• 제목/요약/키워드: 균일

검색결과 25,033건 처리시간 0.052초

On Vortex Reduction Characteristics of Pump Sump Circulating Water Intake Basin of Power Plant Using Hydraulic Experiment (수리실험을 이용한 발전소의 순환수 취수부 흡입수조의 와류저감에 관한 연구)

  • Eom, Junghyun;Lee, Du Han;Kim, Hung Soo
    • KSCE Journal of Civil and Environmental Engineering Research
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    • 제42권6호
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    • pp.815-824
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    • 2022
  • Among the main facilities of the power plant, the circulating water used for cooling the power generation system is supplied through the Circulation Water Intake Basin (CWIB). The vortexes of various types generated in the Pump Sump (PS) of CWIB adversely affect the Circulation Water Pump (CWP) and pipelines. In particular, the free surface vortex accompanied by air intake brings about vibration, noise, cavitation etc. and these are the causes of degradation of CWP performance, damage to pipelines. Then power generation is interrupted by the causes. Therefore, it is necessary to investigate the hydraulic characteristics of CWIB through the hydraulic model experiment and apply an appropriate Anti Vortex Device (AVD) that can control the vortex to enable smooth operation of the power plant. In general, free surface vortex is controlled by Curtain Wall (CW) and the submerged vortex is by the anti vortex device of the curtain wall. The detailed specifications are described in the American National Standard for Pump Intake Design. In this study, the circulating water intake part of the Tripoli West 4×350 MW power plant in Libya was targeted, the actual operating conditions were applied, and the vortex reduction effect of the anti vortex device generated in the suction tank among the circulating water intake part was analyzed through a hydraulic model experiment. In addition, a floor splitter was basically applied to control the submerged vortex, and a new type of column curtain wall was additionally applied to control the vortex generated on the free surface to confirm the effect. As a result of analyzing the hydraulic characteristics by additionally applying the newly developed Column Curtain Wall (CCW) to the existing curtain wall, we have found that the vortex was controlled by forming a uniform flow. In addition, the vortex angle generated in the circulating water pump pipeline was 5° or less, which is the design standard of ANSI/HI 9.8, confirming the stability of the flow.

Effectiveness of Drain Insertion and Irrigation in the Treatment of Septic Arthritis of the Knee under Local Anesthesia (국소 마취하 배액관 삽입 및 세척을 통한 화농성 슬관절염의 치료의 효용성)

  • Yi, Jin Woong;Oh, Byung Hak;Heo, Youn Moo;Jang, Min Gu;Min, Young Ki;Seo, Kyung Deok
    • Journal of the Korean Orthopaedic Association
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    • 제56권4호
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    • pp.310-316
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    • 2021
  • Purpose: Septic arthritis of the knee is an orthopedic emergency that requires early diagnosis and surgical treatment. This study examined the effectiveness of drain insertion and irrigation in the treatment of septic arthritis of the knee under local anesthesia. Materials and Methods: A retrospective study was conducted on nine cases (eight patients) diagnosed with septic arthritis of the knee from September 2017 to February 2020 and treated with drain insertion and irrigation under local anesthesia. After penetrating through the superolateral portal to the superomedial portal and inserting the drain, daily irrigation of approximately 3 L of normal saline was done. The following were investigated: age, sex, underlying disease, cause, degree of osteoarthritis, time from diagnosis to surgery, duration of hospitalization, duration of normalization of C-reactive protein, and smear and culture. Results: The initial white blood cell count of joint fluid was 71,472±51,667/mm3 (32,400-203,904/mm3), and polymorphic leukocytes were 91.1%±2.6% (86%-95%). The average time from diagnosis to surgery was 8.3±1.3 hours (6-10 hours), and the irrigation period was 8.2±3.2 days (4-15 days). The average length of hospitalization was 20.8±8.7 days (9-37 days). There was no reoperation or recurrence. Smear and culture tests were not identified. Conclusion: In the treatment of septic arthritis of the knee, the insertion of a drain tube and irrigation under local anesthesia is a relatively fast and simple method to reduce pain by repetitive draining of purulent joint fluid and can be used as an alternative treatment for patients with a risk of general or spinal anesthesia.

