect the characteristics of each industry and the importance of each ESG factor. Additionally, with the stance of strengthened focus on ESG disclosures, specific guidelines are needed to identify and report on sustainable management activities of domestic companies. To understand corporate sustainability strategies, analyzing ESG reports and news articles by industry can help identify strategic characteristics in specific industries. However, each company has its own unique strategies and report structures, making it difficult to grasp detailed trends or action items. In our study, we analyzed ESG reports (2019-2021) and news articles (2019-2022) of six companies in the 'Finance,' 'Manufacturing,' and 'IT' sectors to examine the sustainability strategies of leading domestic ESG companies. Text mining techniques such as keyword frequency analysis and topic modeling were applied to identify industry-specific, ESG element-specific management strategies and issues. The analysis revealed that in the 'Finance' sector, customer-centric management strategies and efforts to promote an inclusive culture within and outside the company were prominent. Strategies addressing climate change, such as carbon neutrality and expanding green finance, were also emphasized. In the 'Manufacturing' sector, the focus was on creating sustainable communities through occupational health and safety issues, sustainable supply chain management, low-carbon technology development, and eco-friendly investments to achieve carbon neutrality. In the 'IT' sector, there was a tendency to focus on technological innovation and digital responsibility to enhance social value through technology. Furthermore, the key issues identified in the ESG factors were as follows: under the 'Environmental' element, issues such as greenhouse gas and carbon emission management, industry-specific eco-friendly activities, and green partnerships were identified. Under the 'Social' element, key issues included social contribution activities through stakeholder engagement, supporting the growth and coexistence of members and partner companies, and enhancing customer value through stable service provision. Under the 'Governance' element, key issues were identified as strengthening board independence through the appointment of outside directors, risk management and communication for sustainable growth, and establishing transparent governance structures. The exploration of the relationship between ESG disclosures in reports and ESG issues in news articles revealed that the sustainability strategies disclosed in reports were aligned with the issues related to ESG disclosed in news articles. However, there was a tendency to strengthen ESG activities for prevention and improvement after negative media coverage that could have a negative impact on corporate image. Additionally, environmental issues were mentioned more frequently in news articles compared to ESG reports, with environmental-related keywords being emphasized in the 'Finance' sector in the reports. Thus, ESG reports and news articles shared some similarities in content due to the sharing of information sources. However, the impact of media coverage influenced the emphasis on specific sustainability strategies, and the extent of mentioning environmental issues varied across documents. Based on our study, the following contributions were derived. From a practical perspective, companies need to consider their characteristics and establish sustainability strategies that align with their capabilities and situations. From an academic perspective, unlike previous studies on ESG strategies, we present a subdivided methodology through analysis considering the industry-specific characteristics of companies.

Patterns of Subsistence Production in the Early Bronze Age in the Seoul/Gyeonggi Region (서울·경기지역 청동기시대 전기 생계자원(生計資源) 생산방식)

  • LEE Minyoung
    • Korean Journal of Heritage: History & Science
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    • v.56 no.3
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    • pp.22-44
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    • 2023
  • The subsistence economics of the early Bronze Age has focused on explaining the intensity of agricultural practices without sufficiently taking into account the diversity of production methods that may arise from cultural types or environmental factors. The problem appears to stem from paying insufficient attention to the question whether we should understand the transition from the Neolithic Age to the Bronze Age as continuous or discrete. This has hitherto blocked an avenue to investigate the gradual changes in subsistence resource production methods. Taking as its premise that changes in the production methods of subsistence resources in the Bronze Age have been continuous and gradual, this paper seeks to restore the production patterns of subsistence resources according to the variety of factors that may have influenced the early Bronze Age production method. With diverse cultural patterns and ecological spaces of the early Bronze Age being confirmed, the work of restoring the production methods of subsistence resources in a specific period is difficult to achieve with one or two stand-alone analyses. A more appropriate method would involve separating a number of different aspects related to the production of subsistence resources, analyzing and interpreting each, and in the final stage, synthesizing the analyses. The specific research method employed in this paper checked for compositional differences in stone production tools, functionally categorized according to a variety of factors that have a close relationship with the production of subsistence resources: cultural-environmental factors and cultural patterns, geographical and topographical factors, soil productivity, and size of settlement. The results of the analysis are as follows: for the early Bronze Age production pattern of subsistence resources in the Seoul and Gyeonggi regions, while no substantive differences were observed with respect to cultural type, geographical and topographical location, the results show statistically significant differences in the composition of production tools according to settlement size and soil productivity. Also, with an increasing ratio of settlement size and total production soil, increases in hunting and armoring tools, woodworking tools, and harvesting tools were observed; on the other hand, when it came to the ratio of fishing tools, the opposite relationship was observed. While a correlation between settlement size or crop cultivation productivity and dependence on hunting or farming was expected, the results of the regression analysis show that settlement size and soil productivity ratios do not have mutually significant relationships. The results thus illustrate that patterns of production differ according to a variety of factors, and no single factor is decisive in the adoption of subsistence resource production methods by a specific settlement. Therefore, the paper emphasizes the need to investigate the production patterns of subsistence resources according to the variety of cultural and environmental factors that make up settlements in early Bronze Age society.