• Title/Summary/Keyword: work events

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An Analysis of the Cognition of Professionals Regarding the Validity of Planting Design Change that Occurred in the Landscape Construction of a Major Private Company (민간기업 조경공사에서 나타나는 식재설계 변경 타당성에 대한 전문가 인식 분석)

  • Park, Jae-Young;Cho, Se-Hwan
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.42 no.6
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    • pp.101-110
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    • 2014
  • This study analyzes the validity of the type classification of the type and design changes of apartment landscaping planting construction design changes that were completed in the private sector, efficiently manages the design changes that are displayed over landscaping planting work in general in the future, and performs research by placing the object underlying the presentation. The results are as follows. First, the percentage that occurred in the planting construction of design changes that have occurred in the apartment landscaping construction was carried out in the private sector and accounted for 61.8%. This indicates that part of the planting is a major design change. Second, as the cause of such a design change to be those associated with the field conditions such as lack of main construction period. In particular, due to a change in oral, appeared 7-48 times design changes of one review design change approval is complex, design changes of planting construction had shown a feature that occurs in multiple simultaneous. Third, the 7 types of Design Changes in planting design were delineated as 'design changes for consideration of the user', 'design changes for image improvement', 'design changes for ease of maintenance', 'design changes due to the mismatch of design statement', 'design changes due to the relationship with the engineering species of other', 'design changes due to lack of field study', and 'design changes due to the consideration of feasibility.' Fourth, 'design changes for consideration of the user' and 'design changes for image improvement' were found in more than half of the frequency of the overall changes. This differed from the results shown in public corporations. Fifth, if planting construction design change process, private companies, it was found that is showing the approval of the practice after the previous construction of the construction cost savings due to construction time. However, in the case of a public corporation, these exhibited a different aspect from the private sector and show a design change procedure that reflects the changes after the design change events in the field have occurred. The above results, the type of landscaping works in planting design change of public enterprises, regardless of the private sector, is the same in the seven types, the main reason of and procedures for design changes, indicating that there are other respects. In design change, it may be desirable to apply becomes liquidity rationality and efficiency of the dimension, depending on the nature of the landscape construction.

A Cohort Study of Mental, Physical and Behavioral Impacts of Early(at Age 55) Compulsory Retirement in Korea (조기 정년퇴직자의 정신. 육체. 행위적 경향연구)

  • Duk-Sung Kim;Sae-Kwon Kong;Kong-Kyun Ro
    • Korea journal of population studies
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    • v.11 no.1
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    • pp.204-229
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    • 1988
  • This paper documents and discusses trends and differentials in youth's participation in the labor force and employment. Youth in this study is defined asthe young aged 15-29. Youth passes through a series of life-course transitions,which include school completion own family formation(marriage and childbirth) .mandatory service in the army (by males) , and their economic activities are affectedby those life-course events. Accordingly we show how and to what extent youth'slabor force participation and employment varies with age and how the age patternhas changed over time.Throughout the 1980's and 1990's, youth's labor force participation showeddifferent trends by age group Labor fDrce participation rate of the 15-19 agedsteeply decreased, while that of the 25-29 steadily increased during the twodecades, the rate fsr the 20-24 aged showing not much variation. The former is dueto the increased rate of school enrollment among the age group, while the lattercould be attributed, in part, to the young women s increased and more steadyparticipation in the labor force over time.While labor force participation could be considered as a result of one's choicesand preferences, employment opportunities are more or less restricted by labormarket structure and institutions . This study documents how the structuralconstraints have interacted with individual and group attributes to differentiateemployment opportunities between individuals (educational background) and groups(especially sex diffrences) . One of the most salient feature of youth's em[ploymentstructure is the recent high unemployment rate of the college graduates. We discusshow that is related to the'credential society'in which one's educational credentials and it's social status play major role in determining who gets what in terms of job opportunities. Also is discussed the discordance between school and labor marketsupply and demand system, which is apparent in the prolonged oversupply of thecollege graduates, which is due to the consistently high rate of college entranceobserved since the early 1980's. Theoretically the job market for college graduates isviewed not as the'neoclassical'wage competition market but as job competition market in which one's (good) job opportunity is determined by one s position in thejob queue, which is in turn heavily dependent on from which college one get shis/her college degree as well as one's sex.

