• Title/Summary/Keyword: 건축물관리법

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Comparison of The Importance of Evaluation Items for Landscape Performance and Sustainability Using Analytic Network Process (ANP) (ANP기법을 이용한 조경성능 및 친환경 평가항목 중요도 비교)

  • Ryu, Myeung-Ji;Lee, Hyung-Sook
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.47 no.6
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    • pp.45-52
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    • 2019
  • As international criteria and standards are required in the fields of design and construction, landscape performance must also be considered not only for the value of the landscape but also for providing quality assurance and sustainability. Given the lack of research on landscape performance, the present research was purposed to analyze the importance of potential assessment categories and items using an analytical network process. A list of assessment items, which is composed of 20 items and 6 categories, was derived through a literature review and a preliminary survey of 11 landscape professionals. An ANP model was established and a survey was conducted among 30 landscape practitioners to determine the weight of priorities considering the criteria. The results of ANP showed that the categories of site selection, preservation and health, and convenience had high priorities while materials had the lowest importance score. For the assessment items, a monitoring plan was the highest importance, followed by cultural/ historic preservation, management cost reduction, and natural ground areas. Despite the difficulties in quantifying landscape achievements, most respondents agreed that there needs to be an evaluation system for landscape performance in order to assure the quality and sustainability of landscape development. More research and discussion are needed to develop an assessment system for landscape performance that is applicable to Korean context.

Problems of Environmental Pollution (환경오염의 세계적인 경향)

