• Title/Summary/Keyword: 대인태도

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Study on the integrative application program for cultivating primary school students' personal relationship skills (초등학생들의 대인관계 기술 함양을 위한 통합적 적용방안 연구)

  • Choi, Bokhee
    • The Journal of Korean Philosophical History
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    • no.25
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    • pp.71-71
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    • 2009
  • This study aims to provide a theoretical base for making a character education program on "how primary school students to cultivate their own right and good-minded characters." This study consists of three approaches: 1) an integrative approach based on the social and emotional learning, 2) development of integrative programs articulating three key domains directly and indirectly influencing students' character formation - school, family and local community(society), 3) maximum use of the educational institutes' moral education curriculums and the potential curriculums in the surrounding environment. In concrete, by specializing "social awareness and relationship skills" from various social and emotional ones, this study suggests an integrative program for the character education based on the theory of virtue in the Eastern philosophy. To develop such an Eastern philosophy-based integrative program for the cultivation of the social awareness and personal relationship skills, this study applies some virtue items of Eastern Ethics: for examples, 'rectification of the name(正名)' to improve skills for rational choice on the awareness and performance of social roles, 'empathy(忠恕)' to enhance the ability to share another person's feelings and emotions as if they were my own, 'reflect and seek in oneself(反求諸己)' to solve conflicts in peace and self-reflection, 'difficulty with countenance(色難)' to respond to others by understanding their situations and characters, 'select and follow good qualities of others and reform their bad qualities(擇其善者而從之, 其不善者而改之)' to make good results from various forms of personal relationship, and 'keep same respect as at first to old acquaintance(久而敬之)' to maintain good and emotional relationships. In particular, by underlining 'rectification of the name(正名)' and 'reflect and seek in oneself(反求諸己)', this study attempts to develop an alternative integrative program articulating three domains of school, family and local community.

Literature Review of Therapeutic Milieu of Psychiatric Patient and Suggestion for Changing Environment of Psychiatric Wards in Korea (치료적 환경에 대한 문헌적 고찰 및 정신과병동 환경변화에 대한 몇가지 제언)

  • Lee, So-Woo
    • Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing
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    • v.6 no.1
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    • pp.80-90
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    • 1976
  • 정신과 영역의 환자를 위해 간호원의 역활을 필요로 한 이래 여러 가지 간호의 개념으로 간호원의 역할이 변화되어오고 있다. 정신과 환자의 안전만이 가장 큰 치료의 중심일 때는 병동열쇠의 위엄에 곁따라 보호관리에만 치중해 왔으며 정신의학에서 약물요법, 전기요법의 치료과정이 생기면서 간호원의 역할 변화 및 지식의 요구를 필요로 하게 되었으며, 환경과 개인의 밀접한 관계를 중시해오면서 치료적 환경속으로 환자의 인간적 치료가 강조되었을 때 의사소통과 대인관계의 인적 환경으로써 또한 간호원의 역활이 중요시 되어왔다. 이런 관점에서 치료적 환경에 대한 정확한 이해는 간호행위과정의 불완전을 제거하며 보다 활발한 정신과 환자간호에 기여하는 일 일 것이다. DR. Bartom은 병실 환경이 비생산적이고 비 치료적일때 성격의 변화는 물론 행동적 특성의 변화까지 가져올 수 있다고 말했다. 즉 무감동적이고, 무조건적 순종이 있으며 솔선하여 행하는 행위가 줄고 장래 계획에 대한 자극이 줄어들고 될대로 되어 가는 상태 그 자체에 머물러 있어 인간의 특징적 의미와 가치를 상실하게 된다는 것이다. 정신과 병실은 잠정적 체류지로 보아야 하겠고 이 체류지에서의 영향이 환자에게 보다 유익하게 끼칠려면 간호원이 지속적으로 치료적 분위기를 유지해야 할 것이다. 치료적 입장으로서의 간호의 활동 초점은 대인관계에서 환자의 의식수준과 자아관련 수준에서의 취급이 무의식 수준에서의 탐구조사보다 바람직하다. 치료적 가치로써 치료적 환경의 이론적 근거를 DR. Sullivan 은 인간의 상호관련 문제에 두고 있다. 즉 상호작용이 존재하는 환경은 어떠한 곳이든 성격에 영향이 있고 이 성격은 대인관계의 복잡성으로부터 결코 떨어질 수 없다는 얘기다. 자아구성 또한 환경의 영향을 받는데 Cumming은 병동환경과 자아구성 재동기간에 밀접성을 시사한바 있다. Visher와 O'sullivan은 정신과적 치료중에서 일상생활에서 경험되어지는 의사소통과 대인관계속에서 학습되어지는 여러 가지가 있기 때문에 매일의 활동획이 치료적 방향으로 계획되어 져야 한다고 말했다. Maxwell Jones 또한 치료적 환경의 유용한 가동은 전 직원의 기여에 있으며 이는 정신건강을 최적으로 올려 줄 것이다. 라고 말했다. 이러한 상황에서 간호원은 의미 없이 환자의 감정 욕구를 깨닫지 못하고 감정지지를 주지 못하며 정서적 긴장을 예방하지 못한 체 환자와의 관계를 유지한다면 현대간호의 개념에서 이탈되어지고 발달되어지지 못한 미숙아 현상이 유지 될 것이다. 보다 바람직한 치료적 환경 유지는 간호로써 환자에게 기여해 주는 일이다. 간호의 역활과 더불어 전문적 태도는 따뜻하고 포용성 있게 그리고 융통성 있게 대함은 물론 간호인 자신의 "자기이용"을 깊이 그리고 치료적으로 이용할 것을 깨달아야 할 것이다. 즉 정신과 병실에서의 간호원 존재 자제가 환자에게 미치는 영향도 고려해야 한다는 것이다. 덧붙여 환자를 위한 일주일 병동 행사표를 Model로 제시하였고 그 안에서의 간호원의 역활을 약술하였다.