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The Definition of a Catastrophe as Trauma by Visual Media and the Resultant Problems: A Critical Analysis of the "Antimimetic Theory" (시각 미디어에 의한 대재앙적 사건의 트라우마 규정과 그에 따른 문제들 - "반모방 이론"에 대한 비평적인 분석을 통해서)

  • Seoh, Gil-Wan
    • Cross-Cultural Studies
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    • v.43
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    • pp.265-288
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    • 2016
  • This essay begins by discussing the issue of the definition of a catastrophe as a trauma by visual media and the problems that result. We assume a concrete approach towards these problems by examining the process through which 9/11 was defined as a "national trauma" in the exclusion of images of bodies falling from towers, which were some of the most shocking images in the media coverage of 9/11. The choice to exclude images of falling men from American visual media representations of 9/11 goes hand in hand with the tendencies of a contemporary trauma theory. This essay assumes that the representations in the U.S visual media depend on "antimimetic theory," one of the leading contemporary trauma theories, in order to validate its logic, and examines the limitations and problems of the theory. This work aims to examine the issue of the definition of a catastrophe as trauma by visual media on the basis on the "antimimetic theory" and the danger that results. Because the antimimetic theory, which the visual media in the United States uses to define 9/11 as trauma, emphasizes literal and unmediated representation of an external event, it lacks an understanding of the human aspects of the event. There is no way to intervene in the construction and interpretation of the trauma. As a result, the theory discourages active attempts to find a solution to the problems of the people directly connected with the event. Thus, it provides an opening for manipulative intervention of an external power. This essay attempts to provide a critical analysis of the "antimimetic theory" in order to help people who witness catastrophic events through various types of visual media, and to seek an alternative means of experiencing and responding to the trauma, that does not stem from the perspective of specific media outlets or external powers.

Operative Challenges in Releasing Administrative Information and Records (행정정보 및 보존기록물 공개의 운영과제)

  • Lee, Won-Kyu
    • The Korean Journal of Archival Studies
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    • no.12
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    • pp.81-135
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    • 2005
  • The release of administrative information has been the challenge of our age following the maturation of democratic ideology in our society. However, differences of opinion and conflict still exist between the government and private sectors regarding the issue, and it seems that the technical and policy-related insufficiencies of information and record management that actually operate the release of information are the main causes. From the perspective of records management, records or information are variable in their nature, value, and influence during their life span. The most controversial issue is the records and information in the current stage of carrying out business activities. This is because the records and information pertaining to finished business are but evidence to ascertain the past, and have only a limited relationship to the ideal of the 'democratic participation' by citizens in activities of the public sector. The current information release policies are helpless against the 'absence of information,' or incomplete records, but such weakness can be supplemented by enforcing record management policies that make obligatory the recording of all details of business activities. In addition, it is understood that the installation of 'document offices("Jaryogwan")' that can manage each organization's information and records will be an important starting point to integrate the release, management, and preservation of information and records. Nevertheless, it seems that the concept of 'release' in information release policies refers not to free use by all citizens but is limited to the 'provision' of records according to public requests, and the concept of 'confidential' refers not to treating documents with total secrecy but varies according to the particulars of each situation, making the actual practice of information release difficult. To solve such problems, it is absolutely necessary to collect the opinions of various constituents associated with the recorded information in question, and to effectively mediate the collective opinions and the information release requests coming from applicants, to carry out the business more practically. Especially crucial is the management of the process by which the nature and influence of recorded information changes, so that information which has to be confidential at first may become available for inquiry and use over time through appropriate procedures. Such processes are also part of the duties that record management, which is in charge of the entire life span of documents, must perform. All created records will be captured within a record management system, and the record creation data thus collected will be used as a guide for inquiry and usage. With 'document offices(Jaryogwan)' and 'archives' controlling the entire life span of records, the release of information will become simpler and more widespread. It is undesirable to try to control only through information release policies those records the nature of which has changed because, unlike the ones still in the early stages of their life span and can directly influence business activities, their work has finished, and they have become historical records or evidences pointing to the truth of past events. Even in the past, when there existed no formal policy regarding the release of administrative information, the access and use of archival records were permitted. A more active and expanded approach must be taken regarding the 'usage' of archival records. If the key factor regarding 'release' lies in the provision of information, the key factor regarding 'usage' lies in the quality and level of the service provided. The full-scale usage of archival records must be preceded by the release of such records, and accordingly, a thorough analysis of the nature, content, and value of the records and their changes must be implemented to guarantee the release of information before their use is requested. That must become a central task of document offices and "Today's information" will soon become "yesterday's records," and the "reality" of today will become "history" of the past. The policies of information release and record management share information records as their common objective. As they have a mutual relationship that is supplementary and leads toward perfection, the two policies must both be differentiated and integrated with each another. It is hoped that the policies and business activities of record management will soon become normalized and reformed for effective and fair release of information.

