• Title/Summary/Keyword: unit side resistance

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Skin Friction Mobilized on Pack Micropiles Subjected to Uplift Force (인발력을 받는 팩마이크로파일의 주면마찰력)

  • Hong, Won-Pyo;Cho, Sam-Deok;Choi, Chang-Ho;Lee, Choong-Min
    • Journal of the Korean Geotechnical Society
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    • v.28 no.6
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    • pp.19-29
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    • 2012
  • Pack micropiles were recently developed to improve pile capacity of general micropiles. Pack micropiles were made by warping thread bar or steel pipe of general micropile by geotexlile pack and grouting inside the pack with pressure. According to the pressure, the boring hole could be enlarged. A series of pile uplift tests were performed on three micropiles. Two out of the three piles were the pack micropiles and the other was the general micropile, in which a thread bar was used in the boring hole. According to the pressure applied to the pack micropiles, the diameter of boring hole was enlarged from 152 mm to 220 mm. Unit skin friction mobilized on side surfaces of micropiles increased with displacement of pile head and reached on a constant value, which represents that the relative displacement between piles (or thread bar) and soils was reached on critical state. And the uplift resistance of pack micropile was higher than that of general micropile. Two reasons can be considered: One is that the frictional surface increases due to enlarging diameter of boring holes and the other is that the unit skin friction could increase due to compressing effect of surrounding soils by soil displacement as much as the enlarging volume of boring hole. The compression effect appeared at deeper layer rather than surface layer. The unit skin friction mobilized on micropiles with small diameter was higher than the ones on large bored piles.

AlGaAs/InGaAs/GaAs PHEMT power PHEMT with a 0.2 ${\mu}{\textrm}{m}$ gate length for MIMIC power amplifier. (MIMIC 전력증폭기에 응용 가능한 0.2 ${\mu}{\textrm}{m}$ 이하의 게이트 길이를 갖는 전력용 AlGaAs/InGaAs/GaAs PHEMT)

  • 이응호
    • The Journal of Korean Institute of Communications and Information Sciences
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    • v.27 no.4B
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    • pp.365-371
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    • 2002
  • In this paper, the fabricated power PHEMT devices for millimeter-wave that is below a gate-length of 0.2 $\mu\textrm{m}$ using electronic beam lithography technologies, and the DC and frequency characteristics and an output power characteristics were Measured at the various bias conditions. The unit process that is used in PHEMT's manufacture used that low-resistance ohmic contact, air-bridge and back-side lapping process technologies, and so on. The fabricated power PHEMT have an S521 gain of 4 dB and a maximum transconductance(gm) of 317 mS/mm, an unilateral current gain(fT) of 62 GHz, a maximum oscillation frequency(fmax) of 120 GHz at 35 GHz, and a maximum power output(Pmax) of 16 dBm, a power gain(GP) of 4 dB and a drain efficiency(DE) of 35.5 %.

Structural and Layout Design Optimization of Ecosystem Control Structures(1) -Characteristics of Mooring Force and Motion Control of the Longline Type Scallop Culturing Facility- (생태계 제어 시설물의 설계 및 배치 최적화(1) -연승식 양식시설의 계류력 특성 및 동요저감에 관한 연구-)

  • RYU Cheong-Ro;KIM Hyeon-Ju
    • Korean Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences
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    • v.28 no.1
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    • pp.35-48
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    • 1995
  • To develop the optimal design method for the longline type scallop culturing facilities in the open sea numerical calculations and hydraulic model experiments are carried out for the stability and function optimization. Using the results for the motion and tension of the facilities, stable design concepts and effects of motion control system by vertical anchor and resistance discs art discussed. The results of this study that can be applied to the design are as follows: 1) Total external forces by design wave $(H_{1/3}\;=\;6,7\;m,\;T_{1/3}\;=\;12sec)$ at the coastal waters of Jumunjin for unit facility (one main line) are estimated to 5-20 tons, and required anchor weights are 10-40 tons in the case of 2-point mooring system. Though the present facilities are stable to steady currents, but is unstable to the extreme wave condition of return period of 10 years. 2) The dimensions and depth of array systems must be designed considering the ecological environments as well as the physical characteristics including the mooring and holding forces that are proportional to the length and relative depth of main line to wave length, and the number of buoys and nets. 3) Oscillation of the facility is influenced by water particle motion and the weight of hanging net, and is excited at both edge, especially at the lee side. To reduce the motion of the nets, the vertical anchoring system and the resistence disc method are recommended by the experimental results, 4) The damage of rope near the anchor by abrasion should be prevented using the ring-type connection parts or anchor chains.