Biological Treatment of Piggery Liquid Manure by Malodor Reducing Bacteria (악취 저감용 세균에 의한 돈분뇨의 생물학적 처리)

  • Quan, Xiao-Tian;Shin, Jae-Hyeong;Wang, Yan-Qing;Choi, Min-Gyung;Kim, Sang-Min;Kim, Soo-Ki
    • Journal of Life Science
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    • 제32권12호
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    • pp.971-978
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    • 2022
  • Sulfur-oxidizing, ammonium-oxidizing, and nitrogen-oxidizing media were used to isolate bacteria to degrade malodor gas effectively in piggery manure or soil. Twelve different strains were isolated: Paenibacillus amylolyticus, Rhodococcus jostii, Rhodococcus qingshengii, Rhodococcus opacus, Alcaligenes faecalis, Alcaligenes faecalis, Kastia adipate, Kastia adipata, Microbacterium oxydans, Halomonas campisalis, Acinetobacter oleivorans, and Micrococcus luteus. By inoculating each strain in the piggery liquid manure by 1%, the pH in most strain treatments was maintained at 8.0. Total bacterial counts were maintained at 7.3~7.9 log CFU/ml until 15 days, and then they dropped dramatically down to 5.1~5.5 log CFU/ml. On the 30th day, the treatment group inoculated with Rhodococcus opacus SK2659 showed a relatively high level of ammonium nitrogen removal, which was 39% of that of the control group. When Rhodococcus opacus SK2659 was inoculated, H2S concentration after 100 days was 3.23% compared with the control (no inoculation), suggesting that Rhodococcus opacus SK2659 is an excellent strain for removing malodor gas. The gas production of the treatments was lower than that of the control. The total accumulated amount of gas production in most strain treatments was a quarter of the gas production compared to the control throughout the experimental periods. Acinetobacter oleivorans SK2675 showed the lowest level at 12.39% compared to the control in gas production. In conclusion, the use of mixture strains, such as Rhodococcus opacus SK2659 and Acinetobacter oleivorans SK2675 isolated in this study could increase the efficacy of malodor gas reduction in the biological treatment of piggery manure.

Optimization for Ammonia Decomposition over Ruthenium Alumina Catalyst Coated on Metallic Monolith Using Response Surface Methodology (반응표면분석법을 이용한 루테늄 알루미나 메탈모노리스 코팅촉매의 암모니아 분해 최적화)

  • Choi, Jae Hyung;Lee, Sung-Chan;Lee, Junhyeok;Kim, Gyeong-Min;Lim, Dong-Ha
    • Clean Technology
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    • 제28권3호
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    • pp.218-226
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    • 2022
  • As a result of the recent social transformation towards a hydrogen economy and carbon-neutrality, the demands for hydrogen energy have been increasing rapidly worldwide. As such, eco-friendly hydrogen production technologies that do not produce carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions are being focused on. Among them, ammonia (NH3) is an economical hydrogen carrier that can easily produce hydrogen (H2). In this study, Ru/Al2O3 catalyst coated onmetallic monolith for hydrogen production from ammonia was prepared by a dip-coating method using a catalyst slurry mixture composed of Ru/Al2O3 catalyst, inorganic binder (alumina sol) and organic binder (methyl cellulose). At the optimized 1:1:0.1 weight ratio of catalyst/inorganic binder/organic binder, the amount of catalyst coated on the metallic monolith after one cycle coating was about 61.6 g L-1. The uniform thickness (about 42 ㎛) and crystal structure of the catalyst coated on the metallic monolith surface were confirmed through scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and X-ray diffraction (XRD) analysis. Also, a numerical optimization regression equation for NH3 conversion according to the independent variables of reaction temperature (400-600 ℃) and gas hourly space velocity (1,000-5,000 h-1) was calculated by response surface methodology (RSM). This model indicated a determination coefficient (R2) of 0.991 and had statistically significant predictors. This regression model could contribute to the commercial process design of hydrogen production by ammonia decomposition.

