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A Study on Improvement Plans for Local Safety Assessment in Korea (국내 지역안전도 평가의 개선방안 연구)

  • Kim, Yong-Moon
    • Journal of Korean Society of Disaster and Security
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    • v.14 no.4
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    • pp.69-80
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    • 2021
  • This study tried to suggest improvement measures by discovering problems or matters requiring improvement among the annual regional safety evaluation systems. Briefly introducing the structure and contents of the study, which is the introduction, describes the regional safety evaluation method newly applied by the Ministry of Public Administration and Security in 2020. Utilization plans were also introduced according to the local safety level that was finally evaluated by the local government. In this paper, various views of previous researchers related to regional safety are summarized and described. In addition, problems were drawn in the composition of the index of local safety, the method of calculating the index, and the application of the current index. Next, the problems of specific regional safety evaluation indicators were analyzed and solutions were presented. First, "Number of semi-basement households" is replaced with "Number of households receiving basic livelihood" of 「Social Vulnerability Index」 in the field of disaster risk factors is replaced with "the number of households receiving basic livelihood". In addition, the "Vinyl House Area" is evaluated by replacing "the number of households living in a Vinyl House, the number of container households, and the number of households in Jjok-bang villages" with data. Second, in the management and evaluation of habitual drought disaster areas, local governments with a water supply rate of 95% or higher in Counties, Cities, and Districts are treated as "missing". This is because drought disasters rarely occur in the metropolitan area and local governments that have undergone urbanization. Third, the activities of safety sheriffs, safety monitor volunteers, and disaster safety silver monitoring groups along with the local autonomous prevention foundation are added to the evaluation of the evaluation index of 「Regional Autonomous Prevention Foundation Activation」 in the field of response to disaster prevention measures. However, since the name of the local autonomous disaster prevention organization may be different for each local government, if it is an autonomous disaster prevention organization organized and active for disaster prevention, it would be appropriate to evaluate the results by summing up all of its activities. Fourth, among the Scorecard evaluation items, which is a safe city evaluation tool used by the United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction(UNDRR), the item "preservation of natural buffers to strengthen the protection functions provided by natural ecosystems" is borrowed, which is closely related to natural disasters. The Scorecard evaluation is an assessment index that focuses on improving the disaster resilience of local governments while carrying out the campaign "Creating cities resilient to climate crises and disasters" emphasized by UNDRR. Finally, the names of "regional safety level" and "local safety index" are similar, so the term of local safety level is changed to "natural disaster safety level" or "natural calamity safety level". This is because only the general public can distinguish the local safety level from the local safety index.

Analysis of Research Trends Related to Christian Picture Books : Focusing on Domestic Dissertations (기독교 그림책 관련 연구 동향 분석 : 국내 학위 논문 중심으로)

  • Kim, Minjung
    • Journal of Christian Education in Korea
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    • v.68
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    • pp.245-277
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    • 2021
  • The purpose of this study was to investigate the trend of Christian picture book-related research. The purpose of this study is to present basic data for various and balanced research and development in the Christian picture book field by analyzing the research period, research content, and research method related to Christian picture books. For this study, 45 domestic master's and doctoral dissertations were extracted through the National Assembly Library and the Academic Research Information Service (RISS) with the keywords of 'Christian picture book', 'Bible picture book', 'Christian story', and 'Bible story'. The frequency and percentage were calculated by analyzing Christian picture book-related studies according to four criteria: research period, research content, research method, and research subject. As a result of the study, first, the trend of Christian picture book research papers by research period from 1999 to 2021 was 43 master's articles (95.6%) and 2 doctoral articles (4.4%), focusing on Christian picture book-related studies. Second, the trend by research content was found to be 12 basic studies (26.6%) and 33 practical studies (73.4%). Research related to Christian picture books is being actively conducted focusing on practical research rather than basic research. Third, the trend by research method was in the order of 33 quantitative studies (73.4%), 11 literature studies (24.4%), and 1 qualitative study (2.2%). Research related to Christian picture books is centered on quantitative research, and literature research and qualitative research account for a relatively low proportion. Fourth, as for the trends by study subject, there were 35 human subjects (77.8%) and 10 physical subjects (22.2%). Among human subjects, 33 single subjects (73.4%) and 2 mixed subjects (4.4%) were found, and among single subjects, 30 studies (66.7%) targeting children were high. In other words, research on Christian picture books had a higher proportion of studies with children as a single subject than mixed subjects between children and children, children and teachers, and between children and parents.