Analysis and Satisfaction Survey of Summer Camp Trends of the Education Ministry of Korean Church in the 10th Age of COVID-19 : From 2020 to 2022 (코로나 19시대의 한국교회 교육부 여름 사역 동향 분석 및 만족도 조사 : 2020년부터 2022년까지)

  • Kim, Jaewoo
    • Journal of Christian Education in Korea
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    • v.71
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    • pp.277-303
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    • 2022
  • The COVID-19 Pandemic, which began in 2020, has led to many changes in the Korean church. It created a situation in which not only the change and form of worship time, but also the definition, direction, and philosophy of ministry had to be re-established. In the early days of COVID-19 Pandemic, the Korean church recognized this as a crisis, but gradually regarded these as opportunities and tried to produce positive results. The Department of Education has also undergone many changes, especially in its summer ministry, and is expected to have undergone more dramatic changes in form, location and method than in any other church event or service. However, no accurate data on this has been collected. Accordingly, Mirae with Dreams (CEO: Pastor Kim Eun-ho), a corporation established by the Oryun Church for the next generation of ministry, conducted a survey on the summer ministry of the Korean church, which has been registered as a future member with dreams every year since 2020 when the COVID-19 fan dummy began. A similar survey was conducted in 2022 following 2021, and 260 churches responded, and the results are as follows. In 2022, the summer ministry of the Ministry of Education of the Korean Church returned to the form before the COVID-19 Pandemic. Unlike 2021, when many of them were held online, more than 81 percent said they had conducted summer camps offline, and 31 percent also conducted or attended outdoor camps. In terms of the importance of roles, when online was also the main focus, parents and teachers were equally viewed or emphasized, while in this summer's survey, 90 percent of respondents said that the role of teachers in charge or department was important. Summer events were mainly summer Bible schools and retreats, but 25% of all respondents said they conducted missionary work and evangelism at home and abroad. Compared to 2021, participation in summer camps has increased in all departments, including infant and kindergarten, elementary and middle school, and especially in infant and middle school. While preparing for the summer camp, most of the respondents said that the focus was on content and topics, and the main focus was on children's accessibility compared to 2021. As a result of synthesizing the description of the reason for the respondents who could not conduct the summer camp, about 40% said they could not conduct the summer camp due to a lack of volunteers. This is more than 30% who pointed out COVID-19 as the cause, which can be seen as an urgent problem to be solved at the Korean church and denomination level. In addition, this paper also mentioned detailed changes in each question, referring to the changes in summer camps from 2020 to 2022.

On the (Un-)Possibility of a Labor Film in the Early Period of Democratization -A Study of Guro Arirang (민주화 초기 노동자 영화의 (불)가능성 -<구로아리랑> 연구)

  • Oh, Ja-Eun
    • Journal of Popular Narrative
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    • v.26 no.4
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    • pp.9-41
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    • 2020
  • Park Jong-won's debut film "Guro Arirang," based on a short story of the same title by Lee Moon-yeol, is the first commercial film to deal with labor struggles from a worker's point of view in the wake of the 1987 democratic movement, and a pioneering work in terms of representing female workers the Korean cinema has traditionally turned away from. In this film Park Jong-won tried to win the sympathy of the middle class for labor movement in spite of the red scare which still stood firm in the Korean society at that time. To convey its progressive message in a form acceptable to the middle class public, the film portrays labor issues in the light of universal humanity and ethics, not in terms of class hostility or struggle. Park Jong-won calls this point of view "common sense of normal people" and emphasizes its universality and objectivity. This study critically examines the cinematic strategies to deal with labor issues in a form acceptable to the public in a conventional and commercial film and the ideological implications of the "common sense of normal people" reflected in such strategies. The first chapter of the study reveals that the film destroys the irony of the original story and reduces the complex constellation of the characters to the conflict between pure good and evil, creating a melodramatic composition in which the good falls victim to evil. The tragedies suffered by the workers in the film are of course intended to arouse the audience's strong sympathy and solidarity with them. The second chapter shows that the film's various scenes and episodes converge on the them of compassion and grief, and are mostly based on cultural and real experiences and events that caused great public sensations at that time. Especially in the last decisive scene of the movie, the memory of the June 1987 uprising is strongly recalled. So "Guro Arirang" can be seen as a patchwork of proven cases of compassion and grief. The third chapter examines the implications of the scene where the workers turn back demands for wages and put the issues of human treatment and trust to the forefront at the crucial moment of their struggle. It appeals to universal moral values and sentiments that everyone has to acknowledge and removes the political dimension from the workers' campaign. While the film tends to become a pure story of humanity marginalizing irreconcilable conflicts of class interest, the workers fall to the position of passive victims who can be deeply sympathetic on the one hand, and on the other, are idealized as leaders with noble attitude keeping themselves aloof from the hard reality. As a result, the movie loses its realistic ground and weakens its narrative probability. The scenes reminiscent of the 1987 uprising which evoke the solidarity between working and middle class fail to integrate harmoniously into the whole story of the film and remain only as fragmentary parts of the patchwork of compassion and grief.