A study on the introduction of organic waste-to-energy incentive system(I): Precise monitoring of biogasification (유기성폐자원에너지 인센티브제도 도입방안 연구(I): 바이오가스화 정밀모니터링)

  • Kwon, Jun-Hwa;Moon, Hee-Sung;Lee, Won-Seok;Lee, Dong-Jin
    • Journal of the Korea Organic Resources Recycling Association
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    • 제29권4호
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    • pp.67-76
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    • 2021
  • Biogasification is a technology that produces environmentally friendly fuel using methane gas generated in the process of stably decomposing and processing organic waste. Biogasification is the most used method for energy conversion of organic waste with high moisture content, and is a useful method for organic waste treatment following the prohibition of direct landfill (2005) and marine dumping (2013). Due to African Swine Fever (ASF), which recently occurred in Korea, recycling of wet feed is prohibited, and consumers such as dry feed and compost are negatively recognized, making it difficult to treat food waste. Accordingly, biogasification is attracting more attention for the treatment and recycling of food waste. Korea's energy consumption amounted to 268.41 106toe, ranking 9th in the world. However, it is an energy-poor country that depends on foreign imports for about 95.8% of its energy supply. Therefore, in Korea, the Renewable Energy Portfolio Standard (RPS) is being introduced. The domestic RPS system sets the weight of the new and renewable energy certificate (REC, Renewable energy certificate) of waste energy lower than that of other renewable energy. Therefore, an additional incentive system is required for the activation of waste-to-energy. In this study, the operation of an anaerobic digester that treats food waste, food waste Leachate and various organic wastes was confirmed. It was intended to be used as basic data for preparing the waste-to-energy incentive system through precise monitoring for a certain period of time. Four sites that produce biogas from organic waste and use them for power generation and heavy gas were selected as target facilities, and field surveys and sampling were conducted. Basic properties analysis was performed on the influent sample of organic waste and the effluent sample according to the treatment process. As a result of the analysis of the properties, the total solids of the digester influent was an average of 12.11%, and the volatile solids of the total solids were confirmed to be 85.86%. BOD and CODcr removal rates were 60.8% and 64.8%. The volatile fatty acids in the influent averaged 55,716 mg/L. It can be confirmed that most of the volatile fatty acids were decomposed and removed with an average reduction rate of 92.3% after anaerobic digestion.

Effects of Dry Heat Treatment on the Reduction of Main Food-Borne Bacteria on Alfalfa Seeds (건열처리를 이용한 알팔파의 주요 식중독균 저감화)

  • Hong, Soon-Young;Kim, Su-jin;Bang, Woo-Suk
    • Journal of Food Hygiene and Safety
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    • 제37권4호
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    • pp.225-231
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    • 2022
  • In this study, the conditions of dry heat treatment (21 days at 65℃, 16 days at 70℃, 10 days at 75℃, and 7 days at 80℃) were investigated to inactivate Bacillus cereus ATCC 12480, Listeria monocytogenes ATCC SSA81, Staphylococcus aureus ATCC 6538, Escherichia coli O157:H7 ATCC 43894, and Salmonella Typhimurium ATCC 14028 on alfalfa seeds, without affecting the rate of germination of seeds. Alfalfa seeds were inoculated at levels of 6-7 log CFU/g and treated with dry heat at 65℃, 70℃, 75℃, and 80℃; thereafter, the rate of seed germination was determined. The rate of germination was set at 70%, according to the market standards. The bacteria were inactivated when B. cereus was treated with dry heat for 21 days at 65℃, 18 days at 70℃, 14 days at 75℃, and 4 days at 80℃; L. monocytogenes was treated for 21 days at 65℃, 18 days at 70℃, 12 days at 75℃, and 7 days at 80℃; S. aureus was treated for 18 days at 65℃, 18 days at 70℃, 11 days at 75℃, and 4 days at 80℃; E. coli O157:H7 was treated for 21 days at 65℃, 18 days at 70℃, 12 days at 75℃, and 6 days at 80℃; and Sal. Typhimurium was treated for 24 days at 65℃, 22 days at 70℃, 14 days at 75℃, and 7 days at 80℃. For all bacteria, the D-value (R2 = 0.5656-0.7957) significantly decreased when the temperature increased from 65℃ to 80℃ (P<0.05). Since dry heat treatment of alfalfa seeds at 80℃ for 7 days affects their germination rate, dry heat treatment at 75℃ for 14 days is the most effective way to ensure their safety. This study suggests a potential method of bacterial inactivation using dry heat treatment to increase the microbiological safety of sprouts.