An Exploratory Study on the Business Failure Recovery Factors of Serial Entrepreneurs: Focusing on Small Business (연속 기업가의 사업 실패 회복요인에 관한 탐색적 연구: 소상공인을 중심으로)

  • Lee, Kyung Suk;Park, Joo Yeon;Sung, Chang Soo
    • Asia-Pacific Journal of Business Venturing and Entrepreneurship
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    • v.16 no.6
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    • pp.17-29
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    • 2021
  • Recently, as social distancing have been raised due to the re-spread of COVID-19, the number of serial entrepreneurs who are closing their business is rapidly increasing. Learning from failure is a source of success, but business failure can result in psychological and economic losses and negative emotions of the serial entrepreneur. At this point, it is very important to find a way to recover the negative emotions caused by business failures of serial entrepreneurs. Recently, a strategic model has emerged to deal with the negative emotions of grief caused by business failures of serial entrepreneurs. This study identified the recovery factors from the grief of business failures of serial entrepreneurs and analyzed Shepherd's(2003) three areas: loss orientation, restoration orientation, and dual process. To this end, individual in-depth interviews were conducted with 12 small business serial entrepreneurs who challenged re-startup to identify the attributes of recovery factors that were not identified with quantitative data. As a result of the study, first, recovery factors were investigated in three areas: individual orientation, family orientation, and network orientation. It was found to help improve recovery in nine categories: self-esteem, persistence, personal competence, hobbies, self-confidence, family support, networks, religion, and social support. Second, recovery obstacle factors were investigated in three areas: psychological, economic, and environmental factors. Nine categories including family, health, social network, business partner, competitor, partner, fund, external environment, and government policy were found to persist negative emotions. Third, the emotional processing process for grief was investigated in three areas: loss orientation, restoration orientation, and dual process. Ten categories such as family, partner support, social member support, government support, hobbies, networks, change of business field, moving, third-party perspective, and meditation were confirmed to enhance rapid recovery in the emotional processing process for grief. The implications of this study are as follows. The process of recovering from the grief caused by business failures of serial entrepreneurs was attempted by a qualitative study. By extending the theory of Shepherd(2003), This study can be applied to help with recovery research. In addition, conceptual models and propositions for future empirical research were presented, which can be discussed in carious academic ways.

Suggestion of Implications for Korean Textiles and Clothing Apprenticeship Education Through the Analysis of Vocational Education in Korea and Germany (한국과 독일 직업 교육 분석을 통한 한국 섬유·의류 도제교육에 관한 시사점 제안)

  • Lee, Ji-Soo
    • Journal of Korean Home Economics Education Association
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    • v.33 no.4
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    • pp.49-64
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    • 2021
  • Apprenticeship education in Korea started approximately in 2005, and is divided into government-led apprenticeship education and Gyeonggi-do-led apprenticeship education. Apprenticeship education for textile and clothing-related majors in Korea is a very different process compared to Germany, where the country, companies, and schools have cooperated with each other with a long tradition, and there are many points to be supplemented. In order to explore the literature on apprenticeship education in Germany and Korea, and to understand the phenomena or actual conditions that have not been shown in the literature, interviews were conducted with two German professors living in South Korea. As a result of the analysis, Germany's long tradition and positive perception of vocational education are the basis for the establishment of apprenticeship education, and it is positioned as a system of education process. Various associations related to apprenticeship education make systematic training manuals, and then distribute certificates to trainees who have completed these courses. Therefore, companies promote the stability of the job market by educating local talents through apprenticeship training to nurture industrial manpower. Currently, in Korea's apprenticeship education, a series of procedures for developing educational courses such as company discovery and job analysis for each company are entirely entrusted to vocational high schools. Therefore, public confidence and solidity in apprenticeship education were found to be insignificant. This study has limitations in that it cannot confirm a phenomenon that has not been shown in the literature review, there is insufficient research on German literature, and the number of samples interviewed is small. However, if, based on the results of this study, an association dedicated to apprenticeship education is created in Korea and a systematic curriculum is developed, it will be able to contribute to establishing the stability of the textile and apparel labor market in the future.