  • 송인현
    • Proceedings of the KOR-BRONCHOESO Conference
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    • 1972.03a
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    • pp.3.4-5
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    • 1972
  • 생활수준이 낮은 단계에 있어서는 우선 식량에 대한 수요가 강하다. 인간의 욕구가 만족스럽게 먹는다는 것에 대하여 제일 강하게 발동하는 것이다 그러나 점차 과학기술과 산업과 경제가 발전하여 성장과정에 오르게 되고 소득수준도 향상하게 되면 시장기구를 통해서 구입 할 수 있는 개인의 물적 소비재에 대해서는 점차 충족하게 되며 식량이외에도 의복, 전기기구 및 일용생활용품, 자동차 등에 이르기까지 더욱 고차원의 소비재가 보급하게 되는 것이다. 이렇게 되며는 사람의 욕구는 사적 재물이나 물적 수요에서 점진적으로 공공재나 또는 질적 수요(주택, 생활환경 등)의 방향으로 움직이게 되는 것으로써 여기에 환경오염 또는 공해문제에 대하여 의식하게 된다. 그러나 여기에서 더욱이 문제점이 되는 것은 소득 수준의 향상 과정이란 그 자체가 환경오염의 커다란 요인이라는 점이며 자동차의 급격한 보급과 생활의 편의성을 구하여 집중되는 도시인구의 집적, 높은 소득을 보장하기 위한 생산성 높은 중화학공업의 발전 등등은 그 자체가 환경권이란 사람이 요구하는 고차원의 권리를 침해하는 직접적인 요인이 된다는 것이다. 이와 같은 환경오염이나 공해문제에 대한 세계적인 논의는 이미 시작된 지 오래이지만 현재는 우리의 건강보호를 위해서나 생활환경의 보전을 위해서라는 점에서는 그치는 것이 아니고, 더욱 넓혀서 자연의 보호, 자원의 보호라는 견지로 확대되고 있다. 이와 같은 세계적인 확대된 이해와 이에 대한 대책강구의 제안은 1968년 국제연합의 경제사회이사회에서 스웨덴 정부대표에 의하여 제시되었으며 1969년의 우- 탄트 사무총장의 인간환경에 관한 보고서, 1970년 Nixon 미대통령의 연두일반교서 그리고 1972년 5월 6일 스웨덴의 스톡홀롬에서 개최되는 인간환경회의의 주제 등을 통해서 알 수 있고, 종래의 공해나 생활환경의 오염문제라는 좁은 개념에서가 아니고 인간환경전체의 문제로 다루고 있는 것이다. 즉 환경개발(도시, 산업, 지역개발에 수반된 문제), 환경오염(인위적 행위에 의하여 환경의 대인간조건이 악화하는 문제) 자연ㆍ자원의 보호관리(지하, 해양자원, 동식물, 풍경경치의 문제)란 3개 측면에서 다루고 있는 것이다. 환경오염이란 문제를 중 심하여 보면 환경을 구성하는 기본적인 요소로서 대기, 물, 토지 또는 지각. 그리고 공간의 사대요소로 집약하여 생각할 수 있음으로 이 4요소의 오염이 문제가 되는 것이다. 대기의 오염은 환경의 오염중 가장 널리 알려진, 또 가장 오랜 역사를 가진 오염의 문제로써 이에 속하는 오염인자는 분진, 매연, 유해가스(유황산화물, 불화수소, 염화수소, 질소산화물, 일산 화염소 등) 등 대기의 1차 오염과 1차 존재한 물질이 자외선의 작용으로 변화발생 하는 오존, PAN등 광화학물질이 형성되는 2차적인 오염을 들 수 있다. 기외 카도미움, 연등 유해중금속이나 방사선물질이 대기로부터 토지를 오염시켜서 토지에 서식하는 생물의 오염을 야기케 한다는 점등이 명백하여지고 있으며 대기의 오염은 이런 오염물질이 대기중에서 이동하여 강우에 의한 침강물질의 변화를 일으키게 되며 소위 광역오염문제를 발생케하며 동시에 토지의 토질저하등을 가져오게 한다. 물의 오염은 크게 내육수의 오염과 해양의 오염의 양면으로 나누어 볼 수 있다. 하천의 오염을 방지하고 하천을 보호하기 위한 움직임 역시 환경오염의 역사상 오래된 문제이며 시초에는 인분뇨와의 연결에서 오는 세균에 의한 오염이나 양수 기타 일반하수와의 연결에서 오는 오염에 대비하는 것부터 시작하였지만 근래에는 산업공장폐수에 의한 각종 화학적유해물질과 염료 그리고 석유화학의 발달에 의한 폐유등으로 인한 수질오탁문제가 점차 크게 대두되고 있다. 이것은 측 오염이란 시초에 우리에게 주는 불쾌감이 크므로 이것을 피하자는 것부터 시작하여 인간의 건강을 지키고 각종 사용수를 보존하자는 용수보존으로 그리고 이제는 건강과 용수보존뿐만 아니라 이것이 농림 수산물에 대한 큰 피해를 주게됨으로써 오는 자연환경의 생태계보전의 문제로 확대전환하고 있는 것이다. ?