한국축산식품학회:학술대회논문집 (Proceedings of the Korean Society for Food Science of Animal Resources Conference) (Proceedings of the Korean Society for Food Science of Animal Resources Conference)
한국축산식품학회 (Korean Society for Food Science of Animal Resources)
- 연간
- 농림수산식품 > 농수축산물 안전
- 농림수산식품 > 식품과학
한국축산식품학회 2002년도 정기총회 및 제29차 춘계국제 학술발표대회
Application of electrical stimulation in the red meat species (eg. beef and sheep) processing has been erratic around the world and this may reflect an incomplete knowledge of how to optimise the technology. Although it is well established that stimulation increases the rate of post-mortem glycolysis other biochemical and biophysical effects have been implicated with the use of this technology. On the basis of currently available knowledge, this mini-review seeks to examine the current theories about the effect of stimulation on post-mortem muscle. The classical view that stimulation prevents muscle from shortening excessively during rigor development has been expanded to include the possibility that it also results in physical disruption of muscle structure. The interaction of these effects with the acceleration of the rate of proteolysis through activation of the calpain protease system has not been comprehensively reviewed in the past. As a result of conclusion driven, this article highlights several areas that may prove fruitful for further research. The challenge for further development of electrical stimulation systems is optimisation of the activation of the enzyme systems in parallel with manipulation of chilling regimes so as to ensure rigor mortis is achieved at temperatures which minimise shortening. The potential of regional stimulation of sections of the carcass to achieve this outcome is worthy of study given the different fibre composition of muscles and temperature gradients.
Today's food technologist is receiving increasingly pointed directions in the “selection of”and often “minimum amounts of”ingredients to use in the development of new food products. This increasing emphasis by marketing on “label”claims is real and gaining momentum in most market places. Thus, the development of functional foods that are providing customers with new and distinct nutritional choices. The driving force for the increased direction of the food technologist is that many governments are now allowing health related label claims on food products. These health claims are a result of very clearly and focused research that shows known nutritional benefits. The regulatory environment is well focused on the results of this peer reviewed research. In the USA, FDA has allowed several opportunities for health claims including fiber, soy protein and choline. This presentation will focus on only two of many functional ingredient options-the soy proteins and lecithin(choline).
Acid dairy drinks(ADD) are a worldwide product existing in many variations: fruit milk drinks, yogurt drinks, soy milk, butter milk, whey drinks and kefir etc. These drinks are marketed with different shelf lives depending on processing: -Short shelf life(maximum 3 weeks, cold storage) - Long shelf life(2 to 9 months, pasteurized, sterilized or retorted) Acidic protein drinks tend to a separation or destabilization process in the absence of stabilizing system during the shelf life of the ADD. A phase separation results in sedimentation of large particles at the bottom of the package and/or the formation of a serum layer at the top(whey off). These beverages are usually composed of an acid dairy phase (fermented base)or a natural base(milk, soymilk etc.)with an acidic medium (fruit phase: pulp, fruit concentrate etc.) which can be flavored. Sugar and stabilizers are added. It has been proved since the late 1950's that adding high methoxy pectin (HM pectin)to acid milk drinks is the best way to prevent the formation of a sediment and/or the whey off. In this presentation, we explain about stabilization mechanism of ADD induced by pectin. Applications and market trend of ADD in Asia and Europe are explained.
건강한 식생활의 기본원리는 다양한 식품을 적당한 양으로 섭취하여 영양의 균형을 맞추는 것이다. 최적의 영양에 필수적인 균형식은 모든 영양소가 적절하게 포함되어 있는 식사로서, 이를 위해 매일 다섯 가지 기초식품군을 골고루 섭취하는 것이 바람직하다. 그러므로, 본 발표에서는 다섯 가지 기초식품군의 중요성과 양을 나타내 주는 우리나라의 식품구성탑과 그 구성요소로서 동물성 식품의 영양학적 가치를 살펴봄으로써, 최근 채식과육식의 이분법적 토론으로 혼란이 야기되는 시점에서 균형식의 중요성을 재조명하고자 한다.