• Title/Summary/Keyword: 근거 중심 의학

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A Study on Disease and Medical Theory of Soyangin Bisoohan-pyohanbyung-theory (소양인(少陽人) 비수한표한병론(脾受寒表寒病論)의 병증(病證) 및 약리(藥理)에 대한 연구(硏究))

  • Choi, Ji-suk;Kim, Kyung-yo
    • Journal of Sasang Constitutional Medicine
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    • v.10 no.2
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    • pp.61-110
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    • 1998
  • 1. Purpose : This study is a try for making a historical examinatiom of the symptom, principal medicinal substances and prescription of Soyangin Bisoohan-Pyohan disease. 2. Methods : I have examined the changes of the recognition of symptom and the history of the development of prescription by comparing the exterior syndrome of Soyangin, related prescription and principal medicinal substances quoted in "DongYi-Soose-Bowon" with past original texts and "DongYi Bogam". 3. Results and Conclusion : Lee Je-Ma adopted most of the exterior syndrome of Soyangin from Zhang Zhong-jung's "Shanghanlun". But he adopted only a few medicinal substances for prescription and most of prescriptions written after the Song period. The prescriptions for Soyangin Bisoohan-Pyohan disease are fundamentally composed of medicinal substances to lower yinqi and to eliminate the heat of thoracic part caused acording to the degree of symptom and medicinal substances to strengthen damaged yinqi are added to the prescriptions.

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A Trend Analysis of Clinical Studies of Medical Gigong (formerly Journal of the Korean Academy of Medical Gi-Gong) (의료기공(구 대한의료기공학회지)에 실린 임상논문의 경향 분석)

  • Na, Sam Sik;Jeong, Jae Hun;Ahn, Hun Mo
    • Journal of Korean Medical Ki-Gong Academy
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    • v.20 no.1
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    • pp.68-84
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    • 2020
  • Objective : The purpose of this study is to suggest the evidence of traditional Korean medicine by analyzing the clinical research trends of the Korean Academy of Medical Gi-Gong and to use it as reference data for future clinical studies. Methods : The clinical studies published in the Journal of the Korean Academy of Medical Gi-Gong from 2011 to 2019 were reviewed and the study design, yearly trends, patient's disease, therapeutic intervention, and outcome measure were analyzed. Results : Of the 24 clinical studies, there are 13 Case Reports, 9 Case Series Researches, and 2 Case-Control Studies. In terms of disease group, Musculoskeletal Diseases and female Diseases were the most common, followed by neurological Diseases, dermatological Diseases, and rare Diseases. In terms of treatment methods, acupuncture, herbal medicine, and Sugi therapy were mainly used. And cupping, thermotherapy, and Korean medical exercise therapy were used as a supplement. As an evaluation tool, clinical symptom change was the most common, followed by DITI, VAS, survey, and X-ray. In most reports, Korean medical treatment has been effective in treating diseases. Conclusions : More clinical studies including controlled clinical trials should be conducted to provide a basis for verifying the effectiveness of Korean medicine.

A Systematic Review of the Virtual Reality Program for Dementia Education (치매교육을 위한 가상현실 프로그램에 대한 체계적 고찰)

  • Kim, Suhyun;Park, Heeok
    • Journal of Digital Convergence
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    • v.19 no.3
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    • pp.195-202
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    • 2021
  • This study is a systematic review study to confirm the characteristics, effects, and application strategies of domestic and foreign virtual reality programs provided by dementia education. This study is based on the literature published up to July 2020, CINAHL, Cochrane, EMBASE, and Pubmed electronic databases were used overseas, and RISS, KISS, and DBpia were searched in Korea. Based on the selection criteria and exclusion criteria, the final six papers were used for analysis. As a result of the analysis, the subjects of the selected literature were two informal caregivers (33.3%), one general (16.7%), and three students (50.0%) including nursing students and medical and pharmacy students. The virtual reality program was effective in a total of five areas(empathy ability, dementia attitude including knowledge and comfort of dementia, trust in own abilities, dyadic relationship scale), of which 75% of the studies measured empathy ability had significant effects. The results of this study confirm that virtual reality technology can be used for human-centered nursing based on empathy.

New Standards for Determining Unlicensed Practice of Korean Medicine Doctors - Focusing on the Supreme Court's Decision No. 2016do21314 - (한의사의 면허외 행위 판단의 새로운 기준 -대법원 2022. 12. 22. 선고 2016도21314 전원합의체 판결을 중심으로-)

    • The Korean Society of Law and Medicine
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    • v.24 no.1
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    • pp.131-155
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    • 2023
  • Medical act divides unlicensed medical practice into medical practice by non-medical practitioners and unlicensed practice by medical practitioners. In the past, it was a common approach to strictly distinguish between western and Korean medicine, but the Supreme Court's Decision of December 22, 2016, Do. 21314, provided a new direction regarding the criteria for determining whether a Korean medicine practitioner is acting outside license. This paper analyzes the new criteria in detail, examines the significance of the new criteria, and explores its impact on the dualistic medical system. The difference between the new criteria and the previous criteria in the precedents is that the judgment is not based on the connection between Korean medicine principles and Western medicine principles. It is an advanced standard that actively accepts the overlap and variability of medical practice, moving away from dichotomous thinking that exclusively distinguishes between Korean medicine and Western medicine.