간 특히 해양오염에 대한 문제는 국지적인 것에만 끝이는 것이 아니고 전세계의 해양에 곧 연결되는 것이므로 세계각국의 공통관심사로 등장케 되었으며 이것은 특히 폐유가 유류수송 도중에 해양에 투기되는 유류에 의한 해양의 유막성형에서 오는 기상의 변화와 물피해등이 막심함으로 심각화 되고 있다. 각국이 자국의 해안과 해양을 보호하기 위하여 조치를 서두르고 있는 현시점에서 볼 때에는 이는 국제문제화하고 있으며 세계적인 국제적 협력과 협조의 필요성이 강조되는 좋은 예라 하겠다. 토양의 오염에 있어서는 대기나 수질의 오염이 구국적으로 토양과 관련되고 토양으로 환원되는 것이지만 근래에 많이 보급사용되는 농약과 화학비료의 문제는 토양자체의 오염에만 그치는 것이 아니고 농작물을 식품으로 하여 섭취함으로써 발생되는 인체나 기타생물체의 피해를 고려할 때 더욱 중요한 것이며, 또 토질의 저하를 가져오게 하여 농림생산에 미치는 영향이 적지 않을 것이다. 지반강하는 지각 에 주는 인공적 영향의 대표적인 것으로써 지하수나 지하 천연가스를 채취이용하기 위하여 파들어 감으로써 지반이 침하 하는 것이며 건축물에 대한 영향 특히 풍수해시의 재해를 크게 할 우려가 있는 것이다. 공간에 있어서의 환경오염에는 소음, 진동, 광선, 악취 등이 있다. 이들은 특수한 작업환경의 경우를 제외하고는 건강에 직접적인 큰 피해를 준다고 생각할 수 없으나 소음, 진동, 관선, 악취 등은 일반 일상시민생활에 불쾌나 불안을 줌으로써 안정된 생활을 방해하는 요인이 되는 것이다. 공간의 오염물로써 새로운 주목을 끌게된 것은 도시산업폐기물로써 이들은 대기나 물 또는 토지를 오염시킬 뿐만 아니라 공간을 점령함으로써 도시의 미관이나 기능을 손상케 하는 것이다. 즉 노배폐차의 잔해, 냉장고등고형폐기물등의 재생불가능한 것이나 비니루등 합성물질로 된 용기나 포장 등으로 연소분해 되지 않은 내구소비재가 이에 해당하는 것으로 이는 maker의 양식에 호소하여 그 책임 하에 해결되어야 할 문제로 본다. 이렇듯 환경오염은 각양각색으로 그 오염물질의 주요 발생원인 산업장이나 기타 기관에서의 발생요인을 살펴보며는 다음과 같은 것으로 요약할 수 있다. A. 제도적 요인 1. 관리체재의 미비 2. 관리법규의 미비 3. 책임소재의 불명확 B. 자재적 요인 1. 사용자재의 선택부적 2. 개량대책급 연구의 미흡 C. 기술적 요인 1. 시설의 설계불량, 공정의 결함 2. 시설의 점검, 보전의 불충분 3. 도출물의 취급에 대한 검사부족 4. 발생방지 시설의 미설치, 결함 D. 교육적 요인 1. 오염물질 방제지식의 결여 2. 법규의 오해, 미숙지 E. 경제적 요인 1. 자금부족 2. 융자상의 문제 3. 경제성의 문제 F. 정신적 요인 1. 사회적 도의심의 결여(이기주의) 2. 태만 3. 무지, 무관심 등이다. 따라서 환경오염의 방지란 상기한 문제의 해결에 기대하지 않을 수 없으나 이를 해결하기 위하여는 국내적 국제적 상호협조에 의한 사회각층의 총력적 대책이 시급한 것이다. 이와 같은 환경오염이 단속된다 하며는 미구에 인류의 건강은 물론 그 존립마저 기대하기 어려울 것이며, 현재는 점진적으로 급성피해에 대하여는 그 흥미가 집중되어 그 대비책도 많이 논의되고 있지만 미량의 단속접촉에 의한 만성축적에 관한 문제나 이와 같은 환경오염이 앞으로 태어날 신생률에 대한 영향이나 유전정보에 관한 연구는 장차에 대비하는 문제로써 중요한 것이라 생각된다. 기외에 우려되는 점은 오염방지책을 적극 추진함으로써 올 수 있는 파생적인 문제이다. 즉 오염을 방지하기 위하여 생산기업체가 투자를 하게 되며는 그만큼 생산원가가 상승할 것이며 소비가격도 오를 것이다. 반면 이런 시책에 뒤떨어진 후진국의 값싼 생산국은 자연 수입이 억제 당할 것이며, 이렇게되면 후진국은 무역경쟁에서 큰 상처를 입게될 것이고 뿐만 아니라 선진국에 필요한 오염물질의 발생이 높은 생산기기를 자연후진국에 양도하게 될 것임으로 후진국의 환경오염은 배가할 우려가 있는 것이다. 또 해양오염을 방지할 목적에서와 같이 자국의 해안보호를 위하여 마련된 법의 규제는 타국의 선박운항에 많은 제약을 가하게 될 것이며 이것 역시 시설이 미약한 약소후진국의 선박에 크게 영향을 미치게 될 것임으로 교통, 해운, 무역등을 통한 약소후진국의 경제성장에 제동을 거는 것이 될 것이다. 이렇듯 환경오염의 문제는 환경자체에 대해서만 아니라 부산물적으로 특히 후진국에는 의외 문제를 던져주게 되는 것임으로 환경오염에 대해서는 물론, 전술한 바와 같이 인간환경전체의 문제로써 Nixon 대통령이 말한 결의와 창의와 그리고 자금을 가지고 과감하게 대처해 나가야 할 것이다.