Gangneung Haksan Odokttegi Heritage and Performance Contents (강릉학산오독떼기유산과 공연콘텐츠)

  • Lee, Chang-Sik
    • (The) Research of the performance art and culture
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    • no.38
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    • pp.249-275
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    • 2019
  • Gangneung farm song is important for the ritualistic labortheatricals. Especially, in the theatrical process program, the songsof weeding, such as Haksan Odokkteggi and Ssadae, were alsoincluded to represent the agricultural ritualistic prayer for goodharvest. The use of Gangneung farm song is attractive in termsofthe circumstances. There is no chance of success as a plan simplyfor local events. As a comprehensive art, Gangneung farmsongshould simultaneously revitalize locality, representability andglobality. In this context, three directions are suggested dependingon the development progress. The second direction to the thirddirection are mainly oriented toward government-local authoritycentered support, but, in particular, the third direction should aimtobe an open archive in which the public and the contents prosumercan participate. In the production of the traditional content, OSMUmust be endlessly recreated and spread through 'diversity' and'interrelationships'. The contents utilization was discussed based on the transmissiondetails and analysis evidence of Gangneung Haksan Odokttegi. Thediversification of the way of performing farm song and the folk songs that can induce interest were proposed. Furthermore, basedon the fact that 12 songs classified into 8 work types, there-creation of the contents that focus on the playful aspect of theperforming arts was also proposed. In addition to suggestingthedesirable discourse of the performance groups, the experienceprogram development, education, public relations andcommunication reinforcement based on the narrating principlesoffarm songs, and the development and execution of farmsongprograms based on the tradition and the event demands wereproposed. While mentioning the necessity of value creation, thevitality of performing arts skills that put emotion, imagination, fun, sympathy, and etc. on the original form and the model of farmsongs should be supplemented to Gangneung Haksan Odokttegi. The independent transmission aspect of Gangneung Arirangisalso positive. There are difficulties of reduction of traditionalitydueto the designation, standardized transmission, lack of developmentof voluntary performances, and demonstration-centeredtransmission. Narrowly, we focused on the education andvitalization directions in terms of the capacity building of theconservation council itself. By embodying the essential value of theagricultural literature that farm songs possess, it can bringimpression of all worlds, all lives, communication and sharing, anddraw inspiration from the humanistic view of the world andemotion. The reconstitution of agricultural heritage, theconstruction of a storytelling linked with the concrete objects suchas Beomil National Preceptor, Gulsansa, FlagpoleSupport(Dangganjiju), Seokcheon, Hakbawi rock, and etc., andtheestablishment of fusion type farm song museum were proposed. In terms of culture industry, we requested active support fromtheinstitutions including local governments and various farmsongstorytelling creation projects.

Implementing RPA for Digital to Intelligent(D2I) (디지털에서 인텔리전트(D2I)달성을 위한 RPA의 구현)

  • Dong-Jin Choi
    • Information Systems Review
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    • v.21 no.4
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    • pp.143-156
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    • 2019
  • Types of innovation can be categorized into simplification, information, automation, and intelligence. Intelligence is the highest level of innovation, and RPA can be seen as one of intelligence. Robotic Process Automation(RPA), a software robot with artificial intelligence, is an example of intelligence that is suited for simple, repetitive, large-scale transaction processing tasks. The RPA, which is already in operation in many companies in Korea, shows what needs to be done to naturally focus on the core tasks in a situation where the need for a strong organizational culture is increasing and the emphasis is on voluntary leadership, strong teamwork and execution, and a professional working culture. The introduction was considered naturally according to the need to find. Robotic Process Automation, or RPA, is a technology that replaces human tasks with the goal of quickly and efficiently handling structural tasks. RPA is implemented through software robots that mimic humans using software such as ERP systems or productivity tools. RPA robots are software installed on a computer and are called robots by the principle of operation. RPA is integrated throughout the IT system through the front end, unlike traditional software that communicates with other IT systems through the back end. In practice, this means that software robots use IT systems in the same way as humans, repeat the correct steps, and respond to events on the computer screen instead of communicating with the system's application programming interface(API). Designing software that mimics humans to communicate with other software can be less intuitive, but there are many advantages to this approach. First, you can integrate RPA with virtually any software you use, regardless of your openness to third-party applications. Many enterprise IT systems are proprietary because they do not have many common APIs, and their ability to communicate with other systems is severely limited, but RPA solves this problem. Second, RPA can be implemented in a very short time. Traditional software development methods, such as enterprise software integration, are relatively time consuming, but RPAs can be implemented in a relatively short period of two to four weeks. Third, automated processes through software robots can be easily modified by system users. While traditional approaches require advanced coding techniques to drastically modify how they work, RPA can be instructed by modifying relatively simple logical statements, or by modifying screen captures or graphical process charts of human-run processes. This makes RPA very versatile and flexible. This RPA is a good example of the application of digital to intelligence(D2I).