Fusion of the Guardianship System and Mental Health Law Based on Mental Capacity - Focusing on the Enactment and the Application of the Mental Capacity Act (Northern Ireland) 2016 - (의사능력에 기반한 후견제도와 정신건강복지법의 융합 - 북아일랜드 정신능력법[Mental Capacity Act (Northern Ireland) 2016]의 제정 과정과 그 의의를 중심으로 -)

  • Kihoon You
    • The Korean Society of Law and Medicine
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    • v.24 no.3
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    • pp.155-206
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    • 2023
  • When a person with diminished mental capacity refuses necessary medical care, normative judgments about when paternalistic intervention can be justified come into question. A typical example is involuntary hospitalization for people with mental disabilities, traditionally governed by mental health law. However, Korean civil law reform in 2011 introduced a new form of involuntary hospitalization through guardianship legislation, leading to a dualized system to involuntary hospitalization. Consequently, a conflict has arisen between the 'best interest and surrogate decision-making' paradigm of civil law and the 'social defense and preventive detention' paradigm of mental health law. Many countries have criticized this dualized system as not only inefficient but also unfair. Moreover, the requirement for the presence of 'mental illness' for involuntary hospitalization under mental health law has faced criticism for unfairly discriminating against people with mental disabilities. In response, attempts have been made to integrate guardianship legislation and mental health law based on mental capacity. This study examines the legislative process and framework of the Mental Capacity Act (Northern Ireland) 2016, which reorganized the mental health care system by fusing guardianship legislation with mental health law based on mental capacity. By analyzing the case of Northern Ireland, which has grappled with conflicts between guardianship legislation and mental health law since the 1990s and recently proposed mental capacity as a single, non-discriminatory standard, we aimed to offer insights for the Korean guardianship and mental health systems.

A Pilot Study of Acupuncture Treatment for the Osteoarthritis of the Knee Joint on the EBM(Evidence Basement Medicine) (근거중심의학에 근거한 퇴행성 슬관절염에 관한 침치료 임상선행연구)

  • Lim, Jeong-A;Lee, Jong-Deok;Lee, Sang-Kwan;Lee, Sung-Young;Moon, Hyung-Cheol;Choi, Sun-Mi;Chung, Young-Hae;Kim, Sung-Chul
    • Journal of Acupuncture Research
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    • v.23 no.1
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    • pp.187-215
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    • 2006
  • Objectives : To determine whether the pragmatic acupuncture treatment provides more effective pain relief than treatment using the same acupuncture point to the all patients. Methods : We randomly allocated participants to treatment group 1 and 2. The group 1 is the pragmatic treatment group and the group 2 is using the same acupuncture point to the all patients. Primary outcomes were measured by the Western Ontario and McMaster Universities Osteoarthritis index(WOMAC) pain and function scores at 4, 8, and 14 weeks. Secondary outcomes were measured by 100mm VAS(Visual Analog Scale), ROM(Range of Motion) using Goniometer, and pain threshold using pressure algometer. Results : When patients were extension of the knee, they were statistically significant in improvement of the ROM in 14 weeks. Whole body condition and pain rate through VAS measurement were improved significantly in 14 weeks. Also pain score and function score of WOMAC were improved significantly in 14 weeks. We could get difference in pain score of two acupuncture groups significantly in 14 weeks. But we could not get difference in whole score of two acupuncture groups significantly. Local temperature using T.C thermometer was changed significantly in 14 weeks. But we could not get difference in whole score of two acupuncture groups significantly. Excluding above item, DITI, pain threshold, and ROM of the knee flexion were no difference in before and after treatment.