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The Differences of Gender Awareness on Women Engineers' Career Barriers (여성공학도 진로장벽에 관한 남녀 인식 비교)

  • Park, Sun-Hee;Shin, Dong-Eun;Choi, Keum-Jin
    • Journal of Engineering Education Research
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    • v.13 no.4
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    • pp.77-86
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    • 2010
  • The purpose of this study is to compare men and women's different perceptions on Women engineers' career barriers. In order to achieve the purpose, we initially analyzed various references on perception of career barrier, and organized survey questions. We used the context from Sung sik Lee's doctoral dissertation(2007) and modified it for making survey questions. We conducted a survey with 691 senior students of engineering department around the capital. As a result of the study, male students seemed to be more positive about women's career barriers (social/interpersonal, attitudinal, and interactional barriers). It represents that male students evaluate highly on women's ability and also feel less sensitive about social discrimination toward women's position. In consequence of group interview, it is also revealed that women engineers understand well about difficulties of being female at any workplace.

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Influence of Visitors Attachment Type to Attitude and Satisfaction for Theme Park -Based on Service Experience of EVERLAND- (방문객의 애착유형이 테마파크에 대한 태도와 만족도에 미치는 영향: 에버랜드 서비스 경험을 중심으로)

  • Kwon, Soon-Hong;Lim, Yang-Whan;Lee, Dong-Wook
    • Journal of the Korea Society of Computer and Information
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    • v.14 no.11
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    • pp.187-197
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    • 2009
  • Visitors feel pleasure and delight with seeing and participation at the same time at theme park. Owing to participation characteristics of theme park, visitors are not able to satisfy their desire only with simple seeing, and influenced by the sense caused by participation and seeing. The study herein presumed that global attachment regarded as characteristic features determining individual relationship characteristics influences behavior and perception of visitors after visiting theme park, and speculated the process which attachment type of visitors influences to satisfaction and attitude. Moreover, in a point of view of 3 factors which form consumer attitude, recognition, feeling, behavioral desire, factors which enhances satisfaction and behavioral desire of visitors are organized and speculated. As a result of study herein, influence of stable attachment was not significant, while personal service and positive feeling shows importance.

