A nutrition survey of 152 children , in the kindergarten attached to a proivate elimentary school of Pusan, was undertaken between Dec. 1 and Dec.14, 1993, to investigate dietary intake and nutrition status. The results are summarized as follows. 1) Compared with the Korean child development standard, their development conditions showed 113.1% , 102.2% , 103.3%, 101.75 in weight, height, head and chest, respectively. 2) By the standard of WLI(Weight Length Index) , proper to the children between age 4 and 6 , there proved to be 25% overweight and 4% obesity, 25% overweight and 19% obesity , 28 overweight and 26% obesity in 4-year-old, 5 year-old, and 6 -year-old children, respectively. 3) The children between age 4 and 6 averaged 37.6% in hematocrit and 12.4-12.8 5 in hemoglobin. these values were higher than those of the Korea child development standard. but the numbers of erythocyte, leucocyte and platelets were normal . Only a single child was considered suffering from aenmia . The 8% of them were over 200mg/이 in cholesterol, dangerously approaching the atherosclerosis. The 31% averaged 120mg/이 in triglyceride . And the 6% proved 100mg/이 in blood glucose when hung교. So it came out that not a few children had some factors dangers to diabetes, atherosclerosis and heart diseases : complications arising from obesity. 4) The intake of nutrients , except the 4-year-old children , ranged 108.4% to 2665 from the recommended value. The rates of carbohydrate, fat and protein to be much correlation among total intake of nutrients, development , results of blood test and WLI. The degree of obesity was proportionate to the intake of nutrients.