• Title/Summary/Keyword: yellowfin tuna

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Evaluation of Korean distant water tuna fisheries in the Western and Central Pacific Ocean using ecosystem-based fishery risk assessment (중서부태평양해역 다랑어어업의 생태계기반 어업 위험도 평가)

  • KWON, Youjung;LIM, Jung-hyun;LEE, Mi Kyung;LEE, Sung Il
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Fisheries and Ocean Technology
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    • v.56 no.4
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    • pp.299-315
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    • 2020
  • Tuna fisheries were applied to an integrated ecosystem-based fishery risk assessment method using indexes of target species status, inhabited species in a target ecosystem, habitat quality and socio-economic benefit of affected fisheries. This study suggested more effective and efficient management measures to break away from traditional management methods, such as limitation of catch and fishing effort. The results presented that the objective risk index (ORIS) on sustainability of bigeye and yellowfin tunas by purse seine fishery was estimated high due to the high catch ratio of small fishes. The ORIs of biodiversity (ORIB) and habitat quality (ORIH) of purse seine fishery were also estimated at a high level from using fish-aggregating devices (FAD). However, due to skipjack tuna's high catches, the ORI of socio-economic benefit (ORIE) was estimated at a very low level. Due to the high bycatch rate, ORIB was high, and ORIS and ORIH were evaluated at a low level in longline fishery. Due to strengthern of fishing restrictions and increase of fishing costs, the ORIE was assessed to be very high. The ecosystem risk index (ERI) for two tuna fisheries was assessed low, but the overall FAD management by purse seine fishery is necessary at the ecosystem level.

A Study of Fishing Ground Distribution in Korean Tuna Long-Line , Using the Catch Data Base System (어획량 데이터베이스 시스템을 이용한 한국 다랭이 연승 어장의 분포에 관한 연구)

  • 이주희
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Fisheries and Ocean Technology
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    • v.32 no.4
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    • pp.340-355
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    • 1996
  • In order to suggest the useful information of fishing ground, a data base system on 32bit personal computer was constructed and handled by using the catch data of Korean tuna long-line, catch by species, fishing time and place, fish price and etc. mainly from 1975 to 1992. The results obtained are as follows ; In the fishing ground displaying catch rate, the catch rate has reduced as time passed, and this penomenon was more evident in Indian. And yellowfin have high catch tate in the Western Pacific of low latitute region, bigeye tuna have in the Eastern. The region of high catch rate of bigeye tuna was moved from the Indian and the Atlantic to the Pacific. The patterns of catch numbers of yellowfin and bigeye tuna appeared nearly same that, having nothing to do with catch numbers in all oceans. The region of least catch was the Northwestern Pacific, the regions of most catch were the Western Indian and the Pacific of low latitute. As to simulation of fishing ground estimation, there were economical grounds in the Western Pacific of low latitute region, the Eastern Pacific of this, the Western Indian, the Eastern Indian, and the Atlantic, in order.

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Trypsins from the Dark Fleshed Fish(Anchovy, Mackerel, Yellowfin Tuna and Albacore) 2. Enzymatic Properties and Thermal Stabilities (혈합육어(멸치, 고등어, 활다랭이 및 날개다랭이)의 Trypsin 2. 성질과 열 안정성)

