• Title/Summary/Keyword: 국제학교

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The Relationship Analysis of the Korean Science Curriculum with the Physical Science Domains of the 4th Grade TIMSS 2019 (TIMSS 2019의 4학년 물상과학 영역과 우리나라 과학 교육과정의 비교 분석)

  • Kim, Sun-Kyoung;Kim, Hyun-Kyung
    • Journal of Science Education
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    • v.45 no.1
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    • pp.1-10
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    • 2021
  • In this study, we analyzed the relationship between the physical science domain of TIMSS 2019 and the Korean science curriculum. Twelve subjects are presented in the physical science domain of the TIMSS 2019 4th grade evaluation framework. Research group consisting of elementary and middle school teachers and science education experts, a total of 12, participated to analyze in which grade these subjects were included in the Korea 2009 revised and 2015 revised science curriculum. As a results of analyzing whether the achievement standards of the TIMSS 2019 evaluation framework and Korean science curriculum are consistent, the subjects pertinent to chemistry like 'chemical changes in everyday life,' 'heat transfer,' and 'electricity and simple electrical circuits' appeared not covered at all until the 4th grade curriculum in Korea. Given that the TIMSS 2019 evaluation framework is an international achievement standard, we are proposing to improve the Korean curriculum as follows: first, for the development of the next science curriculum, there is a need for science curriculum organized from the 1st grade of elementary school to connect the content and scope of chemistry in elementary, middle, and high schools as a whole including the Nuri curriculum. Second, as an alternative to the problem of suitability of learning volume and level of learning, it is possible to think of a method to readjust the grade of dealing with related concepts by lowering the difficulty or simplifying the concept. Third, it is necessary to discuss about introducing essential concepts and standard terms into Korea science curriculum according to international trends.

The Floor Layout Plan of Classrooms for Securing Evacuation Stability in School (학교의 피난 안전성 확보를 위한 층별 학급 배치방안)

  • Lee, Soon Beom;Lee, Jai Young;Kong, Ha-Sung
    • The Journal of the Convergence on Culture Technology
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    • v.7 no.3
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    • pp.509-515
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    • 2021
  • This study analyzes the efficient floor layout plan of classrooms for securing evacuation stability in school in case of fire by using the Pathfinder simulation program. Efficient evacuation methods and safety were evaluated by analyzing REST (Required Safe Egress Time) according to the allocation of personnel by floor targeting a high school 5-story building equipped with a ramp and stairs. The current status of personnel assignments exceeded the Required Safe Egress Time(RSET), resulting in a problem with evacuation safety. When students were placed on the 3rd, 4th, and 5th floors, the result was that the time exceeded RSET the most. When students were placed on the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd floors, the result was that they completed evacuation in the shortest time, less than RSET. In the current state, when evacuation was guided by designating an evacuation exit depending on the location, the result of shortening RSET was obtained. As a result, it is effective to put the students on the lower floors when placing students in high-rise school buildings in terms of evacuation safety, and in the preliminary training, it is required to designate evacuation exits so that they can use the nearest exit for each location in case of a fire. As a future research project, additional research is needed on the RSET when a fire occurs in a specific location according to whether the automatic fire door at that location is opened or closed.

An Analysis of the Capacity Concept in Elementary School Mathematics: Focused on the Textbooks and Teacher Understanding (초등 수학 교과서 내용과 교사 이해를 중심으로 한 들이 개념 지도에 대한 분석)

  • Kim, Jeongwon;Pang, JeongSuk
    • Communications of Mathematical Education
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    • v.35 no.4
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    • pp.547-573
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    • 2021
  • Capacity is a concept that has been covered in elementary mathematics textbooks but its meaning has not been accurately defined in the textbooks. Two units, liter (L) and milliliter (mL), are introduced as the units of capacity in the textbooks, but they are the units of volume according to the International System of Unit. These stimulated us to analyze what capacity is, and how the capacity is related to the concept of volume. This study scrutinized how the different elementary mathematics textbooks that were developed from the first national curriculum to the most recently revised curriculum introduced the capacity and explained the relationship between capacity and volume. This study also examined the understanding of capacity by elementary school teachers using a questionnaire. The results of this study showed that the concept of capacity has been mostly introduced in the third grade in common but that there were differences among textbooks in terms of how they presented and used the concept of capacity as well as whether they described its definition or relationship with the concept of volume. Regarding the results of teachers' understanding, most teachers could explain the capacity as either "the size of the inner space of the container" or "the amount that can be contained" but some of them provided only superficial or inappropriate feedback for the students with the common misunderstandings of capacity. Based on these results, this paper presents implications for textbook developers and teachers to better address the concept of capacity.