  • PDF

An Exploratory Study on the Effect of LCZ Type on Particulate Matter (LCZ 유형이 미세먼지에 미치는 영향에 관한 탐색적 연구)

  • Yeonju Kim;Hansol Mun;Juchul Jung
    • Journal of Environmental Impact Assessment
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    • v.32 no.5
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    • pp.338-352
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    • 2023
  • As of 2019, Korea's fine dust is the most severe among 38 OECD countries, and in the same year, 「the Framework on Disaster and Safety Management」 was revised to define fine dust as a social disaster. Currently, the government is working to achieve its emission reduction goals by preparing a comprehensive fine dust management plan (2022-2023) consisting of a total of five areas, 42 tasks, and 177 detailed tasks. However, it is necessary to come up with measures in consideration of the various spatial characteristics of the city, not just as a source of emission. Therefore, in this study, the shape of the city was classified using the LCZ (Local Climate Zone) classification system into 17 types by building type and land cover type in Busan, and the average annual PM10 and PM2.5 concentration were mapped using the IDW technique. In addition, Fragstats and Moving Window were used to quantify the LCZ classification system. Finally, correlation analysis and regression analysis were conducted to analyze the relationship between the LCZ classification system and PM10 and PM2.5. As a result, it was confirmed that the type of low height of the building and the type of green space with trees had a positive effect on the concentration of PM10 and PM2.5. Therefore, this study is expected to be used as basic data to establish fine dust reduction policies based on efficient spatial planning.

Simplified Method for Estimation of Mean Residual Life of Rubble-mound Breakwaters (경사제의 평균 잔류수명 추정을 위한 간편법)

  • Lee, Cheol-Eung
    • Journal of Korean Society of Coastal and Ocean Engineers
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    • v.34 no.2
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    • pp.37-45
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    • 2022
  • A simplified model using the lifetime distribution has been presented to estimate the Mean Residual Life (MRL) of rubble-mound breakwaters, which is not like a stochastic process model based on time-dependent history data to the cumulative damage progress of rubble-mound breakwaters. The parameters involved in the lifetime distribution can be easily estimated by using the upper and lower limits of lifetime and their likelihood that made a judgement by several experts taking account of the initial design lifetime, the past sequences of loads, and others. The simplified model presented in this paper has been applied to the rubble-mound breakwater with TTP armor layer. Wiener Process (WP)-based stochastic model also has been applied together with Monte-Carlo Simulation (MCS) technique to the breakwater of the same condition having time-dependent cumulative damage to TTP armor layer. From the comparison of lifetime distribution obtained from each models including Mean Time To Failure (MTTF), it has found that the lifetime distributions of rubble-mound breakwater can be very satisfactorily fitted by log-normal distribution for all types of cumulative damage progresses, such as exponential, linear, and logarithmic deterioration which are feasible in the real situations. Finally, the MRL of rubble-mound breakwaters estimated by the simplified model presented in this paper have been compared with those by WP stochastic process. It can be shown that results of the presented simplified model have been identical with those of WP stochastic process until any ages in the range of MTT F regardless of the deterioration types. However, a little of differences have been seen at the ages in the neighborhood of MTTF, specially, for the linear and logarithmic deterioration of cumulative damages. For the accurate estimation of MRL of harbor structures, it may be desirable that the stochastic processes should be used to consider properly time-dependent uncertainties of damage deterioration. Nevertheless, the simplified model presented in this paper can be useful in the building of the MRL-based preventive maintenance planning for several kinds of harbor structures, because of which is not needed time-dependent history data about the damage deterioration of structures as mentioned above.