Anti-stress and Sleep-enhancing Effects of Ptecticus tenebrifer Water Extract Through the Regulation of Corticosterone and Melatonin Levels (코르티코스테론 및 멜라토닌 수치 조절을 통한 동애등에 물 추출물의 항스트레스 및 수면 개선 효과)

  • Oh, Dool-Ri;Ko, Haeju;Hong, Seong Hyun;Kim, Yujin;Oh, Kyo-Nyeo;Kim, Yonguk;Bae, Donghyuck
    • Journal of Life Science
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    • 제32권8호
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    • pp.601-610
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    • 2022
  • P. tenebrifer (PT) belongs to the Diptera order and Stratiomyidae family. Recently, insect industry have been focused as food, animal feed and environmental advantages. γ-aminobutyric acid (GABA) and melatonin have been associated with regulating sleep and depression. GABA is the primary inhibitory neurotransmitter and is synthesized via biotransformation of monosodium glutamate (MSG) to GABA by lactic acid bacteria. In this study, we first used a GABA-enhanced PT extract, wherein GABA was enhanced by feeding MSG to PT. The underlying mechanisms preventing stress and insomnia were investigated in a corticosterone (CORT)-induced endoplasmic reticulum (ER) stress and chronic restraint stress (CRS)-exposed mouse model, as well as in pentobarbital (45 mg/kg)-induced sleep behaviors in mice. In the present study, the GABA peak was detected in high-performance liquid chromatography-evaporative light scattering detector (HPLC-ELSD) analysis and showed in Ptecticus tenebrifer water extract (PTW) but not in non-PTW extract. The results showed that PTW and Ptecticus tenebrifer with 70% ethanol extract (PTE) exerted neuroprotective effects by protecting against CORT-induced downregulation of phosphorylated extracellular signal-regulated kinase 1/2 (ERK1/2) and cAMP-response element binding protein (CREB) expression. In addition, PTW (300 mg/kg) significantly reduced CORT levels in CRS-exposed mice. Furthermore, PTW (100 and 300 mg/kg) significantly reduced sleep latency and increased total sleep duration in pentobarbital (45 mg/kg)-induced sleeping behaviors, which was related to serum melatonin levels. In conclusion, our results suggest that PTW exerts anti-stress and sleep-enhancing effects by regulating serum CORT and melatonin levels.

Machine Transplanting Cultivation with Infant Seedling in Rice Plant I. Effects of Different Nursery Soil and Plumule Length on the Infant Rice Seedling for Machine Transplanting (벼 어린모(유묘) 기계이앙 재배연구 I. 상토종류 및 출아장의 차이가 어린모 기술이앙 재배에 미치는 영향)

  • Yun, Yong-Dae;Oh, Yong-Bee;Lim, Moo-Sang;Park, Rae-Kyeong;Park, Seok-Hong
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    • 제34권4호
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    • pp.428-433
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    • 1989
  • The objective of this experiment was to determine if there were feasible to transplant infant rice seedling for machine transplanting. Cultivars tested were Sobaegbyeo and Daecheongbyeo, ]aponica type cultivars. Infant seedling, young seedling and semi-adult seedling were raised with sailor rock wool in seedling tray from 1986 to 1988. Infant rice seedling raised more than 4 days after sowing with rock wool was uniform, and low in ratio of missing hill at machine transplanting. Tiller number per m2 was more in infant rice seedling, young seedling and semi-adult seedling, in that order. Heading dates were not significantly different among seedlings applied, however rice plant sown directly was later 4 or 5 days than any other seedlings. Panicle number per m2 was more in infant seedling than in semi-adult seedling, but ripened ratio was lower in infant seedling due to lodging. Thus there were not greatly different in yield among seedlings tested. Therefore infant rice seedling (more than 5cm in plumule length) raised for 7 days was most optimum, and rock wool would be used as a nursery soil instead of nursery soil for raising infant rice seedling in machine transplanting.