  • 조득문;허민수;변재형
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Food Science and Nutrition
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    • v.22 no.4
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    • pp.458-464
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    • 1993
  • In the present paper enzymatic properties of the trypsins from the four dark fleshed fish were compared with each other and thermal stabilities of the enzymes were also investigated. The trypsins from the dark fleshed fish showed their activity only in BA-p-NA substrate of the amide substrates such as BA-p-NA and SP-p-NA, and BAEE and TAME of the ester substrate such as ATEE, BAEE, BTEE, and TAME. The enzymes were strongly inhibited by the serine protease inhibitors such as antipain, leupeptin, TLCK, DFP and SBTI, and were also inhibited by such metal ions as Cu$^{2+}$ and Hg$^{2+}$, but fairly activated by $Mg^{2+}$. Denaturation constants of the enzymes were 13.4$\times$10$^{-4}$ sec$^{-1}$ for anchovy trypsin, 47.18$\times$10$^{-4}$ sec$^{-1}$ for mackerel trypsin A, 34.06$\times$10$^{-4}$ sec$^{-1}$ mackerel trypsin B, 42.28$\times$10$^{-4}$ sec$^{-1}$ for yellowfin tuna trypsin and 16.6$\times$10$^{-4}$ sec$^{-1}$ for albacore trypsin at 55$^{\circ}C$. The activation energies of the trypsins at a temperature range of 3$0^{\circ}C$ to 5$0^{\circ}C$ were estimated to be 13.91 ㎉/mole for anchovy trypsin, 11.61㎉/mo1e and 8.43㎉/mole for mackerel trypsin A and for mackerel typsin B, 4.35㎉/mole for yellowfin tuna trypsin, and 3.76㎉/mole for albacore trypsin.

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Characteristics on bycatch in Korean tuna purse seine fishery associated with FAD in the Indian Ocean by scientific observer programs (과학옵서버 조사에 의한 인도양 수역 한국 다랑어 선망선 FAD 조업의 부수어획실태)

  • LEE, Sung Il;KIM, Doo Nam;LEE, Kyounghoon
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Fisheries and Ocean Technology
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    • v.56 no.4
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    • pp.277-291
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    • 2020
  • In order to understand characteristics on bycatch of Korean tuna purse seine fishery, especially operations associated with Fish Aggregating Device (FAD) in the Indian Ocean, we conducted analyses related to bycatch by school association type (unassociated school, FAD associated school and log associated school) using the data collected by scientific observers from 2016 to 2018. The FAD used by Korean tuna purse seine fishery in the Indian Ocean was a drifting FAD, which belongs to non-entangling FADs according to the category proposed by the International Seafood Sustainability Foundation (ISSF). The target species of Korean tuna purse seine fishery are skipjack, yellowfin and bigeye tunas, accounting for 99% of the total catch. The ratio of bycatch was 0.97% in total catch and the discard accounted for less than 1%, indicating that most catch was retained on board. In terms of bycatch ratio by school association type, it accounted for 0.12% for unassociated school, 1.09% for FAD associated school and 1.25% for log associated school. As for the catch proportion of shark species by school association type, it accounted for 0.01% for unassociated school, 0.11% for FAD associated school and 0.10% for log associated school, which showed that unassociated school type was the lowest to affect bycatch of non-target and shark species. Given the proportion of bycatch compositions, however, it is considered that FAD associated school of Korean tuna purse seine fishery has less caught bycatch species of non-target and shark, compared to other fleets operating in the Indian Ocean.

Development of Tuna Purse Seine Fishery in Korea and the Countries Concerned (한국(韓國) 및 관련각국((關聯各國)의 다랑어 선망어업(旋網漁業) 발달과정(發達過程))