Association Between Suicide and Diet (자살과 식단의 연관성)

  • Eunji, Lim;Bong-Jo, Kim;Cheol-Soon, Lee;Boseok, Cha;So-Jin, Lee;Jae-Won, Choi;Young-Ji, Lee;Nuree, Kang;Dongyun, Lee
    • Korean Journal of Psychosomatic Medicine
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    • v.30 no.2
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    • pp.73-79
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    • 2022
  • Objectives : Suicide is a global social problem. Social burden caused by suicide is gradually increasing. Various efforts have been made to prevent suicide. Lifestyle changes to western style, especially diet changes, have increased the risk for suicide. Therefore, in this study, we discussed diet as an adjuvant treatment for suicide. Methods : In this review, we summarized the biochemical mechanism of suicide, and diet as a risk factor for suicide and diet as a protective factor through a web search. Results : In this study, biochemical mechanisms for suicide were reviewed and diet as a risk factor and diet as a protective factor for suicide were investigated. It was confirmed that neurotoxic effects such as oxidative stress and inflammation in the neural system could increase the risk of suicide. Based on results of previous studies on the relationship between suicide and diet, it was found that heavy use of alcohol, coffee, carbonated soft drink, and fast food were risk factors for suicide. Protective factors for suicide included antioxidants such as vitamin C, carotene, and anti-inflammatory agents such as omega-3 fatty acids found in seafood in large amounts. Conclusions : The only treatment for suicide is prevention. In this context, effectiveness, accessibility, and safety are important for preventing for suicide. Antioxidants and anti-inflammatory agents that are relatively safe and readily available to the public could be effective adjuvant treatments to decrease the risk of suicide. In addition, it is necessary to educate the public on reducing diets that could increase the risk of suicide

Evaluation of Physical Properties of Nanoemulsion Ampoule as Customized Cosmetic Bases and Evaluation of Satisfaction According to Skin Type (맞춤형화장품 베이스로서 나노에멀젼 앰플의 물성 평가 및 피부타입에 따른 만족도 평가)

  • Se-Yeon, Kim;Hyung Guen, An;Ja Young, Kim;Kyung-Sup, Yoon
    • Journal of the Society of Cosmetic Scientists of Korea
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    • v.48 no.4
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    • pp.343-355
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    • 2022
  • Customized cosmetics are continuously mentioned as cosmetics in response to changes in the social environment and trends that emphasize individuality. Therefore, in this study, four types of nanoemulsion ampoules corresponding to skin types were prepared by different ratios of nanoemulsion formulation and ampoule formulation, and the applicability as a customized cosmetic base was checked. Particle size, polydispersity index, zeta potential, and viscosity according to time for 90 d were measured for four nanoemulsion ampoules with different volatile residues, and turbiscan was measured as a method for evaluating the stability of a colloidal dispersion system. Finally, human usability satisfaction was evaluated. As a result, it was confirmed that four kinds of nanoemulsion ampoules had a higher amount of volatile residue in the dry skin test product than in the oily skin test product. The pH was in the range of 6.41 to 6.88, and the particle size was in the range of 170 to 174 nm, and the change after 90 d was within 1.2% of the maximum, and there was no specificity in particle size stability. It was confirmed that the polydispersity index was almost constant, and showed a particle size distribution close to monodispersity by showing a change within a value smaller than 0.21 in all test products. The zeta potential was initially -63 mV or more for all four types of test products, and although it showed a slight decrease with time, there was little change to the extent of a maximum decrease of 2.5%. Viscosity was initially in the range of 4,100 to 5,100 cps and showed a decreasing trend with time, showing a maximum decrease of 37.7%. In the turbiscan measurement, the turbiscan stability index, a measure of stability, was all below 1.0, indicating dispersion stability. In the usability satisfaction evaluation (6 points) of 4 nanoemulsion ampoules corresponding to skin type, oily skin product (5.42 ± 0.67 points) > neutral oily skin product (5.36 ± 0.67 points) > neutral dry skin product (5.15 ± 0.69 point) > dry skin product (4.75 ± 0.75 points) in the order of evaluation. Four types of nanoemulsion ampoules are physically stable and have confirmed their applicability as a customized cosmetic base according to skin type, and are expected to expand in various ways.