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장개빈(張介賓)의 육십사괘(六十四卦) 방원도(方圓圖)에 대한 천발(闡發);장개빈(張介賓)의 육십사괘(六十四卦) 방원도(方圓圖)에 대한 천발(闡發)

  • Yun, Chang-Yeol
    • Journal of Korean Medical classics
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    • v.19 no.4
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    • pp.182-192
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    • 2006
  • 통과대복의육십사괘차서도(通過對伏義六十四卦次序圖), 방도(方圖), 원도적연구(圓圖的硏究), 이급장개빈대육십사괘방원도중소천발적의역학내용적연구(以及張介賓對六十四卦方圓圖中所闡發的醫易學內容的硏究), 득출여하결론(得出如下結論): 1. 육십사괘적생성원리중(六十四卦的生成原理中), 존재소강절적일분위이법설화번사전적일정팔회설(存在邵康節的一分爲二法設和繁辭傳的一貞八悔說), 이사지횡향배열적도(而使之橫向排列的圖), 칭위복의육십사괘차서원(대횡도)(稱爲伏義六十四卦次序圓(大橫圖)). 종차원(從此圓), 가청초지효육십사괘적생성근원(可淸楚知曉六十四卦的生成根源). 2. 복의육십사괘원도(伏義六十四卦圓圖), 파대횡도분위료양부분(把大橫圖分爲了兩部分), 즉전삼십이괘종좌상방향하진행료배치(卽前三十二卦從左上方向下進行了配置), 이후삼십이괘종우상방향하원형진행료배치(而後三十二卦從右上方向下圓形進行了配置). 차원이자오묘유위중심청초지현시출료양시(자)(此圓以子午卯酉爲中心淸楚地顯示出了陽始(子)), 양진(묘)(陽辰(卯)), 양극(오)(陽極(午)). 음시(오)(陰始(午)), 음진(유)(陰辰(酉)), 음극(자)등적상(陰極(子)等的象), 체현료천도순환적도리(體現了天道循環的道理). 3. 복의육십사괘방원(伏義六十四卦方圓), 야유래어대횡도(也由來於大橫圖), 역체현료지도원리급선천법상적자연지묘(亦體現了地道原理及先天法象的自然之妙). 4. 복의육십사괘방위원시근거천지지리(伏義六十四卦方位圓是根據天地之理), 재복의육십사괘원도내배치료복의육십사괘방원(在伏義六十四卦圓圖內配置了伏義六十四卦方圓). 저시유주자수차배치적(這是由朱子首次配置的). 원도이원형진행료배치(圓圖以圓形進行了配置), 중공상태체현료천지순환적질서(中空狀態體現了天之循環的秩序), 이방도이방형진행료배치(而方圖以方形進行了配置), 중간충실체현료지지존재적상태(中間充實體現了地之存在的狀態), 기작용균시어중심부(基作用均始於中心部). 방원도중포함착일개월적변화(方圓圖中包含着一個月的變化), 일년적운행(一年的運行), 129,600년지우주일년적변화(年之宇宙一年的變化), 천지적종시(天地的終始), 인물적생사(人物的生死), 고금세변적원리등(古今世變的原理等). 5. 장개빈확립료용역학원리해석의학적의역학(張介貧確立了用易學原理解釋醫學的醫易學), 파육십사괘방원여인체진행결합작료천발(把六十四卦方圓與人體進行結合作了闡發). 기일(基一), 기인위육십사괘원도적중심시태극(基認爲六十四卦圓圖的中心是太極), 차부상당어인체지심, 이건남곤북화리동감서(而乾南坤北和離東坎西), 분별대응어상수하복화좌우이목(分別對應於上首下腹和左右耳目). 기이(基二), 원도이사등분적사상(圓圖以四等分的四象), 파인생분위료사분(把人生分爲了四分), 병분별진행료배속(幷分別進行了配屬). 저설명료파육십사괘여 "소문·상고천진론" 중이팔수위변적장부원리(這設明了把六十四卦與『素問·上古天眞論』中以八수爲變的丈夫原理), 소진행적배속관계(所進行的配屬關係). 기삼(基三), 기인위재원도중(基認爲在圓圖中), 여동양시생적복괘(천근)여음시생적구괘(월굴), 相互交替進行循環一樣, 인적생장쇠로적도리화일일중오매적도리시일양적(人的生長衰老的道理和一日中寤寐的道理是一樣的). 기사(基四), 기재원도중(基在圓圖中), 이천양재남화천부족서북(以天陽在南和天不足西北), 래설명료건재남화곤재북적도리(來說明了乾在南和坤在北的道理), 병재방토중이지강재북화지불만동남(幷在方土中以地剛在北和地不滿東南), 래설명료건재서북화건재동남적도리, 이육십사괘적원리여의학밀접결합, 대지진행료설명(對之進行了說明).