  • Hyun, Jong-Su;Lee, Byoung-Gee;Kim, Hyoung-Seok;Yae, Young-Hee
    • Journal of Fisheries and Marine Sciences Education
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    • v.4 no.1
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    • pp.30-46
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    • 1992
  • Korea's first exploratory tuna fishing was done with a used longliner in 1957. Then the commercial fishing has been made steady headway since the 1960's and grown up to one of major tuna fishing countries in 1970's. The tuna fishing aimed primarily at acquiring foreign currency, then tuna was exported directly from the overseas fishing base. Tuna, however, has been gradually favored by Koreans as high-proteined foods according to the growth of GNP since the 1970's. In 1980, the canned tuna began to be produced and sold at home. And so the demand of raw tuna for cannaries has steeply increased not only for home but also for abroad, and stimulated the development of tuna purse seine fishery. The author carried out a study on the development of tuna purse seine fishery in Korea and countries concerned-the United States and Japan-because it is recognized to be significant for the further development of this fishery. Just as purse seining was originated in the United States, so tuna purse seining was also pioneered by Californian fishermen in the west coastal waters of the United States (Eastern Pacific Ocean). They started to produce the canned tuna in the early 1900's, and the demand for raw tuna began to be increased rapidly. In those days, tuna was mostly caught by pole-and-line, but the catch amount was far away from the demand. To satisfy this demand, they began to try out fishing tuna by the use of purse seine which had been born in the eastern waters in the 1820's and applied to catch white fishes in the western waters of the United States in those days. Even though their trial was technically successful through severe trial and error, a new problem was raised on the management of tuna resource and the preservation of porpoise which was occassionally caught with tuna. Then the Inter-American Tropical Tuna Commission (IATTC) was established by countries neighboring to the United States in 1950 and they set up the Commission's Yellowfin Regulatory Area (CYRA) and regulated the annual quota for yellowfin. Then, American owners tried to send their seiners to the Western African waters to expand the fishing ground in 1967 and to the Centeral-Western Pacfic in 1974, and the fishing ground was widely expanded. The number of the United States' purse seiners amounted to about 150 in 1980, but the enthusiasm was gradually cooled thereafter and the number of seiner was decreased to 67 in 1986. The landing of tuna by purse seiners in the United States after 1980 maintains 200 thousands M/T or so with a little increase despite the decreasing of domestic seiners. This shows that the landing by foreign seiners are increasing, compared with the landing by domestic seiners are decreasing. In Japan, even though purse seining was introduced in 1880, they had fished tuna by longline and pole-and -line until the tuna purse seining was introduced from the United States again. In the 1960's, Japanese tuna seiners made the exploratory fishing in the South-western Pacific and West African waters with a limited success. In 1971, the government-funded research center "JARMRAC" conducted the exploratory fishing which extended to the Central American waters, the Asia-Pacific Region and the South-western Pacific. It had also much difficulties, till they improved the fishing gear adaptable to the new fishing condition in the South-western Pacific. Japanese government has begun to licence 32 single seiners and 7 group seiners since 1980 and their standard has lasted up to now. The catch in the Pacific Islands Region amounted to 160 thousands M/T in 1986. Korea's tuna purse seine fishery was originated in 1971 by Jedong Industrial Co., Ltd. with three used tuna purse seiners purchased from the United States, and they began to fish in the Eastern Pacific, but failed owing to the superannuation of vessel and the infancy of fishing technique. The second challenge was done by Dongwon Industrial Co., Ltd. in 1979, with one used seiner purchased from the United States, and started to fish in the Eastern Pacific. Even though the first trial was almost unsuccessful but they could obtain the noticeable success by removing the vessel to the South-western Pacific in 1980. This success stimulated the Korean entherprisers to take part in this fishery, and the number of Korean tuna purse seiners has been increased rapidly in accordance with the increased demand for raw tuna. The number of vessels actually at work amounted to 36 in 1990 and they operate in the South-western Pacific. The annual catch of tuna by purse seiners amounted to 170 thousands M/T in 1990 and ranked to one of the major tuna purse seining countries in the world.

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Determination of $K^+-, Ca^{2}+- and Mg^{2+}-$ATPase activities in Fish Muscle Protein by ATPase Biosensor (ATPase 센서를 이용한 어류근육 단백질의 $K^+-, Ca^{2}+- 및 Mg^{2+}-$ ATPase 활성의 측정)

  • 천병수;김희경
    • KSBB Journal
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    • v.11 no.5
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    • pp.518-523
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    • 1996
  • The sensor to determine ATPase activities was consisted of an immobilized enzyme membrane(purine nucloside phosphoryrase and xanthine oxidase) and an oxygen electrode. The proposed sensor was used for the determination of $K^+-, Ca^{2}+- and Mg^{2+}-$ATPase activities in several fish muscle proteins such as Thunnus albacares(Yellowfin tuna), Tetrapturus audax(Striped marlin), Prognichthys agoo(Japanese flyingfish), and Cypvinus carpio(Carp). $K^+-, Ca^{2}-$ATPase activities measured by the proposed sensor system were in good agreement with the results obtained by a conventional colorimetric assay. One cycle of assay could be completed within 3mlnutes.