A Study on the Information Behavior of Students in Specialized High School - A Case Study of B Specialized High School (특성화고등학교 학생들의 정보이용행태 연구- B 특성화고등학교 사례 분석)

  • Euikyung Oh
    • The Journal of the Convergence on Culture Technology
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    • v.9 no.3
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    • pp.415-423
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    • 2023
  • The purpose of this study was to prepare basic data for improving school library information service by investigating the information usage behavior of specialized high school students. Preferred information sources for each situation requiring information and the level of solving information problems using information sources were investigated, and difference analysis was conducted by department and grade. As a result of the survey, the percentage of students who preferred Internet portal services, personal information sources (teachers, friends, parents), and social media was high, while the percentage of students who preferred traditional print information sources and mass media was very low. The average score of the information problem solving level was 3.55, and the problem solving level in the areas of employment and career/admission was relatively low. Preferred sources of information were similar regardless of grade and department, and the difference between departments in information problem solving level was not statistically significant, but the difference between grades was statistically significant. In addition, there is an academic contribution in this field that specific examples of youth information use behavior have been added. Based on the results of the study, librarians should make efforts to verify the reliability of Internet portal site information, improve and promote library information sources, and expand library use education. In future studies, it was suggested to develop customized information services.

Exploring the Direction of Secondary School Career Education in a Lifelong Learning Society (평생학습사회에서 중등학교의 진로 교육 방향 탐색)

  • Yoon Ok Han
    • The Journal of the Convergence on Culture Technology
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    • v.9 no.6
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    • pp.169-179
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    • 2023
  • The purpose of this study is to suggest the direction of secondary school career education in a lifelong learning society. In that direction, first, it is necessary to strengthen teacher capacity and develop professionalism. Second, career education programs need to be improved and diversified. Third, it is necessary to strengthen collaboration and communication with career education experts as a way to strengthen cooperation and connection outside the school. Fourth, it is necessary to support online career education through improvement of career information network. Fifth, there are policy support and institutional improvement plans. Sixth, it is necessary to expand the subject of career education to the entire life. To this end, career education in secondary school is designed to flexibly cope with changes, overcome crises and turn them into opportunities, and provide experiences to solve problems. Comprehensive support for individually customized career education from a lifelong perspective that manages the degree is needed. Second, it is necessary to expand field-oriented career and job experience to provide sufficient job-related experience and support mentoring by field experts. Third, it is necessary to establish a career education network where schools, education offices, and local communities work together. Fourth, retraining of career counseling teachers is also necessary to support the strengthening of career education capacity of all teachers.

Changes of Cultivation Areas and Major Disease for Spicy Vegetables by the Change of Meteorological Factors (기상요인 변화에 따른 주요 양념채소의 재배면적 및 주요 병해 발생 변화)

  • Yoon, Deok-Hoon;Oh, So-Yong;Nam, Ki-Woong;Eom, Ki-Cheol;Jung, Pill-Kyun
    • Journal of Climate Change Research
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    • v.5 no.1
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    • pp.47-59
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    • 2014
  • This study was conducted to estimate of future productivity for major spicy vegetables by the change of meteorological factors, temperature and precipitation. Based on analysis of meteorological factors, incidence of major disease(phytophthora blight and anthracnose) for hot pepper was over 50% with temperature over $18.3^{\circ}C$ in May and precipitation over 532 mm in July. And the meteorological factors in the August have deeply related to the incidence of virus disease(CMV and BBWV2) for hot pepper, however, both the meteorological factors and the incidence of virus disease showed to the opposite tendency. An analysis of the relevance of the white rot disease and the meteorological factors for garlic, a disease was highly investigated with temperature $15.0^{\circ}C$ to $15.9^{\circ}C$ in April to May. On the onion, higher incidence of white rot was investigated with temperature over $4.0^{\circ}C$ in November to January and precipitation over 40 mm in March. The occurrence of major disease for spicy vegetables and meteorological factors as a result of regression analysis, the optimal cultivation area of peppers and onions will be gradually expanded to the central regions in the near future in Korea.