The Effects of Attitude to Death in the Hospice and Palliative Professionals on Their Terminal Care Stress (호스피스 완화의료 전문인력의 죽음에 대한 태도가 임종돌봄 스트레스에 미치는 영향)

  • Yang, Kyung Hee;Kwon, Seong Il
    • Journal of Hospice and Palliative Care
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    • v.18 no.4
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    • pp.285-293
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    • 2015
  • Purpose: This study was conducted to explore the effects of attitude to death in hospice and palliative professionals on their terminal care stress, and to analyze relationships among variables related to the two aforementioned parameters, such as depression and coping strategies. Methods: Participants were 131 hospice and palliative professionals from the cancer units of two tertiary hospitals and two general hospitals, two hospice facilities, two geriatric hospitals, and two convalescent hospitals in J province. Data were collected from April through June 2015 and analyzed using t-test, factor analysis, ANOVA ($Scheff{\acute{e}}$ test), ANCOVA, and Pearson's correlation and a path analysis using the SPSS/WIN 21.0 and AMOS 18.0 programs. Results: The score for attitude to death was low (2.63), and that for depression was 0.45. Among all, 16.0% of the participants showed need for depression management. They scored 3.82 on terminal care stress. The subcategory with the highest mark was inner conflicts on limitation given availability of medical services (4.04). The score on coping strategy was low (3.13). They used passive coping strategies such as interpersonal avoidance (4.03), fulfilling basic needs (3.65) such as sleeping or eating. Attitudes to death had a direct negative effect on the terminal care stress level and indirectly affected through depression and fulfilling basic needs (CS2). Conclusion: It is necessary to provide hospice and palliative professionals with education on death and dying, as well as access to programs that provide emotional support and promote positive cognition of death and dying.

The Relationships between Interpersonal Relations and Perceived Parenting Attitudes by Nursing College Students (간호대학생이 지각한 부모 양육태도와 대인관계와의 관계)

  • Jung, Hyo-Ju
    • The Korean Journal of Health Service Management
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    • v.7 no.2
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    • pp.1-9
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    • 2013
  • The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationships between interpersonal relations and parenting attitudes in nursing college students. The participants were 317 nursing college students. Data were collected from September 5 to 12, 2012 and analyzed using the SPSS 18.0. Findings of the study can be summarized as follows. First, parenting attitudes and interpersonal relations were significantly different according to economics status. Second, interpersonal relations were significantly different according to parenting attitudes. Third, the correlation between the parenting attitudes and the interpersonal relations show positive correlation in all areas. Forth, the predictors that affect the interpersonal relations were the achieving parenting attitudes of father. Consequently, if the parents approach their children who have difficulty in interpersonal relationships with their achievement parenting attitudes, the children will have harmonious interpersonal relationships and furthermore get personal growth and be socialized well.

A Study on the Effectiveness of Pet Naming Types Using Celebrity Endorser (유명인을 이용한 제품 애칭화 유형에 따른 소비자 반응 연구)

  • Kim, Hyejin;Cho, Chang-Hoan
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.17 no.1
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    • pp.532-549
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    • 2017
  • This study identifies the pet-name using the celebrity's endorser and the pet-naming effect by the subject of creating brand identity. For this study, pet-naming types are made up of 3 types(non pet-named/pet-naming by company intention/pet-naming by customer's word of mouth). As the results of this study, pet-naming types affects the perceived value. The perceived value has a perfect mediating effect between pet-naming types and consumer response. Also, the level of informative interpersonal influence has significant interaction effect between pet-naming types and perceived value. The research, therefore, reaches several important conclusions. First, when the pet-naming types were consisted, customer's brand identity creating phenomenon was included. Second, pet-naming types affects the confirmed perceived value which is the customer's view. Third, susceptibility to interpersonal influence was differently identified with normative interpersonal influences and informative interpersonal influences. Furthermore, this study analyzes the market's behavior trends, and in extend the progression of pet-name marketing.