Study on the Painting of Gyeongwoo-gung Shrine (景祐宮圖) (국립문화재연구소 소장 '경우궁도(景祐宮圖)'에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Kyung Mee
    • Korean Journal of Heritage: History & Science
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    • v.44 no.1
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    • pp.196-221
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    • 2011
  • The Royal Private Shrines or the Samyo(私廟), were dedicated to members of Choseon's royal family who could not be enshrined at the (official) Royal Ancestral Shrine, the Jongmyo(宗廟). The Samyo were constructed at the national level and were systematically managed as such. Because these private Shrines were dedicated to those who couldn't belong to the Jongmyo but were still very important, such as the ruling king's biological father or mother. The details of all royal constructions were included in the State Event Manuals, and with them, the two-dimensional layouts of the Samyo also. From the remaining "Hyunsa-gung Private Tomb Construction Layout Record(顯思宮別廟營建都監儀軌)" of 1824, which is the construction record of Gyeongwoo-gung Shrine(景祐宮) dedicated to Subin, the mother of King Sunjo(純祖), it became possible to investigate the so far unknown "The Painting of Gyeongwoo-gung Shrine", in terms of the year produced, materials used and other situational contexts. The investigation revealed that the "The Painting of Gyeongwoo-gung Shrine" is actually the "Hyunsa-gung Private Tomb Layout" produced by the Royal Construction Bureau. The bureau painted this to build Hyunsa-gung Private Shrine in a separately prepared site outside the court in 1824, according to the royal verdict to close down and move the temporary shrine inside the courtyard dedicated to Subin who had passed away in 1822. As the Construction Bureau must have also produced the Gyeongwoo-gung Shrine Layout, the painter(s) of this layout should exist among the official artists listed in the State Event Manual, but sadly, as their paintings have not survived to this day, we cannot compare their painting styles. The biggest stylistic character of the Painting of Gyeongwoo-gung Shrine is its perfect diagonal composition method and detailed and neat portrayalof the many palace buildings, just as seen in Donggwoldo(東闕圖, Painting of a panoramic view for Changdeokgung and Changgyeonggung Palaces). A well-perceiving architectural painting employs a specific point of view chosen to fit the purpose of the painting, or it can opt to the multi-viewpoint. Korean traditional architectural paintings in early ages utilized the diagonal composition method, the bird-eye viewpoint, or the multi-viewpoint. By the 18th century, detailed but also artistic architectural paintings utilizing the diagonal method are observed. In the early 19th century, the peak of such techniques is exhibited in Donggwoldo(Painting of a panoramic view for Changdeokgung and Changgyeonggung Palaces). From the perfect diagonal composition method employed and the details of the palace buildings numbering almost two hundreds, we can determine that the Painting of Gyeongwoo-gung Shrine also belongs to the same category of the highly technical architectural paintings as Donggwoldo(Painting of a panoramic view for Changdeokgung and Changgyeonggung Palaces). We can also confirm this hypothesis by comparing the painting techniques employed in these two paintings in detailthe way trees and houses are depicted, and the way ground texture is expressed, etc. The unique characteristic of the Painting of Gyeongwoo-gung Shrine is, however, that the area surrounding the central shrine building(正堂), the most important area of the shrine, is drawn using not the diagonal method but the bird-eye viewpoint with the buildings lying flat on both the left and right sides, just as seen in the "Buildings Below the Central Shrine(正堂以下諸處)" in the State Event Manual's Painting Method section. The same viewpoint method is discovered in some other concurrent paintings of common residential buildings, so it is not certain that this particular viewpoint had been a distinctive feature for shrine paintings in general. On the other hand, when the diagonalmethod pointing to the left direction is chosen, the top-left and bottom-right sections of the painting become inevitably empty. This has been the case for the Painting of Gyeongwoo-gung Shrine, but in contrast, Donggwoldo shows perfect screen composition with these empty margins filled up with different types of trees and other objects. Such difference is consistent with the different situational contexts of these two paintings: the Painting of Gyeongwoo-gung Shrine is a simple single-sheet painting, while Donggwoldo is a perfected work of painting book given an official title. Therefore, if Donggwoldo was produced to fulfill the role of depiction and documentation as well as the aesthetic purpose, contrastingly, the Painting of Gyeongwoo-gung Shrine only served the purpose of copying the circumstances of the architecture and projecting them onto the painting.

A Study on Improvement Direction for Construction Environment of Small Houses -Focused on Expert Group- (소형주택의 건설 프로세스 개선방향에 관한 연구 -전문가 집단을 중심으로-)

  • Ha, Jun-Geun;Yoo, Seok-Hyung
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.18 no.7
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    • pp.388-400
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    • 2018
  • Small houses are continuously supplied after the alleviated housing act enacted in 2009. This study aimed to conduct a survey among an expert group associated with small house construction, propose problems by discovering difficulties and vulnerable points small and medium-sized construction companies experience while launching construction works as well as factors that impede the safety and housing environment of small houses. Furthermore, it ultimately intends to propose improvements. First, low-priced order is a major cause of unreasonable contract. Most companies were found to have low-priced orders in order to manage order performance. Low bidding and low-priced order are implemented to maintain construction businesses, ultimately threatening the safety environment of buildings. In addition, it is assumed that moderate bid periods and construction periods should be guaranteed. Second, work standardization for small and medium-sized companies is needed due to numerous cases that failed to meet order process. Additionally, regular instruction is required as many employees are not fully aware of relevant contents. Third, the most urgent policy direction turned out avoidance of low-priced bidding and removing insolvent enterprises from the market. Small and medium-sized construction companies that primarily build small houses undergo poor work condition. Therefore, the safety environment of small houses should be enhanced through work standardization and avoiding low-priced order.

