• Title/Summary/Keyword: 긍정적 및 부정적 콘텐츠

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Relationship between Personal, Parent, School Factors and Delinquency Experience of Adolescents (청소년의 개인, 부모, 학교 요인과 비행 경험과의 관계)

  • Kim, Young-Chun
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.22 no.7
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    • pp.264-275
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    • 2022
  • The purpose of this study is to examine the effects of social withdrawal, depression, aggression, negative parenting attitude as parental factors, friendship as school factors, academic helplessness and smartphone dependence, persistence, etc. on adolescent delinquency experiences as perceived personal factors. was carried out to understand. For this study, first year middle school students in the first year of the Korean Children and Youth Panel Survey (KCPYS 2018) were analyzed. As a result of the study, it was found that depression, aggression, social withdrawal as individual factors of adolescents, negative parenting attitude as parent factors, academic helplessness, negative friendships, smartphone dependence, persistence, etc. as school factors influence delinquent behavior of adolescents. In addition, it was found that smartphone dependence and persistence play a partial mediating role in the process of personal factors, parental factors, and school factors affecting adolescents' delinquency experiences. Based on these results, first, we need to break stereotypes about adolescents and understand the accurate understanding of adolescents' delinquent behaviors and what expectations they have. Second, practical education is required for parents and grandparents for consistent parenting attitudes and effective parenting. Third, a positive self-awareness and correct human relationship formation program should be operated in order to improve the friendship among adolescents. Finally, correct smartphone usage and counseling interventions and prevention programs to alleviate impulsivity are needed.

Antecedents and Consequences of Privacy Concern on the Online-Shopping (온라인 쇼핑에서 프라이버시 염려의 원인변수와 결과변수)

  • Min, Byung-Kwon;Kim, Yi-Tae
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.6 no.11
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    • pp.25-37
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    • 2006
  • The purpose of this study examines the interrelationships among antecedents and consequences of privacy concern on the online-shopping mall. Based on relevant literature review, a customer's attitude toward direct marketing, a customer's desire to information control, and a customer's prediction of negative effect as antecedents that affect the privacy concern. Also, consequences are a firm's reputation and a customer's purchase experience. Then related hypotheses were tested using data from 165 online shopping mall customer. The results for empirical analysis are as follows; 1) a customer's attitude toward direct marketing affected negatively the privacy concern, 2) a customer's desire to information control and a customer's prediction of negative effect affected positively the privacy concern, 3) a firm's reputation negatively related to the privacy concern, 4) a customer's purchase experience positively related to a firm's reputation.

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Do Political Connections Affect Corporate Performance? Evidence from Listed Real Estate Companies in China (정치적인 배경이 기업 실적에 영향을 주는가? 중국의 상장된 부동산 회사들을 중심으로)

  • Zheng, Ziyang;Wang, Yuhuan;Wang, Rundong
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.20 no.11
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    • pp.131-144
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    • 2020
  • Political connection are widespread in many countries and are a hot topic in economic research right now. In China, companies are actively forming political connections in several ways. Based on the research model and theoretical analysis, this thesis puts forward the research hypothesis and constructs the research model of political connections and corporate performance using the financial data and corporate governance data of China A-share listed real estate companies in 2010-2014. The thesis mainly analyzes the political association of CEO. For the analysis result, this research uses the univariate regression analysis and multivariate analysis to carry out the robustness test. The empirical study analysis includes three parts: firstly, in Chinese listed real estate enterprises, CEO political connection has a significantly negative correlation with corporate performance. It means real estate enterprises whose CEO has political connections gain a lower performance than other enterprises; Secondly, from the personal characteristics of the CEO, age, sex and education level have positive relationship with the performance of the enterprise, the additional post situation negatively related to the firm's performance; Finally, the firm's scale liquidity ratio and capital asset rario have a negative relationship with corporate performance, and the number of top managers is positively related to corporate performance. This research made a study on the political connection in Chinese real estate industry, which could also provide beneficial references for the development of enterprises in this industry.

Organizational Ambidexterity and Long-term Performance: The Moderating Effect of Relative Exploration and Exploitation (조직 양면성과 장기 성과: 상대적 탐색 및 활용의 조절효과)

  • Lee, Joonkyum;Yu, Gun Jea
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.22 no.2
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    • pp.270-280
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    • 2022
  • There has been a stream of literature studying moderators of the relationship between organizational ambidexterity and firm performance, but there remains a lack of research on moderators with a strategic perspective. We examined the effect of organizational ambidexterity on a firm's long-term performance and the moderating effect of a firm's relative exploration and exploitation based on a sample of 8,916 firms. We found a positive relationship between organizational ambidexterity and long-term performance measured by Tobin's q. The results also suggest that a firm's relative exploration positively moderates the relationship between organizational ambidexterity and long-term performance, whereas exploitation negatively moderates this relationship. We contribute to the current ambidexterity literature by integrating it with strategy literature. We found that the positive relationship between organizational ambidexterity and long-term performance is enlarged and long-lasting when a firm is a differentiator. In contrast, this positive relationship is lessened and short-lasting when a firm is a cost-leader.

"Dangerous Media vs. Reliable Childcare Helper" : Discursive Analysis of Infants' Smart Media Use ('위험한 미디어 vs 든든한 육아 도우미' : 영유아 스마트 미디어 이용 담론에 대한 탐구)

  • Choi, Yisook;Kim, Banya
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.21 no.8
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    • pp.515-525
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    • 2021
  • The study examines how the discourse on infants' smart media use has been constructed under media-saturated situations. Infants' use of smart media has been regarded as a dangerous activity, rate of overdependence has been increasing. Newspapers during the recent three years (2018-20) were analyzed. The most prominent speakers in the news field were smart media content producers and platform operators. There were negative views and concerns about infants' smart media use by academics, civic groups, and parents. However, the industry went beyond these risk discourses and gave positive meaning: Smart media was redefined as safe media for infants and reliable childcare helpers for parents. Parents were portrayed as those responsible for their children's media use and in need of help for childcare, rather than being blamed for their children's overdependence on smart media. Digital parenting seems to be emerging as an acceptable and practicable way of childcare rather than harmful and incomplete parenting.