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Optimization of Characteristic Change due to Differences in the Electrode Mixing Method (전극 혼합 방식의 차이로 인한 특성 변화 최적화)

  • Jeong-Tae Kim;Carlos Tafara Mpupuni;Beom-Hui Lee;Sun-Yul Ryou
    • Journal of the Korean Electrochemical Society
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    • 제26권1호
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    • pp.1-10
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    • 2023
  • The cathode, which is one of the four major components of a lithium secondary battery, is an important component responsible for the energy density of the battery. The mixing process of active material, conductive material, and polymer binder is very essential in the commonly used wet manufacturing process of the cathode. However, in the case of mixing conditions of the cathode, since there is no systematic method, in most cases, differences in performance occur depending on the manufacturer. Therefore, LiMn2O4 (LMO) cathodes were prepared using a commonly used THINKY mixer and homogenizer to optimize the mixing method in the cathode slurry preparation step, and their characteristics were compared. Each mixing condition was performed at 2000 RPM and 7 min, and to determine only the difference in the mixing method during the manufacture of the cathode other experiment conditions (mixing time, material input order, etc.) were kept constant. Among the manufactured THINKY mixer LMO (TLMO) and homogenizer LMO (HLMO), HLMO has more uniform particle dispersion than TLMO, and thus shows higher adhesive strength. Also, the result of the electrochemical evaluation reveals that HLMO cathode showed improved performance with a more stable life cycle compared to TLMO. The initial discharge capacity retention rate of HLMO at 69 cycles was 88%, which is about 4.4 times higher than that of TLMO, and in the case of rate capability, HLMO exhibited a better capacity retention even at high C-rates of 10, 15, and 20 C and the capacity recovery at 1 C was higher than that of TLMO. It's postulated that the use of a homogenizer improves the characteristics of the slurry containing the active material, the conductive material, and the polymer binder creating an electrically conductive network formed by uniformly dispersing the conductive material suppressing its strong electrostatic properties thus avoiding aggregation. As a result, surface contact between the active material and the conductive material increases, electrons move more smoothly, changes in lattice volume during charging and discharging are more reversible and contact resistance between the active material and the conductive material is suppressed.

An Empirical Study on the Improvement of In Situ Soil Remediation Using Plasma Blasting, Pneumatic Fracturing and Vacuum Suction (플라즈마 블라스팅, 공압파쇄, 진공추출이 활용된 지중 토양정화공법의 정화 개선 효과에 대한 실증연구)

  • Jae-Yong Song;Geun-Chun Lee;Cha-Won Kang;Eun-Sup Kim;Hyun-Shic Jang;Bo-An Jang;Yu-Chul Park
    • The Journal of Engineering Geology
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    • 제33권1호
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    • pp.85-103
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    • 2023
  • The in-situ remediation of a solidified stratum containing a large amount of fine-texture material like clay or organic matter in contaminated soil faces limitations such as increased remediation cost resulting from decreased purification efficiency. Even if the soil conditions are good, remediation generally requires a long time to complete because of non-uniform soil properties and low permeability. This study assessed the remediation effect and evaluated the field applicability of a methodology that combines pneumatic fracturing, vacuum extraction, and plasma blasting (the PPV method) to improve the limitations facing existing underground remediation methods. For comparison, underground remediation was performed over 80 days using the experimental PPV method and chemical oxidation (the control method). The control group showed no decrease in the degree of contamination due to the poor delivery of the soil remediation agent, whereas the PPV method clearly reduced the degree of contamination during the remediation period. Remediation effect, as assessed by the reduction of the highest TPH (Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons) concentration by distance from the injection well, was uncleared in the control group, whereas the PPV method showed a remediation effect of 62.6% within a 1 m radius of the injection well radius, 90.1% within 1.1~2.0 m, and 92.1% within 2.1~3.0 m. When evaluating the remediation efficiency by considering the average rate of TPH concentration reduction by distance from the injection well, the control group was not clear; in contrast, the PPV method showed 53.6% remediation effect within 1 m of the injection well, 82.4% within 1.1~2.0 m, and 68.7% within 2.1~3.0 m. Both ways of considering purification efficiency (based on changes in TPH maximum and average contamination concentration) found the PPV method to increase the remediation effect by 149.0~184.8% compared with the control group; its average increase in remediation effect was ~167%. The time taken to reduce contamination by 80% of the initial concentration was evaluated by deriving a correlation equation through analysis of the TPH concentration: the PPV method could reduce the purification time by 184.4% compared with chemical oxidation. However, the present evaluation of a single site cannot be equally applied to all strata, so additional research is necessary to explore more clearly the proposed method's effect.