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Nutritional Characteristics of the Major Commercial Frozen Seafood Products in Korea (국내 시판 주요 냉동수산식품의 영양 특성)

  • Kim, Yeon-Kye;Nam, Ki-Ho;Park, Sun Young;Kim, Do Youb;Kang, Sang In;Han, Sang-Kuk;Kim, Jin-Soo
    • Korean Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences
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    • v.52 no.1
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    • pp.1-12
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    • 2019
  • We investigated the nutritional components of the major commercial frozen seafood products (MCFSP) [sliced frozen-skipjack tuna (ST), -bigeye tuna (BET), -bluefin tuna (BFT), -yellowfin tuna (YT), fish steaks (FST), fish pancakes (FP), fish cutlets (FC), seafood cake balls (SCB), fried shrimp (FS), shrimp patties (SP), shrimp cutlets (SC)] in Korea. All species of sliced frozen tuna and FST were classified as low-calorie foods; the other frozen seafood products were classified as medium-calorie foods. The MCFSP were significant sources of nutritional and functional minerals: the SCB and SC provided calcium; the FST, FC, and SCB provided phosphorus; the BET, YT, and FST provided potassium; the FST, FC, and BFT provided magnesium; the FST, FP and SC provided iron; the SCB, FS, SP, and SC provided zinc; the YT and SCB provided copper; and the FC provided manganese. The total amino acid contents of the MCFSP were in the range of 6.85-26.34 g/100 g. Glutamic acid was the major amino acid in the SCB, FS, SP, and SC. Fatty acid contents were in the range of 386-2,925 mg/100 g; the major fatty acids in the ST, BFT and YT were 16:0, 18:1n-9, 22:6n-3. The MCFSP were not a significant source of vitamin A or riboflavin.

The Development of Data Base Program on the Catch of Long-Iine Tuna (원양 다랭이 연승어업의 어획량 데이터 베이스 프로그램 개발)

  • 배봉성
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Fisheries and Ocean Technology
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    • v.32 no.4
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    • pp.356-362
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    • 1996
  • In order to suggest the useful information of fishing ground, a data base system on 32bit personal computer was developed and handled by using the catch data of Korean tuna long -line. This data base system was programmed using Quick Basic, and consisted of three kinds of programs, one for displaying the catch rate on the fishing ground by fishing area and year ranges, another for indicating the catch rate or number on table or graph, and the other for estimating the fishing ground in economical points, mainly targeting total tunas, yellowfin and bigeye tuna respectively. When this system was started, the map of oceans such as the Pacific, the Indian and the Atlantic, is drawn on the monitor. And then the catch rates of all species and each one are indicated by the figured symbols on the sea divisions of$5^{\circ}$ space of latitute and longitude.

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Food Component Characteristics of Fish Frames as Basic Ingredients of Fish Gomtang (생선 곰탕의 추출소재로서 Fish Frame의 식품학적 특성)