The Association Between Neurodegenerative Diseases and Development of Type 2 Diabetes (신경퇴행성 질환과 제2형 당뇨병 발생의 연관성)

  • Sang-Woo, Koo;Hojun, Lee;Yang-Tae, Kim;Hee-Cheol, Kim
    • Korean Journal of Psychosomatic Medicine
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    • v.30 no.2
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    • pp.155-164
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    • 2022
  • Objectives : A growing body of evidence links type 2 diabetes (T2D) with a neurodegenerative disease (ND) such as Alzheimer's disease and Parkinson's disease. The purpose of this study is to investigate the relationship between NDs and the development of T2D by comparing the incidence of T2D in a group of various NDs (ND group) and control group. Methods : A population-based 10-year follow-up study was conducted using the Korean National Health Information Database for 2002-2015. We used a retrospective cohort study design to investigate the association of ND with T2D occurrence. The study population included ND (n=8,814) and control (n=37,970) groups, all aged 60 years or over. The Kaplan-Meier method was used to estimate the risk of developing T2D as a function of time. Cox proportional hazards regression models were used to evaluate the relationship between ND and T2D. Results : T2D was developed in a significantly higher percentage of patients in the ND group (53.6%) than in the control group (44.7%). The ND group increased the risk of T2D (HR, 1.43; 95% CI, 1.38-1.47). About one-third of patients in both groups were additionally diagnosed with another ND before the occurrence of T2D during a 10-year follow-up period. When compared to those who did not have another ND during the follow-up period, the incidence of T2D in those who were additionally diagnosed with another ND was higher in both the ND and control groups. Conclusions : The ND group had about 1.4 times higher risk of developing T2D than the control group. Our results showed a positive association between ND and T2D.

Comparison of Ultrasound Image Quality using Edge Enhancement Mask (경계면 강조 마스크를 이용한 초음파 영상 화질 비교)

  • Jung-Min, Son;Jun-Haeng, Lee
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Radiology
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    • v.17 no.1
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    • pp.157-165
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    • 2023
  • Ultrasound imaging uses sound waves of frequencies to cause physical actions such as reflection, absorption, refraction, and transmission at the edge between different tissues. Improvement is needed because there is a lot of noise due to the characteristics of the data generated from the ultrasound equipment, and it is difficult to grasp the shape of the tissue to be actually observed because the edge is vague. The edge enhancement method is used as a method to solve the case where the edge surface looks clumped due to a decrease in image quality. In this paper, as a method to strengthen the interface, the quality improvement was confirmed by strengthening the interface, which is the high-frequency part, in each image using an unsharpening mask and high boost. The mask filtering used for each image was evaluated by measuring PSNR and SNR. Abdominal, head, heart, liver, kidney, breast, and fetal images were obtained from Philips epiq5g and affiniti70g and Alpinion E-cube 15 ultrasound equipment. The program used to implement the algorithm was implemented with MATLAB R2022a of MathWorks. The unsharpening and high-boost mask array size was set to 3*3, and the laplacian filter, a spatial filter used to create outline-enhanced images, was applied equally to both masks. ImageJ program was used for quantitative evaluation of image quality. As a result of applying the mask filter to various ultrasound images, the subjective image quality showed that the overall contour lines of the image were clearly visible when unsharpening and high-boost mask were applied to the original image. When comparing the quantitative image quality, the image quality of the image to which the unsharpening mask and the high boost mask were applied was evaluated higher than that of the original image. In the portal vein, head, gallbladder, and kidney images, the SNR, PSNR, RMSE and MAE of the image to which the high-boost mask was applied were measured to be high. Conversely, for images of the heart, breast, and fetus, SNR, PSNR, RMSE and MAE values were measured as images with the unsharpening mask applied. It is thought that using the optimal mask according to the image will help to improve the image quality, and the contour information was provided to improve the image quality.

