• Title/Summary/Keyword: 노이즈 검출

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Virtual Dialog System Based on Multimedia Signal Processing for Smart Home Environments (멀티미디어 신호처리에 기초한 스마트홈 가상대화 시스템)

  • Kim, Sung-Ill;Oh, Se-Jin
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Intelligent Systems
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    • v.15 no.2
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    • pp.173-178
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    • 2005
  • This paper focuses on the use of the virtual dialog system whose aim is to build more convenient living environments. In order to realize this, the main emphasis of the paper lies on the description of the multimedia signal processing on the basis of the technologies such as speech recognition, speech synthesis, video, or sensor signal processing. For essential modules of the dialog system, we incorporated the real-time speech recognizer based on HM-Net(Hidden Markov Network) as well as speech synthesis into the overall system. In addition, we adopted the real-time motion detector based on the changes of brightness in pixels, as well as the touch sensor that was used to start system. In experimental evaluation, the results showed that the proposed system was relatively easy to use for controlling electric appliances while sitting in a sofa, even though the performance of the system was not better than the simulation results owing to the noisy environments.

Multi-Modal User Distance Estimation System based on Mobile Device (모바일 디바이스 기반의 멀티 모달 사용자 거리 추정 시스템)

  • Oh, Byung-Hun;Hong, Kwang-Seok
    • The Journal of the Institute of Internet, Broadcasting and Communication
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    • v.14 no.2
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    • pp.65-71
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    • 2014
  • This paper present the multi-modal user distance estimation system using mono camera and mono microphone basically equipped with a mobile device. In case of a distance estimation method using an image, we is estimated a distance of the user through the skin color region extraction step, a noise removal step, the face and eyes region detection step. On the other hand, in case of a distance estimation method using speech, we calculates the absolute difference between the value of the sample of speech input. The largest peak value of the calculated difference value is selected and samples before and after the peak are specified as the ROI(Region of Interest). The samples specified perform FFT(Fast Fourier Transform) and calculate the magnitude of the frequency domain. Magnitude obtained is compared with the distance model to calculate the likelihood. We is estimated user distance by adding with weights in the sorted value. The result of an experiment using the multi-modal method shows more improved measurement value than that of single modality.

Application and Evaluation of Vector Map Watermarking Algorithm for Robustness Enhancement (강인성 향상을 위한 벡터 맵 워터마킹 알고리즘의 적용과 평가)

  • Won, Sung Min;Park, Soo Hong
    • Spatial Information Research
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    • v.21 no.3
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    • pp.31-43
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    • 2013
  • Although the vector map data possesses much higher values than other types of multimedia, the data copyright and the protection against illegal duplication are still far away from the attention. This paper proposes a novel watermarking technique which is both robust to diverse attacks and optimized to a vector map structure. Six approaches are proposed for the design of the watermarking algorithm: point-based approach, building a minimum perimeter triangle, watermark embedding in the length ratio, referencing to the pixel position of the watermark image, grouping, and using the one-way function. Our method preserves the characteristics of watermarking such as embedding effectiveness, fidelity, and false positive rate, while maintaining robustness to all types of attack except a noise attack. Furthermore, our method is a blind scheme in which robustness is independent of the map data. Finally, our method provides a solution to the challenging issue of degraded robustness under severe simplification attacks.

Multilevel Modulation Codes for Holographic Data Storage (홀로그래픽 데이터 저장장치에서의 멀티레벨 변조부호)

  • Jeong, Seongkwon;Lee, Jaejin
    • Journal of the Institute of Electronics and Information Engineers
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    • v.52 no.9
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    • pp.13-18
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    • 2015
  • The mutilevel holographic data storage offers considerable advantage for capacity, since it can store more than one bit per pixel. In this paper, we search the number of codewords for each code depending on three conditions: (1) the number of levels, (2) the number of pixels in a codeword, and (3) the minimum Euclidean distance of a code. Increasing the number of levels per pixel creates more capacity, while causing more errors, by reducing the noise margin. Increasing the number of pixels in a codeword can increase the code rate, which means more capacity, but increases the complexity of the encoder/decoder of the code. Increasing the minimum distance of a code reduces the detection error, while reducing the code rate of the code. In such a fashion, a system design will always have pros and cons, but our task is to find out an effective one under the given conditions for the system requirements. Therefore, the numbers we searched can provide some guidelines for effective code design.

Design of a 960MHz CMOS PLL Frequency Synthesizer with Quadrature LC VCO (960MHz Quadrature LC VCO를 이용한 CMOS PLL 주파수 합성기 설계)

  • Kim, Shin-Woong;Kim, Young-Sik
    • Journal of the Institute of Electronics Engineers of Korea SD
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    • v.46 no.7
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    • pp.61-67
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    • 2009
  • This paper reports an Integer-N phase locked loop (PLL) frequency synthesizer which was implemented in a 250nm standard digital CMOS process for a UHF RFID wireless communication system. The main blocks of PLL have been designed including voltage controlled oscillator, phase frequency detector, and charge pump. The LC VCO has been used for a better noise property and low-power design. The source and drain juntions of PMOS transistors are used as the varactor diodes. The ADF4111 of Analog Device has been used for the external pre-scaler and N-divider to divide VCO frequency and a third order RC filter is designed for the loop filter. The measured results show that the RF output power is -13dBm with 50$\Omega$ load, the phase noise is -91.33dBc/Hz at 100KHz offset frequency, and the maximum lock-in time is less than 600us from 930MHz to 970MHz.