Recycle Possibility of the Stone-Dust in Quarry as Subbase Layer Materials of the Road (도로 보조기층재로서 채석장 석분토의 재활용가능성 분석)

  • Kim, Kyeong-Su;Song, Young-Suk
    • The Journal of Engineering Geology
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    • v.17 no.2 s.52
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    • pp.279-287
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    • 2007
  • An ore of stone obtained from quarry lose its about 60% such as the muck and the stone-dust during the process of making the architectural block, the crushed aggregate and so on. A part of the muck is only reutilized for the crushed aggregate as road pavement materials, while the most of the muck in the shape of powder is mixed with water and then it is deposited in a sludge tank. The muck in the shape of powder is called the stone-dust. If the stone-dust is discharged and sprayed, an ecosystem will have terrible damage because the seepage of surface water, the flow of ground water and the movement of air are not occurred smoothly by packing the void of soils. As the Waste Management Law (2003) in Korea, the stone-dust is sorted out the industrial waste and the most of that is dumped in ground. Therefore, the establishments of an efficient recycling plan are necessary through the improvement of engineering properties of the stone-dust. To investigate the possibility of recycle and improvement for the stone-dust, the stone-dust and natural soils are sampled from six quarries in Korea. The various soil tests are performed by use of the mixed soils with the stone-dust content ratio. As the result of various soil tests, the recycle possibility of the stone-dust is analyzed as subbase layer materials of the roads.

A Study on Intervention of the Tomb's System in Joseon Royal Tombs, the World Cultural Heritage of UNESCO (세계문화유산 조선 왕릉의 능제조정에 관한 연구)

  • Lee, Chang-Hwan;Kim, Kyu-Yeon;Kim, Du-Gyu;Choi, Jong-Hee
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Traditional Landscape Architecture
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    • v.32 no.4
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    • pp.94-104
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    • 2014
  • This contribution studied knowledges, informations and main project issues for systematic conservation management utilize of Joseon Royal Tombs guaranteeing their Outstanding Universal Value, Authenticity and Integrity, and the outcomes are as follows. The first, regarding the tomb's system, it should be planned to enhance authenticity and integrity of Joseon Royal Tombs through historical facts, measurement, diagnosis and intervention according to international and national charters, statements and general standards. The second, regarding prevention against disasters, the anti-fire system including construction of GIS materials and the Risk Map following investigation the present condition, premising improvement of relevant laws and regulations, should be planned. The third, we should consider, regarding utilize, educational application by the each tomb's story and royal ancestral rite, tourism by the local area of each tomb and industrial application by science and IT technologies.

Study on the Stability Evaluation of Concrete Erosion Control Dam by using Non-destructive Test for Compressive Strength (콘크리트 비파괴시험법을 이용한 사방댐 안정도 평가에 관한 연구)

  • Park, Ki-Hyung;Kim, Min-Sik;Joh, Sung-Ho;Lee, Chang-Woo;Youn, Ho-Joong;Kim, Kyong-Ha
    • Journal of Korean Society of Forest Science
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    • v.102 no.1
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    • pp.90-96
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    • 2013
  • This study was conducted to investigate a stability trend within 6 above average and 4 blow average erosion control dams, which were selected by The Korean Association of Soil and Water Conservation and were built in 1990s in Gyeonggi and Gangwon Province. The study was aimed to measure rebound hardness of upstream face, flood way and downstream face from those dams selected by using 'Concrete Test Hammer'. The main purposes of the study are selection of compression strength prediction equation and scope of wavelength, which successfully demonstrate non-destructive test results for erosion control dams. There is an opportunity to increase disaster prevention ability when stability vulnerability of concrete erosion control dam is detected in a timely manner. Results of the compression strength investigation express that there is a consistency with visual inspection of stability that has been processed by The Korean Association of Soil and Water Conservation. We concluded that a prediction equation, which was developed by Architectural Institute of Japan (AIJ), shows highest suitability in Korean erosion control dams when stability investigation is performed. The detailed criteria for the test result are 'stable', 'detail inspection required' and 'poor' for over 300 $kgf/cm^2$, 250~300 $kgf/cm^2$ and below 250 $kgf/cm^2$ respectively. Standards for stability of Korean erosion control dam and a compression strength prediction equation (that corresponds to the standards of the stability) should be established on the basis of chronological data of erosion control dam compression strength. Systematical approach for stability inspection that carries out remodeling or repair when problem on erosion control structures are detected through visual inspection and simple stability test, is necessary for the future disaster prevention.