A Study on the Difference of Career Barriers, Career Attitude Maturity, and Career Competencies based on Gender, Grade, and Fields of Major of Undergraduate students in the age of Convergence (융·복합 시대에 대학생 배경변인별 진로장벽, 진로태도성숙, 진로직업역량 차이분석)

  • Park, Sung-Hee;Ahn, Jae-Hee
    • Journal of Digital Convergence
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    • v.14 no.8
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    • pp.69-80
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    • 2016
  • The purpose of this study is to analyze the difference of career barriers, career attitude maturity, and career competency based on gender, grade, and major fields of university students. 320 students responded the survey and the data were analyzed through MANOVA. There were significant differences in a sub-components of career barriers and career attitude maturity according to gender. Female students were higher in 'lack of self-clarity' and 'interpersonal difficulty' while male students were higher in the 'independency'. Lastly, there were significant differences in sub-components of career competencies according to gender, grades, and fields of majors. Female students were higher in 'career exploration'. Also, sophomore students showed the lowest scores and senior year students showed highest scores in 'career exploration' and 'career performance'. Students in the field of the social science showed highest scores in the 'career design' and 'career performance'. Suggestions and ideas to develop employability of students were discussed.

The Effects of a Problem-Based Learning Program Titled 'Designing Safe and Strong Bridge' on the Scientific Attitudes, Science Career Orientation, and Leadership of Scientifically Gifted High School Students ('튼튼하고 안전한 다리 설계' 문제중심학습(PBL) 프로그램이 고등학교 과학영재의 과학적 태도, 과학 진로지향도 및 리더십에 미치는 영향)

  • Kim, Dae-Hyun;Yoo, Mi-Hyun;Woo, Heejin
    • Journal of Gifted/Talented Education
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    • v.26 no.3
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    • pp.449-471
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    • 2016
  • This study was conducted in order to investigate how a Problem-Based Learning (PBL) program titled(called) 'Designing Safe and Strong Bridge' effects scientifically gifted students' scientific attitude, scientific career orientation and leadership. The participants were 19 scientifically gifted students in the second grade in C high school in Gyeonggi province; they were selected by participation in the tri-level gifted students identification step. Before and after 14 units of the program, the participants were asked to take tests about scientific attitude, scientific career orientation and leadership and to write a review about the PBL program at the end. The major results of this study are as follows. First, participants' scientific attitude was statistically significantly improved after the PBL program (p<.05). In the sub-domain of this area, six parts excluding the part of openness were significantly developed. Second, the degree of scientific career orientation was statistically significantly improved after the PBL program (p<.05). All 4 sub-domains in the degree of scientific career were significantly developed. Third, all of leadership scores were statistically significantly increased after the PBL program (p<.05). In the first factor, the parts of inner and inter personal characteristics were significantly developed. According to their post-program opinions, participants developed in terms of all the secondary factors, such as ability of interpersonal relation, consideration for others and groups, responsibility for the task, confidence and vision, during the process of PBL problem-solving in the small group work.

The effect of teaching types of liberal arts physical education to Class Satisfaction, Class Flow and Physical Education Attitude (교양체육수업의 교수유형이 수업만족 및 수업몰입, 체육교과태도에 미치는 영향)

  • Cheon, Sung-Min
    • Journal of Digital Convergence
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    • v.19 no.7
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    • pp.397-408
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    • 2021
  • The purpose of this study is to investigate the effect of teaching style of liberal arts physical education professors to class satisfaction, Class flow and physical education attitude of liberal arts students. A study was conducted on a total of 221 liberal arts students. For the collected data, a confirmatory factor analysis and reliability analysis (Cronbach' α) for the measurement tool were performed using the SPSS 26.0 and Amos 21.0 programs. And correlation analysis and multiple regression analysis were performed. The liberal arts physical education Professor's teaching stlye affects the student's class satisfaction (educational satisfaction, environmental satisfaction, psychosocial satisfaction, physical satisfaction), and students' class flow (class immersion, purpose experience, consciousness agreement, challenge, control, Integration). In addition, it has various effects on the student's attitude toward physical education(relationships, physical activity, active participation, health and physical fitness, positive emotions). Efforts to strengthen the competence of liberal arts physical education professors will be needed to revitalize the liberal arts physical education.