The Sacheon bay region functioned as a strategic place as the bay provided a major sea-route leading to the Kyungnam province. So it is no wonder that a number of castles and walls were located in such an outlying post of strategic importance. In the bay region there are found Sacheon, Gonyang and Seonghwangdang town castles, Yeegu, Seongbangri, Shinbyukdong, Duckgockri, Baekcheondong and Gaksan miltary castles, Seonjinri and Sadung Japanese castles, Kumseonri and Wueolseongri mud walls, Gaksan, Anjeom, Chimzi and Usan beacon-post walls, and Tongyang, Gasan and Jangam warehouse walls(사천읍성, 곤양읍성, 성황당산성, 이구산성, 성방리산성, 신벽동산성, 덕곡리산성, 백천동산성, 각산산성, 사등산성지, 선진리성, 금성리 토성, 월성리 토성지, 각산봉수대성, 안점봉수대성, 침지봉수대성지, 우산봉수대성, 통양창성지, 가산창성지, 장암창성). Castles are, according to their functions, classified into two: town castles and military castles. In the former castles people live permanently, but in the latter people do not. Military castles are occupied only in time of emergence. Beside the two types, two Japanese castles, two old mud walls, four beacon-post walls, and three warehouse-post walls are found in the Sacheon bay region. Castles are also classified into plain castles and mountain castles according to their location. Mud, stone, wood, and brick materials were used for castle and wall building. As the castles and walls of the bay region are precious cultural assets, they should be preserved and protected with much attention. It should be remembered that in the future they can be the most valuable tourist attractions all around.