Place-shifting of TV Content by the Use of Slingbox and the Copyright (슬링박스를 이용한 TV프로그램의 장소이동 시청의 저작권법상의 성격)

  • Cho, Youn-Ha
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.13 no.7
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    • pp.158-167
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    • 2013
  • This research examines the legal liability of place-shifting of TV contents by the use of the Slingbox. The place-shifting of TV contents is fair use because it is a non-commercial private use based on the relevant case law regarding time-shifting and device-shifting such as Sony, RIAA and Napster. But the sharing of place-shifting function is likely to be liable for copyright infringement. And place-shifting may not be fair use based on the cases which denied fair use of time-shifting and space-shifting because the consumers' convenience for the use of the copyrighted work is against the purpose of legislation of copyright law. Place-shifting is unlikely to have a significant effect on the potential market for TV contents because it presents lucrative new platforms to disseminate TV contents to computers and mobile devices. However it is likely to have negative effect because various devices can be the follow-up marketplaces of the copyright holders of TV contents. This study proposes the "innovative medium defense," a new doctrine to analyze liability of innovative media.

The Effects of Game Properties and Gratifications on Continuance Intention of Location-Based Augmented Reality Game (게임 속성과 충족 변수가 위치 기반 증강현실 게임의 지속 사용 의도에 미치는 영향)

  • Lee, Gyu-Dong
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.20 no.4
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    • pp.498-507
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    • 2020
  • Since the launch of Pokémon GO in 2016, the game has been loved for many users. Although the number of Pokémon GO users has declined, lots of users still enjoy the location-based augmented reality game. From the perspective of game properties and Use & Gratifications theory, this paper investigated the antecedents of continuance intention of Pokémon GO. A total of 258 responses from Pokémon Go users was collected by an online survey. The result of regression analysis showed that attitude toward game characters, attitude toward random game elements, social interaction, competition, and physical activity increased continuance intention. Perceived cost, however, decreased continuance intention. Implications for researchers and practitioners were discussed.

The Study on the Difference of Regulation Recognition among Generations (연령별 규제 인식 차이에 관한 연구)

  • Choi, Seong-Rak
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.16 no.3
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    • pp.586-595
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    • 2016
  • The difference of generation is the main cause of society transition. If we know about the gap of generations, then we know where we go in future. This study focus on the differences of a regulation recognition among the generations. When we understand the differences of regulation recognition among the generations, we can realize the trait of regulation in society. In result, there are a lot of differences of regulation recognition among the generations. The older they are, the more they are positive to regulation. And the younger they are, the more they are negative to regulation. In particular, 50's generation have the opposite regulation recognition to 20's generation in specialty of regulation and in a conglomerate regulation.

The Determinants of Organizational Cynicism of Hospital Nurses and Its Mediating Effect on the Organizational Effectiveness (병원간호사의 조직냉소주의 영향요인 및 조직효과성에 대한 매개효과 검증)

  • Lee, Ju-Hyun;Jeong, Ae-Suk;Seo, Youngjoon
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.16 no.7
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    • pp.575-586
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    • 2016
  • The purpose of this study was to investigate the influential factors of organizational cynicism of nurses in hospitals, and to examine data contributing the effective organizational management and the organizational effectiveness. Data were collected from 320 nurses working in a hospital in 2005. A total of 295 questionnaires were analyzed by the SPSS WIN 21.0. The leadership, job interdependence, job stress, positive and negative affectivity had significant effect on the organizational cynicism of hospital nurses. Also, the organizational cynicism had significant mediating effects on job satisfaction and organization commitment, and organizational climate showed significant indirect effects on the job satisfaction and organizational commitment. In conclusion, hospital managers and nursing directors need to adopt following strategies; open communication, friendly feedback, trust among staff, co-operation between departments and intra-departments, sharing information, creating joyful organizational climate, adequate organizational supports, fair compensation, and favorable organizational culture.

Development of Robot-Mediated Social Skills Training 'Friendly Friends' Contents for Elementary School Students (로봇을 활용한 초등학생용 사회성 기술 훈련 '사또(사이좋은 또래)' 콘텐츠 개발)

  • Lim, Bo Lyeong;Baek, Ye Eun;Park, Jiyeon
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.22 no.8
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    • pp.44-53
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    • 2022
  • The purpose of this study is to plan and develop contents for training social skills using robots for elementary school students. Seven functions (guiding activity, providing reinforcement, guiding students behavior, team setting, presenting team order, timer setting, and checking scores) were developed by analyzing functions that robots can take charge of in the training contents. A total of 8 sessions of social skills training contents were developed by selecting social skills required for academic achievement and social interaction of elementary school students. The lesson consisted of providing positive and negative examples, modeling, role-playing, providing feedback on performance, and encouraging generalization stages using effective strategies for acquiring social skills. After developing social skills training contents using robots for elementary school students, so-called Friendly Friends (FF), a satisfaction survey was conducted on the field application of contents and participating students and teachers to examine the acceptance pattern. As a result, it was found that the participating students and teachers were satisfied with the contents. Finally, the meaning and the expected effects of the 'FF (Friendly Friends)' contents were discussed, and also, the matters to be considered when developing social skills training contents using robots in the future were suggested.