Evaluation of the Potential of Cellobiose as a Material for Whitening Cosmetics based on Autophagy and Melanin Production Efficacy in Melanocytes (셀로비오스의 미백화장품 소재 가능성 평가를 위한 멜라닌 세포에서 자가포식 및 멜라닌 생성 효능 연구)

  • Byungsun, Cha;Seok ju, Lee;Sofia, Brito;So Young, Jung;So Min, Lee;Lei, Lei;Sang Hun, Lee;Zubaidah, Al-Khafaji;Bum-Ho, Bin;Byeong-Mun, Kwak;Hyojin, Heo
    • Journal of the Society of Cosmetic Scientists of Korea
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    • v.48 no.4
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    • pp.365-372
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    • 2022
  • Cellobiose is a dissacharide constituted by two glucose units joined by a β-('1,4') glycosidic bond that is produced by the decomposition of cellulose. This product exists naturally in plants and has been utilized in different industries as a food sweetener, and as a cosmetic and pharmaceutical material. In this study, the potential of cellobiose as a whitening cosmetic product was evaluated by analyzing autophagy induction and the inhibition of melanin production. A cytotoxicity test conducted in the human melanin-producing cell line MNT-1 with increasing concentrations of cellobiose revealed that this compound did not cause cytotoxicity at 20 mg/mL or less. Based on this, autophagy was firstly evaluated by immunostaining with the autophagy marker microtubule-associated protein 1 light chain 3 (LC3) after treatment with 20 mg/mL of cellobiose. The subsequent confocal microscopy analysis revealed an increase in LC3 puncta, indicating induction of autophagy. In addition, autophagy was further confirmed by western blot analysis, which demonstrated that cellobiose converted LC3-I to LC3- ∏ in a concentration- and time-dependent manners. An analysis of melanin contents after cellobiose treatment at a concentration of 20 mg/mL during 7 days revealed that melanin production was reduced by more than 50%. Additionally, the expression levels of melanogenesis-related proteins TYR and TYRP1 were markedly decreased after cellobiose treatment. Based on these studies, a cosmetic cream formulation containing cellobiose was prepared and the change in formulation was tested for 4 weeks, and it was confirmed that the appearance changed to liquid form at high temperature, but the pH did not change. In conclusion, the present research demonstrated that cellobiose activates autophagy and inhibits melanin production, and showed the potential of this product as a material for whitening cosmetics.

Interpretation of Landscape Restoration and Maintenance in Changgyeonggung Palace through the Preservation Principles of Cultural Heritage (문화재 보존원칙으로 본 창경궁 조경 복원정비 양상 해석)

  • Kang, Jae-Ung;So, Hyun-Su
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Traditional Landscape Architecture
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    • v.40 no.4
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    • pp.15-31
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    • 2022
  • This study interpreted the logical validity of the landscape restoration and maintenance patterns of Changgyeonggung Palace, where modern landscapes coexist. The results of the study are as follows; First, the changes in the landscape restoration and maintenance attitude concerning the Changgyeonggung management organization were identified. With the establishment of the Office of the Imperial Garden, an imperial property was nationalized. The Cultural Heritage Managing Department was opened in 1961, and Changgyeonggung Palace were preserved as designated as historical sites in 1963. An environmental purification was implemented by the Changgyeonggung Office as a follow-up measure for restoration in 1983. As the Cultural Heritage Administration promoted in 1999 and the Royal Palaces and Tombs Center was established in 2019, the palace has been managed professionally as a palace landscape to provide a viewing environment. Second, In the 'Purification Period of Changgyeongwon(1954~1977)', environmental purification was carried out to restore amusement facilities, install facilities for cherry blossom viewing, and develop the place into a national zoo. In the 'Reconstruction Period of Changgyeonggung(1983~1986)', restoring function as an urban park, reserving green areas, the outside space was recreated in the traditional feel, and the forest area was generally maintained. In the 'Supplementation Period of Traditional Landscape Architecture Space(1987~2009)', a uniform green landscape was created with pine trees and various vegetation landscapes centered on the flower beds. In the 'Improvement and Maintenance Period of Viewing Environment(2010~2022), a master plan was reestablished on the premise of utilization, but maintenance has been carried out in a small scale centering on unit space. Third, regarding the validity of the landscape restoration and maintenance, It was found in terms of 'originality' that the recovery of the palace system has not been expanded for over 40 years in existing areas. The 'characteristics of the times', which shows whether multi-layered history was taken into account, Changgyeongwon was excluded from the discussion in the process of setting the base year twice. In terms of 'integrity,' the area of the Grand Greenhouse where the historic states coexists needs a maintenance policy that binds the greenhouse, carpet flower bed, and Chundangji Pond. The 'utility' identified as the utilization of spaces suggests the establishment of a sense of place in the Grand Greenhouse area, which is concentrated with programs different from other areas.