Assessment of Multiple Delamination in Laminated Composites for Aircrafts using X-ray Backscattering (X-ray 후방산란 기술을 이용한 항공기용 복합재료의 다중 층간 박리 평가)

  • Kim, Noh-Yu
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Nondestructive Testing
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    • v.30 no.1
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    • pp.46-53
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    • 2010
  • A Compton X-ray backscatter technique has been developed to quantitatively assess impact damage in quasi-isotropic laminated composites made by a drop-weight tester. X-ray backscatter imaging system with a slit-type camera is constructed to obtain a cross-sectional profile of impact-damaged laminated composites from the electron-density variation of the cross section. A nonlinear scattering model based on Boltsman equation is introduced to compute Compton X-ray backscattering field for the defect assessment. An adaptive filter is also used to reduce noises from many sources including quantum noise and irregular distributions of fibers and matrix in composites. Delaminations masked or distorted by the first delamination are detected and characterized effectively by the Compton X-ray backscatter technique, both in width and location, by application of error minimization algorithm.

Applying Image Processing Algorithm to Raw LiDAR Data for Extracting Ground Information (LiDAR 원시자료에서의 지면정보 추출을 위한 영상처리기법 적용 연구)

  • Choi, Yun-Woong;Sohn, Duk-Jae;Cho, Gi-Sung
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry and Cartography
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    • v.27 no.5
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    • pp.575-583
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    • 2009
  • Various algorithms and methods, related to preprocessing of LiDAR data, are being developed and proposed. These methods are two ways, one of them is to use the regular form such as DSM or the image converted from raw LiDAR data, and the other is to use raw LiDAR data directly. The image processing method is one of representative method for the regular grid form data. This method is easy to apply to a numerical analysis technique and has an advantage of modeling and noise elimination through smoothing, but it lose the information during the data conversion. This study apply the image processing method to the irregular raw LiDAR data directly for the extracting ground information with minimized information loss and evaluate the extracting accuracy of ground information.

Implementation of Mobile Robot Platform Based on Attitude Reference System for Pan-tilt Camera Control (팬틸트 카메라 제어를 위한 자세측정 장치 기반 이동로봇플랫폼 구현)

  • Park, Se-Jun
    • The Journal of the Institute of Internet, Broadcasting and Communication
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    • v.16 no.2
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    • pp.201-206
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    • 2016
  • Aircraft have a cross axis of the three each other for maintenance of aircraft position. It is called roll axis, pitch axis and yaw axis. Attitude reference system is a sensor for detecting a change of the three axis. In this paper, mobile robot platform install part of Pan-tilt and HMD attitude reference system, because of we use control camera. The acceleration sensor is very weak a lot of noise to vibration, also problem with data from process of mapping to the data problems to arise. However to solve this problem, we removed the average filter and Cosine Interpolation for Pan-tilt. Using capacity evaluation for outdoor environment for we are proposing. Mobile robot has HMD and equipped Pan-tilt. We control mobile robot camera. In this experiment result is little bit delay happening, however Pan-tilt camera is relatively stable control checking. Also, we will checking any terrain and slopes is no problem for mobile robot driving skills.

A New Switching Strategy for PWM Voltage Source Inverters (PWM 전압원 인버터의 새로운 스위칭 방법)

  • Jo, Gyu-Min;Gang, Wan-Sik;Kim, Nam-Jeong
    • Journal of the Institute of Electronics Engineers of Korea SC
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    • v.37 no.3
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    • pp.84-93
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    • 2000
  • In PWM voltage source inverters operated by conventional switching method, the dead time is inserted in switching signals to prevent tile short circuit of the DC voltage source. The dead time causes detrimental effects to the control performance of the inverter system. So we need to compensate the dead time effects. And the dead time minimization switching method can be considered as the best way to avoid the dead time effects fundamentally. In this paper, a new switching strategy is proposed which is a kind of dead time minimization switching methods. According to the proposed switching method, very short dead time is adopted in only once when the current polarity is changing. And the adopted dead time is equal to the turn off time of the swtiching device or shorter than it. As the proposed method can be done with the polarity information of the reference current in case that the output current of the inverter is controlled, it is easy to solve some problems in comparison with the case that the real current is used to get the polarity changing time; level detection difficulty, noise problem and so on

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Performance Comparisons of Wavelet Based T2-Test and Neural Network in Monitoring Process Profiles (공정프로파일 모니터링에서 웨이블릿기 반 T2-검정과 신경회로망의 성능비교)

  • Kim, Seong-Jun;Choi, Deok-Ki
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Intelligent Systems
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    • v.18 no.6
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    • pp.737-745
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    • 2008
  • Recent developments of process and measurement technology bring much interest to the online monitoring of process operations such as milling, grinding, broaching, etc. The objective of online monitoring systems is to detect process changes as early as possible. This is helpful in protecting facilities against unexpected failures and then preventing unnecessary loss. This paper investigates, when the process monitoring data are obtained as a profile, the monitoring performances of a statistical $T^2$-statistic and a feedforward neural network by using a wavelet transform. Numerical experiments using cutting force data presented by Axinte show that the proposed wavelet based $T^2$-test has an acceptable power in detecting profile changes. However, its operating characteristic is very sensitive to autocorrelation. On the contrary, compared with $T^2$-test, the neural network has more stable performance in the presence of autocorrelation. This indicates that an adaptive feature to analyze noises should be incorporated into the wavelet based $T^2$-test.