  • PDF

Histological Periodontal Tissue Reaction to Rapid Tooth Movement by periodontal Distraction in Dogs (치주인대 신장에 의한 치아의 급속 견인 시 성견 치주조직의 변화)

  • Chang, Young-Il;Kim, Tae-Woo;Choi, Hee-Young
    • The korean journal of orthodontics
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    • v.32 no.6 s.95
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    • pp.455-466
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    • 2002
  • The objective of this study was to evaluate the changes that occurred over time in the distracted periodontal ligament space following the rapid retraction of a tooth by periodontal distraction after bone undermining surgery had been conducted in the dogs. The upper second premolars were extracted on the left and right side in 4 male beagle dogs. Immediately after extraction, the interseptal bone distal to the upper first premolar was thinned and undermined by grooving to decrease the bone resistance. Activating an individualized distraction appliance at the rate of 0.225mm twice a day, the upper first premolar was retracted rapidly toward the extraction socket. Periodontal distractions were performed for 5, 10, and 20 days, and 20-day-distraction cases were followed by maintenance periods of 0, 14, 28, and 56 days. After 20 days of rapid retraction, the average distal movement of the upper first premolar was 5.02mm, and the average mesial movement of the upper third premolars serving as an anchorage unit was 0.18 mm. On histological examination, the regeneration of bone occurred in a highly organized pattern. Distracted periodontal ligament space was filled with newly formed bone oriented in the direction of the distraction, and this was followed by extensive bone remodeling. This result was similar to those observed in other bones after distraction osteogenesis. In the periodontal ligament, the relationship between collagen fibers and cementum began to be restored 2 weeks after the distraction was completed, and showed almost normal features 8weeks after the completion of the periodontal distraction. However, on the alveolar side, the new bone formation was still in process and collagen fiber bundles and Sharpey's fibers were not present 8 weeks after the completion of the periodontal distraction. Reactions in the periodontal ligament of the anchorage tooth represented bone resorption on the compressed side and new bone deposition on the tension side as occurred in conventional orthodontic tooth movement. In conclusion, the results of this study showed that periodontal structures on the distracted side of the periodontal ligament were regenerated well histologically following rapid tooth movement.

Structural and Electrical Properties of (La0.7-xCex)Sr0.3MnO3 Ceramics ((La0.7-xCex)Sr0.3MnO3 세라믹스의 구조적, 전기적 특성)

  • Tae-Yeon In;Jeong-Eun Lim;Byeong-Jun Park;Sam-Haeng Yi;Myung-Gyu Lee;Joo-Seok Park;Sung-Gap Lee
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Electrical and Electronic Material Engineers
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    • v.36 no.3
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    • pp.249-254
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    • 2023
  • La0.7-xCexSr0.3MnO3 specimens were fabricated by a solid state reaction method and structural and electrical properties with variation of Ce4+ contents were measured. All specimens exhibited a polycrystalline rhombohedral crystal structure, and the (110) peaks were shifted to low angle side with increasing the amount of Ce4+ contents. As Ce4+ ions with different ion radii and charges are substituted with La3+ ions, electrical properties are thought to be affected by changes in the double exchange interaction between Mn3+-Mn4+ ions due to distortion of the unit lattice, a decrease in oxygen vacancy concentration, and an increase in lattice defects. Resistivity gradually decrease as the amount of Ce4+ added increased, and negative temperature coefficient of resistance (NTCR) properties were shown in all specimens. In the La0.5Ce0.2Sr0.3MnO3 specimens, electrical resistivity, TCR and B-value were 31.8 Ω-cm, 0.55%/℃ and 605 K, respectively.