A study on the guidelines for the Military Continuity of Operations Plan (군 COOP전략 지침 수립을 위한 연구)

  • Park, Chanyoung;Park, Seongsu
    • The Journal of the Convergence on Culture Technology
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    • v.8 no.1
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    • pp.291-298
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    • 2022
  • Unexpected massive disasters have occurred around the world, causing enormous socio-economic damage. The military has long been enacting laws, organizing organizations and establishing systems for crisis and disaster management, but it did not consider the situation when military essential functions were suspended due to unpredictable and massive disasters. With the September 11 terrorist attacks, the U.S. military has developed COOP strategy aimed at continuing military essential functions in all crisis, and is contributed to national continuity by ensuring uninterrupted national security functions. Korean military has established a crisis and disaster management system, but focuses on managing and controlling disasters and crisis situations. Korean military needs a system to guarantee military essential functions even in national crisis beyond its management capabilities. In this study, We compared and reviewed the U.S. administration and military COOP guidelines and directives, ISO22301 international standards., and developed planning guidelines suitable for the Korean military situation by responding to detailed items based on ISO22301. In particular, the U.S. military(DoD, Army, Navy, Air Force) COOP guidelines were drawn and incorporated into the guidelines(such as protection and succession of command authority, the fulfillment of essential functions and operational security, etc.). The planning guidelines are expected to be used as reference materials for the introduction of COOP systems in the military and the establishment of plans in the future.

Development of future education programs through edutech utilization programs (에듀테크 활용 프로그램을 통한 미래교육 프로그램 개발)

  • Lee Min-hye
    • Journal of the International Relations & Interdisciplinary Education
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    • v.2 no.2
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    • pp.81-95
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    • 2022
  • The core of this study is to develop an edutech utilization program to be applied to 5th grade students by utilizing school curriculum time, and the conclusions based on the results of the study are as follows. First, for the development of future educational programs using edutech, a content preference survey was conducted and significant responses were confirmed from 27 teachers and 216 students, excluding missing values. In the future education implementation, UCC (video shooting, editing, etc.) and work activities (3D pen, 3D printer, etc.) were selected based on the need for separate edtech devices. Second, in order to develop a future education program using edutech, the future education class module was set in 4 stages based on previous research. First of all, in Make a foundation, theories by subject are developed, and in Open an activity, future education experience activities using key edutech are developed. In Organize evaluation, individual self-evaluation was conducted, and based on this, customized in-depth supplementary activities were conducted in Act individually. Third, in order for future education programs using edutech to be organized in the regular curriculum, sufficient connectivity with the curriculum must be secured. The basis for systematic and stable research was prepared by analyzing the curriculum of the 5th grade subject of the study and securing hours in connection with creative experiential activities. The data developed through this process were modified and supplemented based on the content validity test. The fact that the program application and verification steps were not performed is a limitation of this study, but it is expected that this program will expand the possibility of future education practice in the school field.

A case Study on the Experiences of College Students Participating in the Career Exploration credit System (퍼포먼스 이론의 관점으로 바라본 대학생들의 찾아가는 교육연극 공연 경험에 관한 사례연구)

  • Shin Min-Ju;Bijou Kwak
    • Journal of the International Relations & Interdisciplinary Education
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    • v.4 no.1
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    • pp.1-18
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    • 2024
  • This study is a qualitative case study on the experience of an on-site, audience-participatory educational play conducted by four college students majoring in theater under the title 'Hooni and Choroki' for 7-year-old kindergarten students about to enter elementary school. The core theme of the play is to help relieve anxiety about school life before entering elementary school and to communicate smoothly with peers. To this end, college students participate in scenario planning, kindergarten recruitment, and 40-minute training at three kindergartens. He even conducted theatrical performances. As a result of the study, the key components of 'another growth in my life', 'improvement of happiness through meeting children', and 'new challenge toward dreams' were derived. The greatest significance of this study is that the audience-participatory educational theater experience allowed college students to practice sharing the results of their learning with someone else, and through this practice of sharing learning, they were able to realize their somewhat vague career paths and dreams. It was an opportunity that allowed me to experience 'improved confidence' and 'a resonance in my heart' so that I could set a direction. We hope that future educational theater with audience participation will be widely implemented in various aspects.

With Training Creative Convergence Talents, Why is Art Education Noted? (창의적 융합인재양성. 왜 예술교육에 주목하는가?)

  • Tae, Jin-Mi
    • Journal of Gifted/Talented Education
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    • v.21 no.4
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    • pp.1011-1032
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    • 2011
  • For recently training the creative convergence talents, 'art education' is being greatly noted at home and abroad. In the meantime, this art education, which is being paid attention now as the educational trend of 'new alternative' in international society, has great difference in the aspect of objective, contents, and an operating method from the traditional art education in the past. Accordingly, this study analyzed and introduced the international art-education trend in a new concept, pointed out problems of art education as a part of activating the art education at elementary and middle schools, which is being driven now by the government, and of the integrated art education in the science technology field like STEAM, and suggested the desirable art-education orientation direction of satisfying the historical and social needs hereafter.