  • Han, Byung-Wook;Ji, Seong-Gil;Kwon, Jae-Seok;Goo, Jae-Geun;Kang, Kyung-Tae;Jee, Seong-Joon;Park, Shin-Ho;Heu, Min-Soo;Kim, Jin-Soo
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Food Science and Nutrition
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    • v.36 no.11
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    • pp.1417-1424
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    • 2007
  • The food components of fish (skipjack tuna, yellowfin tuna, bluefin tuna, conger eel, salmon, Spanish mackerel, armored weasel-fish) frames and their hot-water extracts were investigated to explore their possibilities as resources for fish Gomatang. According to the results of volatile basic nitrogen and heavy metal, bluefin tuna and salmon frames were below the safety limits suggested by Codex Code. Thus, bluefin tuna and salmon frames appeared to be safe as basic ingredients for fish Gomtang. The major components of all hot-water extracts from fish frames were nitrogenous component. According to the results of extractive nitrogen and sensory evaluations of hot-water extracts from fish frames, the salmon frame was a good raw material as a basic ingredient of fish Gomtang. The calcium and phosphorus contents of hot-water extracts from salmon frame were 18.0 mg/100mL and 33.1 mg/100mL, respectively.

The Exploitation of World Fishery Resources for 10 Years under the New Regime in the Sea (신해양질서 10년후 세계어업자원 이용동향)

  • 이장욱;허영희
    • The Journal of Fisheries Business Administration
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    • v.23 no.1
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    • pp.43-87
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    • 1992
  • In this paper, state of exploitation of world fishery resources after 10 years under the new regime in the sea, called the era of exclusive economic zone (EEZ) expending up to a 200 nautical miles from coastal line, was reviewed to determine effect from establishing EEZ in the world fishery production and its export/import volume based on the fishery statistics annually published by the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of United Nation. The world total production from marine living resources had a trend showing a waned increase during 1970's when most of coastal states were translated into the reality of EEZ. From mid-1980's onwards, it increased rapidly, reaching about 85 million tons . Such increase in production was basically from the Pacific Ocean, accounting for more than 60% of the world total production. Fishing areas where showed increase in the production after the new regime in the sea were the southwestern Atlantic (FAO area 41) , the eastern Indian (FAO area 57) and the whole fishing areas in the Pacific except the eastern central Pacific (FAO area 77). Increase in the production from distant-water fishing countries came from the regions of the southwest Atlantic (FAO area 41) and the southwest Pacific (FAO area 81) . The production from coastal states was up from the regions of the eastern Indian (FAO area 57) , the northwest and northeast Pacific (FAO areas 61 and 67) and the southeast Pacific (FAO area 87) . It was likely that the exploitation of the fishable stocks was well monitored in the areas of the northwest Atlantic (FAO area 21) , the eastern central Atlantic (FAO area 34) and the northeast Pacific (FAO area 67) through appropriate management measures such as annual harvest level, establishment of total allowable catch etc. The marine fisheries resources that have made contribution to the world production, despite expansion of 200 EEZ by coastal states, were sardinellas, Atlantic cod, blue whiting and squids in the Atlantic Ocean : tunas which mainly include skipjack, yellowfin and bigeye tuna, croakers and pony fishes in the Indian Ocean : and sardine, Chilean pilchard, Alaska pollock, tunas (skipjack and yellowfin tuna) , blue grenadier and blue whiting including anchoveta in the Pacific Ocean. It was identified that both fishery production and its export since introduction of the new regime in the sea were dominated by such coastal states as USA, Canada, Indonesia, Thailand, Mexico, South Africa and Newzealand. But difficulties have been experienced in the European countries including Norway, Spain, Japan and Rep. of Korea. Therefore, majority of coastal states are unlikely to have yet undertaken proper utilization as well as rational management of marine living resources in their jurisdiction during the last two decades. The main target species groups which led the world fishery production to go up were Alaska pollock, cods, tunas, sardinellas, chub and jack mackerel and anchoveta. These stocks are largely expected to continue to contribute to the production. The fisheries resources which are unexploited, underexploited and/or lightly exploited at present and which will be contributed to the world production in future are identified with cephalopods, Pacific jack mackerel and Atlantic mackerel, silver hake including anchovies. These resources mainly distribute in the Pacific regions, especially FAO statistical fishing areas 67, 77 and 87. It was likely to premature to conclude that the new regime in the sea was only in favour of coastal states in fishey production.

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