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An Analysis of the Trends of Aromatherapy Researches in Chinese Literatures

  • Sun, Jiao-Jing;Kim, Kyeong-Ran
    • Journal of the Korea Society of Computer and Information
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    • v.26 no.1
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    • pp.239-251
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    • 2021
  • Traditional Chinese medicine has treated diseases and improved health in nature-based experience. Advanced nations began to be interested in naturopathic therapy in the late 19th century and it led China to research aromatherapy. This study searched previous researches related with aromatherapy and generally analyzed aroma oil, applied body parts, methods of use, and period of use. For research contents, scientific and society journals from 2000 to 2019 related with aromatherapy were searched in CNKI(www.cnki.com) and WANFANG DATE(www.wanfang.com). Finally, 30 papers were selected through 5-step qualitative evaluation and expert review and analyzed. Frequency and percentage(%) were calculated by means of the Excel 2013 Program and represented by a chart. The results of analyzing aromatherapy trends are as follows. All 30 papers were researched in the medical society. The most common symptom was irritation and anxiety that appeared in 13 papers. Lavender oil and bergamot oil were commonly used aroma oil. Commonly applied part and method were nose and nasal inhalation. For aroma oil associated with symptoms, lavender oil was the best in irritative, anxious, and negative emotion, depression, labor pain, sleep disorder, migraine, tension, and vomiting, pain, and fatigue after operation. Lemon, ginger, and peppermint oil was good for nausea. Based on the findings, this study derived applied body parts, methods of use, and period of use in aromatherapy. However, most aromatherapy was used for patients in the nursing and medical fields in the simple form of inhalation and local massage. This study will suggest a standard ground that aromatherapy is good for pain, colic pain, and tension in a short period but needs a long period for the efficacy of psychological and neurological symptoms.

Analysis of the Use of Insured Herbal Extracts and Korean Medicinal Treatments in Patients with Allergic Rhinitis : Data from Health Insurance Review and Assessment Service (알레르기 비염 환자의 보험 한약 제제 및 한의 처치 이용 현황 : 건강보험심사평가원 자료 분석)

  • Kim, Jeong-Hun;Ryu, Ji-In;Kang, Chae-Yeong;Hwang, Jin-Seub;Lee, Dong-Hyo
    • The Journal of Korean Medicine Ophthalmology and Otolaryngology and Dermatology
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    • v.34 no.2
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    • pp.38-52
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    • 2021
  • Objectives : The purpose of this study is to analyze the use of insured herbal extracts and Korean medicinal treatments, which are mainly used to treat allergic rhinitis in Korean medicine. Methods : Among all HIRA(Health Insurance Review and Assessment Service) claims data in 2016, we included all statements that included J30(vasomotor and allergic rhinitis) or a subcategory of J30(J30.0, J30.1, J30.2, J30.3, or J30.4) as the main disease, using the Korean Standard Classification of Diseases(KCD-7). This study analyzed the most frequently used insured herbal extracts and Korean medicinal treatments for allergic rhinitis in Korean medicine. We performed a frequency analysis on subgroups based on treatment type(inpatient or outpatient), sex, age, insurance type, and medical institution type. Results : The result shows the 10 most frequently used insured herbal extracts and Korean medicinal treatments for allergic rhinitis. The total number of insured herbal extracts prescriptions was 82,533, and the most commonly prescribed insured herbal extracts was socheongryong-tang(35,131 prescriptions), followed by hyeonggaeyeongyo-tang(18,157 prescriptions), samsoeum(6,257 prescriptions), and galgeun-tang(4,465 prescriptions). The total number of Korean medicinal treatments prescriptions was 1,878,541, of which the most common Korean medicinal treatments was acupuncture(922,977 prescriptions), followed by moxibustion(372,120 prescriptions), cupping(242,094 prescriptions), and segmental acupuncture(161,553 prescriptions). Conclusions : It is expected that the results of this study can be used as a basis for establishing the priorities of evidence-based clinical research topics in the field of Korean medicine and making health care policy decisions to strengthen coverage in the future.

Diet Quality in Elderly Patients with Type 2 Diabetes - Focused on Demographic Characteristics and Depression - (제2형 당뇨병 노인환자의 식사의 질 - 인구학적 특성 및 우울을 중심으로 -)

  • Min-jung, Nam
    • Journal of agricultural medicine and community health
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    • v.47 no.4
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    • pp.229-241
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    • 2022
  • Purpose: This study was attempted to identify the demographic characteristics, depression, and dietary quality of elderly patients with type 2 diabetes, and to identify the difference in food quality according to these variables. Methods: The subjects of the study were 216 elderly patients with type 2 diabetes over the age of 65 visiting elderly welfare centers and senior citizens' centers in G city and H districts. Data were collected from December 2020 to July 2021. The collected data were analyzed by descriptive statistics, t-test and one-way ANOVA using IBM SPSS Statistics 21 program. Results: There were significant differences in dietary quality according to the subject's gender, education level, residential area, spouse or not, family living together or not, subject of meal preparation, calorie requirement recognition or not, exercise practice for diabetes management or not, and depression. Depression and Fasting Blood Sugar management were important influencing factors on dietary quality, and Residence and Gender were also verified as influencing factors. Conclusions: The results of this study can be provided as basic data to establish a program to improve the quality of meals for diabetic elderly patients.