Research on Archive Opening and Sharing Projects of Korean Terrestrial Broadcasters and External Users of Shared Archives : Focusing on the Case of the 5.18 Footage Video Sharing Project 〈May Story(Owol-Iyagi)〉 Contest Organized by KBS (국내 지상파 방송사의 아카이브 개방·공유 사업과 아카이브 이용자 연구 KBS 5.18 아카이브 시민공유 프로젝트 <5월이야기> 공모전 사례를 중심으로)

  • Choi, Hyojin
    • The Korean Journal of Archival Studies
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    • no.78
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    • pp.197-249
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    • 2023
  • This paper focus on the demand for broadcast and video archive contents by users outside broadcasters as the archive openness and sharing projects of terrestrial broadcasters have become more active in recent years. In the process of creating works using broadcasters' released video footage, the study examined the criteria by which video footage is selected and the methods and processes utilized for editing. To this end, the study analyzed the the case of the 5.18 footage video sharing project 〈May Story(Owol-Iyagi)〉 contest organized by KBS in 2022, in which KBS released its footage about the May 18 Democratic Uprising and invited external users to create new content using them. Analyzing the works that were selected as the winners of the contest, the research conducts in-depth interviews with the creators of each work. As a result, the following points are identified. Among the submitted works, many works deal with the direct or indirect experience of the May 18 Democratic Uprising and focus on the impact of this historical event on individuals and our current society. The study also examined the ways in which broadcasters' footage is used in secondary works. We found ways to use video as a means to share historical events, or to present video as evidence or metaphor. It is found that the need for broadcasters to provide a wider range of public video materials such as the May 18 Democratic Uprising, describing more metadata including copyright information before releasing selected footage, ensuring high-definition and high-fidelity videos that can be used for editing, and strengthening streaming or downloading functions for user friendliness. Through this, the study explores the future direction of broadcasters' video data openness and sharing business, and confirms that broadcasters' archival projects can be an alternative to fulfill public responsibilities such as strengthening social integration between regions, generations, and classes through moving images.

Application of Digital Content Technology for Veterans Diplomacy (디지털 콘텐츠 기술을 활용한 보훈외교의 발전 방향)

  • So, Byungsoo;Park, Hyungi
    • Public Diplomacy: Theory and Practice
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    • v.3 no.2
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    • pp.35-52
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    • 2023
  • Korea has developed as an influential country over Asia and all over the world based on remarkable economic development. And the background of this development was possible due to the existence of those who sacrificed precious lives and contributed to the nation's existence in the past crisis. Every year, Korea holds an annual commemorative event with people of national merit, Korean War veterans, and their families, expressing gratitude for sacrifices and contributions at home and abroad, and providing economic support. The tragedy of the Korean War and the pro-democracy movement in Korea over the past half century will one day become a history of the distant past over time. As generations change and the purpose and method of exchange by region change, the tragic situation that occurred earlier and the way people sacrificed for the country are expected to be different from before. In particular, it is true that the number of Korean War veterans and their families is gradually decreasing as they are now old. In addition, due to the outbreak of global infectious diseases such as COVID-19, it is difficult to plan and conduct face to face events as well as before. Currently, Korea's digital technology is introducing various methods. 5G communication networks, smart-phones, tablet PCs, and smart devices that can experience virtual reality are already used in our real lives. Business meetings are held in a metaverse environment, and concerts by famous singers are held in an online environment. Artificial intelligence technology has also been introduced in the field of human resource recruitment and customer response services, improving the work efficiency of companies. And it seems that this technology can be used in the field of veterans. In particular, there is a metaverse technology that can vividly show the situation during the Korean War, and a way to digitalize the voices and facial expressions of currently surviving veterans to convey their memories and lessons to future generations in the long run. If this digital technology method is realized on an online platform to hold a veterans' celebration event, veterans and their families on the other side of the world will be able to participate in the event more conveniently.